Isekai Ryouridou

Two Days of the White Moon ③ - The Beginning of the Feast

By the time the sun went down that way, all participants had gathered in the settlement of Fou.

The total is 86, including 22 guests. It was indeed a blurred face.

The number of people who are in the stall business, the hunters who want to accompany them, and the Fou people who lent us this place. The family of Fou was eighteen, even when they were young, and the rest, with the exception of the mime for the guests, were actually forty-five people of different families.

The families involved in the stalls are: Luu, Rutim, Ray, Min, Mufa, Fa, Sudra, Gaz, Matua, Ratz, Meme, Baim, Dagola, Ravitz, Naham, Din and Lid. Plus, with the addition of Zaza and Sauthi from the chieftaincy muscle, what a gathering of nineteen clans, plus the house of Fou, twenty clans. With the exception of the Conference of Parents, it should have been the first time that humans from so many different clans had met together.

Because it was such a grand feast, many of the hunters who came up as escorts also saw the head of the main house. The people I knew well were Dari-Sauti, Lau-Ray, Rad-Lid, Day-Ravitz, Baim's parents, and Ratz's parents. Besides, as a previous parent, Dan-Rutim also shows up. It was Giza-Lou and Rud-Lou who came up from the Lou family this time again.

(Well, maybe Dan-Rutim or Lau-Ray or Lad-Lid just want to enjoy the feast purely, not be responsible)

Whatever the reason, this was supposed to be a feat as engraved in the history of the woodland.

And regardless of such a notoriety, Fou's square was filled with enthusiasm and vitality that turned back.

"I am very pleased to welcome so many guests to the settlement of Fou today.... Nevertheless, Fou's house was unable to lend a hand to the street business, so he is not in a position to partition this place. I'm going to ask Asta at Fa's house to take the rest of the greeting."

Burdow-Fow, who had just tarnished before the ritual fire, proclaimed it so with a voice that often passed.

Instead of that, I move forward with great tension.

"Uh, I'm afraid a young man like me will take on a partitioner, but I'd like to greet you in order to begin your business in the Inn Town first and fulfill your responsibilities as a human being connected to the people of the South"

Needless to say, this was the first time I ever played such a role. The base, the Kamadu number, is only in a position to take charge of the back.

"Last year, around the end of the green moon, I started selling stalls. That's how on the second day you opened the stall, you were supposed to connect with the architects. Then for a month until the end of the Blue Moon, the architects walked into my stall every day... and in the meantime, they never made a definite bond."

The architects in the front row were all smiling and listening to me.

Only one, Baran's old man, though he was on the top of the Buddha, has opened his eyes a lot and turned a terribly serious eye to me.

"Then a year later, all the architects who came to Genos again took the job of rebuilding the sacrificial hall and the house of Fa. So today, I'm happy to have a feast with you… and at the same time, I hope that we can deepen our bonds with this feast."

Speaking too long, I was about to loosen my tear glands.

Besides, everyone is waiting for the banquet to begin. In order to live up to that expectation, I decided to utter a shivering word.

"The seven people who are partitioning their jobs are supposed to leave Genos tomorrow, but let's pray to each God again next year so that he can look most energetic. And I'm also inviting the Iron Tool Stores who usually take care of me today, so I hope they don't split that up and deepen their bonds. So... to friendship between the West and the South!

"To friendship between the West and the South!" Along with the word, the earthen bottle of fruit liquor shook up.

As for the toast word, it bothered me a lot, but there was also Dari-Sauti's advice that this place should behave as a people in the west, not a people by the woods, and the word was elected.

Whatever it is, it is the beginning of the feast.

As I tried to move to the ladies who were juggling fruit liquor, Ai-Fa, who snuck in without a sound from somewhere, approached me perfectly.

"Asta, are you going to act with the people of the South today?

"Yeah. The rest of us took the catering job. I'm the partitioner for this feast, so I don't think I should have a job to entertain the ladies."

