Isekai Ryouridou

Thirty-first Day of the Purple Moon (7) - Long Night

"Uh, it's Ai-Fa, Asta and Sister Raina -! Guys, you were with my sister Vina!

After a while, with a full of energetic voices, Limi-Luu emerged.

Tara is also accompanied, with the two of them hoisting huge wooden plates. On top of that was a pile of precisely roasted meat.

"I brought you some meat because it's cooked. Yo! I'm still here - so I haven't eaten without leaving it!

The people of the woods brought not wine barrels, but giva meat, vegetables, baked potatoes, and handmade sweets. The cooking method was charcoal-baked only with gold nets, but the people on the spot were to cheer and pinch up the giva meat.

"Oh, yeah! Rau-Ray was looking for the Astas earlier. When is he going to finish his job? I've been making a scene."

"Rau-Ray did? I wonder if there's something I can do for you."

"I don't know. Rau-Ray's over there with the Mida-Lou guys."

I was also concerned about your condition, but it is a shame to leave this place.

Similar-Lilyn smiled softly as I thought about it that way.

"Sun God, until regeneration, a long time, left. Shouldn't there be different opponents, bonds, deepening? I'd be happy to talk to you again."

"... ok. Now, if you'll excuse me."

Then Yun-Sudra and Lyelpham-Sudra also raised their hips.

"Then we'll go around somewhere else, too. I'm worried about the Chims."

Me and I-Fa walked in the direction indicated to Limi-Luu, and the Lyelfam-Sudoras headed for another rug along the way.

It's hard to find the person you're looking for, but the landmark is Mida-Lou's giant. We pushed between the rugs in search of Mida-Lou, who was more than one head popping up even as he sat down.

"Oh, to Asta, Ai-Fa! You finally showed up!

Rau-Ray jumped up the glass in his hand. Its face, delicate as a woman's and yet hunter-like bravery, has already been stained bright red with alcohol.

"I've been down town since this morning and I don't feel like I'm exchanging words with you guys! Come on, sit over here!

"Um? Well, didn't you have something to do?

"No! I guess I won't skip out on things like no reason to talk without errands!?

"Of course you can't say that."

On the spot were not only Rau-Ray, but also the faces that were once brothers of the Sung family, Ray-Matua in Malfira-Naham, and even Ben and Cargo. Besides, in the back-to-back place, the Rutim family and the northern clan faced each other with liquor glasses, so there couldn't have been anything to complain about.

"I = fa to Asta...... Gibbs - Meng, it was so yummy...?

"Thank you. I'm so glad you're all happy."

Mida-Lou is shaking his cheekmeat with joy. It would have been a full moment because Zwei-Rutim had Oura-Rutim, Digga had Dodd, and Yamir-Ray and their former families were also in full swing. If "Gibba Bone Ramen" was ever going to add more color to it, I was feeling nothing.

Digga and Dodd are laughing with a somewhat vague look. It is a face as if we are in danger that we should be so happy. There was nowhere to turn into how Yamir-Ray or Zwei-Rutim looked, but Oura-Rutim had a profound merciful eye to keep an eye on his former family.

"Now we were talking about Joo-Run and Yumi! They weren't informed about them until the other day!

These guys, of course, meant Ben and Cargo.

Ben smiles bitterly and Cargo shrugs his shoulders. One of the long-held cases in the Inn Town was finally lifted within this Easter period.

"No, I've always thought of those guys as obnoxious. Still, I'm surprised Yumi even thought about dowry. There's never been a man in town dowry by the woods before, is there?

"Uhm! Asta and Schmiral-Lilyn have become a family by the woods, but this would be the first time they've ever been called dowries!

"Oh, I guess Schmiral-Lilyn didn't even clap more than just dowry because he was supposed to transfer God. And I can't believe the familiarity I've had since I was a hungry ghost dowry by the woods, can I?

"Yeah, but none of my buddies had the balls to hold Yumi's reins. If you were Joo-Run, you wouldn't have a problem handling it."

Though they were of the right age, Yumi was an affair from childhood when they were kept in the cathedral. That would have chewed up more emotions than we did.

"Hung! But you haven't decided that Yumi is going to be married to the Lan family, have you? I don't think there's any point in making a scene in Udauda right now, sir."

"That's right," Ben said as Zwei-Rutim clasped his mouth uncommonly.

"But after all, I'm surprised. Especially Yumi's father, because he hated the people by the woods and was famous."

"That's the guy I'm meeting at the inn stopover, yo. Those people who hate the forest people more, they seemed to have as much else, but sir!

I guess that refers to Lema-Gate in Alou's Stuff Pavilion. Laughing cheerfully, Rau-Ray slapped Mida-Lou's round arm often.

