Isekai Ryouridou

Thirty-first Day of the Purple Moon ① - Day of Doom

The next day - the 31st of the Purple Moon, is the "Day of Doom".

Revealing the night at the Dora family, we were set to leave for Accommodation Town as the sun rose.

There are six members at this stage, as well as on 'Dawn Day'. I have a thick facial rash called Ai-Fa, Grandma Ziva and Limi-Luu, and Rud-Luu on Ziza-Lu. Rimi-Lou, who is close to Tara, wanted to stay every time, and the man in the main house is responsible for his offering, I guess.

"Speaking of which, Donda-Lou never came down to the lodging town."

On the road, I asked Giza-Lou.

In Moribe, it is a lesson to stay at home when this is the case, either as a parent or as a pickup. It seems to me that the rest of the house is going down to the lodging town roughly alternately, but in the Lou family, Ziza-Lou was in the role until the end.

"That would be the case with other chiefly muscles. In Sauti, Dari-Sauti, and in Zaza, George-Zaza, must always be descending into the lodging town."

"Oh, that's true. Does Donda-Lou or Georg-Zaza, after all, believe that young humans should take on that role?

"Right," Giza-Lou snapped as she looked back at me with her thin eyes like yarn.

"At any rate, I will eventually pull myself out of the seat of my parents. That way you'll be able to go down as much as you like, such as Inn Town, so you don't have to go out here.... my father Donda said so"

"Oh, I see. Rutim's house is exactly like that."

Convinced, I made Giza-Lou laugh.

"It feels lonely for Donda-Lou to leave his parents' seat, but I'd be happy for you and Giza-Lou to go down to Inn Town."

"... wouldn't Asta and others be a whim if me or my father Donda had their faces together?

"Yeah? That's never happened. It's been such a long time for both of you."

Ziza-Lou tilted his neck just a little bit.

It's hard to read the inside of it because it's a face that looks like you're smiling at all times.

"... Asta looks a lot like she's back in strength, too. In the feast of Castle Town, it seemed a lot more heartbreaking."

"Oh, yes. That verse worried me. I'm perfectly fine."

"Not at all. Nah, I don't see it the same way."

and Rudd-Lou raised his voice in disgruntlement.

"When you look at that fellow named Fermez, Asta is often so eye-catching. Isn't it the first time she hasn't healed after two days?

"On my own, I'm totally going to be fine. Either way, Easter is a big deal, so I wonder if I'm getting tired of something I haven't noticed."

"I don't suppose that's what this is about," Giza-Lou said quietly.

"I was rather remembering last Easter. Asta should have had that kind of eye when that Niya guy said a song called 'White Sage Misha'."

"Huh? D, did Ziza-Lou remember that night, too?

"There's no way I can forget. That night, Asta was a lot disturbed...... Isn't that what I-Fa was so worried about? I've come a long way to see it."

Giza-Lou said so in a solemnly audible voice.

"Is the word 'people without stars' confusing Asta? We didn't care about Asta's predecessor, but does Asta care about it herself?

"No, I'm never going to do that. I can't go back to my hometown anymore... so I didn't hesitate to be baptized by Western God with you guys either. I'm not" The People Without Stars, "I'm Asta from Fa's house, the people by the woods."

"Well," Ziza-Lou breathed small.

"Fine then. As we bond correctly with diplomat Fermes, we must understand Asta's mood correctly."

"Hmm. If I was Brother Ziza a year ago, Asta would have insisted that I should go home where I was."

When Rudd-Lou teared from the side, Limi-Lou argued, "No, no, no."

"A year ago, you were at Easter. Brother Giza was cold with Asta a long time ago, wasn't he?

"A year and a half ago, it'll be soon after Asta comes by the woods. At least it should have been cold by the time we got around the parent-teacher conference, huh?

"Oh, well. Since when did Brother Ziza like Asta?

