Kuroko Dojin was in a hurry when Saito was fulfilling his encounter with Harry.

There have been a number of recent Kowloon-related incidents, but this time it's more personal.

What to hide, because Blackie has received word from Mini Blackie about mini blackie damage or death, a doll produced with a level of pennies that smaller private houses can purchase.

That replacement doll had black hair as a medium that would depend on it, and it was designed to reach itself in case.

The connection between the surgeon and the doll is quite profound, instead of being a substitute that can be produced so easily and so many times from the secret hidden, spiritual power and dependency issues passed down to the Yin Yang master from generation to generation.

Until I met Saito face to face, he was safe and peaceful without any tone, so I was sure he didn't have any imminent threat.

But if you looked at me face-to-face a few days ago, didn't you get a report of inaction from the doll?

That means that in the last few days, as many psychics as Saito have fought with those who deserve a lethal blow.

This is unusual.

"You shouldn't have this...... We Yin Yang masters say we are full of hands in the matter of Nine Tails, but we cannot afford to deal with enough monsters to shoulder to shoulder with Saito-sama's power. We need to contact Saito-sama again to find out more about this matter."

Even so, I should say that I am fortunate to be unhappy, and Saito himself, who consumed Mini Kuroko, has been contacted by Ceremony God that he is still safe.

That means he won the battle against the highly threatened demon itself.

I don't know if I completely destroyed it, or sealed it or let it get away with it, but it doesn't change that I suppressed my beating moves to a level that I can't at least chase.

Because otherwise he can't be safe.

So Kuroko decided to call Saito's home for now.

It is obvious that it is an unsolicited call because of the fact that it is already late at night, but I wanted to confirm it as soon as possible because the situation I noticed is a matter.

Whatever it was, it was as much as I wanted to go now to find out more about the demon that became a threat, even to his home.

Then he calls Saito's own room from his home standby phone and waits for a response.

Then the response came back as soon as possible.

"............ Ah! Hello, is Saito-sama's home, Kuroko? I have an urgent consultation and I have contacted you... Mr. Saito?

But I never heard back from the other side who was supposed to pick up the phone, and somehow I said, 'Well, I heard a woman coming from this magic device! What do you mean?' or 'The! I don't know anything about that [Denshiki]! If you use it on your own, the rice balls will piss you off, huh?' Or so I hear.

What the hell is it?

One is vocally, definitely the voice of a red leaf that Saito himself has hidden, and is now two tails.

But the other woman is unknown.

It sounds like we're talking in a nuance like we don't know about the phone, but there's no reason for that.

The language you hear is fluent Japanese, and there's no way it's a woman from a developing country who doesn't even seem to be popular with phones.

And the fact that there are red leaves is definitely connected to Saito's home.

... really mysterious, Kuroko thinks.

It's a mystery, but we can't talk about not getting Saito himself out for now, so we'll keep talking.

But the words that come out somehow become intimidating things, things of attitude that you wouldn't normally think of from a black child.

"Um, I don't know who you are, but what the hell are you doing at Saito-sama's house? Could it be Saito-sama's girlfriend or something? So you're messing with me? Is there anything inconvenient about the woman you called?

I can't understand why such a high-pressure dialogue would emerge even on my own.

Behind the will to negotiate calmly, it became a fight waist response that had nothing to do with the matter.

Blackie blushes one person while holding the phone to the lapse she has done, but the word she came home was unexpected.

"Hey Momiji, who's Saitou?

"Maybe a rice balls man."

"Oh, I see. Kenji's name in this world, I see."


What is the world this way?

I wonder what the hell the two tails are talking about with the other woman.

Driven by a growing sense of impatience because of all the things I don't understand, Kuroko sweats cold and finally gets confused from the Nine Tails case and the mini Kuroko report, plus the incomprehensible response that is currently happening.

And finally, "maybe something unforeseen is happening".

Once she thought of it, she decided to hang up on the two of them, who still have a mysterious exchange on the other side, and suddenly take the means to make a special attack on her home.

"I don't know what's going on, but I'm sure Saito-sama is safe with a call from Ceremony God. It's hard to think of it as hostile if it is, but just in case I have to check that woman's identity directly... Yes, it's really troublesome in case there is. This visit is legitimate at the moment..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

He is a black child with an excuse like a curse, but he doesn't understand why he is in such a hurry anymore.

It's just that, vaguely, I felt like "losing something" if I let it go, and I couldn't stay, even if I was there.

He called in his own black clothes that could be moved even in the middle of the night, and immediately left the mansion after telling Yuansan Dojin why he was visiting before leaving the mansion in one car.

Even from Yuansan, because it is common for people in the Dojin family to move around late at night in response to demons, they did not stop, but for some reason, they thought to cool their liver a little against black children who leave without saying whether or not they were with a black grin that was cold at the bottom.

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