Isekai Ryouridou
Return feast, again (3) -Luxury tasting
First, two kinds of dishes were arranged on the rug by the hands of the surnames.
It is a small quantity when I look at the taste, but it is difficult because it is this number. It is common to wash and use wooden dishes around the forest, but there is probably a huge amount of dishes in the castle town.
"Mm-hmm. First of all, it seems to be a dedication that corresponds to appetizers and soup dishes."
Porcus laughed and said so.
As a result, Fermez smiled pitifully.
"Both of these seem to be dishes that I can eat. I'm always grateful for the consideration Astas give us."
"No, I think the ingredients from Geld go well with seafood ingredients."
Arranged on the rug was a "lionnaire juice" in the "Salad of Siima and Gigo". The former is Reina Lou and the latter is a dish made in my compartment.
In the case of Daikon, Shima and Yamamoto, Gigo was cut into rectangles as they were raw, and a special dressing of Myan and dried kiki was hung on top of them.
It goes without saying that it goes well with dried kiki when it comes to large leaves and when it comes to plums. Non-oil healthy dressing with tau oil, sugar, white mammalian vinegar and panem honey.
Rio is a river fish that resembles Ivana. And he minced his body, and mixed the root of Kel in the case of ginger, and Myan in the case of large leaves, and Jurah Pa in the case of green onions, and made it a spring onion of the pinch juice. And the other ingredients were Sheimah, and Yural Pa, and Pepe when Nilah.
As for the juice, the jaw is enriched by anella, seasoned with miso, tau oil, fish soy, hobo oil, and nyata distilled liquor, and the pepper is prepared as a seasoning afterwards. Since the use of the razor was modest, the material seemed so clear that it was tailored refreshingly while pursuing depth and richness.
I'll explain all this to you before I eat. This feast was also part of the job because it had the backdrop theme of how Geld's ingredients would be used.
People are eating satisfactorily.
And Alvach, who cooked first, compared me to Fermez.
"The feast has just begun, and long words should be avoided. Will some criticism be allowed until the next dish is served?
"Yeah, what happened?"
After Fermez's smiling words, Alvach spoke.
Along the way, Nanaqem said, "It's long enough," but Alvach's mouth didn't stop. Later the words were interpreted by Fermez.
"Asta is good at finely chopping and shaping meat, but this dish is full of it. It is believed that Rio de Janeiro is a less flavorful river fish, but the roots of Myan, Yural Pa and Kerr, which have strong flavors, enhance it without killing the flavors of Rio de Janeiro. Moreover, it is a new discovery that the roots of Myanmar and Kerr serve to reconcile so far. Also, the broth is perfectly supported by the fish stock that becomes aneros, and the various seasonings are in excellent harmony. On top of that, there is no denying great joy that the coconut added later is achieving the final harmony. I would like to pay tribute to the arm of Astor, who used it as a base support and final colour and succeeded, rather than focusing on the myan, the coconut and the fish sauce brought from Geld."
As Fermez finished speaking, the underlings brought in new dishes.
Alvach looks at the underlings with a complicated look.
"I'm looking forward to the next dish.... but I wanted to comment on Sima and Gigo's cooking."
"Forget it, Alvach. Time, as much as possible, is left."
Therefore, the first plates are cleared and new plates are arranged.
Next, "Stewed Raton and Drew" and "Rolled Gibba Meat with Pellet". This is also a dish made by me in the former and Reina Lou in the latter's partition.
"Even here, you're using live fish. I really think it's hard for Asta to help me."
Fermez, who has finished her work, smiles. In the castle town, only a few Vulcans try to deal with fresh fish, so I don't think they have much chance to talk about it.
A rattan is a river fish that resembles a cloudy or tilapia. I decided to use this in cooked dishes with curbs and beet-like drums.
It is a cramp-free dish made from seaweed from King's Land and seasoned with tau oil, fish sauce, salt, sugar, kelp root, and chit nuts.
At the end of the day, "Pele's Gibba Roll" was a dedication that Reina Lou completed with my idea.
Pellet has a cool taste similar to cucumber, but all that comes to mind about me is the offering of raw food. However, I remember that the cucumber roll was not so bad, so I taught it to Reina Lou.