Of course, Giza-Lou did not reply, putting up his successful arm and spinning his youngest sister's reddish hair. Rimi-Lou looks happy and speaks "Yikes".

"It's important because it's not the way you come, it's the way you go... if that's how Asta thinks about it too, I'm glad..."

and Grandma Ziva nodded at the blanket for the cushion, saying so.

"We've also been talking about a long time ago, when the people of the sanctuary and the people of the clouds were born together, but... Stick together, it's no reason to disturb my heart..."

"That's right. I'm me, and the people by the woods are the people by the woods. I guess the most important thing is that."

Not a vanity, that's how I could answer.

Because the present is so happy, I can answer that without hesitation.

I looked around at the faces of the Lou family before finally sifting through the reins on your podium. I also looked into the back of Ey-Fa.

If it was Ai-Fa's hearing, all previous conversations would have been heard as well. Its back, wrapped around the hunter's clothes, retained its reliability and Rin as usual.

As such, the luggage truck arrives in Accommodation Town immediately.

Waiting at the Kimmus' Tail Pavilion, the successor troops arrived soon, a glimmer of faces to rub 'Gibba's Round Grill' in fourteen stalls.

Well, good luck today.

Levi and Lars dropped us off and we headed for the outdoor area.

The stalls are already lined up and the messengers of the spectators have arrived. After we exchanged greetings with you, we proceeded to prepare for the 'Giva Round Roast'.

The three stalls managed by Fa's house have the same facial rash as "Jomtien Day". The combination of the Malfira-Naham and Ravitz ladies, the Ray-Matua and Gaz ladies, and the Fay-Beim and Ratz ladies, the Kamadu number of the family faces each other in the name of a tour. Besides, people with Zaza and Sauthi as parental muscles also seemed to be roughly on the loose.

This is the second time the Fay-Bayms are also working on unsafe hands. If this is the case, it won't be a problem to unveil 'Gibba's Round Grill' at our own harvest festival.

After a while, a number of significant figures approached from the back of the stall.

"It's Asta to Ai-Fa. I'd like to say hello while you're at it, would you mind?

It was the face of the Dom family led by Dick-Dom.

I found Digga and Dodd there, and I make them laugh, "Oh."

"It's a hiccup, Diga. Dodd just met him yesterday, but he looks good both ways."

"Shh, do you look fine?," Diga said faintly. The back length is all 180cm, and this is the diga that has recently gained a tough, tight appearance here - today I'm blushing my shoulders somewhat and letting my gaze wander with most of them like Malfira-Naham. Being apprentice hunters, they could see that kind of trick was possible because they were not wearing fur capes or skull wear.

"Right. Though your body looks better... after all, isn't Accommodation Town restless?"

"Well, that would be obvious. It's been years since I've known a boarding house."

Dodd and Mida-Lou used to work evil in the Inn Town. It was they who were the people of the woods who were once more repelled by the people of the town, but it was they who brought in further bad reviews there, which were currently in the form of progression.

In the meantime, Diga, who was also the brother of both names - used to say, "There's no lodging town," etc. Because the people of the boarding town abhor the people of the woodland, if they showed the gap, they would imitate it abusively, and so on.

"You've always been bad in town, like Dodd and Mida-Lou. Then why fear the people of Inn Town?

As Ai-Fa asked Urunou, Diga laid her eyes down more and more feebly.

"Well, yes... I still see how close the people of town and the woodland have become..."

"It's unreliable. I can't believe you broke into Fa's house and tried to work an illegal imitation."

"Yeah? Well, why would you pull that old thing out?"

"Hmm. So I was hoping you'd be excited."

And, Ai-Fa had a rare but bitter laugh in public.

"Whatever it is, if the townsfolk show up here, your anxiety will also be fogged.... Dodd seems to be settling out of bounds."

"Oh, it's true what I did wrong. If I can throw a stone, I'm going to take it."

Dodd had a carefree face and said so. He also had a faint peek at the early runs, but was he able to exchange words and solidify his readiness with Ardus and the men on the spot?

