Isekai Sagishi no Consulting

194 Stories Koji Factory and Reserves

Early morning.

Someone gently opened the door to my room.

"Yashiro... I'm coming in..."

It's time ~ to go indoors and call in with a slightly rubbed voice.

Pathan...... and the door closes quietly.


Face out of the bed and hear its face from the gap in the lid that still cannot be opened.

Bright red hair is also shaking in the dark.

"... crawling at night?

"Time to wake up!

Ha, ha. What an idiot. Isn't it still dark outside?

That's a luxury lodge in District 24. Glass windows are employed and the outside looks good even from the indoors.

The color of the sky peeking through the gaps in the curtains was entirely that of the night. It's not even white.

"I thought you said you'd get up early to meet the Koji craftsman. That's why you rode ahead."

That's true...

Apparently, a koji artisan wakes up earlier than Ginette.

That's bad, isn't it bedtime, like this?

"I wonder what kind of baba you are... waking up so early..."

It's hard for young people to get up early.

"Don't be shy. You're up faster than I am."

"You had Natalia wake you up anyway, didn't you?

"Huh. That's sweet. I'm a man of good self-management. You wake up naturally in the time you want to wake up."

In a world where there's no alarm clock, how are they awake, these guys?

Even though you didn't even ring the wake-up bell.

"You wanted to see my sleeping face, and you got up all nervous, didn't you?

"Ba, are you nuts!? So, who's sleeping on your face..."

My body keeps complaining of tiredness and I can hardly get up while I'm talking about it, etc.

All the time in the duvet.

"Are you a cat?

"What, since the morning, 'cute and cute'? That's too much praise."

"... your brain seems to have a very difficult structure to understand."

Though nothing cuter than a gobbling cat on a futon would be.

Then I guess I'm not mistaken either.

"If you don't wake up, I'm gonna rip the futon off, okay?

"Before they do, I'll take all my clothes off"

"Hey!? Stop being such a jerk!? Look, it's definitely not working!

That sounds pretentious, that.

When the Japanese say, "Never", it's a race that makes them want to do it asexually.

If I get naked, Estella can't strip the futon.

Exactly, "Let the meat cut and break the bones - Operation Muddy Futon Death Watch".

"Dear Estella,"

Without making any footsteps, Natalia appears behind Estella.

I didn't even hear the door open.

"Is Natalia here?

"Yes. Waiting for the order of the night crawls"

"I'm not here to crawl at night!?

"Now, if you'll excuse me first"

"I won't let you. Yikes!?

The two work together near the entrance.................. oh, wow.

"Here, you guys. Be quiet. You won't be able to sleep."

"I'm here to wake you!

He approached slightly and extended his arm to the futon.

Shit! We have to get naked!

"Wait, Estella! I'll take it off now!

"Let me take it off!

And a duvet that is unmercifully stripped....... cold.

Damn, this guy. Have you done this before and forgotten that Magda hated you?

He doesn't grow.

He's not gonna grow up.

"Wouldn't you be rude looking at my breasts?

"Yes, Master Yashiro."

Rarely, this kind of flow shelters Natalia from Estella.

"Master Estella is growing properly"


Estella turns a glance of gratitude to Natalia's back, who stands to shelter herself.

My red eyes are a little grumpy.

"Dear Estella today...... I wanted to see a heterosexual sleeping face, she woke up before I woke her up, snuck out of the room so that she wouldn't notice me, and exploded a sexuality that was fully biased where I didn't know she was coming!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!

"You've become Otona, Master Estella!

"It's not a level where people don't listen badly. People don't listen badly, Natalia!

"Intrigued by heterosexual sleeping faces!

"I feel bad about the expression 'heterosexual'!


In the meantime, I understood perfectly well that Natalia had no intention of sheltering Estella during this kind of flow.

"Natalia, don't stir him up like that."

Be quiet in the morning.

"So don't be so angry with me, puberty girl"

"Stir it up!... Not at all!

Me and Natalia tease me down a lot and Estella swells my cheeks to bread.

