Isekai Ryouridou

Celebration Feast (1) - Recall

Once we returned to the woodland settlement, we sent the people we helped to their respective homes, then we almost went for the castle town in return.

Giza-Lou and Raina-Lou, who had been invited as guests, are going straight from the arena to Castle Genos, so only me and Ai-Fa are going from the woodside. I felt like this was the first time I had ever been to Castle Town by myself with Ai-Fa.

"... well. If it was the two of you, you wouldn't have had a reason to pull the luggage. Are the Giza-Lou and the others preparing their own luggage?

"Yeah. I was putting the two of you on board to compete in the fight in the morning. I'm sure it's the same on the way home."

"If so, should I still leave my luggage? Without a luggage truck, Gill can run faster, so sometimes he's late for his promises."

"Huh? No, but aren't you anxious to get home? Without a luggage truck, you wouldn't even be able to attach a pine light, would you?

"There is no such thing as manipulating the reins while raising the pine lights. Besides, as long as it's moonlight, you don't even need to light a pine light."

"Hmmm...... but since it's quite a distance from Fa's house to Castle Town...... wouldn't my reason work out if I stayed close to Ey-Fa for that long?

"... Asta, get your head out here"

"Oh, no. I will reflect deeply, so please spare me the smell."

And while we were having such fun talking, we were set to go for Castle Town.

If you pass through the Inn Town, drive north and south on the main street again, and turn right west, it's already the castle gate. After entrusting Gill and the luggage car to the guide's martial officer and switching to a fine Totos car, he goes for Castle Genos. It wasn't like that for us to interrupt Castle Town in such a short period of time.

After all, it's also a rare experience to have a Totos car with as many as ten people riding with Ai-Fa. I was in such a hurry this morning that I had an unexpected moment of refreshment.

(So after this, it's the unveiling of the new banquet costume of I-Fa)

When I thought of it that way, I-Fa followed me sideways.

"... what are you looking so loose all by yourself from earlier?

"No, I was just biting off the joy of being by my ai-fa"

"... Asta, get your head out here"

"Yeah? Can't you do that now, too? Because falsehood is a sin, I just uttered my honest feelings..."

Because I didn't give her my head, Ai-Fa took herself out and squirted my head around.

So much less, we arrive at Castle Genos.

For me and I-Fa, it's the third Castle of Genos. It is my third visit to this place, which has long been out of your league, in just over a month. I thought it was all the result of Fermes' plot.

(But well, now that I can taste Dia's cooking, that's a thankful story)

Today, as long as it is unfortunate that we were not accompanied by Tour-Din. The feast dishes and confectionery offered by Dia had to be inquisitively inquisitive, and I had to deliver my thoughts to the many Kamadoku numbers waiting by the woods.

With that in mind, we go up a wide staircase leading to the castle gate. As I deposited my knife in front of the castle gate and stepped behind it, a large number of maids and surnames were still waiting for me today.

"I've been waiting for you. Master Ai-Fa and Master Asta, right? I'll show you to the bathroom."

A pair of samurai and lower-surname lead him to the castle bathhouse.

On that road, Ai-Fa whispered sharply.

"Asta, there are no men today to act with. If anything happens, you'll raise your voice enough to go through the stone walls, right?

"Yeah. I don't think so, but I'll try not to be alarmed."

Even to this stage, I - Fa still had some vigilance left.

But you don't know all the people who visit Castle Genos with us, so I guess that's the right decision. If you think about it with extreme pessimism, there's no chance that Fermes will suddenly reveal his unexpected nature and figure me out.

But after all, there was never such bad luck waiting for me in the bathroom.

I undress by myself, purify myself by myself, and return to the stripper by myself. Then there was prepared the feast costume of the day given by Rittia.

"If you'll excuse me," my first name helps me get dressed tightly. I was inspired by the shaping of the banquet costume.

Things are different from the last banquet costume. It was not a jacquarian-style torso or leg coat, but a fluffy long coat, like polearths and fermes and torsts.

