Isekai Sagishi no Consulting

gossip tomorrow weather



Karakara Kara..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

"Ah! No, no, no!

I let go of the rope to pull up the barrel and put my arms together to show my discontent.

Pfft! Pfft!

The bucket drops in momentum and makes noise at the bottom of the well.

"... Yashiro. I can't use the bathroom without three more drinks."

"That being said..."

"... use the old bathroom at night?

"……… water, draw"

I'm going back to pulling up a bucket of water from the well with Karakara again.

Plain heavy.

I've never had anything heavier than chopsticks.

"... Yashiro. There is no water again. The rope pulls straight down. Water cannot be wasted."

In the first place, I have Magda, so I wish Magda would do this......

And as a result of continuing to say that and avoiding water intake, Magda pointed out that "... Yashiro sucks at water intake" and is currently being made to 'practice'.

"... Magda and Loretta aren't always available in the store. Yashiro is the only one who can move at that time. Should be properly mastered"

"Heck. I know."

My 'practice' continues under the guidance of Spartan creepy Magda instructors when it comes to education.

In the first place, why should I pump water for the toilet...

"Hey, it's not raining"

It doesn't rain at all.

The sky I looked up to was blue as it came out, clear with no clouds.

The season is June.

Now a year ago, heavy rain followed and water damage plagued me... and as soon as I made sewage, it wouldn't rain... or anything like that... it would be nothing more than proof that the sexual roots of the Spirit God are twisted and bent.

"Ho! Now Rusto! Ever!"

Put a full tank of water in the water washing toilet and I'll finally be free from heavy labor.

How many drinks do you want me to take...

"... If Magda, it ends a third of the time Yashiro. Yashiro only puts a third of the bucket in water"

"Because... it's heavy"

"… for which I often zero"

"Because... my arm hurts"

"... Gumball, boy"

I don't think there are any men or women like this.

Anyway, all the women I know are powerful.

Even that Millie has more arm power than me.

I guess all I can win is Ginette and Regina.

"... you should practice properly and be able to do well"

"That's okay. I'm supposed to live with Magda forever."

I left the work to you. [M] I'm in charge of using my head.

".................. Hmm"


Magda's tail hits me in the cheek.

What the fuck!?

"... that's cheating to say.... I won't be able to scold you properly..."

Magda's ears shake in small pieces when they fit.

I know it's lit.................. my hit cheek really hurts...... I think I'm going to cry a little.

"… more than it does not rain, this task needs to be carried out every day, three times in the morning, noon and evening, and then on an ad hoc basis depending on the number of customers entering. Yashiro needs to master the water intake as soon as possible, as there is a risk that the well will wither away each time the water is zeroed"

If the sun continues, there will be no more water available in the dining room.

"... from today onwards' special training '"

Goddamn upgrading from 'Practice'...

"... Tonight, I won't put you to sleep"

"Don't whine about meaningful words..."

Night? You gonna train me till night?

... I may lose my arm...

"... the peak of lunch has passed, so you should take a break for a while. But............... I won't put you to sleep tonight"

"You, you just want to say that!?

Hmm, laughing, Magda walks into the kitchen.

Left alone in the courtyard, I scratch my muscles on my pampered arms and think.

This is bad. If I kept doing this, I'd seriously die.

If we don't do something...

The point is, if it rains, the problem is solved.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

I took action quickly.

"Wow! What is that, Mr. Yashiro!? You're so cute!

Ginette's sparkling her eyes when she sees what I'm making in the dining room's privileged seat.

... We're not gonna do this, are we? I'm going to use this now.

"Somewhere, it reminds me of the snowmen"

and look up diagonally to miss the distant day.

Ginette really likes these shaped things...

"This is a Tertel boy."

"What are you doing?

"Hang this guy by the window and he'll clear the weather tomorrow, it's a bore in my hometown"

"Heh. You have such a cute little slut."

Say it sounds fun and put a finger on the Tertel Boy's face.

"But it's been sunny here lately, so you don't feel like much sunshine is welcome. The laundry will dry well..."

"I don't want sunshine either. As much as I want a storm to come."

"So why did you take Tertel Boy?