My face is dyed red, from anger or light.

"I've been meaning to say it for a long time. Estella has red hair, so reddening her face is like an octopus and funny...... it's like a deep red rose and it's beautiful, Estella"

White blades glittering in the darkness of the night.

Estella started flirting with the knife. It is dangerous to incite any more.

... Why is the knife glittering in the dark room? Just in case?

Having escaped my ordeal with magnificent discourse, I gently retrieve the stripped duvet while stroking down my chest... wrap it up.

"I won't let you sleep. Yikes!?

Estella winds up with momentum as if she was putting everything on her visit with Koji artisans.

He was forced to wake him up and wiped his face with a wet towel.

A bucket and towel with water tension that was available in the room. This is something the inn has prepared for you to wash your face with.

... I know that towel is for wiping wet faces... but what are you going to do with it?

"Come on, get dressed and meet me in front of the inn. Asunt will be picking you up soon, so let's meet up with the Koji craftsman."

Describing her plans after this as hard, Estella left the room.

I guess you mean get dressed......

"... so will you leave, Natalia?

"No, never mind"

"Esteller! Forget it!

Drop off Natalia, who is being taken back by Estella at a tremendous speed, and key the door.... No, Estella's guy. How did he unlock it?

... picking?

Vaguely thinking about that, just get dressed.

I was told to go out of my way to get dressed in my bedroom clothes when I met Koji.

Stick the bedclothes you brought into the bag and put your usual clothes together.... cold.

When I was a student, before I woke up, the general would have put some clothes in this one to keep me warm...

I remembered such a nostalgia, and I made up my mind.

"Good morning. It's a refreshing morning."

"... I even have to see your face"

In the city at night when the damned cold winds blow through, Asunt turns to me wondering if this is still the case with the hot bitter grin.

By the time we left the inn, Assunto was already waiting.... This guy's in the mood too.

"I'm going to go to the room where the Koji craftsman is located, but I hate the noise, so I'm sorry, but I need you on foot."

They were concerned about the sound of the carriage, so we were supposed to walk to the room.

If we slow down, I don't even think it's as loud... well, it's early in the morning, and I can't help it.

"Now, I'll show you"

Asunt takes us, and we still walk in the dark.

The factory that makes the koji is built on the east side of the city, with quite a bit of land.

Koji factory, which also has facilities for processing and development.

Among them, only a limited number of Koji craftsmen can enter the place known as the 'room'.

As well as managing temperature and humidity, the chamber that produces the coriander must be perfectly controlled, as well as the fungus that is brought in from the outside, so that it cannot enter and exit immediately.

"So, can we get in?

"No way. We're going to meet in another building by the room"

The room, which is also a treasure trove of trade secrets, still seems to be on a strict alert.

Well, it doesn't matter because there doesn't seem to be anything interesting where I came in.

"As soon as we get to the room, they won't be pushing the beans again,"

Actually, it's already after they pushed the beans in the inn. This time it was a coffee bean.

I'm sorry there's more luggage.

At the very least, the salvation is that Marul gave me a certificate of tax exemption along with the letter. Now our beans will be treated as a gift to the aristocrat Marul of the 29th arrondissement with no taxes.

... these kinds of injustices go through, in 'BU'.

That bribery is likely to be rampant structure.

"Don't worry about that."

Asunt only turns his face this way and says as he walks.

"You don't have to worry about being pressed against the beans at Koji's."

Oh, is that you? I thought you were talking about bribes...

"Koji craftsmen are the most important creators of the city's assets, so they are exempt from bean-related obligations."

"It's a structure where bribes are going to be rampant."

If you have power, you are relieved of your obligations.

Anyway, a raw man who wants to get under the umbrella of power and escape annoying duties is about to spring up.

"Nfu... the system and so on would be conveniently made for those in power. That's not what Estella would do in front of you."

"You don't hear well, Asunt. Then it sounds as if I'm a bad nobleman messing with the system for monetary purposes."

