Isekai Ryouridou

Count Turan's Dinner Party • - Wish

"... Is that a word directed at me?

With a missing voice of emotion, Melfried asked.

Chiffon-Cher nods "Yes......" while kneeling on a carpet with long hairy feet. To that appearance, Refraia raised her voice.

"Yes, what are you saying all of a sudden, Chiffon-Cher? This is the first son of the Marquis de Genos, isn't it?

"I am aware... that it is never forgivable that I, etc. who will be made a samurai and enslaved, wish to give words to the noble one as such... but how can I not hope for forgiveness...?

Refraia tried to get up by kicking the chair.

Melfried, put your right hand around it and make it stop.

"His master is your Princess Lifreia. Without the permission of her master, Princess Lifreia, what kind of observation would it be to wish for a dialogue with me?

"Yes... this is my unsolicited behavior. Master Refraia is not guilty of anything… please include that…"

"Stop, Chiffon-Cher! What the hell are you doing!?

Now it was time for Refraia to stand up and grabbed that arm as Tolst next door panicked.

"Oh, calm down, Princess Lifreia. It's in front of your guests."

"But -!" cried Refraia, turning a bright blue face.

I don't understand one thing or the other. It was completely out of my imagination that Chiffon-Cher, who had a more boring temper than anyone else, would go into such action.

Other people, too, have been quieted down like they hit the water.

In the meantime, the words of Chiffon-Cher, who lay down his face, sounded low.

"I have been allowed to transfer God to the Southern God… and after that, whether I am allowed to work as a samurai under Master Refraia… I wanted to ask you that…"

"Ugh," Melfried also replied low.

Gray cold eyes look at Chiffon-Cher as they explore.

"Did they disrupt this meeting place to ask such questions?

"Yes... any punishment will be spoiled... I just hope you manage to answer..."

"It is such a story that we should first seek forgiveness from our master, Princess Lifreia. This is not the kind of place to talk about leaving your husband behind."

"Master Refraia... desires me to live in the land of Jagal... and therefore did not reveal my heart..."

It was Eurifia who raised his voice, "Oh".

"That doesn't really make sense. Didn't Refraia treasure you a lot?

"... Eurifia, not so slightly mouth-watering"

"But isn't it strange that you're listening in silence?

Then Tolst, who was suppressing Refraia, stood up eating the bubble.

"Ha, I'm so sorry for your loss! Please wait while the ladies leave immediately!

"Hmm. I guess we should work that out first"

When Melfried responded as such, there were those who spoke "no".

He was immovable, like an obsidian statue, in Alvach.

"I, interesting, am listening. If I can, I want to keep asking, asking, wishing."

"… but I think this is the kind of story we're going to tell the Gerd people."

"But we, we listened. At the end of the day, unknowingly, you will take home deep doubts"

With that said, Alvach looked back at the straw Nanaqem.

"Nanaquem, Your Highness, what do you think?

"I, Alvach, agree. The people of the North, the Southern God, transferring God, interesting, thought, therefore"

Melfried looked sharply at Gerd's guests for a while before eventually accepting.

"I understand. Now, please forgive my ear fouling often.... What is your intention, samurai, to slander Princess Lifreia?

"Absolutely not... I admire Master Lifreia... so I want to work as a samurai even after transferring God..."

"Then why don't you wish it on Princess Lifreia?

"That's... to think that Master Refraia would never forgive me for that..."

I don't know what Chiffon-Cher looks like because he's laying on the ground.

The voice was just so gentler and softer than usual.

"Lord Refraia sincerely blessed us in transferring God to the Southern God... and now I too am allowed to live free from the body of slavery with my family and compatriots... and rejoice in it, as I do..."

"Are you willing to let that temper go?

"Yes… I wish to be with Master Lifreia…"

"What are you talking about!" and Refraia raged again.

"Stay by my side, it won't be anything! Your brother and compatriots are going to live a new life in Jagal!? So just you, if you stay in Genos... you don't stay alone!

"No... I have Lady Refraia... plus Lady Musul, Lady Sanjula and Lady Tolsto... never alone..."

"It doesn't bother us to replace our family! No, you have a real family, you don't need a replacement for your family! You should live happily ever after with your precious family!