One piece with one top and one bottom, overlaid with something like an open sleeveless gown in front of it. The cloth area is not unusual, but they were both thin materials, so it is not hot and bitter at all. Instead, under it was one lower band, so the wind went out, and it was about very cool.

Besides, it would have been an unbeatable luxury to the former banquet costume because of the spicy embroidery on both the long coat and the top. At the end of the day, he was wearing silver necklaces and arm decorations, which made him feel as if he had become a nobleman.

"Um, is this kind of outfit a traditional thing in the West Kingdom?

When I asked, the boy with the lowest surname complimented me with a "yes," and kept a vermilion armband on his last finish and all. Apparently, this replaces the previously handed out vermilion coat. It is a sign that he is an invited guest from outside the walls.

"Jagal-style outfits are fashionable today, but they are still not obsolete according to tradition.... Is there any disabling under your feet?

"Yes, it doesn't look like I'm going to snap my leg and fall"

Littier used to take our physical measurements, so she felt the same size.

Then the boy with the small surname starts to test my appearance from top to bottom with a serious eye.

"Yes... you are... more like a lot less loose on the length and hem... rude, but is a long time gone since you took your measurements?

"Oh, right. It's been about a year now, so I think it's pretty backward."

"Are you to the left? I don't think we need to re-tailor this banquet costume, but I think we should re-measure it the next time we add a banquet costume."

It seemed to be one of Rittier's feelings whether she would have the next chance to wear a banquet costume.

In any case, there was no problem with the banquet costume this time, so I was guided straight to the refrain. It was not the large room that was appreciated during the early runs, but the room across the street that was used during the dinner party that was invited to Fermes.

"Oh, Asta. Thank you very much."

In that room awaited the faces of Lew's blood family. It was Raina-Lou who welcomed me.

I was supposed to say, "Wow."

"Raina-Lou, too, a lot...... ah, no, nothing"

Remembering the woodland lesson, I swallowed up words of praise. Rayna-Lew blushes a little shy.

"Nor did I consider such feast costumes to be ready. Sounds a lot different from previous balls and suppers."

Raina-Lou also wore a Selva Feast costume today.

But after all, it was extraordinarily vivid compared to the banquet costume I was wearing. While the beauty of the embroidery is reduced, the number of ornaments and the like is not comparable. Rayna-Lew's own long dark hair also seemed to add more color to it. It creates a truly stunning contrast between the shades of long coats with light water colors.

Besides, as in the former banquet costume, the collar is still wide open today. Originally, the women by the woods are usually one figure on the chest, but the valley of the chest will not be so accentuated. There is a slight difference in exposure between the chest wrapped directly next to each other and the collar that depicts the U-shaped line. It was Rayna-Luu, who boasted an exceptional proposition, that wrapped it around, so he was also out of destructive power.

"At the dinner party I was invited to Fermes, too, I was to wrap up my castle town outfit… that was like less decorative from a ballroom banquet costume, wasn't it?

"Ugh, yeah. This is the traditional banquet costume of the West Kingdom today."

Rayna-Lew has a smaller head than I do, so I get in trouble with the way my eyes work.

Raina-Lou noticed that too, pointing to the back of the room, blushing how blushing his cheeks were.

"Come on, go ahead. The women take time to wrap up their banquet costumes, so rest until Ai-Fa arrives."

"Yeah, thanks"

The three remaining men, all sitting in a bench. One bench was just filled with giant Ji-Mayam and small Dim-Rutim.

"Oh, good luck to you both. And congratulations on winning."

"Mm-hmm. It still didn't extend to Sin-Lu, but I think I could do my best"

The first person who responded that way was Ji-Mayam. He is the eldest brother of the Maam main house, with a back length of 190 cm over and a correspondingly tight physique and facade. From what I hear, he talked about being the same age as Dalm-Lou, but he is as penetrating and powerful as he seems to be 20 or 21.

And he was wrapped around a woodland outfit, and the hunter's clothes were undressed, so the bandages on his left shoulder and right knee were revealed.

"Is your injury better? Even if it was wrapped in armor, it must have been quite painful, right?

"It doesn't matter. I still have some pain left now, but it won't interfere with my work tomorrow"

That's right, he was a hunter by the forest.