"Of course, our beloved lord of District 42 is the exception. Unlike those gold-minded people."

"... I don't have a heart"

Once, Asunt, the branch manager for the lower third arrondissement of the Merchant Guild, who was feeding the forty-second arrondissement for his birth, and Estella, the forty-second arrondissement lord who was being fed. Though I was a proxy at the time.

Such two people walk shoulder to shoulder, sarcastically speaking. for new business. To enjoy the benefits together.

Humans, if you change, you change.

"What have you done, Master Yashiro? What are those two?

"No. It feels kind of strange to have two people walking side by side with their hands burned for so long..."

"Wait a minute, Yashiro"

"You won't listen."

Estella and Asunt look back at me at the same time, and they're stuck at me at the same rate.

"It was this line that burned my hand."

"I don't mind declaring in front of the Spirit God that there was no one more troublesome than you, I am"

We both look sinister about what we're unhappy with.

This is the one who got annoyed.

If it weren't for you guys, I would have done it in my life by now.

Right, I could have spent that money gracefully in another district somewhere.

"On second thought, I haven't 'made a fortune' in this city yet"

"It would be profitable enough to be too much. Isn't the Yangdu Pavilion always a boom?"

"That's Ginette's money. I only get paid for one."

Special allowance, temporary income, like this, the moment you get "I want to make money! I don't earn what it feels like.

"I contributed all that, but I don't even live in a mansion, and I don't let beautiful women serve me... that's unreasonable"

"Oh? I think there's always a bunch of beautiful girls around Mr. Yashiro, but hey."

"Assunt... you don't seem to understand the meaning of the word correctly"

Oh, boy.

That kind of literature is weakened because of all the gold accounts. He didn't even understand how to enjoy the play. I guess it lacks sensitivity. He's a jerk.

"Ready? 'Samurai' means the state of your tits touching whenever you want!

"No, I'm not. Not at all."

"Master Yashiro wondered if I should start my language studies again."

It made me rebel so hard.

Why not?

Aren't the powerful always rubbing all they can? That's what it must be, the world!

"Now let's successfully carry this business meeting and make money for you all. So much so that Mr. Yashiro is convinced."

Summarized the story well, Asunt laughs at it with a face like

That's why I want to make a lot of money on my own.

What the heck, "all of you"... don't you think making money is the only way to immerse yourself in superiority?

"May I state my thoughts objectively?

A little distance from the three of us, Natalia says in a pale voice.

"I feel so sorry for Mr. Koji, who has to negotiate with the top three crooks in the 42nd arrondissement"

"" "Who's the Bender Top Three!?

"Aren't you three people who are good at interacting with each other with your head and mouth"

Mmm... when they say that, I can't deny it...

"It's unpleasant to be put in the same brackets as these guys"

"I'll pay you back just like that."

"No, I'm the one."

Buckwheat, sparks fly between us.

... these guys, put themselves up on the shelf, how well, shame on you.

"Estella would be the most belly-black of these!

"It's you, Yashiro"

"It must be Mr. Yashiro."

"Gu...... Huh. But the dirtiest thing in gold is Assunt, right?!?

"It's... um... it's you and Asunt, Draw!

"No, not as good as Mr. Yashiro."

"I'm the most popular one, right?

"I'm a lord, aren't I?

"As a merchant, I have a trust relationship with a number of people."

These guys...............

Don't be a good character, really.

"Ladies and gentlemen"

Natalia, who was staring at us in a third-party position, takes a piece of luxurious looking paper out of her nose and pokes it at us.

"Of these, I'm the most popular."

The paper was the latest issue of the information paper published in "BU".

... because I know you're hot in 'BU'...

I glanced at her and said, "She's a fashionable handsome girl!" An illustration of a natalian-like atmosphere once again in a corner............ hmm?

"... this, Natalia, right?

"Sure, it's very similar...... or Natalia herself"

As Estella and Asunt put it, what was depicted there was Natalia, no matter where she looked from.

