After the next day, when we came out of the temple of the Creator, we rode on the back of the leaves again for Galhart territory.

As always, once evolved, physical abilities seem to increase dramatically, pushing the roadless path at a speed that is already unparalleled before.

The maximum speed at the two tails was like a motorcycle running down the highway, but now it seems to be able to maintain that instantaneous speed with little deceleration.

Red Leaf said, this riding beast mode seems to be specialized in physical abilities, and for the dramatic increase in physical abilities over the time of human form, it seems that you will no longer be able to use witchcraft cleverly, but it is still amazing.

That's right, I have to say monsters.

The story changes, but as the number of tails increases, they will be able to use fairly advanced witchcraft even in Riding Beast mode, so it is better to keep in mind that this reasoning will not work when doing things with Nine Tails.

I'm sure physical abilities and witchcraft are transcended when you become a sub-god class.

Really, I don't want to be hostile to these shitty matches if possible, but I guess not, given how I've kicked a demon fox like Twin Leaves in the ass.

That guy was obviously hostile to this one, and the monster and human groove look deep.

And then for about two days, riding on the back of a red leaf and running through the world at an overwhelming speed, I finally reached near the previously visited territory of Galhart.

This place looks like the same township after a hundred years, and I don't see how it's changed so much from before.

If there was anything unusual, would there have been more non-human races than we had seen before?

Well, buildings are more or less the same.

However, because of the increase in non-human races, the population also grew, something like waiting for people to enter a town that had never existed before in front of the gate.

I feel it from a distance, and apparently they're going to be eating time waiting in turn for a while.

But as always, it is a pleasure to discover that Galhart territory was busy.

I also have a smile on my face naturally in the Mizette next door.

"Got it, eh?"

"Oh, thank God. Thank you."

"I would also like to thank you. I never thought I'd be able to get back to my hometown so soon. Thank you, Momidji?

"Um, no, no, no, no."

As the two of them thanked each other, the red leaves in Riding Beast mode began to hail their tails with their tongues.

As I've found out in the last few days, my tail is like a pretty stylish point for this guy.

Lately, I've been forced to help with my hairy hair half the time.

Anyway, it's enough to say "I shouldn't be your daughter-in-law" if there's any disturbance in the hairline at all.

I don't know what the hell's different from when you're one or two tails, but they say something's different.

But I don't know what's the difference, it's a mystery.

Has it evolved and changed its aesthetic feel?

Maybe there's a change in the degree of mental growth, depending on evolution.

Somehow, it's like shifting from the spirit of a young girl to the spirit of a girl.

Well, you look just a Lori Kid Monster, as usual.

"All right, is this it?

"Here, feel a little smoother"

"Whoa, is this it?

"Next, the tip of the tail feels shy and sharp"


I politely hairy my tail while asking my opinion. I do, but honestly, I don't know what changed.

I just comb (su) with my hands as I was told, and I narrow my eyes like I was satisfied, so maybe this is the right thing to do.

There are a lot of orders, but even for me, I am not stressed because I am able to indulge in tail moffs.

No, it's more like it feels a little good.

I don't know because I'm single, but maybe this is how your father feels with his daughter.

Then I adjusted the hairs for a while, and more or less where I was satisfied with myself, I said, 'Con!' He returned to human form with the ringing voice.

Mizette, whose curiosity was inspired from the way along, also joined in and twisted her tail, so she was very helpful in red leaves.

Now he's moving his perfectly hairy three-tailed pretentiously to his satisfaction.

"Nevertheless, the Heavenly Beast Man could have been a form of beast, an interesting discovery."

"Well, this guy is special. Wouldn't all Heavenly Beasts be able to be?

"Oh, really?

Some heavenly beasts may feel like some beast modes, but the [life evolution] commentary on the app did not provide such an explanation.

There's no need to hide anything about being a monster anywhere, but it's troublesome to convey the concept of a monster, so I nod vaguely for now.

Even if you leave him alone, you'll realize sometime this guy's gonna be weird, I guess.

And as the three of us waited lined up in front of the gate for admission to Galhart territory, they were heard from an adventurous man lined up behind them.

"Hey, there you go."

"What is it?

The adventurer who came calling me was a short-haired brother with a look like a warrior to see, and he was about twenty years old.

I may be active in solo because I don't have any other companions, but what exactly is the requirement?

No, well, I know what it's like to want to speak up because I'm free to wait in order.

"Whoa, from what I've seen, you're going to be challenging the Lord's Holy Knight Festival in this town, too, right? It's for adventurers, you know. If you're going to hit it with me, fine. I'm Roy. What about you?

"It's called Kenji, it's nice to meet you"

Well, what is the Holy Knight Festival?

The other side seems to know the circumstances, but unfortunately this one has just moved into this era and I don't know anything about it.

In the meantime, I replied, but I want to hear more about it because it seems like an interesting event.

Then Mizette ate instead of me.

"Heh, what's that saint knight's festival?

"What, you didn't know? Speaking of the Holy Knight Festival, I thought it was like this Garhart territory, no, a specialty of this country... Oh, my God, because it's like a ceremony for sorting a line of brave men. And the prize money is big."

The solo adventurer with the thoughtful look puts his hand on his chin.

But when he saw us, who would have traveled from another country, he took a breather and told us the details.

He is a kind man of sorts.

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