"Wow... that's terrible. I can't believe I'm shattering the dolls I made."

The Elkas, who defeated a large group of demon conductors, had their swords pointed at the black robe figures who appeared on the shoulders of the demon conductors of different colors.

of signs of several different kinds of magic mixed together. It looks at the wreckage of weapons scattered around it and raises a voice not even in the mind.

"Most of the demons I manipulated have been hit, and I need to replenish them again."

"I don't know what your situation is... but I'd like to ask you in anticipation of who created these weapons"

"Hmm? What?

"What's wrong with that demonic woman (...)?

Elka says referring to the presence near it.

A demonic woman who lost one arm and defiled her red hair with mud that would have been beautiful.

The three of them knew her.

Because we acted together for a long time and burned a lot of care, we can't forget.

"This (...)? I found this when I was lurking in a certain demonic village. I wanted it because I was strong, and I made it into a doll."

Saying as she takes off her hood, the face of her still young and obnoxious human girl is dewy.

Three intense killings strike such an outrageous girl.

The killing was so intense and horrible that the demon soldiers in the back accidentally wore buttcakes.

"Haha! Don't look too scared, do you! Hmm? Could I have known this girl? With this Alize Ifriel."

"... he was one of us."

"It is! Sorry! But then you guys can be my puppets too... we can be friends again, right?


The girl in the black robe reaches out.

Then Alize, with her vain eyes, moved out.

Set up a rapier with one arm lost and run on the wet ground.

Running through without getting his feet taken by the mud, he jumped up and thrust a blow with his weight onto the grain.

"That's not gonna get to me."

He grabs it with a small hand of silver.

Alize, who stopped moving in the air, threw her straight back towards the girl.

"Wow... this kid is pretty strong among my dolls... those are people who are human beings but have power close to kings"

Alysée, thrown by hand, is institutionalized in the air and lands next to the girl.

And when I tried to rush out again, the girl stopped me by hand control.

"It's a stop, Alize. If you go to the dark clouds, you'll die."

Alize obeys the word and stands still with the Rapier in place.

The girl nodded contentedly, taking a knife out of her nostalgia.

"If you can't do it alone, you two, and if you still can't do it, you tell me to go ahead and push it in numbers!

With that knife, the girl did not hesitate at all and cut off her own wrist.

"What!? Are you going to kill yourself?"

The Elkas were surprised, but the girl stared at the bleeding falling to the ground with a burning face.

The blood spreads due to the muddy ground and the rain that falls, eventually creating a wide, red and black ground.

"It helps because blood spreads on rainy days. You don't have to hold him much."

When the girl puts her hand on the wound, the wound disappears without a trace, as if the blood she had ever blown was a fantasy.

Tia notices when she sees it.

"... it's not blood that just erupted and spread to the ground... magic (...)"

"Because of it - hey! This knife is a little special, let the magic erupt from the cut part. Well, it's the same as a blood vessel, and the amount that goes out varies depending on the area."

Blood spread out on the ground - - the magic, though, gradually turns black and eventually stains black.

Deep, darkened the color to the point where it was likely to be inhaled, then felt a disastrous number of magic powers.

Many - - signs of a giant demon.

"This, sucks"

"It's too late!

Tia noticed the threat of this as soon as possible, but already late.

The girl calls to the ground (...).

"Get out! Guys!"

The ground rocks.

Hearing demonic soldiers panic behind him, Elka releases a "flying sword" at the girl.

From what Tia said and did, I understood the threat.

Not as powerful as Grain, but a horribly neat slaughter looms on the girl.

But it was prevented by a huge arm that had suddenly stretched from directly below.

It hit my arm, but far from breaking both ways, I put in a shallow cut and the "Flying Sword" is foggy.

"This arm..."

Grayne drops back a little and lines up with Elka.

Huge arms gradually reveal the whole thing and expose its ugly appearance.

What emerged from the black ground was a red gorilla that seemed to be fifteen metres long.

And... a few others.

"To the S-Class Demon Death Kong, the same rank Death Snake, Death Lizard, plus the SS Class Flying Dragon...... and Fire Dragon Species? I'm surprised the Death series has three of them."

