Isekai Ryouridou

Six Days of the Silver Moon ① - Frequently Into Everyday Life

From the next day on, we were supposed to regress on a daily basis - or we had to regress. It was not even possible to get the peace of mind unless we finished something called the Chiefs' Conference in the Mountains of Morga and saw the end of Tia, but we were nevertheless not allowed to second our lives.

From the third day of the Silver Moon, Ai-Fa made the hunter resume his work. Half a month had already passed since the six nearest families celebrated the joint harvest festival, so the rest period was also to end.

And I had to reopen the stall business, too. Whatever the end of the day, the time I could spend with Tia was set at nine more days, so the truth was that I wanted to spend as much time with him from morning to night - such a flexible mindset was not allowed by the woods, and Tia herself did not want such a thing.

"Tia doesn't want to be a nuisance to Asta. Don't worry about Tia, I want Asta to do her job."

If they spoke that way with that innocent look, I'd have had to tighten up my feelings too.

After Easter of the Sun God, the Inn Town is sedated. After three days of the silver moon, the people who stayed long are ready to leave, and leave Genos. The street food was to be reduced to pre-Easter quantities so as not to be sold.

In the meantime, only the lid group existed, as did the organizations that continued to stay in Genos.

He is nine of the Silver Kettles and thirteen of the architects who are wandering the western territories. The former worked on closing the business in Genos, while the latter began work on rebuilding houses in Turan.

"We, around the 10th, were scheduled to leave. Asta, we're safe, we'll go back, we'll see, and then we'll leave."

That's what Radajid told me when I told him we were to be invited to the Morga Mountains, too.

"But it's sanctuary, to enter, to be forgiven, to be amazed"

"Yes. We, too, are going to be heartily surprised. It must have been the most important rule not to go into your land."

"Yes." The Return of Daytime, "I recall...." The Return of Daytime, "did you know?

"No. Is it a gaga or something?

"Yes, Sim, tell, tell a story"

Daytime was a young man who lived in Sim's meadow.

Dayt, who lived as a pedestrian trader, was dealing with a mountain people of terrible power. One day, Dayton, who stepped into the woods wondering if there was anything shorter, falls under the cliff with all the tototosses he was riding.

When the unconscious Dayton woke up, he was surrounded by blue dwarves. That was the hunters of the blue people who lived in the sanctuary.

It is a great contraindication that human beings in the outside world trample and vandalize the sanctuary. But when Dayton diligently explained the situation, the hunters pulled in a knife or axe made of stone.

Then get back to the outside world. We cannot be friends or brothers. '

'Thank you. But... when I fell off the cliff, Totos returned my soul, and I broke my leg. Now even if you go back to the outside world, you'll soon be eaten by a big bear'

'... then I shall keep your soul for a while. However, it is not permissible to bring unclean objects into the sanctuary'

By "unclean" they meant steel weapons and poisonous weapons.

Some more, after having been ritualized to pass on to the sanctuary, Dayton is taken away to the end of the canyon.

Then Dayt was to be treated as a guest in a sanctuary settlement until his broken leg healed. He said that water and meals, as well as when he had a fever, were given even medicines and were very friendly hospitality.

Then Dayton was to give his heart to the daughter of the settlement - but only then, the code of the sanctuary did not allow it.

"Do you hear the wind, man from the outside world?"

"No, I can't hear you"

'Then can you hear the voice of the earth? The voice of fire, do you hear the voice of water?

'No. I can't hear any of it'

'Then again, I cannot welcome you as a compatriot. You should live outside the sanctuary. "

Dayt was in mourning, but he had no choice but to persuade the chiefs of the blue people.

Eventually, the wound-healing Dayton was led to the first cliff from which he was to return to the outside world.

Having managed to get home on foot, Dayt comforts herself that she was glad to be reunited with her beloved family. Sim's breath, the wind god who blessed the meadows, had also blessed the return of such a date-

Radajid explained a story of considerable length to me in the western language without the hassle.

"It's just a gaga. Truth or no, I don't know. Whatever it is, it is the people of the sanctuary, their friends, their compatriots, their inability to be, their lessons, their preaching."

"I see. But when I think about Tia, who lived in our house, I feel convinced that the people of the sanctuary are that kind"

"Yes, but at the same time, the people of the sanctuary, terrible power, have. Please, be careful."

It was also a convincing story, if you think of Tia and Lyta.

But it is a trait that leads to the people by the woods that they are friendly to people in need and yet have the power to fear. Tia was also sure that the people by the woods had a reputation for resembling the Red People, so I could get some relief in that part of the world.

(Well, where I had some anxiety, I couldn't be frightened)

The Chiefs of the Red People are trying to determine whether Tia's sins should be forgiven. I was invited to testify for it, so as far as I could tell, I was just telling Tia how right I was.