"Well," nodded Ai-Fa, a glittering feast costume figure.

Its long golden brown hair also shines with the transparent flower hair decorations that Tia once brought out of the collapsed house. I approached the ladies with Ey-Fa as I almost fell in love with the way it looked.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good luck today. The sacrificial hall has been successfully framed, above all."

"Hey, Asta! There's nothing you can do about not putting up a curtain, but I still think you've got a splendid frame! If you have a hippo, look at Asta too!

Aldas, with his earthen bottle, replies first. Turning to you, I smiled back, "Yes."

"I'm off work tomorrow, so I'm thinking of going to see Sung's settlement. But first, it's a feast."

"Oh, I'm already going to fall down on my stomach with my stomach! I'm looking forward to seeing what dishes you've prepared!

After stating so, Aldas rounded his eyes properly.

"Is that your daughter, the hunter from Asta's house, who probably looked at the stall all last year?

"Yes, I'm Ai-Fa, head of Fa's house. You haven't had much of a chance to show your face this year."

Ai-Fa was silent and bewitching.

Really, the people around me exclaim, too.

"Hey, you misjudged this guy! Are you really that woman hunter?

"Hey, I originally thought it was different, but this guy surprised me. Look at that glittering hair!

"Hmmm. The women by the woods were shallow and black like Sim's people, and they never really moved my mind... I can't even tell you that it's so far apart."

Naturally, I = fa kept a rigid faceless look. Failure to complain was probably at least a consideration for the Guest.

Aldas looked around at his lively compatriots as he smiled bitterly.

"Hey, don't stand up too hard. No matter how different you are, you're a hunter by the woods. What are you guys, gonna get twisted with one hand?

"What are you talking about? More importantly, there's no way you're going to do anything wrong to Asta's loved ones.

"That's right. How drunk can you be such an imposter imitator?"

"But the Astas haven't even given you a wedding yet, have they? If you can have a baby, let me celebrate!

It is the voice of men, full of goodwill.

Of course, it goes without saying that you were supposed to blush not only Ai-Fa, but even me.

"Uh, that? Weren't the Deals with you?

"Oh. If it's that little girl, the youngest daughter in the Lew family pulled it off. That was a lot of friendliness."

Dial had been looking around for all four hours, so I'm sure Rimi-Lou and I would have been able to deepen our rapport. Dial and I could still face each other after tomorrow, so we could leave it to Rimi-Lou without worries.

(Besides, there should be Rud-Ruh by the Limi-Ruh. Larvis and Rud-Lew are supposed to be face-to-face, so it would be easier to interact with them than hunters face-to-face for the first time)

With that in mind, I turned to the architect's face once again.

"Well, I'll show you guys around. It's just that there's a lot of people in all of them... oh, this way. Thank you very much."

"Yeah! We'll show you around, too!

It was the women who had the business of the stalls. Different clans are disturbed, and it was Lara-Luu who raised his voice.

When it comes to catering, as far as possible, the folks at Fou take it and the members of the stall do their job of entertaining guests. Nevertheless, for technical reasons, key members such as Raina-Lou and Tour-Din were receiving Kama.

"In the meantime, will you split up into about five customers at a time? Then we'll show you each!

"That... are you that red-haired daughter? Well, I don't know because I'm grating my hair."

"That's true. This one's different."

Dressed in a banquet costume, Lara-Luu looked around at the people of Jagal with his hands on his sneaky hips.

"Whatever, will you split it into five? If you're blurry, the men by the woods will eat up your feast dishes, right?

"You shouldn't do that. Hey, build the squad properly. Don't you bother everyone around the woods after this?

It has always been Aldas who is giving instructions from earlier because the old man is silent.

Aldous and the old man, and five guests, including Mayton, I'll take care of the guide. And yet, as my auxiliary, the Matua women will accompany me.

"Well, let's come. I always try to enjoy a single dish around Kamado, is that okay?