All that crawled out of the ground were giant and dangerous demons.

Fei Long in particular is stronger than the dragon that Setsu defeated in Alize's village before.

"I also do things like Monster Tamer, and temporarily [Demon Mercer] has become a little famous... don't you know? Don't you know?"

"... [Demon Mercer]... an SS-class sinner who had a show on the black market selling vicious demons and brutally killing slave humans by demons"

"Is that it? You knew about me!

"I went to the black market for magic research, so I saw about you a few times too. To the extent that I finally remembered seeing that black ground. It's definitely Monster Hall."

"Exactly! I have a demon in my body that I captured and tamed. Even so, it feels like you're creating a separate segment in your body and isolating it there."

There are quite a few people who say that.

By hiding weapons in your body, for example, you can assassinate enemies, and spies can be considered essential skills for when captured.

It's not exactly in the body, it's a different space made of magic, or "space magic," but if you're a person sensitive to the signs, you somehow can sense the signs of the weapon from the other person's body, and it's easily breached.

No matter how you scratch it, you can't get those signs out of your body, and now they are accompanied by a form of defective magic.

It is also called a defect that the method of connecting to different spaces must be deliberately created with magic or blood.

By the way, the only reason Merle wasn't suspicious when he approached Seth was because he left these demons in his different space somewhere else.

"I see... that's what caused the signs of a bad mix."

Elka shrugs when she sees the demons each raising a powerful roar.

The soldiers, who had refrained behind them, were perfectly scared to notice the demons, whose clear strength was expressed as rank.

Grain sighs quietly when he sees how the soldiers were not originally going to let them fight, but could not even escape.

Even the grains can deal with more than S-level people while sheltering this number.

"Tia! I need a soldier's escort in the back! The ones in front are me and Elka!

"Er... I want to go forward too"

"I'll pay for the cake later!

"Let's Obey"

"Tia would originally be a rear guard......"

Growing up Tia dissatisfied with her inability to fight on the front lines with sweets, Grain and Elka rush out to the demons.

"I can't have you guys later! Go!"


The two of them don't cower at the giant demons that are advancing.

Tia jumped off the tied demon conductor she was riding, standing in front of the soldiers and standing in nature.

"Grain asks for Death Kong on the front! I got Death Snake!

"Copy that!"

Confirming each other's prey with few words, Elka kicked the ground and danced over Death Snake's head.

"Sew it up!"

On the orbit where she danced through the universe, a magic formation of such magnitude that the diameter was comparable to her prudence emerges.

As the magnificent dancing elka jumped over the snake and landed, sticking her sword to the ground, a huge piece of ice emerged from the magic formation.

The tip of the ice cube was sharp and pointy, and it popped out of momentum. It pierced the Death Snake, which was directly beneath it, and instantly can be sewn to the ground.


Many large holes are drilled in the torso, and Death Snake screams and stuffs.

A little twisting of the sword protruded by Elka, the ice cubes also moved in tandem, further tormenting the snake.

After a few seconds, Death Snake will be deathly desperate.

"It's a demon of S class… it's something you don't think you can stop us from doing"

I pulled my sword out of the ground and poked it at Merle looking at this one with a stunned look on his face.

"Flying Sword!


Grayne's unleashed "Flying Sword" cuts into Death Kong's body.

But it didn't lead to both breaks, it just stayed to torment Kong.

"That's Death Kong, not to this extent."



An angry Death Kong waves its auspicious arm.

Grayne dives and flies, then releases the "Flying Sword" … but the skin is still stiff and the lightly released "Flying Sword" cannot be fatal.

"Not if it's warm..."

Grain lets his sword gather his magic and force his arms as he scratches his arms swinging in anger.

"Flying Sword and Slash!"

Grain waved his sword only once - - it looked like it.

At the next moment, countless (...) sword wounds run across Death Kong's body, blooming red flowers in the universe.

Already seemingly deadly, Death Kong lay low on the ground without a single scream.

"My sword is called the Light Sword... you didn't see it, did you?

Grain, with his sword in his pocket, shrugged as he watched the fallen Death Kong.

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