So the day shifts - it is the fifth day of the silver moon.

It was that day that Pinot finally told me that Niya's song was complete.

"Damn, it's been a long time. If this makes you look bad, hit me with Gibba's bone."

The story will be conveyed from the Lew family to the rest of the family and to the people who plan to invite them to the feast. It was decided in advance that the feast of rapprochement would be held on the sixth day of the following day, as the dates had been mixed.

"... that's why I'm going out to the Lou's tomorrow"

After the stall business, I went home to Fa's, and I was supposed to tell Tia that the Fou family sent me.

Tia has the usual flamboyant look and nods "um".

"Then I think Tia will wait for Asta and the others to return at Fou's settlement. I hope Asta and the others get back safe."

"Yeah, thanks.... I was just hoping that the feast day wouldn't slip away until after the Chiefs' Meeting."

"What are you talking about? Is it an important feast for Asta? Don't worry about Tia, I want you to enjoy the feast."

Because Tia has such tender sexual roots, it makes me feel so uncomfortable.

And also, it was still incredibly comfortable to say goodbye to Tia in four days.

"Right. Is the feast tomorrow?"

Returning from the woods while the sun was still high, Ai-Fa said so with a settling face. Even at the dawn of the rest period, the fruits of the forest cannot be revived yet for about half a month, so the hunter's work is all around him.

"So you're going straight to Luu's settlement after business, too, huh?

"Yeah. One dish and one treat at a time, because I plan to prepare it. Gill's luggage can be returned to Fa's house, so I'm gonna need you to come with it."

As far as I can tell, Ai-Fa was in normal mode.

But I know that it is the result of the spiritual power of steel. After supper, when Tia fell asleep first, etc., Ey-Fa was often staring at her sleeping face with her chopped eyes. There was no way even I-Fa could have been more at ease than the healthy fate of Tia had not been confirmed.

(Plus, I guess I can't do what Tia couldn't do with her last six months as a hunter)

And not only me and Ai-Fa, but the people who were close to Tia, everyone was secretly heartbroken.

We can't be friends or brothers. But we are reminded of how innocent Tia is. He could not help but be enchanted by his clean soul, while admonishing himself not to deepen his bond with the people of the sanctuary.

(We are not allowed to deepen our bonds. So the bitterness of parting becomes its punishment...... I can't believe Tia said that)

At that time, it was already approaching the present.

But I guess we should be thankful that we were granted a respite for nine days from the day we were prepared to say goodbye to Tia. This is how all the time I spent exchanging words with Tia became irreplaceable to me.

Thus is the next day, the sixth day of the month of silver.

As the two downstairs moments of stall commerce came to an end, a group of hooded capes approached from the northern direction.

It is not the face of the Silver Pot, but the people of the castle town who are invited to the feast of the day. To hide their identity, there were many people dressed like that in Inn Town.

"Uh, you still had the street food left! I'm glad I'm hungry!

It was Jagal's Iron Equipment Store Deal who said that with a smile. Today, she was invited.

"I've guided the cooks too! Everyone's going to be eating street food, right?

"Oh, it's training for us to eat a lot of food from the woods."

It was the young cook Roy who answered that way. Both Siri-Low and Bozzle names, withheld to the left and right, are a much cracklier reunion. During Easter, they were also busily killed in Silver Star Hall.

Instead of Deal, of course, he refrains from his squire Larvis.

And there was another person, just one without a hooded cape. She is a young woman, dressed in a very regular top and skirt, who seems to be of good quality but is never gorgeous.

The person, with a grumpy look on his righteous face, praised him with a disrespect that did not suit his expression.

"… I am sincerely grateful to you today for inviting me to a settlement by the woods to the likes of me. The Earls of Dalaim have also told us to be free of the crude phase, so thank you very much."

It was Nicolas, who turned from the maid of the Count Dalaim family to the apprentice of Chef Jan. She was also to be invited to the woodland, as promised to Polearths, once exchanged in Castle Town.

"Nice to meet you. However, since the hosting of today's feast is the Lew family, can I ask you to greet me there?

"Yes, I did. Which one of you is with the Lew family?

"Then I guess we can show you around, too, huh? Do you want me to say hello to you when you buy street food?"

With such Roy's words, people started buying street food.

We were close to closing hours, so some stalls are out of stock. The same was true of 'Giva Curry', which I was in charge of, so I was able to turn my back to the Blue Sky Dining Room afterwards.

"Ah, Asta, you're annoying!

Over there, Tara greeted me with a smile. The people invited by Dalaim had just arrived.

"I was just introducing everyone to the Siri-Laws! I've stayed at the Lou's with you before.

Turning ten years old on the silver moon, Tara still looked energetic today.