"I also wanted my brother and compatriots to be happy… but that can be achieved by transferring God to the Southern God…"

"Wait," Melfried said.

"Weren't they allowed to face Turan's family and compatriots the other day?

"Yes... for the first time in six years, you have allowed me to interact with my brother and compatriots..."

"Still, it didn't come down to wanting to live with your family and fellow countrymen?

"Again, it must be one happy raw... but I want to be... more than that, beside Lord Refraia..."

Melfried said, with an increasingly sharp eye.

"Has he already communicated his feelings to his family and compatriots?

"Yes… you should decide your own path… my brother and compatriots also said so…"

"How could you!," Refraia stood up and stepped on the estate.

It's as if he's gone back to being a princess with eclampsia.

But in his pale eyes, tears were engulfing him.

"Is it my father who bought you as slaves? There's no way you could be happy by my side like that!

"By the time I become the Son of the Southern God, I will have peace of mind… Then I want to see Master Lifreia's happy life next…"

With that said, Chiffon-Cher finally turned up.

Being in a kneeling position, he is dressed to look up at Refraia. Those purple eyes also had tears of transparency.

"We will be the unacceptable, western and northern men of intercourse… but if I become the southern man, I will no longer have to falsify my heart… I desire to be involved in the life of Master Lifreia as one person…"

"Do you admire Leflaia so much?

In a voice containing a smile, Eurifia asked as such.

Now Melfried doesn't want to blame it either, he just stares wholeheartedly at Chiffon-Cher.

Chiffon-Cher nodded, "Yes…" without hesitation.

"I will be twenty-four years old, but I have been put to work as a slave since I was ten years old... and about six years ago I was separated from my brother and compatriots to work in this mansion... in the meantime, my heart has frozen... I have not been able to know if I am happy or unhappy, nor have I found the meaning of being alive... nor have I suffered enough to choose to die myself... I have just lived like a drift..."

Speaking that way, Chiffon-Cher slowly looked back at Refraia.

"It is Master Refraia who has broken my frozen heart like that... who, bearing different afflictions, has managed to restore righteousness and the words of Master Refraia... at last, he has also brought my heart back to life..."

"I... have done nothing. I just couldn't do anything for you."

Refraia responded that way with a weak voice.

Tears spilled from his eyes finally convey a smoother cheek.

"No..." Chiffon-Cher smiled, staring at Refraia like that.

"The very existence of Master Refraia has been a great salvation for me... so I want to see what kind of raw life Master Refraia is going to send..."

"Stay with me... there's no way you'll be happy."

Tears dripped from the deeply nagging eyes of Lifreia, pounding.

Just the same tears are spilling out of Chiffon-Cher's eyes staring at it.

"Even in distant lands, my family ties will never be broken... I am Eleo's sister until that moment when I give my soul back... but if I leave Genos, I will be cut off from my fringe with Master Refraia... to me, it is intolerable..."

"I see," the sound-colored voice of the sweet cello was lifted to his lid.

Previously kept silent, it is Fermes. The hazel eye looked very interesting comparing the appearance of Refraia and Chiffon-Cher.

"Indeed, even if your Chiffon-Cher works as a samurai in Genos, it will be difficult to return home to his brother, who lives in Jagal. But if you were to live in Jagal yourself, you wouldn't be allowed to visit Genos, would you? As such, it's about pedestrians who cross the country, so it should be hard to squeeze out travel expenses and time."

"... but is it permissible in the first place, such as for a man who was once a people of the North to work in Genos?

When Melfried asked in a chilling voice, Fermes said, "Come on?" and smiled like a bad fairy.

"Make it an oligarchy, I don't know any such precedent. However, once you are the son of the Southern God, you will not be able to forbid you from working in the Kingdom of the West. It's not uncommon for a southerly people to sit back in the western kingdom, such as the cook Vulcan's apprentice Bozzle and the architects who took on the task of rebuilding Turan."

"Is that what Lord Fermes, the king's diplomat, thinks?

"Yes. What do the Gerd people think?

"Uhm," Alvach concurred heavily.

"The land of Gerd, the exotic people, dwelling, I don't think. But Jagal, throw it away, the people of the west, or the people of the north, the unusual man, the territory of the east, to dwell, if you wish... reason to repel, I don't think"

"Yeah. That's what transferring God means. Forsake the Northern God. If that Chiffon-Cher resents the Kingdom of the West, let him crush his soul after death. It's nothing more than a new act of betrayal of the Southern gods."