"That's never going to happen. In the first place, I wonder if anyone realizes that Dodd was once a bad hunter by the woods in Inn Town."

In my words, Dodd said, "Hmm?," he tilted his neck.

"What does that mean? It hasn't been a year and a half since then..."

"'Cause you look completely different."

Dodd used to have rough hair back then, but now he's all-backed his long, noose hair and clamped it behind his neck. Because of my physique, I felt like one of them had grown - and most importantly, my eyes were radiantly different.

Dodd was always drunk at the time, blinding him like a wild dog.

But now Dodd has a very quiet eye. It is a hunter-like look by the woods, hissing a powerful light of will in its depths.

"That's kind of an unexplained story. Mida... No, Mida-Lou apologized for what he did wrong in the boarding town, and I guess he was to be forgiven? I'm not the only one who can escape sin..."

"That being said, I can't go around hustling that I once worked evil."

Their current head of household, Dick-Dom, whispered Dodd's words with a heavy voice.

"You can't be blamed, but it doesn't change the sins you've committed, and it doesn't change the fact that you've redeemed your sins. When you happen to find someone to apologize to, just tell them the words of your apology."

"Not at all, huh? Because you're so small, you're going to be so thoughtful."

and Lem-Dom peeked a slightly sarcastic face.

Instead, Morn-Rutim is smiling. They've also been down to town so early.

"Hey Lem-Dom. You've been down to Cebu Town since noon."

"It's more important to me to get a tier and training than to go down to town. We were talking about going down to town today, so we came to see how things were going."

Even for Lem-Dom, Diga and Dodd are important family members.

I guess he's also a good friend in Dom's house who encourages training as the same apprentice himself.

"Well, you got in the way of your job. Looking forward to the meat cooking up."

Just as when they ascended, the Dom family people walked away with Dick-Dom in the lead.

Fay-Baim comes up with a voice as he adds new charcoal to the fire bowl.

"Again, the hunter of Dom seems to have a different temper. I find it strange that none of the three people who are still apprentices have wrapped their hunter's clothes around them."

"Yeah. They're each in a position of circumstance, so maybe they're seeing power with a tougher eye than normal."

Still, I'm sure if it were the Lem-Dom's, they would be able to win the Hunter's seat with strength. I could have believed that.

After a while, the forest folks finally start to look bumpy and round and round. There's no parade of nobility today, so there's no reason to rush so fast.

Among other things, it was the face of the Silver Pot that came as soon as possible.

"Good day, Asta"

"Good day, gentlemen. You arrived early today."

The architects seem to be sleeping near Jomtien, but the Radajids are up early. In addition to that, they had weighed in on their interaction with the people by the woods.

"It looks like the Schmiral-Lillins are still here today, but they're still coming from different families. Ziba-Lou, the oldest, should be talking in the cafeteria."

"Yes. Do you have any plans for the night, any changes?

"Yeah, I'm fine. When you're done with the stall business, let's head to Dalaim together. Just our own luggage, please get ready."

"Yes. Copy that."

That's how the five moments up approaching, the commute finally gets busy. Yumi and Louia also came pushing the stall along with Joo-Run.

"Good day. Finally, the Day of Doom."

"Yeah! It was kind of another year, not long ago. Fun times pass fast!

Yumi also looked energetic.

Also this year, by the way, Yumi plans to ascend to Dalaim. Terrier-Mass and others say it takes more than usual to work at the Inn, but Yumi doesn't give up his right to enjoy Easter because he works more than usual in the street business.

Eventually, to the fifth hour of the descent, fruit liquor and the flesh of Kimmus are delivered from the castle town.

The commuters responded with more cheer than ever before. It is a bustle worthy of the last day of Easter.

Everyone shines their faces and sips fruit liquor in a glass they bring. It was still emotional that a large number of forestside people were swamped among them.