By the way, as requested by Grandma Ziva, all the Dora family members and Grandma Missil are here today. Tara was grinning so that it wouldn't make her happy.

Thanks to the sociable people of the south, Deal and Bozzle, the interaction is well deepened.

In the meantime, Nicolas approached me, trying to escape the crowd's buzz.

"Master Asta, there's something I want to tell you."

Speaking like that, Nicolas frowned at Uranzo. That gaze is directed at Sachi, the black cat sitting on my left shoulder.

"Oh, my name is Sachi and I'm a family member of Fa's house. It's not good when hair falls off during business, so you're letting it rest in the shade of a tree."

"Really? The cat saw the crackle."

Apparently, Nicola, a resident of the castle town, knew a beast called a cat. Less loving Thaci is hairy with a strange face.

"So, what's the story with me? I'd love to hear your food feedback."

"Yes. All of them were extremely delicious. Especially since the dish called" Bubba "seems to be completely different from when we had a taste before."

Nicola shook her neck beside her puffy after saying so with a stuck face. They're not the only ones, they're pretty cute tricks.

"No, we'll see how you feel about cooking… First of all, I'd like to share with you a message from Lord Polearth"

"Pole Earth's? What is it?

"Yes, Mr. Fermes, a diplomat who was scheduled for an inspection today, would like to be absent due to ill health. To the Lew family, let me tell you just now."

I was supposed to be surprised.

Today was a friendly meeting of the people of the town, and only the visiting Fermes were scheduled to attend the noble sitting.

"What is ill health, you're worried. What the hell happened to Fermes?

"I mean the fever has been going on for the past few days. I thought you were tired of Easter."

Easter fatigue - Speaking of which, Fermes was to march from Castle Town to Durham on foot late in the night on the Day of Doom. Two days after that, we were to head out to the woods, and it was probably a hard schedule for Fermes, who didn't look very sturdy.

"Thank you. Please take care... Is it annoying to ask Nicolas for a message?

"No, I think it will be in the form I will tell Master Polearth after tomorrow"

The courtesy is the right Nicolas, even though he has a flabby face.

At that time, from the side of the street, I said, "Ah!" I heard a loud voice.

"Di, you're Dial. You were already here."

It was a humi that carried the dishes of the stalls, where there were only a few left.

Dial, who was talking to Dora's father, also said, "Ah!" and raise a loud voice.

"Yumi, hiccup! We're going out to the woods together today, so I was really looking forward to it!

"Ugh, yeah. Me, too. So, um, I need to talk to you for a second..."

When Yumi put the Giva dish in that hand on an empty table, she pulled Dial out to the side of the street.

Then he said, more powerful than just now, "Eh!" The voice bursts.

"Yumi greets the woodland... muggu"

"So, if you haven't made up your mind yet! Don't say that out loud!

Yumi was holding Dial's neck and blocking his mouth with her hands. Yumi's face is stained bright red.

(Oh well. What is this the first time Yumi and Dial face each other after Easter)

Now Dial is also finally going to know one thing about Yumi and Joo-Run.

Dial, who snapped Yumi's hand, said, "Already!" and swept his cheeks.

"If you suffer! Congratulations, you don't have to hide that!

"Come on, say your voice is loud. I really don't know what's going to happen yet..."

"Hmm, really? But if it does, I will bless you with all my heart!

I could see Dial laughing with a face like Ohisama's, too, as he tucked away a little bit. So Yumi is blushing.

After such an act, the stall business was also to be successfully closed.

Once you've packed your washed dishes onto the carrier, you're off to Kimmus's Tail Pavilion first.

On the way there, Tara called me "hey".

"These travelers are invited, too, aren't they? Aren't you going with everyone?

It was referring to the tent of "A Seat of Gamleys" stretched across the street.

"Yeah. All of you are coming by the time the feast starts. You won't have any business until then. I told you so."

It was a stance that they were only going to show off their art, not to deepen their bonds like the people of the town. The traction around it was a lot more cynical than the same travelers, Rico and the others.

Eventually when we arrived at Kimmus's Tail Pavilion, Ben and Cargo were waiting for us there. They visited the stall around Jomtien and were meeting us here.

"Yo, Yumi was that way. Looks like Levi and the others are all set."

"Yes. There are some people in Castle Town today, so why don't you make a rough deal?

"If you're not noble. Oh, you don't even need to be careful. This isn't the first time I've seen you."

And Ben rounded his eyes there.

"Is that it? But your little girl doesn't feel like seeing it for the first time."

"Oh, this girl is the Deal of the people of the South. You've heard a lot of rumors, haven't you?

"Deal, Deal... uh, we were just talking about Astas being invited to take care of an iron hardware store."

"Yeah, he's a Zealander people of Jagal, he's a guy named Dial. This is Larvis."