Natalia herself is not a 'woman with a natalian-like atmosphere' as before, but an atmosphere of hairstyle, eyesight and standing.

"This is what happened as a result of trying to gather the popular elements, presumably...... hmmm"

Natalia's nostrils are spreading.

You're riding around as good as you can, this guy.

"What do you mean... by coincidence, you think?


The last time a 'natalian-like girl' was painted on an information paper, and a girl who looked just like it showed up, we talked about it, "That handsome girl was real!" With a targeted response, Natalia's sightings gathered and, as a result, the equation 'Looking Good Girl = Natalia' was established, and Natalia's appearance was probably posted.

Or maybe the guy who paints this illustration met Natalia somewhere.

...... Natalia Fever. I thought I'd converge one of these days, I didn't know I was going to make the exact upgrade...... I haven't got a name, but it's almost like naming me, this.

"Dear Yashiro,"

Gently, Natalia, I'll hand you the info paper.

And say these words with a full smile on your face.

"You don't mind if I sign, do you?

"I don't want it!

Somebody, pull this guy down from 'How's It Going'! Too many rides. In 'shape'!

"... when did you buy this?"

"At dinner last night. I've been trying to sneak it in my nose to show you when I'm here."

"I wish I had left you sneaking..."

Estella sighs with a distressed look like a bitter bug bit her down.

I don't know what it is... I'm never envious... but I want to be on it too to shut this guy up! I feel like I'm losing something and I'm sexually harassing you!

Okay, let's go.

Natalia stands in front of us, takes the lead and walks out, acting gracefully, without graduation, and with elegance.

... Is he a celebrity in good shape?

"Follow me, you three."

"" "Oh, duel, hello!

In a word right now, the bond between the three of us says, "No!" and solidified.

... who's got three people in their mouth!?

"Hey, Estella. You, appeal to more 'BU' people and pull Natalia down from that seat!

"Huh!? Bo, I can't do this!

"It's okay, because you're beautiful!


"It's not if you're making a funny voice, Mr. Estella! Returning to District 42, it is also possible to gather beautiful girls with Mr. Yashiro's handwriting, but we must, as soon as possible, and right now, shut that mouth! We don't have time for this!

"So, but... to me, you think I can...? Yashiro."

"Faces can fit well enough with makeup! ……… just"

"Yep... just"

"" My chest... "

"Are you guys gonna get there after all!?

"No, Mr. Estella! This is only until I speak for the general theory, the men of the world and the vast majority of opinions, and I am not obsessed with the size of my breasts!

'Cause my daughter-in-law is breastfeeding.

"That's a lot of rhetoric you've never even seen, Mr. Yashiro! Correct me!

"Non-Big Tits"

"... I can't argue with that..."

"No more! Not if you're arguing in a place like that! We have to tie up for Natalia!



"" "We, the three of us!...... who are the three people in the mouth!?

"............... Ladies and gentlemen, we are very close"

Come on!

Natalia gives me a spare smile......!

I wish I was Magda here now...... he would make the most of his cuteness and appeal to the whole 'BU' area by the time he was strong............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Then Magda still... No, wait, wait! Aren't you there, 42nd arrondissement, sweet fluffiest girl!

It's Millie!

Bring Millie and she'll be popular in no time with that unbelievably cute and hard-working personality!

Besides, Millie would never get on with it, and we're mentally stress free!

But Millie has a weak push... she doesn't go far from herself, so it's hard to flip the boom right now if you don't lean over from the other side and eat me............!

"Oh, I wonder if the whole 'BU' neighborhood is going to be a severe lollicon!?

"What a curse, it is!?

"That's right! Using Javier as an instructor, do you want to give lectures in the districts!?

"Infecting the residents with a serious illness will cause an outbreak of total war between 'BU' and the surrounding area!?

Damn it!

That's useless when you're here, that lollicon wood dust!

"Javier's asshole!

"You can say whatever you want to Heavy Town in other districts."

Isn't Osama just playing guild leader with a big guild that's a little influential for the whole district? What do we need to shy away from?

