Isekai Ryouridou

Day Between ① - AM -

Even that morning, I was supposed to wake up in the sweet scent.

This means that Ai-Fa is snuggling in perfectly. When I opened my eyelids in a happy mood, there was a golden brown shimmer swirling there, as I had expected.

I = fa had his head on my left shoulder, dressed almost like a hug. Those hands are plugged into my right flank, my legs are clutching to my left leg, and my half lying limb snuggles softly against my right half - like a hug, not a complete hug. I was asleep feeling unhappy, and just as my head awoke, my heart began to burst with embarrassment.

"Oh, hey, Ai-Fa. Looks like it's morning."

When I spoke like that, Ai-Fa twisted her limbs over me as she raised her voice like a grumpy toddler. Naturally, the intimate part generates an unpleasant sensation, how disturbing my mind is.

"I = fa, in the morning. What's wrong with your usual bedtime routine?

Still, when I kept speaking up, I - Fa kept snuggling up on me and crawling up there. That's how my head is in the same position. At which height, it slips a smooth cheek through my cheek. I was already in a state of desperation.

"Ho, what's really going on? Are you physically ill, too?

"... nothing like that"

and the low voice of Ai-Fa echoes from close range. It seemed as if the voice of Ai-Fa would echo into his head because his cheeks were still stuck or even because of the action of bone conduction.

"It's just... it's hitting the finish"

"Yes, the aftertaste?

"Hmmm... it's only this waking time that I can make contact with you like this..."

It was simply a story about how we made our own arrangements. We still can't give you a wedding, we shouldn't touch the groan, but let's take a big look this morning or so to heal Tia's sense of loss - a secret promise between me and I-Fa.

That's how I = fa tasted the aftertaste on me, even for a few minutes.

I thought I'd stopped squeezing my cheeks, and now they'd push my forehead around my temples, or they'd squeeze my shoulders with their supple fingertips - and to be honest, it was like I was being tested for how much reason I could keep.

But also, to make it painful, never.

More than that, I couldn't wait for Ai-Fa to expose my weakness and sweeten me like this.

Just as I think of Ai-Fa as the most loving thing in the world, Ai-Fa also thinks of me. The warmth and sweetness of Ey-Fa made me feel it.

(I wonder if Tia would fit in by now, when she was waking up and talking to her family...)

It was half as comfortable as being pulled back into a dream, and when I blurted out and thought like that, the smell and warmth of I-Fa went away sooo far.

"Uhm...... thanks to Asta I was able to get a healthy wake today"

An eye-fa clad on the rug smiles happily as she lifts her naturally dripping golden brown hair.

By the morning sun that plunged through the window, its appearance shimmered more beautifully than anything else.

I wake up half-hearted and make Ai-Fa laugh at me as I'm made to be intoxicated again by that look.

"If Ai-Fa is satisfied, it's above all.... but since Tia's gone, it's time for a month."

"Uhm. Just tomorrow, let's be a month"

Ai-Fa lay her eyes down and dropped the tone of her voice a lot. With an extraordinary memory, Ai-Fa remembered the date well.

"... I'm about to have a month and I still can't get my mind on it, am I still weak?

And I = fa stares at me, leaning down, nagging for a long time. This is also a face that you will never show where the other eye is.

Loving it, I made him say, "That's not true."

"That's all Tia's presence mattered to us.... Yesterday, the crackle made me talk about Tia out of other people's mouths."

"Mm-hmm. So I may have remembered Tia's presence more clearly, too"

Ai-Fa, along with a small exhale, spilled the word.

"But I have you. Guess it's not the right thing to have this feeling forever"

"I wonder. But anyway, I don't think humans are absolutely right that way."

I let him answer like that.

"Besides, I don't think I'm right. I'm glad to hear that Tia was so important to Ai-Fa."

Ai-Fa stared me in the face for a while before holding me fluffy.

Once again, the warmth of I-Fa is delivered to my body, which was still left over from the excess heat. I = fa exactly held my body for about five seconds, with a softness that was not always there, before letting myself go.

"... I'm not going to listen to you complain because the embrace now is brought from your words and attitudes"

That being said, Ai-Fa smiled with a grin.

I am full of creativity in the comfort of carpet bombing in the morning.

"Well, that's your morning job. There's a lot of washing today, among other things, so there's no need to be sloppy."

The laundry was piled yesterday because we welcomed the Alvach and the others as guests.

Leave the sati sleeping under the pillow and bring the iron pan or wood dish out the front door. The braves, who jumped out of the dirt, found a huge luggage truck sitting in front of their mother's house, tilting their necks.