Wrap the finely chopped pellet with a thinly chopped rose meat, minced with salt and pico leaves, baked on an iron plate, and cover with a sweet sauce based on tau oil and fish soy sauce. Cool it down, cut it in a circle, and hang it with golden sesame seeds.
"Yeah, they're both delicious! It tastes like nothing!
That's what Pollus said, laughing like a child.
"However, I don't mind tasting this, but I still want fuwano and poitan. What's going on with your preparations?
"Yes, you're also preparing some dishes. Personally, I recommend shasca for cooked dishes."
"Yeah, it looks delicious just imagining it! I'm looking forward to finishing my taste."
And Alvach tried to open his mouth, but by that time the underlings were approaching again.
Having seen it, Alvach came back quickly in the western language.
"Both make full use of the power of the materials. I can't see the complicated tasks, but I can feel the delicate considerations. Also, although I have said before that Drew's dishes, ingredients, few things, dissatisfaction, I think that only this dish, ingredients, and Drew are correct. It is harmonious and fulfilled only by rattan river fish and drums. If you throw other ingredients, this harmony, this collapse, is certain.... again, the pellet dishes, the seasoning, are wonderful. Mintz and Buchella, blended, beautifully done, with tau oil and fish soy broth, harmonised and finished. Gibba's breast is fatty, rich, pellet, swollen, relaxed, neutralized, and harmonious. Asta, Reina Lou, I want to pay my respects."
By the end of Alvach's words, new dishes had been arranged.
This time, there are three types of dishes. However, two of them were previously served "Mahjong Chang" and "Mallor's Chili Sauce", and the last one was a simple offering of "stir-fried ginger loin and farna".
Farnah is a garden vegetable when it comes to komatsu vegetables. They use tau oil and fish soy, coconut and mints, followed by mummu and red mammalian fruit liquor, and the sautéed oil is hobo oil. In addition to the ginger loin and farna, only the finely chopped cypress was thrown.
"This is also finished with three kinds of materials. Seasoning, burning down, perfect. Vanilla, seasoning, Mammalian liquor, harmony, splendid."
Alvach, who was the first to teach me how to cook, told me so.
I can respond with a smile.
"This dish was arranged by Reina Lou. Please leave a comment for me."
Alvach opened his eyes for a moment and looked back at Reina-Lou.
"This is Asta's cooking, I didn't doubt it. I want to apologize."
"Not at all. I think it is a most honourable word for me."
Reina Lou smiled with pride.
Alvach corrects his residence by saying, "Mmm."
"Reina Lou, I didn't mean to insult your arm, but I can't forbid you to marvel. This is Reina Lou. Is this a proposal?
"Yes, I devised it on the day Asta wasn't at the Lou house."
"I" means I don't need Sheila Lou's help. In the Lou family, it was heard that Reina Lou devised a new work, and that Sheila Lou handled existing cooking to the bloody crowd, often separating work from work.
"I think the combination of coconut, Myanmar, Myanmar and Buchella is widely available. In addition, I've been trained to combine it with the vanilla I've been working on... but I don't have enough time."
"Mm-hmm. What kind of cuisine, what kind of cuisine, what kind of expectations, are we going to have in the future?"
That's how Alvach looked back at Platica.
"Platica, the Lou family, I was learning. How are you feeling?
"Yes, the Lou family, it's a lot to learn. Reina Lou, Sheila Lou, Michael, Mime, their arms, their imagination, their wonders."
Platica answered with a dazzling glance.
Platica and Nicolas were interrupting the Lou family once every three days. I was also present at the study group time, but there should have been a lot to gain from dinner after that, as well as from work in the morning.
"Excuse me. Shasca, Fuwano and Poitan dishes."
and new dishes are served.
This time, it was three kinds: "Meles and bacon pizza", "Persian pasta", and "coconut cooked shasca". It is a dish that has been served in the past only for the "coconut cooked shasca".
"Hey, that's a lot of stuff! Is this more than the dinner party we had the other day?
"Yes, the display of the ingredients bought from Geld has resulted in a lot more items."
This was "Meles and Bacon Pizza" by Reina-Lou, and the rest of the lid was mine. The "coconut cooked shasca" uses the same loose Rio de Janeiro as before, so it can also be eaten by Fermez.
Merez is a ripe corn-like ingredient from Mahydra. Also, pizza made with plenty of gibberish bacon was an uncontested delicacy.
