Some time after that, I took home a breather at home with Mizette, a legendary 70-person drain at the game center.

I'm currently asking the person for more information on why this happened, while telling them to refrain from dark outings to avoid getting victims like Chimpila A. B. out in the future.

By the way, I really executed my sentence for the butterfly pen.

It seems to be his black history as early as possible.

"So, what was that chimp trying to protect you from the wild horses until you left?

"Ah, that one."

When I heard the story, apparently they were exceptionally winning Kobo and Gob who offered themselves guidance on this city.

Before I stopped at the game center for anything, Mizette wanted to go to a restaurant, where she had breakfast at the "fumizu" place.

He said that he was generous enough to give me money and that it was user-friendly inside.

Maybe he has the talent of a butler, so if he can bring it back to Galhart territory, he's also an ant or something.

"I see."

"Yes, it is."

... No, wait, something's wrong.

Yes, it is.

I should have just been telling you how I got Chimpy A.B. involved.

Why is that, at some point, replacing the talent development story?

So this guy, he's not reflecting at all...?


"Oh, hey. Chi, you're reflecting properly, huh? I'm still unfamiliar with this world, so I admit I pulled it in just fine.... I'm not going out alone this time."

"Ha, well, now that's good"

I don't want to disperse my power as much as possible, especially now that the family of Nine Tails seems to be causing problems.

If you can, you want to take full advantage of your power as a high level Holy Knight, and even if you move freely, you want to know where you're going.

As always, if this was a peaceful situation, you could take it upon yourself to some extent.

And when I heard the revelation, I sealed the red leaves, which were still sleepless, in a futon, and told my ass the current state of affairs with a monster who didn't know if it was a cat or a fox that was sleeping with yodales dripping around in a muddy circle.

There are two important points.

The first point is that the family members of the red leaves, or the parent balls with the red leaves as the family members, are raging in this world.

The second point is that those who have power in this world are trying to draw us in.

"Heh, that's what was happening over here. Is Momidji an awesome guy? But at the same level as the ancestors of Heavenly Beasts, in this world where Kenji may exist, one or two ancestors of Heavenly Beasts can't help it."

I can't help but think so.

The red leaves look like beasts from different worlds, not monsters at first glance, and if you try to make it a misette that I consider to be the standard in this world that you've raised levels in that world, you won't see any threat.

But that's a mistake.

I don't know what to hide, because it's probably just Mizette, a different world, and me, the owner of the app, who has the concept of level in this world.

This is not love or anything, but must be recognised as a difference in power due to vocational correction.

I'm afraid to fight now - no, I'm actually so scared - but I can't turn away from reality.

I don't know what Nine Tails is, but if I stick it through, I guess I'll get through it.

Anyway, I'm an outside person, and I'm an ordinary person.

But I can't ignore it conveniently anymore before I am involved with the Yin Yang Master myself and embracing a fellow named Red Leaf as my family in the bend.

Or if I ignore it, maybe my neck will tighten.

Therefore, I decided to convey to Mizette the reality of how threatened the Nine Tails are.

To be honest, I don't know much about it either, but the appraiser says it's subdivine at least.

"By the way, the parent balls of the red leaves are comparable to the subdivine classes in the other world"

"Whoa!?... You're lying, right?

Mizette looks at me in such a dirty way that I don't think she's just a beautiful girl.

No, this sounds like a lie and it's true...

I can't imagine a young girl sleeping in Offton right now, but the appraiser has never lied before.

It would be no mistake that there are various disparities in intensity but weaknesses between sub-divine and dragon gods, demon gods and world trees.

I'm in trouble.

Nevertheless, nothing has been decided to be solved by violence alone.

I don't know why the Nine Tails are rambling in the first place, and there's nothing if you talk about it, and there may be a case where you've reconciled.

So he thinks it's not my way to attack him unilaterally, and he can't get through.

The question is whether or not you're willing to talk to them, but... at least that demon fox named Ertao has attacked you unilaterally.

Um, is it hard to discuss?

But it's true that she and I were hesitant to attack at first, and moving to bring the red leaves home was our number one priority.

I heard that my sisters had different temperaments, so maybe the task was not to harm me, and I made a personal decision based on my short-tempered personality.

This neighborhood is troubling.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

There was one last thing I had to add.

"And don't ever peek at my computer"

"Huh? Pan? What?"

"... no, it's nothing"

Whoa, no more.

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