Isekai Ryouridou

Thirty-first Day of the Purple Moon ③ - An Unseen Phantom

"My name is Nachala. Please relax, my guests."

Nachara, who praised him with the respect that even his three fingers seemed to follow, broke his posture somewhat, just saying that he had done his courtesy with it.

Somehow, it is a smoothness reminiscent of Edo-era playwomen seen in movies and dramas. How can an outfit made of shim-style fluffy textiles create such an atmosphere?

Also, although the color of the hair is brown, the skin has a light black shade, and she has cooler eyes that have been cut up, so even the appearance of the people in the east is dizzying. Since there is nothing else to show the art of whistling, he is a less impressive person in "The Seat of the Gamlay," but the extraordinary appearance was not beaten by the other sitters.

"I'll explain Nachala later. In the meantime, make yourself comfortable."

Nachara sits in the back of the room, and Pinot lowers his hips diagonally in front of it. We let our hips settle down in the middle of the room dressed to face it.

"First of all, I'm sorry I took the time. It wasn't the Atashi's way."

"Hmm. What is your fashion?

"... Atashi and the others are rootless travelers. I'm stuck on the edge of the world with spills of truly living people, because it's a gathering of rokudenashi. I'm not really a monster who's deeply involved with the cat people."

Pinot, who sat properly on the rug, said so in a tone-dampening voice.

"I'll see you next year. I don't care what you say, it's a creed for a while. But... Sometimes I get to hang out with people who can't do it."

"Hmm. So that's Asta"

"Hmm... Of course, people by the woods are all delightful and fun people. It must be this Asta that spinned my friendship with the folks around the woods... somehow, I'm going to feel special mon"

So Pinot, sarcastically, hung his lips up.

"I refuse to be the first to say no, but Atashi doesn't like Mon so much about the star reading technique with Atashi. No, not just Atashi, but all the blubbers that are in this seat, I wonder if they are. Anyway, I'm spending time with an amazing astrologer named Grandpa Rai, and I'm not going to ask anyone to read the stars."

"... Hmm?

"Still, I'm not insulting the power of star reading. Rather, I don't want to be involved because I believe in the power of star reading. Either way, it's hard to believe that the Creed Traveler peeked at the auspicious sign of the end of the day."

"... so what are you trying to tell me, Pinot? I can't talk to you."

"Ah, he's just, like, on the front porch.... Do you know the story of" The Starless People "transforming the fate of the human beings involved?" People Without Stars "puts a black hole in the star map, so they change the fate of the approaching star irresistibly."

Ai-Fa had a difficult face, and he clutched his mouth.

Instead, I'll say yes.

"Somehow, but I remember hearing it that way. But what the hell is that?

"Ugh, so I guess if you were an astrologer, you'd pull it out like that, too, because Atashi and the others were able to get close to you by the woods, because they caught Gibba so well at the end of the line, and because you were a sanctuary people, and because you were a shifting destiny brought about by Mi-na Asta."

After saying it that way, Pinot put his spine up all the time.

Red lips, which had a sarcastic grin, are always tightened up in a riddle.

"But it's bad for Grandpa Rai, but I feel like I owe you shit like that. Atashi liked Asta because she was a very pleasant person who was so straight that you were startled and seemed so weak that she could even carry her strong feelings like steel. I'm in the mood to be read by the stars until I feel like an athlete."

"Ha... thank you for your excessive words"

"I can't wait to love Atashi, even though it's so refreshing. Of course, not in a funny way."

Pinot gave him a sneaky laugh when he creaked, then put his spine up properly again.

"Then let's leave the foreground at about this, and let me get down to business. Asta, you don't have to worry about me."

"Yes. I'm so glad you noticed so much about me"

"No, you don't understand. You're a strong man like steel, so I don't have the strength to worry about you. Whatever kind of ordeal you've been in, you can handle it on your own, and there are so many comforting people around. I'm worried about the Atashi style. It's supposed to be a terrible story."

Pinot's black slice eyes stared at me like I was going to eat in.

"It's just... you're not normal anywhere right now. You're in so much pain, you don't even realize you're in it. That's what makes Atashi look terribly dangerous."

"Yeah, well... I'm certainly not aware that it's painful. I still intend to be energetic."

"... it's that disgusting, eye-catching nobleman who's tormenting you, isn't it? If it were normal, someone like that would be hateful and irresistible, but you're blatant and all the people around you are jerking off. Isn't that right, Ai-Fa?

"Hmm. But it would be hard for Asta to hate Fermes. With me, I don't hate Fermes. However, there is something bottomless about him… I am worried about how we can bond correctly."

"Hmm? Well, what about you? If you look smart like you, do you have something to think about?

That was, of course, a word directed at Gazran-Rutim, who was silently watching this interaction.

Gazran-Rutim nods, "Yes," keeping his spine upright.