Somehow, Ginette whispers to the Tertel boy.

Take the Tertel boy you just made out of your hand.

"Here's what you're gonna do. Yikes!

- Slap him to the floor as much as you want!

"Kyaaaa!? Ya, Mr. Yashiro, oh my god!?

"That's a sunny incarnation! If you hurt him and he's dying, there's bound to be heavy rain! Come on, get out of there, Ginette!

"Yes, I don't like it!

Even if he tries to stab a Tertel boy lying on the floor with a stomach, Ginette stands up and stops it.

"If you are enough to jerk off Tertel boy, jerk me off!

"Wouldn't it rain to jerk you off!? To make it rain...... I mean, it's for all those who live in this 42nd Ward! Get out of there!

"I can't ask! The Spirit God will not acknowledge, such as the peace that is made over someone's sacrifice!

"Get out of there, Ginette! Otherwise... I'll rub it!

"So if you promise not to jerk off Tertel Boy, please rub it!

"No, you can't just admit it there!?

"That's okay! If the Tertel boy is to be saved with it, if I can take his place...... come on, Mr. Yashiro! Rub it! And jerk me off!

"Hey Ginette!? What are you talking about?

Kind of too exciting for Ginette to be mouthing the big deal!?

- And then.

... I felt a disastrous and ominous sign that the mouth of the demonic world had opened...

"Yashiro... are you ready for your will?

"You're too scared to say things..."

"Yashiro... I'm so sad for you!

"Dear Yashiro. We'll be sorry."

"There's some kind of 42nd array of militants out there!?

At the entrance, Estella, Norma, Delia and Natalia stood.

"What's wrong, sir? What, this disastrous aura!?

Loretta faces out of the kitchen after hearing the noise.

... Is that it? Magda looked around and Magda stood right behind me killing signs.... I'm surprised, so stop approaching me with no signs.

"... Yashiro"

Magda looks up with colorless eyes.

"... had fun so far"

"You're not making a disturbing statement!? Just listen to me, you guys!

I gave a cordial account of Ginette's rampage. Exactly, at the risk of life.

"What the fuck! Damn, the manager is a big deal!

"So, but! She's so cute!? Poor, pathetic!

Misunderstanding solves, we surround the table with tea.

... I didn't feel alive.

In the end, the Tertel boy has been confiscated and is now hugged in Ginette's chest.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Shall I jerk him off in a different way this time?!?

"But Ginette. I'm not impressed with your far-fetched remarks."

"Ha... sorry. Mr. Yashiro, it's the other person, so I thought you wouldn't mind..."

"" "" "" "-!?

Everyone's expression becomes true at the same time.

"Ha!? Chi, chi, no! It is a statement that comes out of the confidence that if you were Yashiro, you would not abuse such a statement, rather than wish to be subjected to such an act! It's true!

"Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh," leaks a wild sigh.

... Honestly, be careful what you say, Ginette.

"But don't be arrogant."

Norma says as she fingers the flue.

"It sure doesn't bother me not to rain. We don't have to go back and forth to the pond to get water... we're burning our hands."

"I'm in trouble with you, too. The river's water level is dropping and the river's fish are weak. You can't fish like that."

"Me too. Look at the wet Estella. Ha, ha. I can't do that, so I'm in trouble."

"Sorry Yashiro. Can you get the scandal in your body right now?

"Whatever you want, you can take me home now."

I thought you were seriously worried about me.

Natalia is always my pace.

"Last year, Estella came back to the museum in Yashiro's clothes."

"" "-!?

"No, I'm not! I just borrowed it because my clothes got wet in the heavy rain! Because that's all!

Norma, Delia and Loretta, who didn't know about the time, were peeling their eyes, but they seemed convinced by Estella's explanation...................... Natalia. You really should go home.

"Not at all!

Scolding Natalia, Estella sips tea.

Put the cup down and at the same time turn your gaze to this one and say this in a tone that sounds like you would even do a public story.

"Hey, Yashiro. Let it rain."

"You think I'm a god or something?

With all that power, we're using it to make more money!

"If you're Yashiro, don't you know something? Way to make it rain. Look, in heavy rain, you thought of a way to open it, didn't you? Just like that."