After saying it that way, Fermes smiled with a grin.

"Whether your Chiffon-Cher is trying to avenge the kingdom of the west until you put your soul to it....... well, let's be clear from anyone's eyes. I don't think there's any reason to avoid it."

"… but I have not been given the authority to judge it in such a place. Also, for whatever reason, it is not allowed to disrupt the meeting place for the samurai."

Melfried, the keeper of the law, looked at Chiffon-Cher with a harsh eye.

At the same time, a large figure pops out from behind the screen. It was a muscle that, unfortunately, lost its complexion.

"Please forgive me, Lord Melfried! It is all my responsibility that Chiffon-Cher has extended to such imitation!

"Musulu. Are you also willing to disrupt the meeting place?

"Yes! I want to bear that sin until the minute of Chiffon-Cher!

Musul tried to round his big body and knelt next to Chiffon-Cher.

"Even after transferring God to Jagal, I was the one who hoped to hold Chiffon-Cher as a samurai! But no matter how many times I offered to do so, the princess did not try to listen! Chiffon-Cher must have caught a glimpse of that somewhere! So I thought about it, and it went into this kind of imitation!

"Those are more disturbed than anyone else. Calm down and explain the jewelry."

"Yes... the princess should also have wanted Chiffon-Cher to serve beside her. But the princess was blocking her feelings because Chiffon-Cher said spending time with her family and compatriots was supposed to be her best happiness. It was I who planned it, and I prayed directly to the Marquis of Genos for forgiveness."

Tears also dripped from the eyes of Musul, who spoke thus.

"I was speaking with my servant Sanjula last night about the plot. We were waiting for the end of this dinner party to meet Lord Melfried.... Chiffon-Cher must have gotten a glimpse of that too. So this is how I made a rude imitation so that I and Sanjula wouldn't get tired of it. … Chiffon-Cher is that kind of daughter."

"... Sanjula, is there any falsehood in your current words?

In response to Melfried's voice, Sanjula also appeared from behind the screen.

And he, on the spot, kneels with respect.

"False, no.... and I, Chiffon-Cher, was listening, I knew"

"Hey, what? You didn't say a word about that!

"Yes. Chiffon-Cher, if you were prepared, you would confess yourself, I thought. We, Refraia's mood, I just thought, Chiffon-Cher's mood, I wasn't sure, so I should, I thought."

Sanjula bowed her head deeper than anyone else.

"Also, we, Chiffon-Cher, speak better, the truth arrives, I was thinking. All sins, are on me. Chiffon-Cher and Musul, forgive me, I hope."

Psst, that sounded crazy.

Seeing it, Alvach covers the lower half of his face with a large flat hand reminiscent of Tarantula. Melfried and the others looked back, Alvach said in a slightly trembling voice while retaining that odd pose.

"Count Turan's family, his servants, are delighted. I smile, I can see, I'm desperate."

"... If you can think of this ugliness as a pleasant pastime, you will rather be fortunate"

Melfried was sighing deeply.

Then he raises his voice so that Nanaqem can take it back.

"Alvach, disrespectful, but I, in the same mood. Also delightful, at the same time, warm mood, gaining. We, emotions, spills, humiliations, contemplations, but emotions, because of their weight. … those, moderate, may have torn, but personable, preferred"

"Um. Today, we are the guest of honor. None of this noise, mood, reason for harm. Wishes, their people, I want punishment, forgiveness."

That's what Alvach said as he lowered his big palm.

The three squires are kneeling on their carpets, and Refraia is spilling tears without words. After looking around at those figures, Melfried sighed again.

"One thing now, I'll let you prejudge it at a later date.... Torsto."


"Until Princess Lifreia's feelings have settled, you should partition this place. Samurai, show Princess Lifreia to the separate room."

"Yes......" Chiffon-Cher stood up.

Those eyes wet in tears look down at Lifreia with mercy.

"Let's come, Master Refraia... I am so sorry..."

"... idiot, are you..."

Saying in a blurry voice, Lifreia grabbed Chiffon-Cher's wrapped long coat.

It was as if the toddler, who was lost in the way, had finally reached his mother.

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