"You pulled Mida-Lou to the boarding town to make them apologize, didn't you? Then, if you take Dodd with you, you'll have a lot of trouble!

"Ah, oh. Even if I had the chance to apologize, I would have liked to accompany you."

"Shut up, sir! If I was heading out to the north settlement or something, my stopover would be over by the time I got back, yo!

Zwei-Rutim put his tongue out toward Dodd. Her attitude is consistent with those who were brothers other than Mida-Lou.

(Well, Zwei-Rutim has been like this for a long time)

The Sung family's sins were uncovered, the night of the last parenting conference - when Yamil-Ray presented himself and tried to defend himself from his family, Zwei-Rutim was set to become furiously acquainted with his father and brothers. Because you guys are out of your hips, I thought this was how Yamil-Ray ended up -.

Since then, disturbing air has always been set to swirl when they put their faces together. Even when they were placed under house arrest in the settlement of Lough because Zazz-Sung and Tay-Sung made them disappear - even when dinner was held in the settlement of Lough the night before they faced Cycleus - and even on that day, when they confronted Cycleus.

It was about this month that it was finally possible to overturn them, gathered to the settlement of Luu to see the puppet play.

And today, they sit on the same rug, sharing the joy of the 'Day of Doom' with their fellow citizens and the people of the town by the woods.

This should also have been the fruit of the different deeds cultivated over the past year.

"Whatever it is, there's only so many people in Genos who don't like the people by the woods."

"Yes, yes. That's all the people in the woods have done, and it feels like that puppet play has stabbed me in the ass."

Ben and Cargo were only cheerful.

Then Oura-Rutim responds to it in a quiet voice.

"It will be the same with the people in town who have done everything in their power. I think bonding is the first thing that can be deepened, mostly by putting your hands aside. I will only go down to the Inn Town to count… I was heartily reminded of it."

"No, no, no, until Gazran-Rutim's baby was born, you used to help with stall work, too, didn't you? Just for the record, a few of them went to the stall for you, didn't they?

"Yes, yes. I heard you were Zwei-Rutim's mother, and they were upside down. But I never stopped going to the stall."

Oura-Rutim looked back at the Bens in a much more decent way.

"I'm sorry, but I can't understand the meaning of the word. I have been cut off from my partner, but this is how I wear my married outfit, so I wonder if it is possible to catch the eyes of the men..."

"No, no, the people in town don't even know how to do that."

"Besides, you... were it contraindicated to praise me for looking. Well, there's nothing wrong with you catching the attention of the men."

When Oura-Rutim gave him a puzzling look, Yamil-Ray, who had been quiet for a long time, snubbed over you.

"So I would have advised you that you should look for a new partner, wouldn't you? Maybe we should get dressed like that."

"Hey! Oura, don't blow that crazy story into your mother, yo!

"What. You'd be happy to have more siblings, wouldn't you?

"Are you happy! Mother Oura is only a mother to Atashi!

Zwei-Rutim took it in his mother's arms and ended up with an angry Pomeranian.

Oura-Rutim strokes his head like an onion of such a daughter with love.

"Ts, Ts, Zwei-Rutim and Oura-Rutim were also allowed to name their mothers and children by giving Mr. Rutim, right?

And, as Malfira-Naham swimmed his eyes, he spoke.

"Oh, well, if so, will Diga and Dodd both be allowed to name their brothers when they are given Mr. Dom's?

"Yeah? No, I don't know about that one."

"Oh. I never really cared about that."

In response to both names, Malfira-Naham was glaring at his elongated body.

"Oh, yeah, is that right? And I think it's a very important story..."

"I wonder if so. Either way, I've never called Diga a brother. I can live in the same house, so I don't want anything more."

"Oh, if Dodd calls me brother Digga, my back's going to itch.... Anyway, we just want to live right as hunters."

Malfira-Naham was to drop his shoulder even more, which was just a stroke on his shoulder.

"Oh, well, do you? Wow, I grew up surrounded by brothers and sisters, so I thought it would be very important... I'm sure I'm sweet."

"That's not true. I don't think we're normal."

"Oh. You can see we weren't decent brothers, can't you?

"Yes, yes, no, even if you are cut off from the brink of blood, I know you are all connected by a deep bond. Wow, I just felt like I was giving you a sense of happiness."

With that said, Malfira-Naham smiled.

Then, when Mida-Lou sifts, he shivers his cheekmeat.

"Malfira-Naham is so sweet... thank you so much. What...?

"Yeah? Hey, hey, I don't think it's like being thanked for anything!

Malfira-Naham began to swim his eyes with momentum that happened to be furious.

Seeing that look, Rau-Ray laughs a lot.