"I also believe that Fermes is some kind of special person. I wonder if such obsession with Fermes is forcing Asta to bear the burden on her heart"

"Well, then it doesn't seem strange that Asta is like this right now."

"No......" Gazran-Rutim frowned a lot bitterly.

"Sure, Asta's burdens are huge, but I had no idea she was going to be so heartbroken in one meeting. After hearing more about it, the question is still not clear."

"Then I guess there's a distortion somewhere"

Pinot's eyes can turn on me again.

"Asta, it's not normal for you not to be aware of the wounds you've sustained in your heart. That's because your mind and head are out of line."

"My heart and head are uneven, are you...?

"Ugh. You're not even aware of your pain, are you? Soitz is, I mean, he's like a monster who hasn't noticed that he's got an arrow on his back. You're bloody, but you're laughing fun without realizing anything. Try to be the person you're watching around and you won't be able to talk so much about rubbing it."

I was surprised and looked around at the left-right eye-fa and gazran-rutim.

You two look so worried, you're staring at me.

"So, I have one favor to ask you... you know, why don't you just look back at your heart?

"Looking back at my mind, is... how can I do that?

"It's not a hard story. That's why I called Nachala."

Nachara, who was completely turned into a figurine, gave a relaxing salute there.

"I'd like to ask him to do it outside the law. This Nachara has a way of unraveling people's hearts."

"The art of unwinding the mind..."

"Ugh, it's hard to explain. The human heart is complicated, isn't it? When the Soytes get too tangled up, a human being is a monster who suffers from heart disease. It's a technique to soothe the souls."

"I don't know, isn't that something called witchcraft? In the kingdom, witchcraft must be contraindicated."

"No, no, no, no," Pino waved as Ai-Fa spoke sharply.

"I don't do magic. It's not like star reading to unravel a person's fate, it's just to unravel an intertwined thing in your heart. But if you get to know the people in town, they're going to treat you like magic, so I'm just trying to keep you from showing them."

"... did you reveal such a secret for me or something?

As I turned my gaze, Nachara narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"I trust the eye that sees the man of Pinot. We owe it all to Pinot to those of us who are incapable of living to this day."

"I want you to say something to Nah. If you think so, work harder."

Pino looked back at Nachala and tongued out like a toddler.

Well, the exterior is the toddler himself, but it's a rare trick for Pinot.

"... Whatever it is, I would like to withhold relying on the unclear power of who I am. If you look back at your heart, you should do it on your own."

When Ai-Fa responded with a solemn voice, Pinot looked at you sideways.

"Of course, I'm not going to force you. This is just a story about Atashi wanting to feel safe. Anyway, I'm leaving Genos tomorrow or the day after, so I want to see Asta healthy by then, it doesn't make any sense."

"I appreciate you taking care of Asta. With me, I hope Asta's wounds heal as soon as possible..."

And i-fa came back to me.

Those blue eyes can see the color of deep distress. I'm so worried about Ai-Fa.

"... Specifically, what kind of technique is that? Are you taking any medication?

When I asked, Pinot shrugged his shoulder "Nice Ya".

"It's just about exchanging words with Nachara looking at him. No drugs, no spells."

Koitsu was a substitute like a crystal ball that Nachara removed from the back.

It is about the size of a softball and glitters like black ore.

"Looking at it, are you just exchanging words?

"Ah. It depends on you."

I was silent for a while and then looked back at Ai-Fa.

"I = fa. As a forest folk, should we refrain from relying on these things?

"... you want me to accept Pinot's offer?

"Yeah. Something's upsetting me this time, too. I'm so fine, but it's distressing that everyone seems so worried."

Ai-Fa peered into my eyes, frowning at me all the time.

I guess there's still something going on there called dark shade. A serious eye of Ai-Fa was telling the story of that fact.

"... is it hard to stop that procedure on the way?

When Ai-Fa asked, Pinot agreed with "Ahhh".

"Stop or continue, Asta's freedom. Still no problem, eh, Nachala?

"Yes, even if you stop the procedure along the way, it won't create an unwanted burden on your mind"

Ey-Fa bit his lips at the bother and thought about it for about ten seconds plenty before eventually speaking.

"If so... I think I'll accept that offer... what does Gazran-Rutim think?

"Yes, it's a story I don't understand, but I think Pinot is a man of faith"

In a serious voice, Gazran-Rutim responded accordingly.

If you look back - there is a sharp light in those eyes when it comes to eagles. Gazran-Rutim is also as considerate of me as I am of Fa.

"So, if you feel any sign of not doing so here, will you be allowed to wish on the condition that you stop even on the way?

"Ah, of course. Thank you so much for listening to me."

Pinot pulled himself aside as he sat down.

"Well, can you move on to Nachala? You two can see it wherever you want."

I went on my knees as I was told.

