Former Count Lenin asked me for more information about the labyrinth.

Initially discovered, they were not as large as they were, but only a small cave was created at the foot of the world tree, which is also among the largest elves in this world.

It was not certain why such a thing was suddenly born, but at the time it was determined that it was not at the hands of the demonic tribe because the appraisal of Lara Sartira of the High Elf, a legend that lived to be the supreme power inside, did not discover the kind of temper.

But the abandoned labyrinth became enormous after the day, and it finally appeared even to a new kind of demon that attacked people.

Of course, there was resistance because it was not a defenseless place inside the elf.

However, although demons can be defeated, the depth of the unexpected cave did not reach the investigation of the cause.

The nature of this cave, which emerged at the foot of the world tree, deepened with each day's pursuit, led Lara Sartira, who decided that the cave itself was alive, as a subsequent response, to invite the brave man, the most powerful force in the human world, as a national guest, to a cave that no longer became a labyrinth.

... and a description of the majority of what was going on up to the point where this was 100 years of skipping and I visited this world.

Mr. Lenin was also aware of the information from the beginning, but regarded it as one of the strange phenomena occurring around the world, and said he had nothing to worry about.

Well, naturally.

Anyway, the brave man was on his way to solving the problem, and if it was normal, it would take a blow.

But things changed while I was away from Galhart territory with Mizette and in real life.

What a brave man who went to investigate the cause felt that the strategy of the labyrinth attack was lacking, and he turned back once.

Even the Demon King crusades on his own, and the brave man who can ride into the Demon Continent and even cross with the Demon God is defeated.

The so-called "unheard of."

Having understood the information, the countries in and around the elf finally understood the seriousness of the matter and were currently looking for a way to open it.

They say the Holy Knight Festival is thriving because of more enthusiasm than usual for the selection of a line of brave men.

"What can I say, this is a new crisis in the world. We should work together to attack the Labyrinth without thinking about profit."

"... yeah, right.... So?

To Mr. Lenin, whose expression slowly clouds, Mizette tells him to thrust a little cold.

Yeah, I can tell this, too.

Finally, he wants to think about his country as a nobleman and use Mizette politically.

Of course it will be due to the biggest respectful response when it comes to using it, but you must still be feeling bitter in terms of using it.

So my expression is cloudy and I am disgusted with myself saying good things about bugs. Did I just say that?

"And at the same time as the crisis in the world, it is also a good opportunity for those involved in politics. Because if even the brave can contribute to solving a failed problem, they will also have more say as a country. To be honest, I would ask your ancestors to be a powerful card in this country as one of the brave lines in this labyrinth attack, but..."

That much to put into words, Mr. Lenin closed his mouth with a hard look.

Maybe, but he also knows from the legend of Saint Knight Mizette Galhart.

To the fact that it is impossible to move this girl in the power of a politically entangled country.

Of course, as a nobleman or as a country, the best solution is to use the Mizet to make a difference to other countries.

Its strength is real, and whatever it takes to be able to use the power of a legendary hero is a huge constraint.

Because that back suggests the existence of God.

But Mr. Lenin wants to keep Mizette's information out of the dark.

If, naturally, Mizette was a person who would not be moved by power, that might be the only way to turn to the enemy if he tried to force it to be used.

And more importantly, he has a verse of respect for his great ancestor, the Holy Knight Mizet Galhart.

I may be disqualified as a nobleman, but I guess I can't fold inside.

"Damn,... how impudent. To the aristocrats, … no, I can't help but have the ambition to use you. How small am I to a hero who once saved the continent, let alone his descendants?"

"... Grandpa"

A Gray boy, whose understanding of the situation has not kept up, looks at Mr. Lenin wonderfully as he is about to collapse.

But Mizette, who received this explanation, was flat and calm everywhere without seeing him with contempt for using himself in this way.

"Don't worry about it."


"I didn't have to worry about it. Because that is a natural judgment as a nobleman.... what my father, Count Galleria Garhart, was like. He used the man who saved me as a dead man, and made the feat his daughter's. As a matter of position, I now think it might be the right answer."

Mizette tells that as she misses the old days somewhere.

"... then"

"But you can't. I knew I would live this world on my own. You will not obey what you judge to be a nobleman. But there's nothing to scorn at the same time. So at best, make the most of my achievements. I decided to go on an adventure with the labyrinth of this world."

".................. ugh!

That's what I said. Mizette, who makes eye contact with Chirali here, put out her tongue as if to say 'hang out a little' to me.

Hmm, is that what you came for?

In the context of "Creation's Bankruptcy," there is no way that I am not moving here, so I agree to go.

But now she is in training for Miss Kuroko.

There's no reason to scorn this one here either, so it's in the form of what we call double booking.

Well, what shall we do?

... and there I flashed.

That's why we should train Kuroko Lady in the labyrinth.

Instead, now that we have grown up to some level, if we want training efficiency, we will have to fight it in action.

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