"- - I ask the Lord to leave this castle"

A few hours after that, I was summoned between the kings of the castle of Distinia with the dawn.

Next to the king stands the princess and Elka. As always, the princess is looking at me like she sees garbage...... Elka is also trying to look at me with the utmost contempt, but she doesn't do too well and makes some funny face. You'd be happy to be scorned by me, I'm sorry.

"... may I ask why?

"This elka says she doesn't want to tear her labor apart to someone who doesn't have the power like the Lord. I hate it, but I don't want to leave it in this castle for free."

I often tell you to kidnap yourself... well, it's lucky you don't defy me here without saying anything extra, shut up and listen first

"I'll just give you some wages. If you want to be an adventurer, I'll give you a castle weapon."

I wish I could be a powerless lord... - Yes, and I won't forget to be sarcastic, King. Seriously, you geez.

Adventurers are so extreme. This way.

But honestly, I'm happy with the wages, it's my style to say that I don't have any trouble with how much money I have. I don't need a weapon.

"Assuming you're a brave man, you were supposed to kick me out of the country, but if you leave the castle, I'll admit to staying in the castle."

"... thank you"

What's with the mustache...

But I'm glad you didn't have to leave the country, 'cause there's still something left to do in the city.

If you look at Elka, look at me and let me snort slowly. You did this to me. It's gonna help.

"Evacuate me from the castle the day after tomorrow, that's it. Back off."


I created a depressing atmosphere while leaving the room from among kings

- The contents were candles.

During the king after Setsu had left the room, the king sitting on the throne gave an order to Elka.

"Elka, give me the money from now on."

"Yes, sir."

When the king escorts Elka out of the room, he confronts his daughter, who is pointing her gaze at the door where Setsu walked out, like he was going to shoot her.

"Margaret, if you look at me like that, you'll ruin my beauty."

"Eh - even if you say so Father...... Huh! Why did you decide not to kick that undelivered out of the country!?

Margaret refers to this princess, and the undelivered refers to Setsu.

She seems unhappy that Setsu won't leave the country.

"It's just dirty letting that undelivered brave man or something step on Distinian soil...... Huh! No...... what a brave man to call itself bug spit runs!!

Margaret's face was distorted by anger, and the magic before her was rising from her body at all costs.

"It's Elka's strong request, so you'd better ask, didn't you convince yourself once?"

"Yes, but!!... when I look at him, I remember... the man who was summoned five years ago... Huh!

What comes to her mind is the face of Setsu the last time she was summoned, and Margaret seems quite angry that Setsu at that time is similar to the atmosphere of the man she's ever had in front of her. Should I call it disgust?

"He is against our true (...) brave - -"


the king stops with anger that she was about to run

"Even with security, you don't know who's listening, keep your mouth shut."

"Also, I'm sorry Father..."

Margaret bowed her head and seemed to reflect deeply. The exasperated atmosphere just now is disappearing.

"- - Let's get back to it, you said you don't care that that guy doesn't leave the country, but this is already decided. It's not a very good idea to defy the opinion of Elka, who's entrusted with the training of the brave."

"I know... I'm here"

She lays down her face and squeezes her hands so tight that blood seeps into her fist - -

- - Fortunately, whoever heard this conversation wasn't alone.

I'm going to chill my head - - After Margaret left the room, the king remembered to be hooked on an earlier conversation

(That useless guy... sure you didn't say his name was Setsu...?

It may be said that the name is abominable to the king.

(Once betrayed our human country and stopped the war (...) Man - -)

"Huh... no way"

The king shook off the floating thought.

That man is back - - that's something that shouldn't happen...

Endo is walking the hallway of the castle with his offering. They still have time for training, and they're thinking about doing a set-up and stressing out that they couldn't yesterday before it started.

"No - let's get stressed out again, Endo!

"- Uh-huh."


Endo hits his buddies with an irresistible look of anger

"Hey, I haven't been raw lately... I told him to punish me better..."

To his head is the appearance of his beloved and Setsu (Necla), who hugs each other. Ever since I witnessed that, Endo's head has been filled with hatred for Setsu.

"Ah... Endo, there's Nekra Yuki"


As the surroundings put it, there was a figure of Seth walking from across the hallway where we were.

As usual, my hair isn't done, my eyes are hidden, my lower back than I am, my thinner body - - Endo thinks, I wonder why such a one is with the flower pillar sunset, if I'm still better off.

- - - I know Kwang-jin. That's the perfect guy, there's no element to win

But Endo couldn't forgive the Nekra man for making friends with her without the perfect man. It was also that anger that was committing parsley and assault - - for jealousy.