Besides, he has a soothing look on his face that I don't think he fought hard until a few minutes ago. He is the type of person whose impressions vary greatly during the bare day and during the evening feast.

After all, it is Dim-Rutim.

He doesn't even try to open his mouth in a lettering to, leaning in silence. It was defiant of me and Ai-Fa when we first met, but that should have improved in recent years, so I guess there's something else about the grumpy reason.

"Good luck with Dim-Rutim, too. I'm keeping your word from Dan-Lutim."

"What? What did the previous parents say?

Occasionally, Dim-Rutim put his hips up. On that face, feelings of anticipation and anxiety abound. Since he wounded Dan-Rutim with his own entanglement, he seems to have had strong thoughts after all his misery and grip. Being defiant of Ai-Fa once also means, "I can't believe the women fought Dan-Rutim against each other, etc! Because he remembered.

"Um, Dim-Rutim says he doesn't have to be ashamed of anything because he's growing up fine. Still, if you feel sorry for today's results, you can still compete next year. Dim-Rutim still has a long way to go - that's what Dan Rutim said."

"... well," Dim-Rutim bit his lip.

Dim-Rutim will also be growing fast, but just as still smaller and finer than I am. Plus he looks so cute, he looked like a soggy toddler with that look on his face.

"You are no less than Ji-Mayam, and you would have squeezed the power of that body. I was never ashamed of anyone. After today's feast, go back to Rutim's settlement with your chest up."

"Yes," Dim-Rutim nodded as Giza-Lou called, sitting alone in his long chair. Exactly. Giza-Lou, the sheik's trailer, seems to show a particularly winning attitude.

I'll say hello to Giza-Lou once again.

"Good luck with Giza-Lou, too.... I'm sorry I kind of let you dress like that with our convolutions"

"... this would also be the generosity of the Count Dalaim family, so it cannot be left unscathed"

Giza-Lou is wearing a banquet costume just like me.

Although there are some differences in fabric shades and embroidery designs, they are basically made in the same way. The facade itself is a soft Giza-Lou, so I felt a somewhat more transcendental style than usual.

"I don't know if that would be a compliment, but you look great. It's like nobility or royalty."

"... well. Ji-Mayam lost his laughter."

"And I'm not laughing or anything. I just didn't think he was a hunter."

Ji-Mayam, who was overwhelmed, raises his voice as if he were in a hurry. Exactly. Neither does he, I guess, have a head start on Giza-Lou. Ziza-Lou is the next chief of the clan, but also the brave and the elderly of the blood clan. And if you're a blood family, you should have been reminded of the invisible pressure that Giza-Lou sometimes releases.

"This time, there are no other winners, are there? It was quite lively at Totos' early runs."

"I guess nobility and I are divided into rooms. If you are a nobleman, there is another..."

When Giza-Lou approached him to say so, the door provided in the back wall opened roughly. From there emerged Dawn, the leader of the Red Fang.

"Oh, have you finally arrived! That's a lot of early reunion!

"Oh, thank you. Congratulations on winning this prize.... you had a room there too."

"Hmm! I left you a costume smell! You can't look crude in front of a nobleman!

Dawn sounded a laugh worthy of that extravagant look.

Last time it was a red and black stripe, but today it's a black waterball pattern outfit on the red ground. The collar wrap around the neck and the frills is alive and well, and it is not too absurd. Moreover, he was the owner of such a robust stature that Giza-Lou could not beat him.

"Ri, that's a fine feast costume. I didn't know you had any banquet costumes."

"Banquet costume? I'm always like this! Don't wear the same pattern of armor during battle!

"Yeah? Is that a waterball patterned armor?

"Uhm! I have to show them how much I work on the battlefield! But your armor is not allowed to be used in the arena because of its many decorations! Damn, that's a loud thing!

Dawn laughed with a face full of ancient scratches as he shook his upside-down redhead like a lion.

"By the way, what happened to their beautiful daughter? When I heard he was invited to the feast tonight, I kept my heart playing!

"Oh yes, I-Fa was currently in the midst of a summons change... Um, do you remember the woodland mastery...?