"Oh, are the Praticas still asleep?"

It was a luggage truck that was left behind as a sleeping place for the Platicas. It was in this format that they were supposed to reveal the night, as Rico once did.

This, by the way, is the luggage car used by Gerd's mission to bring in the ingredients. Since the carrier is made of sturdy wood, this would not expose it to the threat of Giva, Mundt or Geez.

And the carrier, two coupled. Even a huge two-headed luggage truck is twice its normal capacity. If it wasn't for Gerd's huge tototoss, it must have been hard to pull something like this and run for a month.

"Pratica, Nicola, it's morning. Are you awake?

With kindness, I decided to knock on the door of my luggage.

After a while, the door is pushed open from the inside. From there emerged the giant head of Totos with gray-brown feathers. I said, "Wow!," he was to butt on the spot, twitching.

"What are you doing? The Praticas will be our carriers."

The door of the carrier on the opposite side was opened at the same time that Ai-Fa made a frightened voice. It is rarely Pratica who has come out of you.

"Scream, I'm surprised. Asta, are you okay?

"Yes. I accidentally spoke to Totos' sleeping carrier."

Totos is also dangerous to reveal the night outdoors, and since there was no room to keep two huge tototosses, they were also supposed to sleep on the carrier.

Gerd's tototoss, with only his neck out the door, is looking down at me with far sharper eyes than Gill. Fortunately, they were not seen as enemies. If it had been followed by such a sharp beak, it would have been catastrophic.

"Good morning, Ai-Fa, Asta. Wash, I'll help."

"Mm-hmm. That's the deal."

Ai-Fa nodded to Eagle Deep Fried as he lowered the overlaid iron pan to the ground. It is a solemn face whose sweet appearance until just now is like a lie. And to me they were both loving and irresistible eye-fa figures.

Following Pratica, Nicolas the Nebula also crawls out of the carrier. She also revealed the night in her luggage car to take a tour of the morning preparations. It was with respect that the curly hair of the twirl stood in a proper sleep.

Exactly because the amount of washing was unusual today, I will use my luggage car to go for the water field. To a sight quite unusual, the Braves were shaking and following.

In the water field, I warmed up my interactions with the folks of Fou and Run, and if I went back to my house, I would take a bath and pick up firewood next.

That's right, Nicola was resisting a water bath in the river. While Ai-Fa and Pratica are taking a water bath, it's a public story with me with giant rocks on my back. Think of it, this was my first experience talking to Nicolas in person.

"... Does Master Asta know my qualities?

Nicola asked me that, so I honestly asked her yes.

"But you found that out at a previous feast. Camua-Josh told me."

"... not Master Jan or Master Polearth, but that one?

"Yes, Jan or Polearth would have liked to avoid making an extra impression. I don't care."

"... Really? I was questioned about my birth by Lady Pratica last night to speak of it. I thought it would be unreasonable to keep what I told Lady Pratica hidden from you... but you seemed unnecessarily worried."

"Yes, but I'm glad you tried to tell me that."

That said, when I made him laugh, Nicola turned away with a grumpy face.

"… I am a sinner. Will you allow people like me to go in and out of the woods in the future?

"Was Nicolas's sin redeemed for being stripped of his status as a nobleman? There are also many people by the woods who have redeemed their sins that way. Forestside people don't denigrate their opponents for past sins."

It was also a meaningful moment for me to reveal my feelings with Nicolas that way.

After the i-fa's, I cleaned myself up, too, and if I'm done collecting firewood and vanilla, I'll take a look at the stall business.

Exactly. I can't get the Praticas to help me with this job, so I'll get a thorough tour here. And even today, the people of the clan, who are in the period of rest, were to come in large numbers.

"Oh. Day-Ravitz is here again."

When Ai-Fa called it that way, Day-Ravitz snorted "Hmm".

"I'm heading out to the lodging town, it's a passing pass.... Yesterday, my eldest brother took care of me."

"Mm-hmm. I haven't seen myself, but I hear you've been watching Kamado-number training in the Lew family. Does he have a high interest in delicious food?

"Hmm. What do you say?"

Day-Ravitz's attitude remained the same, but compared to before, he feels so actively speaking to Ai-Fa. That alone would be a big step.

Also today, Naham's youngest sister and a man named his eldest sister's companion were on the move. The eldest sister was seen as having a terribly strict temper, but the companion looked large and tender, as if she were about to take a hanging.