Approximate family members also arrived at this hour. Not to mention the nearby people in the period of rest, Gaz and Ratz, Baim and Ravitz, Die and Sung, and those of their families who took them as their parent muscles, also seemed to show themselves in the same numbers.

(Had it not benefited the hounds, I guess I wouldn't have been able to take time off work so often)

At least, there shouldn't have been any families suffering from hunger at the moment. Not only by the grace of the hounds, but also by the commerce of selling Giva meat, the people of the woods were able to grasp a great deal of wealth.

But of course, if I hadn't been able to give you more harvest than ever, I wouldn't have taken a hunter's job off like this. Forestside people didn't just crave a rich life. Hunt for Giva so that there is no damage in the fields of Genos. That was the condition for moving to Morga's woodland, and also his pride as a family of hunters.

"Thank you for waiting! We will begin distributing" Giva's Round Grill "!

Along with the visit of Jomtien, "Gibba's Round Grill" is brought down from the scaffold.

So much so that in the past, enthusiasm and vibrancy swirled.

Wads, Dora family people, Rico and Belton and Van-Deiro, as well as key members of the Lew bloodline, continue to come to the facades of the architect and Dells. Even today, Mida-Lou was acting with Yamir-Ray and Zwei-Rutim.

"Hey Mida-Lou. Digga and I have been seeing each other since morning."

"Yeah... the Midas were helping out with the house work...?

They were going to stay in the lodging town until night, so I guess they were doing their house work in the morning. After a pinch of "Gibba's Round Grill," Mida-Lou and the others snuck away.

Gazran-Rutim and Dan-Rutim, Schmiral-Lilyn and Vina Ruh-Lilyn, Gillan-Lilyn and Ur Ray-Lilyn also came and greeted me. The people of Ravitz also receive giva meat in the working stalls of Malfira-Naham, and only their youngest sister laughs at me from afar. Everything was a glaring and happy moment.

"Hmm? What's going on, Pinot?

And - in all that noise, I heard an eye-fa sound coming from behind me.

Looking back, Pinot stands instead of Ai-Fa.

"From behind the stall, you can't give them meat. What can I do for you, Asta?

"Ugh, well, it's not as good for you as it is for"

Since there seems to be no defect in the dismantling of the meat, I decided to turn to you physically.

"What is it, Pinot? Though Doga and the others seem to be lined up in stalls."

"Ah, I'm going to get some giva meat, too."

Pinot has been staring up at my face with black cleavage eyes.

"... you look the same, Asta"

"Yes, I'm fine, I am."

I managed to make Pinot feel safe and laugh brightly.

But Pinot said, "Ah, already!" and begins to squeeze his head with both hands.

"Hey, Asta... If you don't want to, could you just lend me your face later?

"Yeah, if it was after work, as much. I'm staying in Inn Town until about three minutes downstairs today."

"That guy is superimposed. Can I ask you to forgive me, too?

"Mm-hmm. But I'd like you to tell me in advance what the matter is"

"Talk to me, it'll be a long time.... but let me swear here that I won't imitate the harm done to Asta."

"I don't doubt your faith. You seem to be showing Asta around a lot."

With Sachi the Black Cat on his shoulder, Ai-Fa nodded with a solemn face.

"I know the phase. After work, should I go to your tent?

"Ah. But we won't be in such a hurry. I don't care if you're on your way home, so call me when you have time."

Leaving all that behind, Pinot returned the twinkle when he fluttered.

Through the backs of the people who work in the stalls, they eventually lose sight of it.

"I seem to be worrying the people around me a lot."

"It means you've grown that much bond. I'm sure it's a very small number of people who are aware of your malaise."

Unwell - after all, am I unwell? I have no conscious symptoms, so I feel very restless.

Either way, my mind and flesh are full of vitality. While appreciating the realization of the Ai-Fa and Pinot's, they now only fulfilled the task in front of them.

People don't know that the momentum stays, and "Gibba's Round Grill" goes down in sight. The meat was going to run out sooner than "Jomtien's Day," as the Fay-Baim's hands were getting better.