"Oh, that sounds like fun. Whatever it is, I'll follow the woodland routine."

"This isn't a woodland fashion, it's my fashion, isn't it? It's the original woodland routine, and I think the partitioners were getting their hips settled in the rug so that food could be brought from all over the place."

"It's enough to calm your back after enjoying one street of cooking! Anyway, let's entertain the giva dishes!

Aldas had sparkling fruit liquor, but he was cheerful as usual, so he had yet to see any changes like this.

The Maytons are also very happy as they stroll through the square. So I decided to speak to the old man who's been quiet for a long time.

"Hey, are you okay? Please don't hesitate to say anything that doesn't go with your intentions."

"Hmm? How did you end up stating that?

"No, he seemed kind of unwell... so are you tired at work?

"Don't let the fool out. It's not like I'm gonna fall for this."

It's only a lazy face, and that's what the old man said.

"If you dare, I'm going to be too hungry to twist my stomach. Let's eat some food."

"Yes, of course. This is the dish I took."

We finally arrived at the simplified Kamado, which was closest to us.

Working there were Lily-Lavitz and Malfira-Naham. Malfira-Naham looked at Ai-Fa and gave him a strange voice, "Whoa," he said.

"A, A, I-FA, oh, you look beautiful. I looked out for the women."

"... you had a job, Malfira-Naham."

"Ha, yes. Wow, I thought the guide should give way to the other ladies because I have the thinnest relationship with the guests among the people helping the stalls. Besides, I wanted to train as much as I could for my work. I hope after this job, I can put your feast dishes in my mouth."

Though he is at home, he is a valiant Malfira-Naham.

But it would also be an indication of the desire to answer the Ai-Fa question as accurately as possible. Ey-Fa pointed to the guests with a sighing expression.

"Then do your job. Guests were eager to cook a feast."

"Ha, yes. Yes, immediately."

Malfira-Naham grabbed the wooden dish on the platform. As such, it is handy and makes the contents of the iron pan depend on the wood dish. Lilli-Lavitz also smiled like a vaulter and engaged in the same job.

Incidentally, Malfira-Naham is also an unmarried woman, but the feast costume is not wrapped around. Parent-minded Day-Ravitz praised me as "unnecessary."

Well, originally, only wedding feasts were dressed by the woodland ladies, and Yumi's suggestion inspired them to start dressing in these places. Forcing a banquet costume was also a strange story, so Day-Ravitz's words were not meant to be repellent.

(Well, over time, you'll also be able to deepen your understanding. You just attended the feast, but you did well)

While I was thinking about it, the wooden dish seemed to have gone away.

As he peeks into its contents, he raises a voice like Aldas impressed with "heh".

"This guy smells pretty, intense. It's like food I've never spoken of in a stall or an inn."

"Yes, this is our feast dish. It's a juice dish made with Gibba and Kimmus bone gala."

It was a familiar giva bone soup that Dial was screaming about. It is a classic feast dish at the feast of the Six Families, with a sauce based on tau oil, in a stock of bone galas simmered over half a day.

However, I did not use pasta this time. The ingredients were mainly Tino for cabbage, Nanar for horseradish, Onda for moyashi, and Jagal mushrooms for mushrooms, and not even prepared chashu.

"We also have a grilled Poitan prepared here, but please keep eating first. It also hides Giva dishes that have not yet been served in stalls or inns."

"Oh. I feel like I've seen it, I don't see any Giva meat. I'm looking forward to seeing what tricks you have."

Mayton laughed and plugged the wooden spoon into the wood plate.

Its eyes curl strangely.

"Yeah? I don't know, you're sinking something gnarly. Is this Asta's trick?

"Yes, it's a dish in my hometown called water dumplings."

Using a meaty wonton for a juice dish was also a classic method for me. This time it will depend on pushing it a step further and challenging the water dumplings.