Also, memes and sung people are coming not least. At this number, they can only see through the windows and entrances of Kamadu's cabin, but they still visit Fa's house.

"As I heard rumors, this is a lot of noise. It's like we're getting ready for a feast."

"Uhm. And this is, is it, every day? Street commerce is about creating a lot of wealth... but it still means there's no easy work."

"Plus, I hear Fa's house doesn't get that much wealth because they're paying copper coins to the helpers. So, Fa's house… not for our own wealth, but for the wealth of the extra clan and spreading the taste of delicious Giva cuisine in the lodging town, which means this much hardship"

"And then, to bond right with the people in town,"

I was immersed in the work, but I could hear words like that from all over the place.

The men by the woods should not only see the state of the stalls, but also the preparations underneath them - and who was the first to say it? That was a long time ago, so my memory was fading, too.

Whatever, I guess that was the right suggestion. The people of Moribe were to fully affirm business in the boarding town at last year's Parents' Conference, but they still have to constantly look at whether they are really on the right path.

"... the people of the woods, the transformation, you're still hungry."

Pratica, who was eagerly peering into my hand, snapped at the sieve. After all, I guess the words of the noisy men outside Kamadu's cabin got to my ear.

I turned to you and made you laugh "yes".

"As long as you're alive, I'm sure everyone's in the midst of transformation. I think the people by the woods who made their way big have a lot of amplitude."

"… transformation, esteemed temperament, preferred, I think"

Pratica said so, glowing her purple eyes hard.

Pratica, who is Gerd's cook but has learned a lot in the western kingdom, is also a temper to honor change, I guess.

"Speaking of which, they revealed the birth of Nicolas and you last night. I'd love to hear about Platica's birth someday."

"... last night, Dawn, I just crushed time, because I couldn't sleep very well. Me, birth, etc., worth talking about, not"

"That's not true. I can't believe you've been wandering the West Kingdom for three years, isn't that all you've got to do with your tumultuous life?"

Pratica stared at my face and then eventually said.

"Well, you too, let me ask you something."

"Is that about my birth?

"Yes, otherwise, it's unfair"

Pratica walked away to the Yun-Sudra's wrapping 'Giba-Man' as they were, wondering if he had turned his back on her.

Is my birth - worth talking about?

Speaking of which, I've barely even told Ai-Fa about my hometown. Because Ey-Fa said there was no need to be caught in the past, and I thought it would be inexplicable to try it on me or to talk about my hometown that I would never be able to return to.

(But... I don't know about that)

If you want to talk about my birth, I want you to hear that too, Ai-Fa.

With that thought bitten off, I was going to finish my job.

"See you in Accommodation Town!

While we were loading our bags, the rest of our clans were walking away.

Looks like there were two empty cars for shopping, and the people who couldn't even get in there are going to the lodging town on foot. It was also roughly the rough business of the men carrying the women of their families and going on a run. Like Ravitz's eldest brother yesterday, I guess he also combines his training as a hunter.

We'll be in the lodging town once we get to the settlement of Lou.

When we arrived at Kimmus' Tail Pavilion, Levi greeted us with a smile "like".

"The folks from the woods are here today to keep their luggage with Totos. It's been a long day."

"Yeah. I have work to do at home even during the rest period, so you're going down to town in turn."

And they stayed in the lodging town until near dusk, so they also kept their tototosses and luggage properly in the lodging room.

That happens with a deposit rent, and they can buy out daytime meals in the street. At some cost, they're working hard to find out more about the Inn Town. Guided by the young people of the Inn Town, whom I met with the introduction of Yumi and Levi, they should have gone to the shops on the back streets, the squares and the cathedrals and - once - the places where we took our feet.

(That blush is Ravitz's blood clan, meme and sung, which were, among other things, thin with the Inn Town. I wonder if this is how the people of the northern settlements and the people of Gaz and Beim and Rats and the people of Sawty and Die will interact more)

Of course, the people of those clans were actively testing the lodging towns on Easter holidays. But after all, it would be difficult to spend so much intensive time without the arrival of a period of rest spanning half a month. Also, as busy as Easter was, knowing a mediocre lodging town was supposed to be a meaningful thing.

"... asta. Once we say goodbye."

and to a predetermined space in the outdoor area. In addition, Pratica has told us that Near the center of the outdoor shopping area, we arrived at what should also be known as the joint street village of the inn.

"Today, this place, cooking, I want to test, I think"

"I understand. Do you remember the name of my favorite inn?