Persian oil pickles are the most flavorful anchovies from the seaside dura. Last time I used it for a pizza, this time it depends on the pasta. With Myanz, chit nuts and meermoo, the peculiar flavors of Persian oil were also able to be neutralized.
"Hmm. I think I've been able to eat a lot of Persian oil. This is a taste that makes me quite addicted."
That's what Martin said.
Inspired by curiosity, I get the forgiveness to ask questions.
"What kind of dish did Genos Castle's chef Diamond cook with Persian oil? I find it very interesting."
"No, we're still serving appetizers that have been made with mints and frustrations. However, because it suits fruit liquor well, I like it and Euriphia."
Well, rather than cooking, it seems to be treated as a dish of alcohol.
It certainly seemed quite difficult to incorporate this into a diamond dish.
"'Persian pasta', preferred. Myanz, chit fruit, myumu, harmony, splendid."
Unusual, Alvach's criticism was modest. I'm not dissatisfied, but I'm not very satisfied. Even for me, I was in the mood that I did my best when it came to oiling Perslas.
"Meles and Bacon Pizza" for Reina-Lou must be in the same position. Even though Alvach didn't talk much, Raina Lou never looked careless.
That is why it is finally the last dish.
My work was "Maromaro-style Deep-fried Ryuda" and Reina Lou's was "Sautéed Flavored Intestinal Meat".
Porcus, who saw the latter, rounded his eyes.
"Apparently, this is a dish made of stuffed meat and two different ingredients."
"Yes, the ingredients will be Nanar and Jaguar mushrooms"
Reina Lou did not hesitate to answer.
Nanar is a vegetable that resembles spinach, and mushrooms use bunashimejimodoki. It was the ultimate simple dish, sautéed in hobo oil with stuffed meat.
"Actually, I would like you to check the flavour of the herbal stuffed meat and prepare it. That's why we dared to simplify it. I don't use any seasoning other than the oil of the hobo."
I see! Let's get started. "
Porcus smiled brightly and took the meat from the bowel.
And his eyes were like, "Whoa!".
"This is a powerful taste! I don't need condiments.... no, it's delicious! There's nothing to complain about in the main course!
Others took the dishes with interest.
Nevertheless, Geld's people don't move their expressions, and Fermez can't eat the meat. Moreover, since I and Platica have been tasting at the Lou house before, only the parents of Malstein and Ai-Fa, Dari-Sauti and Vera have shown interest.
"Oh, yes, this is a delicious taste. Does that mean you're kneading vanilla into the bowel meat?
Reina Lou nodded "yes" to Martin's question.
"Because the gamma stuffed meat that I tasted before was delicious, I went on to study whether gibberish meat could produce the same thing. With the advice of Asta, Platica and Michael, it's finally a satisfactory finish."
"Hmm. I wonder if throwing vanilla later would not taste like this. It certainly seems that this is established as a dish in itself."
Martin also looks extremely satisfied.
Alvach then looked back at Fermez.
"Lord Fermez, can you please interpret?
"Yeah, what happened?"
Without giving Nanaqem a break to stop, Alvach talked.
As for the taste, it is quite eloquent.
"Well then, I'll tell you.... this stuffed meat feels like the flavor of vanilla is coming to an end. Of course, there will be an infinite number of herbal combinations suitable for gibberish meat, but there is no doubt that one of them is a finished form. In addition, these formulations would be most suitable for the form of enteric meat processing. Myanz, Buchella, Nahua, Pico, Mummu, and Kerr's roots are all entangled in finely carved gibberish meat to create harmony. The formula is brilliant. This is a tasting dish. It was only baked with hobo oil, but what kind of flavor does it change with stewed dishes? In addition, I can't help but imagine what seasonings and ingredients work in harmony with. I would definitely like you to buy this stuffed meat in the next deal."
"Thank you very much. However, since we use a lot of vanilla here, I think it will be a lot more expensive than regular intestinal meat....."
Alvach answered Reina-Lou in his own words.
"I don't mind. Prepare, please."
Nanaqem almost said something, but it seemed to swallow it up with a sigh.
After all, Porcus smiles happily.
"Even in the castle town of Genos, people who want to buy this stuffed meat are about to make a name for themselves. Can you prepare that amount?
"Yes, I have written about the amount of vanilla, so I think I can make the same for any clan."
