"Well, now you're God of Destruction"


Destroia is not even oriented toward Felix, even if he is pointing a purple chilling sword at him.

But his eyes are only directed toward the house in which Seth disappeared.

"You can afford to look at it approximately. If you are now, I can take you down - -"



"When it comes to swords... you think you can beat me?

Felibs accidentally took a distance.

The God of Destruction he knew was such an overwhelming symbol of power that everything would collapse just by getting close.

Now, I don't even have that shadow.

There shouldn't even be a shadow...

(What are you frightened of? I... it's even possible that God of Destruction is less divine than I am now. Yet...... I have no vision of winning at all......)

"You don't have to be so scared. It is not for me to defeat the Lord."


"Look, I'm out."

From the empty house in the hole, Setsu appears as he kicks a piece of wood.

By the way, the clothes broke and the damage seemed to be taking place, but the footprint was solid.

"Ha... Next time, it's our turn"

◆ ◆ ◆

"Looking good."


What a jerk. I'll sentence you to a tickling sentence, Straw.

"Whoa, what's up? The grass-fed surface. Is it so unexpected that I'm safe?

"... surprised. Because I didn't think that was all I was doing. But what do you do with that broken sword? If you hit me like that, you can't kill me."

When you call this guy Namakura... well, as much as you named yourself Holy Sword, you have the power to just slap him in the mouth.

I mean, I actually just experienced it.

"Sure, I can't take you down with a black circle. But this isn't the only weapon I have."


I reach into the void and call my name.

"Eat it, Hungry Fang!"

The space cracks and a pattern of swords appears from the inside.

When I grabbed it and pulled it out, I gathered the temper that flowed from the crack and became a blade with a big mouth.

"Huh... what... is that"

"Like you, he's a holy sword."

Stick the big meal to Felix.

I'm pretty hungry right now.

You'll be able to eat this up.

"You say something like that... is the Holy Sword...?

I don't know what to say.

You're one of the same Holy Sword, so can I remember your name or so?

"It doesn't matter. You're not alarmed, are you?... Let's go."


Shake a big, big meal.

I ate one of Felix's arms from the ground up.

"How vicious......!

"Ola Ola!"

Felix squirts my streak as he wields blood from his shoulder.

You're bleeding, I don't know.



Once he released the dark circle as a token, and let it prevent it.

And poke a big meal in the crack where it was made.

Felibs, who had been eaten up round one belly, jumped backwards.

"... I see, strong"

"Compliments don't give you anything. It's more of a life to offer."


Felix is staring at me silently.

Those eyes, they're after something.

As long as I have that chance, I just feel signs that I can turn the war upside down in an instant.

Then, conversely, if this one decides in an instant - - - -.

"What the fuck!?"

"What was that noise earlier!

"It's coming from over here!

Something happened to me that was completely out of my mind.

A few men from the village are running from the other side.

Shit, I just can't shelter you.

"Terra! Don't come!

"Ah! You just..."

Scream, but the men who don't know the situation come running over as they are.

I had a bad feeling and moved forward in front of them.

"Opportunity! You've been distracted by the extra!


If we're on this spot, these guys can shelter.

But this was not a good idea.

In one blow, we should have buried him.

"- - -" Battousai. "

He says something.

Then the luminous one's body shape changes, and both legs swell into a distorted shape.

Eventually the integrated lower body became a huge mass with countless protrusions like taco bumps.

"[Battousai]... the holy sword pulled the blade out of his sheath. The meaning stays the same, but from the holy swords, you can expose yourself to your true appearance, so to speak, a state of complete liberation. His abilities have become even more vicious."


You think the demon-scattering monsters have evolved further?

No, have you ever been under control?

I have the worst feeling I've ever had.

"Before it gets hard...... with a blow!

"It's late. Sick Mist."


A black mist blows out of Felix's octopus hole.

I wielded a big meal and erased the mist that came down on me......


"Hey, what the... this..."

"Ho ho... ho ho"

The men were fogging, groaning, and spitting blood.

What the hell is this... isn't it poison already?

"My [sic mist] causes every disease to multiply and malign to what I inhale. It's all equally probable, both genetic and infectious. But only the deadly ones."

"Isn't that extremely evil...!

"What wind have you escaped, too?


I suddenly lost my strength and fell on my knees on the ground.

I can't stand the nausea that's been creeping up at the same time and throwing up blood as it is.

When I look at the back of my hand on the ground, I see countless red eczema and my whole body itches violently.

My body was so hot that I could burn my whole body, that I finally fell into depression, that I couldn't help myself.

"So germs drift through the air without inhaling the fog. By the time I was in this state, your defeat had been decided."

"Chiku... Shit..."

Shit, I'm losing consciousness.

Those men... they're not moving.


Don't, don't make it hard.

Who do you think will post process (...)?

You're not going to die anyway.

(What... what was I thinking now?

Break that ghetto bastard and these guys might help.

If you don't have more work for me, you better take him down.

(just now...... what the heck, this thought)

"Nah... why, can you stand up?


When I realized I was standing on two legs.

My body is terribly light, what the hell is going on?

No, well, no. Anything anymore.

Everything doesn't matter anymore.

In the meantime, turn it off because it's out of the way... him.

"Are you... the hell..."


I take a step forward.

No one can react.

I should have stuck it in front of me, but Felix didn't even see me in his sight.

I slowly stick a big meal in that chest.

"Damn... is that...? Oh no..."

"- Goodbye."

The only sound you can hear is the chewing sound.

The big meal was mercilessly scattered with both his hardened expression and his distorted face.

By the time the big meal was full, there was nothing there anymore.

◆ ◆ ◆

"... good day, bye"


Straw slaps me in the back and my body weight slowly returns.

Strangely enough, my body is doing great.

All that pain, as if it were a lie......


…… What's the matter with you?

"No... nothing"

Um, it feels like everything's gonna be better... I think I tasted it somewhere.

Sure, my mother didn't quite get it. When she called me into space - - -.

"Hey! Are you sure you're okay?

"Oh! Oh... don't worry"

With the appropriate straw to turn a surprise gaze, I head toward the fallen and lying men.

The sight of the one who stabs me in the back hurts, but now I'm more worried about the health of the villagers than that.

By defeating Felix, I hope it's resolved...

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