"No matter how handsome I am, I can't handle the weather."

"I'm sorry, I'm serious right now, so can you not pinch the crap out of me?

What's the mess!?

He's handsome!

"But your brother's hometown is developing a magical power that makes the impossible possible, right?

"I didn't!

It's a scientific and technical inference!

I only use magic as much as a self-proclaimed magician on some TVs.

"You don't have anything, do you? Whatever you tell me, what's going to rain."

"If you tell me... if you slap the Tertel boy and kill him half..."

"I will never let that happen, will I?!? Store manager authority!

Does it activate here, store manager authority!?

Is she that cute, Tertel boy?

If I make you a kid head, will you pinch me tits like that?............... me, I wonder if I should be a kid!?

"I don't know, Ginette. It's rare for you to be so tough."

Estella looks at Ginette and leaks a bitter laugh.

Yes... at times like this, it's often said...

"... it might rain tomorrow"

Everyone on the spot turns to my words, whining blush.

"That's it! That's it, Yashiro!

"Right! You've been saying that a long time!

"Salmon is delicious!

"You're not!" If you do something unusual, it will rain "!

"It was' raining blood 'at home..."

"It's just your house, Natalia..."

Rapidly tense together.

Though I don't seem to get through the calm Magda all the time and Loretta, who is horny that I missed this nori.

"Well, it's superstitious"

"Still, given our situation, it's better than not doing it!

"What? Should I do something unusual?

Kyoro filling Loretta that wanders her gaze to peek at her for a moment.

All right, let's let this guy get ahead of us.

"Loretta. Do something unusual!

"Uh-oh!? What do you mean, it's not normal!?

"Think of that for yourself! He's so rare!

"Yeah!? What do you want me to do? Uh, uh... well, then, I'm going to mono!" Tits, psycho!

I change my voice weirdly and Loretta runs the worst thing for me.






"So someone do something about it!


"Normally, don't! It should have looked quite similar!

Loretta suing desperately.

But deliberate air spreads through the dining room.

"You don't have a similar voice, and you can't even imitate Yashiro's tone."

"Now, was that an imitation of Yashiro? I didn't know that."

"... I did my best for Loretta"

"But if you look at the results, you can say that" normal "people have been subjecting to" normal "situations."

"You can say whatever you want!?

Loretta showed off "Ordinary in Ordinary" about showing off and subjecting things that are not even similar.

One thing is not uncommon, so you can't expect rain.

"... Loretta is often the weakest of the 'Normal Four Heavens King'"

"Who else is there, normal!? I'm starting to feel like I don't want to lose when they say that!?

Sull ~ ignore Loretta trying to stick around in vain and Magda opens her mouth to everyone.

"... Magda speaks fast"


It was Estella who raised her voice.

I'm also a little surprised to hear the most distant word from Magda.

A quick word or a Magda?

"... look around."

Sooo... breathe louder, Magda opens her mouth.

"... Na 'mu..."

And I hold my mouth down and squat like I chewed my tongue grandly.

Probably even wanted to say 'raw wheat raw rice raw eggs'.


Hold your mouth and let your ears peel. Magda, I think I'm retiring.

I wonder what you wanted, this guy.

Did it hurt, he's pinching his tongue out and putting tears in his eyes?

Womalo is about to die.... Oh, I went sweet on Ginette. All right, all right. I'm just getting a head stroke and getting in a little mood.

Yeah. You're always right. One thing is not uncommon.

"All right, Delia!


"Tell me something other than salmon!

"I can't!


"There will be something!?

"This past time, Ikura. Come on!

"That would be about someone who will be salmon in the future though!? Is there anything more unusual, like poking an opinion?


After plenty of worrying with his arms together, Delia said this forcefully.


The Always.

Few of them could reproduce the everyday landscape so far.

Yeah, that doesn't make any sense!

At times like this, it's kind of a dependable norm's turn!

"Norma, get me a little hot!

"What do you mean?!?

"The bridegroom candidate pushes over and says," Do-do, Norma, I'm in trouble "again!

"You say no!

Why not!?