"Yeah, yeah. Now, please calculate how much it will be. So I'm going to circulate the announcement."
Reina Lou greeted her with a very proud look.
As long as I'm happy that her enthusiasm for flavored bowel meat is rewarded. It was also a little exciting to know what kind of feelings Vulcus had about vanilla noise.
Finally, the final dish was "Tailored Tartar Deep-fried Maroma".
Porcupine, who ate the dish casually and was cut into bites, said, "Oh!" She shouted loudly.
"This is delicious! I like talking about stuffed meat, and I'm totally off my guard!
"Ahahah. I'm glad you like it."
"No, really! As far as I'm concerned, it's the best taste of the day."
So Pollus twisted his fleshy neck.
"However, this dish has been served in the castle town for a long time. I don't know how much of an impression it is that the taste changes each time I eat it... but how far back does it go?
"Now, what do you think? I'm sure I've served you a few times in the castle town... do you remember Ey-Fa?
When I turned to the water, I said, "Hmm?" and gave him a gloomy look. Ai Fa now has a remarkable memory.
"You called this dish a pot, didn't you? The dishes called by that name should have been served at the first dinner party in the castle town after capturing Cycleus and Sil 'el."
"Oh, my God! Are you going back that far?
"Mm-hmm. The rest was served when the auditor of King's Landing ordered me to prepare the food."
"The auditor of King's Landing is Dreg, right? So that would be about nine months ago."
I think that this one also carries a lot of memory, and Fermez will always react when it hits.
"But when Dreg first summoned the asters, he spilled the food on the floor and fed it to the guard dog. Maybe this is where the food was then?
"Hmm, I think it's exactly what I served that day."
When Ai-Fa answered the deposition, Nanaquém shook his upper body slightly.
"We, the nobles of the west, the impeaching position, are... such unpleasant behavior. It's so delicious, throwing it on the floor, it's a sin."
"Hmm, but that was because Zilbe, who later became a family member of Fa's house, ate it. I'm sure Gilbert was satisfied with Asta's cuisine."
From that time on, Ai-Fa said that dogs would be happier to eat than rude humans. Rather, there was a strong impression in my mind that my dog was worried about eating something other than meat.
Mulstein nodded "I see."
"And before that, do you go back to the first dinner party that invited the chiefs around the forest? Sure, I remember that day as though it had been served a different fried dish."
"Mm-hmm. It's the day Asta's dishes were served, along with Timaro's cook. What a nostalgic story to hear."
Dari-Sauti also smiled emotionally. Apparently, "Deep-fried Gibba Tatsuda" was served on a day that was particularly impressive.
Martin eats the food left on the plate and then turns to me again.
"But it's so fresh and pleasant that you can't imagine how often you talk about it. Perhaps because there are more ingredients that can be used every time they are served, the taste has changed... in the first place, what kind of dish was this?
"Yes, the meat on the back of the gibbon is soaked in various seasonings, sprinkled with chatch powder, and then fried with the fat of the gibber. What's different is the type of seasoning."
Back then, I used as many condiments as I could. They used salt, pico leaves and tau oil, as well as mummy and fruit liquor. The fruit liquor was replaced with Nhata's distilled liquor, and when it was soy sauce, it was added the chit-pickled maromaro, fish sauce and kel root, which was this time called "Deep-fried dragon field with maromaro tailoring".
The chicken dipping in the maroma is very spicy, so it is possible to taste it as it is. However, when it comes to lemon, the sealed fruit juice, white mammalian vinegar, and simple sauce mixed with salt and sugar were not compatible, so it was prepared as a later seasoning.
They also tell their surnames to serve this dish with raw vegetable salad. Tino, Ma Pra, Nenon, and a julienne salad with cucumber pellets. I thought it would be best if the sauce of the seal was hung here and served together with Deep-fried Ryuda.
As a matter of fact, the only gibberish dish I was in charge of this time was this "Tailored Maroma Deep-fried Ryuda". Next is Nokinami, a seafood dish.
So, I had the right mood in this dish - Pollus and Martin were both delighted, so I was relieved. Of course I get compliments at Fa's house for dinner, and Dari-Sauti and the others are annoying.
Then only the people of Geld remain.
To the three invisible people, I said, "What do you think? I asked.
