"What, this monster..."

I couldn't help but feel anxious for the rest of the wretched Nanica, who possessed super-dimensional power, unlike the rest of the world.

Earlier, for the first time in a long time as a human being, I denied that I thought it was possible for once about the margin I felt from a promising grandfather...

Now, I really don't want this kind of powerful creature to exist at the end of the world.

But I still feel uncomfortable.

Is this guy really from this world (...)?

From the overflowing power, we feel a peculiar fluctuation slightly different from the demonic power of a monster and the spiritual power of a human being.

It also seems to be a divine power as a land god with more than a full season, but with no way to surpass it, a distorted and disastrous malice.

Yes, that's exactly what Master Yin Yang said about visitors from another dimension...

"Whoa, you can afford to think before the demon god. Fox Sub-God"


The devil in front of him comes close enough to understand the remaining gaps, or at a speed that cannot be captured by the eyes.

The means of attack is…, I see, bare-handed fighting?

It was licked.

If you use even one end of that disastrous force, you don't have to take the primitive means that you deliberately said to approach and beat, etc., you can even squeeze this space by the total amount of force.

Waste of action everywhere on this overflowing margin.

I can see how much I like to play.

I don't know, but is it a big god called the Demon God or something, but even the battle between gods in this one is a pastime?

I can hardly understand why.

What the hell is the purpose of this guy?

First, the story in the first place.

Originally, demons and demons in this world are necessary evils that have been stipulated to give life a trial without vengeance and to be the basis of the humans who have overcome it.

It is only natural that the Father of Creation, the Lord God of this world, has so decided.

After being counted as a pillar of the Land God a long time ago, he took himself to the enemies of a man called the Great Monster because he could lead and nurture life in the right direction in Japan.

I'm even proud of that.

It is only then that I can say that I inevitably became interested in that grandfather, who continues to burn his own life in order to show human perseverance and growth.

Although that grandfather seemed to have a crush on the matter...

But how about this guy compared to that?

If this heterogeneous demon can't feel his purpose as a being that gives him the same test, then there's no such thing as bending over and overcoming the test for that grandfather, who is responsible for counteracting the rest of the disaster.

It just seems like I'm just enjoying this situation......

That's what plays with toys found on land that has absolutely nothing to do with itself, like an innocent child......

Is there such a stupid thing?

If so, where the hell was this demon god born,... no, to whom is it created?


The rest of this demon god feels horrible without interruption.

"Oh, you can prevent this attack, too? Let's do it."

"Damn! Just clapping, that's this power with one arm too... It's crazy......!

"Ha ha! They say that a lot! That dialogue has been sporadically spoken of by the brave men of the past who opposed me. They were funny...... yes, they were such a selection of powerful people just a little stronger than you are right now"

It's not even an attack, even a palm beat with a degree of appearance is a heavy blow, and even protecting yourself with a tail penetrates the shock.

Woohoo......, you can't do this.

I can see from a clear difference in strength or being played completely.

I guess the rest for this demon god is just a little sturdy toy anymore.

But that's why we have to stop this demon god (yawning).

If we let go of this monster that we don't think is a thing in this world, with no such insistence, no purpose, no trials, this world will end.

I won't let you do that, you monster.

Make it human malice and hatred in this Japanese book.

Let me stop you here and show you the rest of it.

Opportunities are unique.

The only way I can get rid of this guy is by inviting myself to be caught off guard only once and using it to kill that grandfather who is the main surgeon.

Don't be so determined, don't be shuddered by fear, or even use it to pretend to be full of creativity.

"... Phew, Phew, Phew!!

"Mm-hmm? You're missing definition in your movements. Maybe you're out of breath? Eh, that's boring."

All right, hang up.

"- But? I guess that's a little blatant. Look, we're subgods, aren't we? I know it's because you're of the same quality, but you think that sub-gods can't run out of health so easily. I mean... Is that a tremor coming from fright, a trap that even made it look like, or is it?

"... cum!!

Enlightened, or...

What else?

Already this one is in a state of rest and can't afford it, on the other hand, there's just enough room to calmly overlook the situation.

