The day after she came back to modern times, until 2 p.m., the scheduled time for Miss Blackie's visit, she manipulated the app in a self-depraved manner while in vain being alert to her red-leaf sisters, watching TV and reading cartoons.

Inside the app, the flow of time seems to be as tenfold as ever, so the world fluctuates visibly for what you're looking at, but as far as the map of the world is concerned, both the Garhart territory and the powers that have become the land of showdown with the Demon King seem to be at peace.

Of course, there seems to be some skirmishes with other countries, but that's discount because there's no kiri to say.

There's nothing more we can do than be human.

And as I spent some time thinking about what to do with the profession framework, the rest of it, which has become vacant due to the new fusion of demonic professions, the scheduled time is finally approaching.

Hmm, I think it's time.

Then the intercom rings at just the right time, and you hear the human voice you see through the door.

"Master Saito, it's Kuroko. May I interrupt?

"Uh, yes, yes, I'll open it now"

He seemed to have come alone, as promised, and as far as the door scope showed, he couldn't see his usual black clothes.

Hmm, I guess this breaks through the first stage.

No matter how many daughters have absolute power over black clothes, it's hard to imagine that the Dojin family will do anything to the monster opponents of the Kuo relationship, who are fully aware of the crusade.

They could shake off her deterrence and attack, and secrets could spill out of my story.

It would be troublesome if I did, so I told him to come alone this time.

In the meantime, I decided to have the red leaves hidden in the back of the living room and let the lady through the room.

As always, we're looking around inside equipment, but no matter how much we look for, there's no such thing as a monster sheltered junction item.

I don't have a single millimeter of Yin Yang Road extremes, and the same goes for creating items.

Maybe if I wanted to make it in Item Creation, I could make it.

"Sorry to bother you."

"There you are."

Sit in a relative position while serving tea on the shabudai.

Well, I wonder where we're going to talk from.

I'm getting a little nervous.

"Nevertheless, Master Saito is still a stranger. I can't believe you still enjoy this qualitative life while having the financial resources to acquire the company you work for.... I'm sorry to say this, but isn't it common for a normal lord to want to play lavishly? I still can't guess you by your power or your wealth."

Where I was wondering how to cut out the story, the black girl, who had been looking around for a while, spoke to me instead.

But it's a qualitative life......

As an individual, I'm not that dissatisfied with my life because I'm used to this life.

I usually go on adventures to different worlds, and I don't have a use for it even if I have enough money to just hang out.

Besides, due to the fact that I can't get my livestock guts out of it, I can't imagine being forced to start living in luxury.

That kind of sensibility doesn't suit an old man named me.

Wherever you go, the idea is common, sort of.

While working moderately as a master of coffee shops, life rhythms such as adventuring moderately in different worlds are probably the most elegant and free living.

But you do.

If you want to pursue that, I have a question for you too.

"It's a little heavy, but I want to ask you something about it. What would your daughter think if there was someone as powerful as me who had just the fortune to luxury but didn't dare to use it... for example, someone who couldn't keep up with the changes in the environment and couldn't resist her boss's powers?

─ ─ ─ What if the only decisive difference between that person and me was whether there was just a tour where you were lucky enough to have power and wealth in your hands?

Do you still find the person attractive?

And that's what I heard.

Needless to say, it is about the red leaves.

From a black girl who doesn't know what's going on, she won't even consider what it is.

But when it came to the past, if I didn't have an app, I would have been just a livestock company.

So they really lay themselves on this animal monster.

Of course I wouldn't tell you to forgive the evil that you've done in the past as it is, but still, the essence of this guy would be good.

My kind who just wants to eat dinner every day, sleep, play, and sometimes work.

So please, if you have a preference for me, I just want you to divide that love into the ones who are holding it back a little bit.

"Of course, being such a person does not compromise his or her charm. If the essence of the person is good, even if he did not have the strength or wealth, as Saito did, then that alone deserves respect. This can be said of any human being. But why ask such questions?

I couldn't feel any lies from the black lady who told me that with her cloudless eyes.

Well, if that's what you're gonna say, all you have to do is try to believe her words.

I signal the red leaves that would be hiding behind me and signal them to show up.

Then I heard a breathtaking sound.

Well, that's surprising, I can't help it all.

"Mmmm. It's been a long time."

The red leaves snap, snap, and look at the target slightly freaked out.

Still in the same condition.

You really don't brace him. This guy.

".................. Huh!

"This is who the question is right now. There's no way to exorcise a hostile monster that can't be helped, but there's no harm or hostility to the red leaves right now. As proof of that, this guy hasn't done anything wrong since he met me.... If the earlier words were true, would you just accept this guy's predicament a little bit and do it?

I feel sorry to see you look surprised while your eyes are black-and-white, but there is a time when you have to understand one day.

This time it was now.

Since it will not be possible to create a system that generally accepts it, it will be within the personal scope of Miss Kuroko first.

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