"... Platica, did you know about this dish?
Called by Alvach, Platica shook her head sideways saying "No."
"I've never seen this dish before. The house of Pharaoh was never offered."
"Yes, this is a dish that Platica devised when she returned to the castle town."
"So, the preparation period is three days?
"Yes, as I mentioned earlier, the basic part was invented a long time ago, so I just refined the condiment formula."
Alvach nodded one nod and began to speak mostly in the eastern language.
This time, the words are hard to stop. At this stage, I didn't know whether I was satisfied or dissatisfied. Even when dissatisfied, it is Alvach, who never decorates words.
After listening to everything, Fermez smiled innocently and opened her poor lips like a girl.
"Well then, I'll tell you.... this dish is not mainly chicken pickled in marmallows, but uses it with various seasonings to maximize its power. Asta seems to use a combination of salt and pico leaves, tau oil and fish sauce, mummy and kelp roots more often, but adding maromaro chit-pickled and nyata distilled liquor to all of these combinations provides a relaxing harmony." Again "is not a word that should be used more often, but it is forced to be used many times before Asta cooks. I want you to understand that it is not in any way emanating from a slight mood. Asta's cuisine has that much power."
So Fermez said, "Excuse me," and wet his throat with Arrow's tea.
"Asta is also good at deep-fried food." Giba Katsu "is regarded as one of the best dishes around the forest, but I have no intention of contesting it. Tempura, made from various ingredients, should also be highly regarded for its versatility and completeness. However, this dish called" Tailored Maroma Deep-fried Ryuda "- for me, it is definitely not inferior to the dish called" Giba Katsu ". The garment of" Giba Katsu "is variously crafted, and it seems to be the only one that builds an absolute taste and texture, but the dish, which is finished only with chutch powder, is simplistic - or simplistic, so it has no less appeal than" Giba Katsu ". And it's probably the best way to make the most of the luxurious flavors that have been applied to the gibbon meat. There is no doubt that this amount of seasoning of the" Giba Katsu "meat will disturb the harmony. Both" Giba Katsu ", which does not require luxurious flavors, and" Deep-fried Ryuda ", which is harmonious with luxurious flavors, depend on what is judged to be no inferior to its beauty."
While Fermez was breathing, I lowered my head and said, "Thank you."
"... above all, this dish has a wonderful texture. The" Fried Gibba "fuwano coat sold on the street also has a very favorable subtle texture, but this chachi powder coat is a little harder, which forms its own comfort. The texture is harmonious with the inner elasticity of the gibbon meat, which will bring about such a degree of completeness. In its exquisite chewing comfort, it is the ultimate blessing that spreads the flavor of the various seasonings. In addition, Gibba meat has a strength that cannot be beaten by this kind of flavor. Kimus meat, which is scarce in flavor, is unlikely to achieve a different harmony, but in any case, it can be rejected as a unique flavor of Giba cuisine. However, if we use gamma and muffled meat, we are hopeful about what it will taste like - but anyway, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Asta for the ingredients that we brought and the ingredients that we bought from Genos to make this kind of food. We, the people of Genos, and even the Jaguars, had every hope that we would be able to eat this delicious food in the future. We want to celebrate many times the happiness we've had in Genos with a cook named Asta."
Then Fermez took a breath.
"That's all.... please do your job."
Speaking of what he was saying, there was a small surname hidden behind the rug.
Her last name is Fermez, and then she turns to Malstein.
"Marquis. All that remained was confectionery and platica dishes. Which should I deliver first?
"Ah, it's a taste anyway, so I won't stick to it in turn. Take care of it like you did."
"Yes," she said, leaving her maiden name.
Turning to his side, Nanaqem put Alvach's arm on his elbow.
"The taste is not over. Alvach, I must apologize."
"Hmm.... I couldn't stop feeling. I want you to apologize."
"No, I don't think you need to apologize all the time... but how dare you say that?"
That said, Dari-Sauti smiled slowly.
"Anyway, I would be proud if our compatriots, Asta, were able to make that impression. I thought this dish was delicious without a price."
"Thank you," I bowed my head to each of Alvach and Dari-Sauti.
Martin and Porcus also smiled satisfactorily. It was part of my job to make a delicious meal with new ingredients, but above all, if I could color this important feast with my food, I would have been happy as long as I could.
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