In the meantime, we were to pick up a room in a nearby inn and have a meeting between the three of us.

Not to mention the agenda, my daughter-in-law controversy.

I'm ashamed to say it myself, but it's true, so I can't help it.

Then, for a while, the argument was converged by talking about how this rice balls monster was smeared on his appetite, or by the fact that the red leaves, who did not deny it at all, said, "Maybe it's time for dinner -" and Mizette convinced me for now that I have no daughter-in-law.

"That's why I'm single. I haven't fallen far enough to get my hands on a toddler girl."

"Yeah, but then you mean I could be your daughter-in-law?

You won't.

But sooner than that, Mizette has blocked my lips with those peachy lips.

It is a so-called kiss.

Her golden hair flutters and a slightly sweet scent tickles her nostrils.

Seriously, how did this happen?

What kind of behavior is this lady?

"Hmm, now I've got your first kiss. I was the first to book Kenzi, so I'll take responsibility."

"Are you serious?"

Mizette's face, proclaiming so with a Doya face, appeared slightly red-stained, illuminated by a gentle sunset that plunged through the inn window.

You took one of these.

Though selfish and unscrupulous behavior has become modest, the claim seems strong when it comes to being here as always.

But Mizette's favor is well understood, but I'm just wondering which way to lean as being proposed to Miss Kuroko in Japan.

Blah, blah. What happens to this?

There's no way you're polygamous.

... No, it's a different world and maybe that's an ant too.

I don't know.

"The Knight's Girl (stomach) tends to suck, huh? Should I come with you?

"No, that's okay. Just take your feelings."


On top of that, when it comes to mixing things up to this point, it becomes chaotic inside, so I get red leaves that twitch with my head.

I narrow my eyes and squeal my throat because what is being done is not satisfactory.

Cat or you.

Eventually, we stayed at the Inn that day, and a hundred years later, the walk around the world took place later.

The main things to do are investigating environmental changes associated with technological developments, new registrations in the Adventurers Guild, and visits to Galhart territory.

Also, it feels like I said I would train in between.

As for Adventurer Guild, the original card will be useless if you don't register new, and this is no way to do it.

The problem is with Galhart territory, the home of Mizette.

She followed me until she abandoned her family and hometown, at least she could have the right to see what happened to her family and territory afterwards.

Or I want to do that for you.

Yes, when I told the two of them of my plans for the future, the red leaves gave me the same distracted reply, and the Mizette gave me a rare word of thanks.

"Thanks. I have no regrets about you, but I was a little concerned about Mom and Dad and Clay."

"... oh"

I guess I originally lived in a knight's dorm as a holy knight, and I wouldn't be homesick or anything like that.

It just shouldn't happen if you ask me if I care at all about my family being able to live happily ever after.

I knew there would be some heartache for the year.

But can't we really go back in time?

Sure, the app description should have specified that we couldn't go back to the original era, but the angel no-name would have said that if we still got the achievement, we could possibly go back to the past era with the time machine, yes.

I don't know which explanation is correct.

But it would be worth a try.

I don't know what the 'breakdown of creation' is in this era, but from previous examples, the Temple of the Creating God should level up if we accomplish something that leads to it.

What comes to mind is still demonic related events, but will it be that easy this time?

With a little anxiety, I worked out a policy with plans for the future.

And the next day.

I just made my trip schedule in the morning and went to the Adventurers Guild.

I'm just going to see if I can use my original guild card for once, but I probably won't be able to use it.

As usual, when I entered the guild, the indoors were busy with drunken adventurers, but I still saw a flickering change in my gear.

Well, the equipment of the low-ranking and thought-provokers was the same, so I guess only the middle- and upper-middle-sized can hold weapons and protective gear with new features.

"Welcome, how can I help you with our guild"

"Uh, can I still use this card? If I can't use it, I'm going to register as a new adventurer."

Shake the century-old guild card so that the receptionist can see it.

Then I pointed my surprised gaze at past guild cards for just a moment, but soon you figured out who this card was: "Oh!" He showed how convinced he was with the ringing.

"This will be a guild card that has already been discontinued from issue on the continent. It has now been improved to allow individual certification through the certification of magic prints. We're still going to all the guilds. It's not just equipment, but very rarely do people from another continent possess it."

"I see..."

Yeah, this was active when you said it was still another continent.

That's lucky.

So it looks like we all don't have to drop the rank of adventurers.

"So even this guild card will prove enough. There is a fee for replacing it with the latest formula, but what do you want me to do?

"Oh, then you can stay like this. Seems like you can use what you can."

It's not a waste of fees, but I decided not to force it to change because it doesn't seem particularly unfettered even as it is.



The receptionist puts his finger on his mouth and continues with a little nimmation.

I have a bad feeling about this.

"To see from the name Kenji Galhart on your guild card, how enthusiastic your parents are fans of human God. Many parents name their children Kenji after human god these days, but I've never seen anyone imitate them until their last name."

"So, Soudesne..."

I see, it may be inconvenient if the name does remain this way.

Although, there is nothing I can do.

Well, I'll change my name with a new registration when I need it.

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