"Yes," The Great Tree Pavilion of the South, "" The Grace Pavilion of Tanto, "and" The Stuff Pavilion of Alou. "

Each stall has its own name on it. If Nicolas accompanies him, he can read it.

"Of course there will be other stalls selling fine food. Do yourself a favor."

"Yes, but to cook, eat, be full and avoid by the woods"

"Huh? Will you buy me a dish here as well?

To my words, Pratica glanced sharply at both eyes.

"Look down, unfamiliar dishes, I discovered. There, don't eat, you can't."

Today, I'm going to serve "Pasta with Meat Sauce" to the crackers.

I laughed and let Pratica wave.

"Thank you. It shouldn't even sell out by half an hour downstairs, so by then, please."

"I understand. Okay, just now."

After breaking up with the Platicas like that, this is business too.

Today's daily menu was "Fried and Grilled Giva", which Pratica once also ate. It's been about ten days since then, and we're going to be offering this popular menu again.

With regard to new ingredients, they were refrained from use until they were officially put up for sale in the boarding town. Such flying should be avoided and lukewarm, as it was natural to call for a reputation if novel ingredients were used. We had to compete with the Federation of Inns in dignity and flavor.

(Well, I guess when new ingredients are put up for sale, it will be me and Jan again handing it off for use... thats it, this is it)

Since the job is a formal request from Castel Genos, wages will of course also accrue. Then it wasn't even a complaining muscle.

Open the stall and customers will push in the same momentum. So far, there is no real sense that guests' feet have fallen due to the influence of that street village over there. So no one is losing money because it was a story that we were going to make a lot of sales there.

But - what does it mean that even though the sales over there are raw, this one doesn't go down?

It could no longer only be assumed that the crowd of the Inn Town itself was rising daily.

Last year is better than last year, and this year is more than last year, the number of people visiting Genos is increasing. Also, the residents of the Inn Town may be buying snacks more frequently in the stalls, which seemed no surprise because the quality of snacks in the stalls has improved dramatically compared to about two years ago.

"... Asta at Fa's house. Good luck with your work."

And by the time the first peak of the morning passed, a new group guest came to visit.

It is a line of missions that have brought Gerd's ingredients to Genos. They were spending time outside the walls, as Alvach had declared, so that they could visit our stalls at noon.

All of them are giant, mountain people. Even the smallest humans will never go down 180 centimeters, and the giants of Alvach Naomi will be tempted. That was supposed to happen, too, and they were in what was called a soldier in Gerd.

Gerd is a land pattern unrelated to the so-called war because of his separation from the hostile country Jagal. However, there are outlaws in Gerd, in Mahydra and in Selva. There seems to be a great deal of banditry and banditry, especially since Gerd is an area bordering the territory with both Mahydra and Selva.

It will be the role of Gerd's soldiers to protect their territory and their people from such outlaws.

Also, when it was off duty, it was a story of doing hunting work in Snow Mountain, so the power was origami.

There are exactly thirty such swelling men in total.

It was a story that Gerd's mission had brought in ingredients for thirty baggage cars, but as proved at Fa's house in the morning, it is linking the two baggage cars. That means there will be fifteen of you. Fifteen more were accompanied by your replacement personnel and luggage watchmen.

"Oil, aroma, aroma. This is us, first sight, isn't it?

A representative of the mission asks. Because of his status as a soldier, he deals with polite western language, just like Pratica and prairie merchants. But that was something that would dissipate quite a bit of force. Either way, he is a giant two meters tall.

"Yes, this dish will be fried and grilled with Giva meat in oil. And then there's this" pasta with meat sauce "and... and that juicy dish called" cream stew "should be your first look."

"I understand. First of all, we will buy those three types, for the number of people."

A representative sends instructions in the eastern language. Because he is a people of the western kingdom and the itchy thin Gerd, the majority cannot handle the words of the west.

"Forestside food, all excellent, I think. Us, the ingredients you carried, the use, not yet?

"Yes, before you all leave Genos, you just want to show off"

"Yes, we strongly hope"

Saying in a heavier voice than Alvach, the person gave me a salute.

(Out of the blue, thanks to these people, I don't think we should be losing our sales)

Anyway, they eat as well as they look. At least four to five dishes are filled with pepper. That's thirty people, so they should have contributed a lot to the sales as well.

(But if these people leave Genos, I guess another will come from another land. Even if it's only during the rainy season, I guess the Inn Town is getting busier and busier)

The streets of Accommodation Town were still busy today enough to inspire such thoughts.

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