A two-tailed demon fox who fought Saito in a family restaurant and fled in front of his enemies before an overwhelming difference in strength, Twin Leaves was trembling at his impenetrable human prowess.

"Hey, what the fuck is that old man... I don't pepper the words of the red leaves, but I can't believe you have the same powers as your sister Hachiba... While we were sealed, were we born with mutations in humans...?

There was no such thing as someone with such bullshit powers back in the day.

At that time, even the most powerful Yin Yang master in the capital of Kyo was able to fight more than each other around Shi Tai and Wu Tai Sister.

There are so many things beyond calculation, such as the sudden appearance of someone of the same size as Sister Hachiba, who is Hachio.

When I didn't let my sisters and mother know about this as soon as possible, I felt that Twin Leaves were in trouble.

This time, a mysterious old man as strong as that monster happened to be born on the human side, that's all.

Yes, I tell myself, I aspire to a land where my sisters are sealed by jumping over a roof called the roof of a private house while simulating to a human being.

Five sisters are currently free from the seal, including myself and my sister's red leaves.

It is one tail, two tails, three tails, four tails and eight tails.

Are the rest of the sisters still unwilling to break the seal or remain locked up just like their mother?

Especially since that doesn't mean demon power is losing to the power of sealing.

That's what you can do if you just get out, just like you, the two tails, showed up in this world.

Then why not try to break it immediately?

That is because of the instructions of the mother of the Nine Tails, "Before the Jade Algae", the superior beings of the sisters.

My mother was concerned about the appearance or disappearance of red leaves, a one-tailed sister, this time, and she thought there might be unprecedented unforeseen circumstances.

I don't know if that unexpected and done is convenient for my mother, or vice versa.

But in any case, he released his sisters with low power to avoid irritating humans in order to conduct the investigation, and made the decision to attach Hachio (Hachi), an eight tail, as an adjunct.

That's why I said I was the least influential person in the human world to bring back the red leaves, but this body.

What the hell is going on?

"And for some reason, the red-leaf guy's tail grew in two. This can't be happening. Our sisters can only evolve with their mother in this world."

Whatever you think, I just think that suspicious old man did something.

Since the sisters are originally the relatives of the Nine Tails, the demonic power accumulated in this world is collected and basically becomes the power of the Mother.

So it's possible for my mother to grow and evolve if she cares about it, but it's impossible without permission.

Even so, the red leaves had already evolved to become the same two tails as themselves.

It's not normal.

"I'm not interested in any other sequence of sisters,... but he's still my sister. If that old man is experimenting with yin-yang or sorcery on the red leaves or forcing evolution in some unexpected way, there's no reason to leave him alone. I'll definitely kick your ass."

Twin leaves seem to have a family-thoughtful side in the core part of what is rough because of their temperament, and they were anxiously and passionately driven by their sister's insecurity.

He then drove through the town and the mountains at an ultimately impossible rate of travel for humans, coming to the abandoned house behind the mountain, where the eight leaves lurk.

Get in in a hurry and explain the situation.

"Sister Hachiba!

"Oh, Twin Leaves, welcome back. What's the matter with you in such a hurry? And you don't see any red leaves, do you?... No way."

There was a secluded glimmer in the abandoned house, his eyes closed and Yao sipping tea.

While the Yin and Yang masters are leaping forward and looking for themselves, it is questionable why they are sipping tea for swallowing in places like this, but that is nothing short of demonstrating the power of this Yao Tail.

In the first place, this abandoned house was itself sealed by Yao, but he said it was a place of fun (mumps) and flair, so he borrowed it by brainwashing the original owner, Master Yin Yang, and making it his puppet.

They use puppets that are thought to be in the same company to pursue other Yin Yang masters, and this is why they can relax.

Above all, the scary part is keeping the powerful person, the Yin Yang Master, a puppet for a long time, flat without showing any drain of power.

If this was the demonic power per twin leaves, it would have immediately exhausted its power.

"Sister, that's not true. I found the red leaves, but they were imprisoned by a creature of strength beyond my control, and I couldn't take them home.... and the red-leaf guy evolved into a two-tail without my mother's permission. Probably forced to accompany some kind of experiment..."


I listened to the twin leaves report and only slightly disturbs the eight-leaf demon.

The surrounding woods are set in motion, and the birds fly in unison.

The pressure of its overwhelming mass, even the twin leaves, which are homogeneous, were enough to breathe stiff, even though the demonic power only leaked slightly from the body.

Are you saying that the red leaves have already fallen into the hands of humans?

"Oh, I think so"

"Really... that youngest coward..."

A muscle of tears flows from the lid of the closed octopus, dripping down from his cheek.

Just as Twin Leaves was a family thought, so was his eldest daughter in the sisters, and Hachiba, who was in charge.

A sister who is always frightened by the power of her own sister but who collects food healthy as a tribute.

My sister runs away and hides and gathers information, even though she has little power to fight.

As soon as I compliment you, I'll be in good shape, but that place is a little cute, sister.

In the blink of an eye, the memory of his youngest son, the red leaf, is evoked one after another.

Then the eyes of the eight leaves, which had been closed, gradually opened, and the red eyes opened like a scorching magma.

"I'll report the human matter to my mother. Good luck, Twin Leaves."

"So, but the red leaves..."

"As for the red leaves, let's do something about it ourselves. … a little rough, but this is also for my sister."

Twin leaves breath again in my sister's words.

If you or your other sisters, it's still a sign that anger has already reached its limits that the word usually comes out of these eight lobes, which are warm.

And when I peered into the crimson eyes, I realized that there was so much demonic power in it that my soul would be burned, the twin leaves paved the way without saying anything as they were.

This sister's mistake is going to cause a lot of damage to the human world later, but that's a little further.

It's all a story since Saito came back from another world.

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