"It doesn't matter! You should take great care not to bring praise to your daughter!

Jiza-Lou and Ji-Mayam and Dim-Rutim are watching about Dawn with an untouched face. Last time it was something with social faces like Rudd-Lou and Dari-Sauti and Schmiral-Lilyn - even without those people sticking around, there seemed to be no inconvenience on Dawn's side.

(Well, Dawn's not a bad person either. There won't be any rashes)

When I thought of it that way, the door on the side of the corridor was knocked.

"Excuse me. We have guided you."

The door opens and Ai-Fa enters the room with guidance from the samurai.

So I was, like, accidentally breathtaking.

It is a Selva-style banquet costume, similar to Raina-Lou.

A thin long coat and top wrap around the limbs of an eye-fa moist. The shade is pastel green with a front opening top in peppermint green and an unlimited number of one-piece long coats in close proximity to white.

The embroidery is also green-based, with a vibrant wine red woven thread sewn into the fortress. Silver ornaments twinkled in the ears, throat and wrist, and numerous ornaments folded into loose golden brown hair - and on the right temple, the clear flower hair ornaments I gave them glowed.

Also, my blue stone ornament has been lowered to my wide open chest. It is an arrangement of castle townships with silver chain embellishments on the strings.

I guess they don't wear makeup or anything. But the face of the originally terminal Ey-Fa looks so beautiful and so glossy. The golden brown eyelashes that twisted both eyes cut up like that bobcat, the petal pink lips and the spotless brown skin - it was like everything was glowing.

Besides, is it because you are more slender and taller than Raina-Lou? Despite wrapping loose long clothes, the graceful curvature of Ai-Fa's limbs felt more accentuated than usual.

This may also have the effect that the material of the outfit is extremely thin. Even though it is not perfectly attached to the limb of the eye-fa, it can easily be visualized by the lines of the cumbersome hips and even by the footsteps that follow from there. It was a really strange effect to say that the exposure was much less than usual, but that the silhouette would be accentuated if done.

"Are you... ai-fa?

It was Ji-Mayam who crushed him flashly.

As the samurai leaves the room with a gratuity, Ai-Fa looks at you in a long way.

"You forgot to look at my face? Though the moon is a lot empty, it's a lot to say."

"Yes, no, that face is definitely EY-FA... um, this surprised me"

I took my eyes off Ey-Fa and turned my gaze towards everyone else.

Ji-Mayam has the expression as imagined from his voice and words, and Dim-Rutim has a pompous mouth open. Giza-Lou just keeps her usual deposition, and Raina-Lou has a strangely satisfying look on her face as to why.

And behind that, Dawn was laughing a lot.

"Uhm! It's so beautiful - oh, no, it's nothing! I was ready for my heart, but you're still as comfortable as I thought you were!


"Was your name Ai-Fa? Come on, you need to relax, too! It won't be long before the feast begins!

"Uhm," he nodded small, ai-fa layering his hands around the bottom of his navel and began to walk snuggly.

As the appearance rose, Ai-Fa frowned at Urunou.

"What is it? You seem to be complaining about my behavior."

"So, 'cause isn't that weird! You must have been more of a hunter-like bunch of women!

As Dim-Rutim raised his voice full of confusion, Ai-Fa tilted his neck slightly. Even such tricks make me look graceful and pathetic.

"I was previously made aware of the behavior of the lady as I dived into the noble mansion. I thought I should follow that lesson when wearing a castle costume, but also complain about it?

"Yes, no, I'm not complaining..."

"Then we won't have to disturb the signs."

I = fa stopped perfectly at my place when I let him resume walking.

"... how can you even look at me like that?

"Oh, no, I just thought the Castle Town banquet costume was fresh."

Ai-Fa took a few steps forward, turned her back on everyone, and then whispered to me.

"You, too, look peculiar.... but this time there's nothing cramped at all, so I'm happy about that too"

That's how I took my face off my ear, Ai-Fa smiled rather than grinning.

That's probably just delightful that the feast costume wasn't cramped - it was destructive enough to skewer my heart.

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