"We'll see! Mida-Lou would have been more than happy that this guy was leading us to the end of Diga and Dodd! I don't think so, such as the humans who guide the painful men in this way!

"It was painful, I'm sorry. You can't have a beautiful boy like you in Sung's house."

"Hmm! Not only do you face, but your very existence is painful! But it would have been more inspiring than anything to have been able to live in the same house even if I had been cut off from blood! Both of Rutim's names are obvious!

Speaking out loud, Lau-Ray suddenly turned his hand around Yamil-Ray's shoulder.

"But Mida-Lou has the Sin-Lu's, and Yamil-Ray has me! I promise I'll give you unbeatable peace in the future, so there's nothing to guide you through!

Yamil-Ray sighed and glued up the back of Lau-Ray's hand.

"Can you explain to me why I shouldn't touch the women?

"Ouch. Ouch! We're family in the same house, and eventually we're gonna give you a wedding, so why don't we talk about the details!

Diga and Dodd were laughing out loud.

This is the first time they have shown me such a figure since they lost Mr. That was all I was emotional enough to get my chest stuck.

Suddenly there, he said, "Oh!" A loud voice echoes. The Lord of the Voice was Dan-Rutim, who sat with his back to this one.

"That's a puppeteer's car! Finally, you're here!

When I stared, the pine light fire on the luggage car approached me with a twinkle. A special guest of the day, Rico and the others, arrived.

"Ya, I'm totally late! I'm greedy, and I've prepared a pile of street food!

The first step down from the luggage wagon was Yumi, who wished to ride with Rico and the others. Jou-Ran, Luia, Rico and Belton also show up and finally Van Deiro gets off your podium.

"I am delighted to invite you today. My name is Belton and I'm Rico, the puppet. I will be a humble traveler, but I hope you will allow me to sit at the edge of the congratulatory seat."

People were supposed to let the night go with cheers.

Everyone was looking forward to Rico's play. This was the first look, especially for those living in Dalaim, with the exception of a very small number of humans.

"I've been waiting, Yumi. Plus, so are the puppet ladies. If you take a break, I'll ask you for an example play."

As the master of the house, Dora's father greeted her that way. It was also your father who asked Rico and the others to come home. The purpose of this was, of course, to reveal "Kamadoku Asta by the Forest" to families and relatives who had not had the opportunity to travel to the Inn Town.

I can rub a six-member 'giva bone ramen' with me and Ray-Matua so you can have a tummy first.

Then we'll take a four-half-minute meal break and we'll have to start the show.

Even though I would have encouraged work neatly since about evening today, Rico and the others were not as tired as hairs in their arrangements.

Its clear voice echoes the Dareim of the night, and the movement of the petty puppet captures the hearts of the people. No matter how many times I've seen it, it's been a brilliant word.

Raging applause and applause shook the night air again when "Kamadu no Asta by the Forest" ended approximately half an hour later.

Would you and your uncle, Mother of the Dora family, have seen the play of Rico and the others on behalf of Grandma Ziva?

"No, you were brilliant! I've seen so many things, I never get tired of looking at them."

Dora's father also had a full grin and applauded Rico and the others.

"All you have to do is stay relaxed until morning. There's still plenty of booze and food left!

"Thank you. Now, let me refrain from going to the luggage car."

"No, no, he said he wouldn't pull into that darkness. Because there's no one here that throws stones at travelers. Join us and celebrate the regeneration of the Sun God."

"Thank you," Rico smiled happily, bowing his head.

Afterwards, it is another festival.

Exactly, toddlers, old people, etc. were to take a small pause at home, but the approximate crowd is wielding a drink with the same vigor. Even the folks by the woods, who do not have the habit of staying up late, showed their strength in advance all the time here.

Rico and the others arrived a lot late, but still a lot of time is left before dawn. I was able to spend that time in a meaningful way.

The relatives of the Dora family living in Dalaim, as well as Luu's blood, Zaza's blood, Fou's blood - and also the people of the Silver Pot and the architect - were able to speak what they thought. Especially with the people who would soon leave Genos, there was not enough time to talk about it, no matter how much.

So, how much time has passed?

When I moved Sachi, the black cat, who was completely asleep, to the sleeping warehouse of the Totos and tried to come back to people again - with an eye-fa sharp face, he grabbed my arm.

"What's going on? I tried to ask," I swallowed words along the way.

Three shadows were blurring up in the darkness of the destination.

My eyesight didn't even tell me who that person was, but something intuitive was telling me who it was.

"Maybe... is it Fermes?

The answer was yes.

Proceeding along the steps reveals the figure of Fermes, who concealed his face with a hood and collar wrap. Lined to its left and right were his squire Gemd and Gazran-Rutim.

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