Ai-Fa and Gazran-Rutim are just as forward, and they snap me in from left to right again.

Nachara smiled lusciously, placing the black crystal of her hand on the floor.

"Now take a look at these black beads. I don't need to worry about anything...... and can you put that black cat on the floor on that shoulder?

Sachi has been on my shoulder the whole time.

When I put him down on the rug with my hand, Sachi looked up at Nachara.

"So... how do we unwind our minds?

"That's right. I don't know why Asta is suffering so much... I think it would be enough if we could unravel Soytz."

"I understand," Nachara closed her eyelids.

"I will ask you a few questions, and you will answer them as you see them black beads.... May I?

"Yes. Anytime."

"… what are you suffering from?

"No, I don't feel like I'm in pain."

"So why are the people around you worried about you?

"That seems to be because... two days ago, since I met someone named Fermes, I've been acting strange."

"Has the man named Fermes done you harm?

"No, I don't think that was harmful. I'm sure there was no malice in Fermes, either."

"No malice, but was I supposed to hurt you?

"You mean to hurt me...... I think I was a little disappointed in Fermes' behavior. Unfortunately, I'm going to feel bad about it."

I was kind of comfortable with counseling for troubles.

Surely this is not magic or anything. Nachala's soft voice is very pleasant to her ears.

"Do you hate the man named Fermes?

"No, I never hate you. I just want to be more understanding."

"Does a man named Fermes hate you?

"No, I don't believe so. Instead, he seems obsessed with my existence..."

"Why is he so obsessed with you?

"That's because I'm a people without stars."

"For you, is that the pain?

"I mean, it's painful... it's not such a title, I hope you have a definite bond with me personally"

"Are you bitter about being a 'people without stars'?

For a moment, I was finally going to say it.

The black beads glimmer quietly and glossy.

"I don't mean to be bitter...... I just don't think I would have had this relationship with Fermes if I hadn't been in that position"

"Do you wish to abandon the fact that you are a 'people without stars'?

"... If that's true, I don't think it's possible to throw it away. However, despite all that, I hope to live with myself."

"If it is something to be thrown away, do you wish to throw it away?

I'm stuck in words again.

After all, what is the root of my distress about the People Without Stars?

"It's hard to return a solid answer to a hypothetical story… but I think it's not right to wish to throw away stories from the past. In the first place, I don't feel strong enough to want to throw it away because I'm not aware that I'm a 'people without stars'"

"Aren't you a 'people without stars'?

"I don't know. The astrologers keep their mouths shut and say so, so I'm just wondering if that's the case."

"Are you obsessed with your status as a 'people without stars'?

"No. Not obsessed at all"

"Still, are you unwilling to be cut off as a 'people without stars'?

"I don't think you mean it... but I think it's troublesome for you to show up obsessed like Fermes"

"What are you afraid of?

The words shocked me like I was suddenly hit in the back of the head.

I don't know what was so shocking. It was just so unexpected.

"I'm... I'm not afraid of anything"

"So why are you hurt like that?

"I don't know. I don't even know if I'm hurt."

"You are deeply hurt. I'm afraid of something."

That was not in the form of a question, so nothing could be answered.

I just keep staring at the glow of the black beads because Nachara's voice has stopped as well.

It was a beautiful glow, something that was going to suck my soul in.

It's as if this is - Hazel Eye of Fermes.

Fermes, as usual, stares at me with these eyes. It's like a complex shade of light swirling around in a pompous, empty abyss - I didn't like that glow.

Yes, if I were afraid of something, it would be nothing more than that strange look of Fermes.

That look makes me feel terribly anxious. It's like being sucked into the light and I'm not me anymore - and that's when they taste the disconcerting sensation of being stripped of my soul from my flesh.

Fermes', what's so horrible about it?

Fermes is always passionate about me. It may have been love and obsession with my status as a 'people without stars', not me personally, but it was supposed to be a pure thought, with no mixing gaps between what I called hostility and malice.

(I knew I wasn't afraid of Fermes. It's just... those eyes are the only thing that's not right)

Is it that beyond that glance, there's some secret mood that I don't know about?

That's kind of a no-pin story, too. I never suspected that Fermes was hiding the inside.

(What am I afraid of?

All the time, my vision was filled with black brilliance.

It's like we're drifting through space, it's a strange feeling.

It's not dark, there's a silver glow flashing everywhere. I guess that brilliance reminds me of the starry sky. It was so beautiful that it made me want to breathe.

And - how long was that brilliance beginning to take human form?

Is this the phantom of Fermes?

No, you're not. Even though I wasn't sure of anything, I could be sure that I was separate from Fermes.

The phantom slowly solidifies its contours.

And the moment that face tried to reveal who it was...

A fierce fear stirred my heart.

Someone is smiling back at me.

There was some big scratch engraved on that face.

That scar scared me again.


