Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu

Ninety-three, I don't think I won.

"Dude, that would be too rampant..."

Zion makes a frightened voice when he sees a private house with a big hole in it.

Residents inside don't even have any signs of waking up, apart from injuries.

"I hypnotized the people around here so they wouldn't make a scene... but this is a big scene at dawn"

The only reason people around here don't come out hearing noise is because Zion is magically sleeping deep around.

If we don't do this, we'll have extra victims on the noisy residents by now.

"Hey, I need to get Lamina back."

Confirm what Lamina looks like in the distance, and Zion runs over the roof.

I checked to see if Setsu was there, but ignored it because it seemed to be over.

◆ ◆ ◆

"Ha ha ha... I lost"

Mira, Mirage's wounds are deep.

Didn't eat up big for what if, but with this deeply empty belly wound, you would already lose your life immediately.

"... you're not gonna show me the real thing?

"Oh yeah..."

There's a broken mirror coming from Mira's body, making her look like the Mirage I was fighting until just now.

The knife extraction state seems to be out, and the mirror is not floating anymore.

"Never thought I'd be defeated closest to the Seven Holy Swords."

"... can you copy the tone of your personality?"

"Naturally. There's no reason for me to blush against you."

I thought maybe this guy had feelings like us, but it seemed like a misunderstanding.

A holy sword is... I don't understand.

Fundamentally, these guys only see us humans as targets of annihilation.

I won't have a choice.

I'm giving these guys orders because they're gods.


"Ah? Is there something wrong?

Mirage laughs as she bleeds out of her mouth.

The laugh even seemed to be winning for some reason.

"No, I thought you bought me a brilliant amount of time... thanks to you, it's done"


At the end of this guy's gaze, there was supposed to be a sky out there.

Something's floating over this city.

If you look closely, it was what this city looked like.

I mean - - - -.

"Huge...... mirror......!?"

"Ha ha! It's finally done!

A mirror floating in the sky... it is this city that is showing...

Street...? What if they drop the mirror that copied the mass from the top?

"No way...!

"It's a broken bone to prepare a mirror of this size. But that's the end of the people in this city... both of you!


Not good.

If they drop something like that, you can't even eat big.

"You're dropping one city!? No kidding!

The scale is too different.

I was completely alarmed.

What the hell is this guy doing?

"How many days do you think it took me to make this... if I could take one or more humans on the road, I wouldn't die"

"Death to adults!

What are we gonna do?

It's definitely a bad end as it is.

Use divine power again... No, I can't break one city where I used it.

"Here... it's over."

Even I die like this.

No, it's going to collapse.

"Oh, come on, what's that Manuke side? That's not funny at all."

"... you"

I'm on the verge of getting distracted, and I can be stopped by a voice I know.

Standing behind me was the straw I'd been hiding.

The look on its face is as usual and has not stopped this desperate situation at all.

"What a pain in the ass you've done, Mirror"

"So, Destroia... Dear"

When the straw glances at Mirage, he shivers his body as if frightened.

I tend to forget, but this guy's a god, too.

... better than me.

Unbelievable feelings crept up, and I held my fist.

"Yes, now that you've come out! This city is over! Come on! Here we go!


From a giant mirror emerges the houses, paths and earth of this city.

With that mass, the "city" slowly fell.

"Damn it! When this happens, use all your life. But - -"

"Stop, fool. You don't have to."


Straw was holding his hand in the sky.

"What emerges from Mirage's mirror will disappear if the circuit with this guy is gone. So this is how we solve it."

Waving that hand gently, something made a noise in the air saying Paris.

The next moment, Mirage's face is dyed with despair.

"Oh no... my... mirror..."

"I broke the" connection "between your Lord and the mirror. The Lord will never reach you again."

The city, which was about half way out of the mirror, disappears.

Without one of the fragments, eventually every mirror disappeared, and the starry sky above it represented itself.

"To be able to let go of what your Lord has shown you, you have to throw it out of the mirror completely. If you destroy the fundamentals of your abilities before then... oh wonder, your abilities will be cancelled."

"Oh no..."

"You didn't know. I can't believe you had that weakness"

Straw walks over to the glistening mirage.

"Naturally. That weakness was set so that you and your lords could stop the Holy Sword at any time, so that Creacil wouldn't notice."

"Let, set......?

"... what do you mean?"

"It's a simple story. These swords were created with creacille and eagle."

Straw is the one who created the Holy Sword......?

Wait, I'm not listening to you.

"Hey! Then tell me your weakness when you're Felix and this time! If you knew, you wouldn't have had a hard time!

"... Lord, I knew it was a weird one. Normally it's like," Were you one of Clarisil's people, too? -! Isn't that where you eat up?

"I don't care about anything! I can't forgive him if he's still on his side now, but if he's become an enemy, no problem. Answer the question than that!

From me, the past doesn't bother me that much.

If you're on my side now, I don't need to say it anyway, and I'd like you to explain what you didn't just say about your weakness more than that.

If you've been giving me a hard time for some crap, I'll give you a pretty good deal of punishment.

"Hmm... well, I can't poke every weakness unless it's me... let's just say it"


"Oh, really!

Hmmm...... if you insist on being imminent or true with a grinding head structure, it sounds good to believe.

"And anyway! You can easily deactivate the Holy Swords if you want! Even your lord was expected to win when Felix was there, and I didn't dare."


Well, sure.

It seems like I was only using my divine powers for a moment then, and I'm still training myself to rely on that feeling.

Without that, I might not even have been able to fight Mirage.

I would never thank this guy.

"... God of Destruction, why do you stand in our way? Weren't you once... a friend of Lady Clarisil's?

"Friends...... oh my god. That's why the eagle has to stop his rampage. I'll punch you in the face and put you back in your sanity."

Straw's eyes were serious.

I can feel a strong will there to trust my friends and not doubt them.

It's only cool now, Straw.

"... it's pathetic... Master Clarisil is... distracted... and... not... he's... angry..."


"I'm sorry… no… I… could not carry out my mission… Clarisil… Sa… Ma"

The light falls out of Mirage's eyes.

Then his whole body glowed, and when it subsided, all that remained was a beautiful broken sword.

"Are you out of breath...... How do you feel about knocking down the sword closest to the Seven Sacred Swords?

"... I don't think I won"


I lost to this guy at the end.

Without Straw, I would have been Peppa's corpse by now.

Lost. Lost.


So much, regret, I've probably never wanted power before.

I was strong enough to bleed and grabbed my fist.

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