(Shame on you...... more!

When Endo was staring at Setsu, he also seemed to notice that his mouth was "Shh! ♪ It's gonna take a long way to say ♪

Endo, who saw it, realized his face was distorted. He's afraid of himself, and when he does, he overflows his exhilaration.

"Oh, Nekrayuki-kun, huh? What are you doing, man?

Forcing his shoulders together, his surroundings surrounding the front and back make him unable to move.


"Oh, come on. Don't you even say hello? Ola!"


Endo's fist plunges into the seth. Look at him holding his breath. Endo still gets a sense of superiority.


That's when my gaze went to Setsu's hand.

"What have you got, you?"

Take it forcefully. It's like a wipe bag, it's a small bag but it feels very heavy

When I opened it, there were about ten gold coins shining there. If Endo remembers the currency of this world, he can see the amount.

"It's 100,000 yen... I don't know where to find something like this."

One piece of gold is 10,000 yen in Japanese yen, and ten pieces of that, or 100,000 yen. It's a lot of money in modern times, at least Endo never had an amount like this.

"... me... I thought I could at least do something other than fight because I'm useless... I helped the castle people... and then a lot of people paid me..."

"- Heh."

His mouth distorts into evil.

Then this is mine.

That's what I say. I put a wipe bag in my own pocket. It feels kind of nice to feel stiff.

"Ugh! Seriously Endo!

"So let's buy some food!!

The surroundings are noisy, earlier it was their voice that irritated me, but now Endo can hear me comfortably.

"Right! When you're done with your training, you're gonna have to play in the city!

Laughing dirty, they leave the spot for training.

Leave a set sitting on the spot...

"That's so awesome..."

I leave with a nasty laugh and resent the Endos.

I acted aggressively, but I didn't expect you to bring the money without so much mercy... if it wasn't for me, I'd cry.

Well, when I thought I was close to the sunset, Endo started to look pathetic. Jealousy is what you find out. Jealousy. Don't mind me, but attack the sunset a little... maybe for nothing, but he's dull for his own good.

"... well, I can have as much money as I want, so I can forgive you."

"- That? Isn't that Mr. Setsu?"

"... is that Grain?

As I turn my pity eyes to the Endos, who are not already here, I encounter Grain with his armor removed. You're as handsome as ever, blow it up.

"How did you get here?

"Oh, that 's--"

I told him that the day had been set for me to leave here for now and that they had taken my money

"Is it the day after tomorrow...... and can someone who would also be Mr. Setsu be left to be hit?

"... that's okay, 'cause maybe even if I don't do anything, they're gonna be horrible"

"... what is it?"

Some of the knowledge I've gained from reading online novels for a long time is that people of the Endo type are mostly out of sight.

In that way, when you're weak but faithful to your greed, one of these days you hit the limit and stop. To break it and satisfy further greed, now I will lay my hands on what is off the path of man - -

"That's how you destroy yourself, KingsRoad pattern."

"? What does that mean?

"It's important to make the first body."

I didn't say anything wrong. Because the stronger you become, the easier it is to satisfy your greed.

"Oh, I had more to ask than that"


"- - When's the next training break?

"... I didn't know it was this day..."

I was visiting Castle Town with a sober expression.

Two days after they gave me the eviction order, that is, today is the due date for my appointment to stay in the castle. And it's also the day off we were given to those who were summoned.

- I mean, yeah.

"- - Thank you for waiting, Yuki."

"... no, I'm just here, sunset"

What showed up before me was a childhood tame who had promised a castle street date...

Yes, the day of the covenant given by the king and the day of the covenant, even if it was not done.

(Nah, it's going to be hard...)

I feel like I'm going down, but tension will not be just as good in front of the girl.

- - Today is my last day in this city, let's force it to be a good memory.

Let's go.


I line up next to the sunset and start walking in the city.

Today, I'm leaving the country as soon as this date is over.

Enjoy this city so you won't be missed, that's what I decided

"Do you want to go somewhere?


"... what's up?

"Huh! Yeah! Nothing! That's right! Let's buy and eat. Buy and eat!

"Oh, oh..."

I feel somewhat unwell in the sunset...... did I do something to this guy?

Or no way...

"That looks delicious! Like a doughnut!"

"Right...... you want to try it"

- - You realize I'm about to be gone?

"... that's fun, Yuki"

"... oh"

Her sincerity, which occasionally gives her a lonely look, could hardly be read - -

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