I was drawn back to reality.

"Hold on, Asta!

When I realized, Ai-Fa was rocking my shoulders.

And there's a rubbing sound of "shh" in the tone. Apparently, it was the noise of Sathi's intimidation.

"Duh... what's going on, Ai-Fa?

"What's wrong! The one named you...!

All of a sudden, Ai-Fa has been hugging my body.

That strong power and warmth make my head clear. It wasn't Nachara in front of me, Pinot stood with his hands wide open.

"That's it for the ceremony.... Asta, can we manage to get rid of Soytz?

"Oh yes... Sachi, I'll be fine. You worried about me?

Raising his hand as he was held by Ey-Fa, Sachi, who was strutting his forefoot against his whole body's hair, looked back at this one.

That rough tongue strokes my fingertips. The fiery flames that were burning in those blue eyes also disappeared quickly with it.

"Sorry. Looks like you've been losing me for a while... I wonder, how I've been?

When I inquired that way, Ai-Fa finally let me snap my ribs and then let myself go.

"... you stopped moving while staring at that black bead. There was a light of fear in its eyes, and my body began to tremble, so I decided to bring you back to sanity."

In a voice that killed emotions, Ai-Fa explained it to me that way.

There are different emotions swirling in those eyes. I've also made my precious Ai-Fa so worried.

Ai-Fa closed her eyelids for a long time, took a few deep breaths, and then looked back at Pinot.

"... it's Pinot. Is this the right result of what you call a procedure?

"Well, Asta probably saw what she was threatened with."

Pino pulled himself back and lowered his back instead of Nachara, who was hidden behind it. Probably jumped out in a hurry to protect Nachara from Sachi. Nachara has a rather nasty look and a long forehead.

"What do you say, Asta? What came to your mind was the identity of the thing that hurt you. I wonder if he was such a bad nobleman."

"No...... I woke up before I could see who it was, but that wasn't Fermes"

My mind was completely calm. But I guess that's also due to Ai-Fa and Sachi. However, my heart is just slightly rattling with the aftertaste of fear.

"I think he was taller than Fermes, and... besides, I didn't see him clearly, but you think he had scars on his face,"

"Wound marks on face...... is it silhouel?

Gazran-Rutim asks with a sharp voice sometime.

But I let him shake his head, "No."

"Silhouel has an ancient wound on his forehead, right? Otherwise, my right cheek is burnt red... I don't think anyone with that kind of scratch is close to me"

"That's crazy. He doesn't see the end like a star reading, it's a way to unravel Asta's mind. There's no way Asta's unknown human face can come up."

After saying it that way, Pinot hung his lips up to go.

"Then well, I guess it means someone Asta forgot about. It's funny how you're terrorizing someone like that."

"Yeah? I don't think there's any reason to exchange fear on someone like that..."

"But there's no other truth to it. You're a" people without stars, "so no wonder."

Pinot overlapped words that way, regaining a lot of the usual peace of mind.

"No one's going to get it if you haunt your head with a mystery that doesn't have an answer. The only purpose of Atashi was to make Asta easier."

"Now you're saying that Asta is easier?

When Ai-Fa inquired in a bottom-line voice, Pinot grinned shards as if he could not reveal himself.

"Ooh, that's not cool! If I tap a light mouth here, one of my heads is going to be skipped. I need you to check with your own eyes to see if Asta is easier."

Ai-Fa turned back to me with a deep eyebrow root.

That's how I breathe, and with both my hands I scratch my head, and my nose hits me so hard it looks like it's about to hit me.

"Asta, you... your eyes are shining back."

"Oh, yeah? I wasn't aware of it originally, so I can't really answer it..."

More than that, they put my face so close that I exhaled, my heart started making noise again.

All I had in my heart was warm feelings for Ai-Fa.

"Did Asta get anything, a change of heart?

From behind, I hear Gazran-Rutim. I can't look back because I have my head fixed on I-Fa.

"Oh yes, quite... just one thing, I think I understood"

"What kind of understanding was that? Will I be allowed to ask?

"Of course it is.... I can clearly see that it's not Fermes I'm afraid of. I think I'm probably afraid of something about The Starless People."

My gaze was still fixed on the eye-fa in front of me, and I let it answer that way.

"I was just certain that I was sorry for Fermes' behavior... so did the swings in my mind around it get confused in a weird way? Separating feelings for Fermes from feelings for 'people without stars' seems to me to have made it kind of much easier"

"... does this mean unwinding your mind?

To Gazran-Rutim's words, Pinot responded, "That's right."

"I'm sure Asta was carrying too many different things, and the contents of her heart were upsetting. That's why I've always had dark eyes."

Even while Pinot explained it that way, Ai-Fa had been peering into my eyes.

The passion swirling in its blue eyes converges into one emotion. It was a reassuring emotion that delighted me in my demodulation.

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