When Deal responded with an uncontrolled smile, Ben was a lot more hesitant.

"Oh, yeah? Your daughter of the people of the South came close to you this Easter... but you look different."

"Hmm? Could that be about Baran's family? If that's the case, I'm familiar with it!

After saying it that way, Dial swept up his cheeks a lot.

"The Ballans have been spending a lot of time in Inn Town, haven't they? I wanted to make some noise in the lodging town, too."

"Right. I think it would have been more fun if you'd been here."

After responding that way, Yumi twisted Ben on the side.

"You know, Deal is my dear friend, right? If you give me a funny little, I won't accept it, will I?

"That again. You know I've never caused you any trouble within my crew, right?

"Yes, yes. If you imitate something funny, the smell behind you won't shut up."

Larvis is listening to the words of the Bens on the top of the Buddha. If he is the guardian of Deal, how can the bad boys be subject to vigilance?

But this is also the edge where the yumi is centered and spun. During the feast, it was to be hoped that further ties would be deepened.

The face of the cook, excluding Nicolas, is one that Ben and the others have already celebrated by the woods. For the first time in months, greetings were exchanged.

Opening the door of "Kimmus's Tail Pavilion" to the side of it, Milan-Math is arrayed on the reception deck.

"Are you here? The Terriers are behind us, so return the stall to you."

"Got it.... Um, thank you for today. Without the Terrier-Mass, the job should be tougher, right?

"Hmm. Easter is over, so there's nothing to be said. I should thank you, though this one you invited to the feast?

Today, however, not only Terrier-Mass was allowed to invite Levi and Late as well. Late's help would have ended with Easter, but there was no mistake that it was a tease to be generous nonetheless.

"... the Terriers were stuffed from morning to night during Easter. Without so much fun, you wouldn't be able to do it."

With that said, Milan-Math looked so grumpy.

"So I sincerely thank you for inviting those guys to a feast by the woods. I'll take care of you, but I'd like to ask you a favor."

"Yes, I look forward to the day when Milan-Math can invite you too"

"You don't get old like me.... well, if you get older and lose your ankles, you'll also be able to have free time"

Milan-Math waved to pay even for the small bugs.

"I said something extra. Are you guys ready for the feast? Just go back to the woods."

"Yes, then, if you'll excuse me."

That's how I turned around behind the inn, where I not only had Levi and Terrier-Mass, but also had Camuer-Josh withholding three Zashmas from Leyt.

"Hey. Hey. Nice to meet you today."

And the guests that were invited out of the city were plentiful.

It will probably be the largest ever, both in terms of numbers and diversity. It was groundbreaking that noble members could still be invited to so many varieties, although it was not the presence of nobles.

(I really care about Tia... I need to change my mind and take care of my time with everyone)

When I thought of it that way, someone approached me with a hooded cape and a tightly hidden face. At the mouth it is even wrapped around the collar, this is Siri-Low.

"What is it, Asta? You look a lot like you think you are."

"Oh, excuse me. It's personal, so don't worry about it."

"Private matter...... still don't you feel comfortable inviting me and others to the woodside every now and then?

Siri-Low was only visible to his eyes, but his muffled face was a voice that could easily be imagined.

"Not at all," I make him laugh.

"I'm so glad to see you all hissing. I'll be careful not to look discouraged, thank you today"

"You don't look discouraged. Instead, I think you look like a soldier coming to battle"

And, Siri-Low overlaps words in an increasingly grumpy manner.

"You don't want to be told by people as unfathomable as I am, but then you will make those around you feel insecure. I want you to reflect deeply on yourself."

Then Roy also approached from behind Siri-Low.

"Are you still talking about something? It was the early point of Siri-Low anyway, wasn't it?

"Oh, Roy. What is an early point?

"No, because Asta only looks stubborn, you seem to be worried that you might be angry with yourself about something. If I was so worried about you, I would have loved you all the time."

"Oh, I wasn't worried about that! I just pointed out that I should behave appropriately as the host of the feast."

"The organizers today are the Lou's, and Asta's like an invitee, too. Damn, you have a big attitude, you're a little cautious in a weird way."

Siri-Low punched Roy's shoulder pompously as he blushed his eyefront. He's like a toddler, he's quite adorable.

"I'm so sorry. There was no such thing as a Siri-Low.... or was there any reason why I should be angry with Siri-Low?

"Well, that's all that prestige from time to time.... So it hurts, idiot"

The way you two twisted each other made me feel warm.

And I'm so sorry to have caused such anxiety to Siri-Low.

(Today is not the day to come again. Then I'll have to spend some time without regrets)

That's obvious, I've been forced to reaffirm it strongly in the last few days.

After smiling at the shadow of Tia floating in my brain, I let the people in front of me laugh too.

"Then shall we leave? Thank you for your patience today."

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