Even in the stalls managed by the Lou family, familiar members such as Sheila-Lou and Rimi-Lou turned to supervisors and entrusted their jobs to the Kakadu number of the blood clan. At the same time, you're looking to improve your unfamiliar Kamadoku skills, and you're thinking about adjusting your time. The meat will be taken away from the side of the cut, so it was a momentum that seemed to run out of stock after half an hour of inaction.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

And it was Camua-Josh who finally came where the meat was running out.

He has a decent eye that still looks a little sleepy as he strokes the prominent mandible of his beard. I said, "Welcome" in retrospect of that stubborn face.

"You were slow today. We were just running out of meat in one step."

"Yeah. I drank a little too much yesterday. I gave up half of it, but I'm glad I made it."

Camua-Josh chewed up Fay-Baim's cut giva meat as he bit the yawn to death.

"I wonder if Zashma or something is coming. He was supposed to drink as much as I did."

"Ah, yes. There you are just now. I don't think you've had such a deep drink, you look fine."

"Right. I wonder if Zashma's body is filled with fruit wine instead of blood."

Saying it that way, Camua-Josh's purple eyes were staring at me in the light of some clarity.

I'm sure if it was Camua-Josh, you wouldn't even miss my modulation. Even at yesterday's stage, Camua-Josh left much untold, just saying, "Are you okay? ♪ And he wandered me. ♪

"It's a beverage because of it, but I don't even feel like mouthing it for a while yet. Let me begin by saying hello to the Eldest."

"Yes, I'll see you soon."

Camua-Josh shook his long fingered hand flickering and walked away lightly today.

I'm sure Camua-Josh, like I-Fa, believes in me and watches over me. Whatever words I exchanged, I was so sure.

"This giva meat, that's it!

Eventually, it was decided to declare the store stubborn, in turn, from the stall where it was dealing with half a branch of meat.

When the meat runs out in one stall, the meat runs out in the other stalls like they chase it. Less than ten minutes after the first stall made its declaration, it seemed that all stalls had finished their work.

"Good luck, everyone. The rest will be free time, so enjoy each one. Yun-Sudra's leaving for a moment and a half, right?

"Yes, we have a day clock over there, so those who return with us in their luggage should gather by half an hour"

"Gill's luggage car will be used by Fa, Din and Lid. With regard to the two remaining luggage vehicles, we have entrusted the management to the Rats and Ravits, respectively, so those wishing to board will be asked to meet there"

That's how the rough guy's voice sounded as we tried to break up.

"What, I came all the way here and you don't have any more giva meat left?

Looking back, a magnificent man with a reddish face was twitching in front of a cleaned up stall.

It is lowering the earthen bottle of fruit liquor in one hand, and it seems to be full of drunkenness since noon. It was an outlawed look, and a long sword was lowered on his hips.

It was in front of the stall that Pha's house was holding that he was forming, so should I go without it here - and when I nearly stepped out, the people beside the woods surrounded the man.

"What are you fussing about when you're here at this hour? If you wanted so much giva meat, would you have soaked up in Jomtien?

"By and large, this is how the Lord of Genos behaves. What is it? You can eat delicious meat without paying for copper coins, but don't make it difficult."

"You've been caged in a casino since daylight like this, haven't you? Don't make a scene with a lost stomach, brother. If you want meat, be patient with Kimmus."

In the meantime, the outlaws were taken away by the inhabitants of Genos.

I've lost my way, and I look back at Ai-Fa with my head on.

"Something reminds me of when I met Dunlo. This time, there was no curtain."

"Mm-hmm. Maybe we've always been helped by the people of Innkeeper Town."

Eye-Fa's eyes were filled with a very satisfying light.

Of course I feel the same way.

"Well, before you head out to Pinot, let's give the Lew family a shout."

That's how we're supposed to throw ourselves in the swirling streets of hot air once again.

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