If Norma was a hottie, it would definitely rain heavily tomorrow!? I almost stopped saying...

Norma's eyes...... seriously......................... to be hunted!?

"Dear Yashiro. I have one suggestion for you."


"How about Master Estella getting big tits?

"If I can do it, I'm doing it!?

"Wait, Natalia. I want rain, but too much rain can decimate the sewage"

"It rains so much, when I get big tits!?

"" District 42... sinks ""

"Perfect breath, you guys!?

How about that?

All this time, it's just as usual.

I only see a sight so familiar that the everyday landscape will last so long.

"Okay! When this happens, let's fuck Natalia!

"Right! Natalia's not usually spoiled, and it could be something unusual!

"It's somewhat of a nori, Dear Estella...... I wish I could make a decision"

"I can't decide!?

"Natalia, there are limits to things."

"I'm not following you, Norma!? Ha-ha-ha, you're not even willing to follow me, are you!? Oh, you're an enemy, too!

I don't know.

It's supposed to be Natalia, but when I notice it, it's Estella.

"Natalia. Why don't you turn to the sweet one once in a while, too?

Natalia is surprisingly vulnerable to attack.

Once you make him blush, there's all this' wandering 'going on, he'll show you some interesting chemical reactions... come on.

"Dear Yashiro,"

With a slightly stronger tone, Natalia calls me,

Oh, my God. Whatever excuse you're making, I'm not gonna stop playing tricks, am I?

"Recently, when I'm sweet to others, I feel like I'm at home, and I accidentally dress at home..."

"Yes, stop! Natalia, no fooling around!

Natalia used to say she was spending time naked at home.

Naked in the dining room is bad.

No, I don't like it anywhere.

"Then... is Ginette the one who stays"

"Heh... Huh!?

Get everyone's gaze all together, and Ginette stretches her face.

I get up from my chair, and I twitch and retreat.

"Somehow, usually, let's let Ginette do something she's not even going to do"

"What the manager doesn't... violence?

"You can't do that. I can't tolerate violence... so hey... what about 'cosplay'?

"That's good! Let the manager's selfish body be cooked with Yashiro's desires!

"... that's interesting"

"Me too, I want to see it!

"Oh, um... guys...?

Twitching and being hunted down, Ginette.

Those eyes are directed at me and Estella, who have not yet spoken, and they stare at me as if I were a fool.


"Sorry, Ginette. I'd like to take a look, too."

"Okay! You've decided unanimously to wear a stringy bikini!

"Nobody said that!?

Usually, this is where I end up being told to "repent"... and now we're all on my side except Ginette.

Everyone wants to see it.

Yes, Ginette's, selfish body!

"Oh, um... just kidding... right? Right? Gentlemen!?

Ginette driven into the wall.

Ginette, who lost what she could, hugs the Tertel boy in her chest all the time. "Gyu!"

No longer, I just have to have a Tertel Boy on my side!

Hehe... what can you do to a chunk of paper like that?

Can you do anything?

hehe.................. hahahaha!

"Come on... Ginette... be ready..."

"Yes, no, ahhh!

"Gymuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Damn, I envy you!

And right after I grabbed my fist...

Butchin '!

- With the sound of both, Tertel Boy's neck is like, "Koko!" and rolled down.



Ginette picks up the head of the Tertel boy who fell and sues him in tears.

"Tertel boy! Hold on! The wound is shallow!

No, no. It would be fatal. I got my neck.

"Oh, um... someone help the Tertel boy... ku... so... um, what is it, this air?

All around Ginette, they were all aligned - and they looked really good.

On behalf of those faces, I'll share my thoughts.



"That's outrageous, your milk pressure!

"Shit............ already! Repent!

Only I was irrationally angry, and that day it was dissolved.

- The next day.

"... I feel a wall between you and Ginette..."

Estella looks out the window of the Yangdu Pavilion.

It's dusty outside.

Heavy rains continued to pound this morning.

"Yes! Because Ginette defeated the Tertel boy with milk pressure!

"Oh, that's not true!? It just so happens!

It was Ginette holding Tertel Boy dearly, who I repaired and did, even though she plumped her cheeks.

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