Just like wanton, fuwano flour is used as the main basis to make the dusty skin, in which it encloses the minced giva ground beef and the leaves of pepe and tino at the time of the nylla. Seasoning consists of salt, tau oil and pico leaves, and hobo oil when garlic, kernel root when shoga, and sesame oil.

The subject of the dish is only water dumplings. It was meant to be an unbeatable feast dish for regular pasta dishes by compounding it with giva bone soup.

Mayton and Ardus are scratching the water dumplings as they fluff their mouths to avoid burns. I was relieved to watch that face stain with joy.

"This guy is delicious! Giva meat, of course, the broth is delicious anyway! Uh, are you using Giva and Kimmus bone gala?

"Yes, this is a dish that cannot be served on the street because it has to be simmered for half a day. So I really wanted to give you guys a taste of it."

I made him answer that way.

"And that Giva dish over there is the dish I was hoping to get out of the street sooner or later. But I didn't make it by the end of the blue moon, so I was hoping you guys could eat that too"

"You're going to say something a lot happier. Then you're ahead of the joy of next year!

"Yes, but not only is that dish simmering, but it's a delicious dish to bake or fry, so enjoy it next year"

Aldas nodded loudly, looking back at the silent old man.

"What do you say? This guy's cooking with chopped meat, too, but you wouldn't have any complaints about him, would you?

"... so don't bring up the oldest story"

With a wrinkle between his eyebrows, the old man is pressing ahead with his meal. Eating is faster than anyone else.

And the bright green eyes twisted me.

"Are you just watching? Your daughter looks hungry."

Looking back, the Matua women turned red in their faces and said, "No way!," he waved. Of course she is cuter than usual because she is also a banquet costume.

"I'm sorry. We'll have it, too. It would be right to share the same joy in the same dishes.... Malfira-Naham, can we have one drink at a time, too?

"Yes. Please wait a moment."

A wooden dish went safely into the hands of me and the women of Ai-Fa and Matua.

The scent of Gibba bone soup, which is still intense even when the smell is removed, falls off into the nose. Originally for me I prefer pork bone ramen, it is an irresistible scent.

The boiled bone gala soup until emulsified is thick and thick. Carrying the water dumplings that had been hissed there into your mouth, after the puffy texture, the gravy drizzles. The flavour of Gibba's meat, which was unbeatable on the roots of Pepe and Myrmu and Kerr, formed the foundation for an extremely satisfying taste.

"What do you say? Giva bone soup would go well with water dumplings, wouldn't it?

When I snuck in, Ai-Fa nodded "yummy".

Though it is a neat, Rin face, its blue eyes are lit with soft light. So again, I was able to have a great sense of fulfilment.

"... Hmm. With all that happening, you're a normal bunch of women."

And, out of nowhere, a familiar voice sounds.

Looking back in surprise, a bald head emerged from behind Kama.

"Oh, Day-Ravitz, you came this way"

"It is only natural to refrain from being by the blood clan. You can't take your eyes off the weak women in the feast that so many strangers have pushed."

Day-Ravitz had already wrinkled his forehead. Apparently, I've noticed his presence since the beginning. Ai-fa is face-to-face and salutary.

"It's been since the Conference of Parents, it's Day-Ravitz. I am delighted that you took yourself to the feast."

"Hmm. There's no way a parent can fail to engage in such a big attempt. What's wrong with a family that gives up a family without a parent?"

The Aldas watched the interaction wonderfully.

"I don't know, are you a family of these people? We were totally taken care of this moon."

Day-Ravitz looks around at the Aldas with a slightly like this look on his face.

"... inviting the people of the South as guests is an act decided by the Conference of Parents, so I'm not going to be complaining. But I don't have the words to speak to people who aren't my own people."

"You don't have to think so hard. If you like, let's have some fruit wine."

To Aldas' words, Mayton also speaks out, "Yes, I do."