"... apparently, it's going to be hard to turn the status quo upside down if we don't get this one ready..."

Titty and Asunt says as he plays the van.

... What were you calculating, on this topic?

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's not a good idea to waste time on crap. Let's get started."

"" "Whose fault is it!?

Natalia still remains a winner.

... I'll make you bark now!

Wash your neck and wait!

............... don't lick the three people in the mouth!

Who's got three people in their mouth?

... Damn, you kind of like this phrase.

Nevertheless, we didn't want to waste our strength on stupid things from the morning, so we headed to the Koji factory early in the hours we lost.

The sky starts to whiten, finally being able to recognize each other's faces.

Dyed in early morning blue, people's faces make them feel more grown-up calm than usual.

Estella, breathing out a light, white breath, looked prettier than usual dyed in a quiet blue.

Really... if I kept my mouth shut, I'd be beautiful, but this guy...

That's Natalia, too.... In Natalia's case, it's better to say, "Please, I want you to keep your mouth shut, beautiful."

"I see it. That's the Koji factory."

At Assunto's fingertips, we see a large building.

Beyond the high walls that surround the site, there are many buildings lined up.

It's a sight that reminds me of Japanese companies' production plants.

The production plant for cars and electronics was like a single town on its property alone.

There were shops, ATMs, hospitals, athletic stadiums, etc.

"You're as good as a wooden guild."

"Forty-second precinct."

Estella leaks her breath into its grandeur.

Exactly, the wooden guild headquarters with Javier is much bigger than here. It's a big tree with dozens of meters to deal with.

But it's a good battle with the Wooddust Alliance branch of District 42, where Imelda divides up.

Anyway, it's big.

"... it's going to be hard to break in"

"If you go inside from outside the main entrance, you will be punished with severe punishment without question."

... Shit.

Are you even in secom?


And I stare across that building that security is adequate... and notice something.

"I mean, the suspicious can't go inside this building, right?

"Yeah, sure. In this is a secret treasure trove. Not only that, but it also deals with very delicate cobalt, so if it is to be destroyed, the damage is unknown to the ceiling."

The damage will probably go up to something enormous that makes District XXIV itself tilt.

"... So if you see a guy like that, should you even call him?


In the direction I'm pointing, the other three look at each other simultaneously.

Far ahead of us.

A few dozen meters from the main entrance.

There was a figure trying to hide in the shadow of the building and peek inside the Koji factory.


That's suspicious.

"That's suspicious."

Everyone is in agreement.

Early in the morning, when the sun hasn't even risen, people peek at the property to catch their eyes.

Nothing but the suspicious.

Seems like he's trying to hide himself from the main entrance, which is too far-fetched to be seen from this side...

"What do we do?

"... for now... let's get closer"

When I asked, Estella made that decision.

There is one opponent.

This one has Natalia and Estella.

I don't take procrastination when it comes to rough things. If you have to, it is possible to shield Assunt.

"... Mr. Yashiro. Your thoughts are seeping into your expression.... please don't?

Asunt takes a slight distance from me.

... sharp guy.

That's why we distance ourselves moderately, lurk our breath and approach suspicious shadows.

An industrial spy trying to steal trade secrets... or an agent trying to sabotage...

Distance shrinks and the contours of the shadow become clearer.

20 meters… 15 meters… 10 meters……

Luckily, there's no sign of him noticing this way.

I stare at the main entrance so I can eat in.

And when the shadow finally approached right there...


Estella leaked her voice.


I hear that little voice and look back at this one as the shadow in front of me panicked.

The figure with the look of amazement and impatience... was a child no matter how I looked at it.

The lines are thin, unreliable, smart but weak looking, boy.

"... child?


Imagining an industrial spy, we were taken aback and stared at the boy, who trembled.

And then we'll hear the words that will be brought to us by the boy shortly afterwards, and we'll be distracted again.

"What is it, you guys!? Huh, you're a suspicious person!?

... No, you did!?

This koji factory... I'm starting to feel like there's a lot going on.

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