I guess it was a prospect without even thinking about the rest of the action you would take if you had no choice but to kill the surgeon.

"Phew...... I see. I get it."

"Hmm? What's going on? But, hey, it's not that time yet."

"Oh, if that's what you can surrender to, it's the mountains you want to do, play. I don't suppose you're the one to forgive me for that?

Well, thanks to that, I finally made up my mind.

If it's a difference in strength that can't be overridden no matter what, suicide bombing at the expense of itself no longer.

I'll have to kill my grandfather with that entanglement.

If we get this far, there's no stopping us, no matter what our behavior may be.

But it's ironic.

Doesn't this sound like the rest of the earlier and Grandpa's position?

I didn't know the rest of you would turn to the side to be tested, and I don't even think about dew before you unseal it.

... Besides, we need to get our daughters away first, and then kick the other humans out of this marriage.

It is heartbreaking that I could not try the last daughter, Red Leaf, and the human man who would have accepted my stupid daughter, but in view of the current situation, I will not be able to do so.

Because there's no way I can run into my own preservation in advance of my existence.

Forgive me, my daughters.

"Mother! No way!?"

"I don't know what else to do, because this is the only way.... and Hachiba, did you ask for my daughters? Especially tell the red leaves, 'Live with the man you like and the master who often got out of the rest of your reign'."

"... ugh!

I can't say it to my daughter, who has something to say, and throws her out of the juncture without question with the person on this occasion.

Except for the people nearby, you need to be concerned because if the rest die, they'll throw you outside anyway.

Because we're just talking about not getting involved in the suicide bombing that happens here and now.

If I had the only remaining heart, I wouldn't have caressed my last daughter again.

Um, it's a disgusting thing.

I had no idea that this jade algae, once feared to be a great monster, was unnecessarily hunted down by Grandpa's summons to death.

... No, you're not.

Is this what people grow up to be?

If he knitted the art of invoking such an uninterrupted monster by his master, the Yin and Yang Master, he would not admit it.

As long as this grandfather's consciousness is back, he'd like to praise him for doing well.

"... Now, go with the final showdown, or demon god of the other world. This great monster of the Nine Tails will bury you from this dimension in exchange for this life in front of the land of the Japanese book, Tamako."

"Yeah, yeah. That's right, there's got to be some tension... Ah!


In the place of the showdown, the demon gods of the other world raise their bare voices.

... what?

I suddenly smiled, this guy.

"Huh, I finally got a sign of my father. It's too late to get your tail out, too late.... a lifetime favor from this grandfather, so I've been buying time for a long time, but I don't need that anymore. Then I will return to the Land of Demons."

"Huh...? Huh...?

What are you talking about, this demon god?

Back to the Devil's Lands?

Where is the Demon Continent...?

"Well, good luck with that later, at best. Fox sub-god. I'm sure my father will sort things out for the most part, so don't worry, I'll make a big mess of you with the trials.... but my father can see and is very strong?... good fight then!


That said, he told Master Yin Yang something, said the right thing and left...

He left...

"Um, I don't know why."

He was a really weird guy to the end.

No way, incomplete combustion, but if it helped, fine.

All right, is it...?

Fair enough.

I'll explore the surroundings, but the signs are still gone without a trace.

They really went back to the original dimension.

... What was that, the one?

But then I have something to do.

"Now, what can I do for this grandfather, the greatest meritorious man who has greatly tormented the rest of us?"

I'd like to cook it when I simmer, but I grabbed the tail that the demon god (yawn) said, but I'm also concerned about the statement that he's buying time.

I don't think so, but I can't believe the red-leaf guy was keeping an eye out for the rest of us without getting the signs...

─ ─ ─ A group of strangers appeared with the arrow tip that thought so, the sign of the red leaf, the last daughter.

"Mother ~ ~! The man with the rice balls said he'd strike me by surprise ~! I kept an eye on him all the time for the occasion, but Gene told me he was a jerk because he found out!"

"Ah! Hey! Idiot, you redleaf! You can't say that!

"Huh? Because I'd rather see a duel between my mother (Kasama) and a man (Oko)."

"Don't pinch your personal feelings!

Somehow, a delightful group has arrived.

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