"I guess the words I've spoken have already been passed on to everyone by the woods? Until now, the people of Jagal had slammed their wrath unto the people by the woods. Please let me deepen my bond to redeem the sins my grandfathers have committed."

"... I'm sorry, but I'm not going to mouth the booze on this night. My job is to get the women home safely."

Then I opened my mouth like I could not see Ey-Fa.

"I'm sorry, but this Day-Ravitz is no less of a bigot than I am. We want you to take a long time to deepen your bond."

"Who's the bigot? You're the only one who doesn't know what to say."

"That word already stands for your bigotry."

Aldas gave this interaction a delightful laugh.

"Oh, my God, we all thought you guys from the woods were friendly, but you're not."

"Mm-hmm. The house of Fa and the house of Ravitz are still deeply bonded. I'm sorry to show my guests the ugliness."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Even the people of Jagal don't get along with everyone in the kingdom."

"Oh. Besides, there's no way a person you've just met can soon deepen their bond. I hope that no matter how long it takes me, I will deepen my bonds with the folks by the woods."

That's what Mayton said in his powerful voice.

Day-Ravitz doesn't look like he even felt it, "Hmm," he has a nose.

"Whatever it is, the people of the woods decided to welcome their guests. Enjoy the feast, whether it's me or not.... Oh wait, Asta at Fa's house. I'll let you get this guy involved."

The word signaled, and a new shadow emerged from the dim.

It was a young man, more than 180 cm long, with a strangely fractured physique.

"This is the eldest brother of Naham's main house. You're the brother of my third sister, the next generation of Naham's parents."

"Oh, Malfira-Naham's... nice to meet you, it's Asta from Fa's house"

Naham's eldest brother just nodded in every movement.

He has pale watery eyes, and his hair is a golden curly hair like the people of the north. There was no facial expression on the face of the meat's thin face, just an inorganic glance at me.

"If you mistreat the Third Sister, this guy will visit Fa's house. Of course, as a parent, I won't keep my mouth shut. That's what I'm trying to do."

"Yes, I understand."

No matter what kind of women I have, I am committed to doing my job with the utmost respect. So I could also respond to Day-Ravitz's words with my chest stretched.

In the meantime, Malfira-Naham is looking up at his brother in the way he ate the bubbles.

"You don't have to worry about anything, do you, brother? A, because Asta is a very honest, oh, kind person."

Still, after all, it doesn't change the look on Naham's eldest brother's face.

Somehow, even the skinny Moai statue was a distortion that made me want to reputation.

"Well, looks like we're all done cooking here. Looks like the rest of us can't get close when we're in formation, so it's time to move."

And Ardus gave a cheerful voice to the lid.

I'll get my mind back on it, too, and I'll nod, "Right."

"Then let's move on to the next kama. Day-Ravitz, let me talk to you later if you like."

"Hmm. I don't have any more errands on my side."

I also spoke to Malfira-Naham and Lili Ravitz before I decided to leave the place.

While walking, Aldas is still laughing with pleasure.

"Those are a lot of people that look awesome. If you enjoy cooking like one, I want you to do it again."

"Thank you. Didn't I offend you?

"I wouldn't be offended by this. The people of the south don't have a reason to hate honest people like that."

That being said, Aldas sounded a lavish laugh.

"Besides, what Mayton said was better. It's a good talk of bugs to bond with all the folks around the woods in just one night. We're coming to Genos again and again next year, so I'm going to let you deepen your bond every time."

"Oh. I feel the same way."

Mayton nodded with a serious look on his face.

Then the old man, who had been quiet all along, snarls his nose, "Hmm.

"Whatever, but first you'll be hungry, right? I'm getting hungry."

"Must be. What dish are you gonna entertain me with next?

"Yes. The next Kamado is only" Giva's Horned Stewed ". This is your last night in Genos, so enjoy it."

Although unexpected things have befallen us from the beginning, the feast has just begun.

I was at the mercy of escorting the ladies so that they could follow their way home in a full mood.

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