"Shh, shh, shh!

Mizette pulls out the sword on her hips, firstly carrying out a magical slaughter all over a small hand check.

As we can say to Nine Tails, when it comes to the dimension of the sub-divine class, just physical attacks often don't make sense.

Not as a race, but at one end of the secret I finally realized by living in an EX profession equivalent to that of a sub god, it turns out that most of this sub god's namesake existence wraps around itself like an armor of energy.

This does not seem to be due to defense as a status or parameter, but rather to the action of energy that transcends the magic of so-called divine power.

Even when I created another world in the app, I used resources called mana to create magic and superorganisms, but I think that divine power is probably just like that God's miraculous mana.

Therefore, against this former land god, the Great Monster of the Nine Tails, it is necessary to pass even magic through the weapon in order to penetrate the divine power that is constantly covering the flesh.

... but I wonder how Mizette behaves in such a way that she knows beforehand the kind of information behind this that even I could finally recognize.

Even though I do small hand checks, every move I roll out to breathe feels like I can afford to be accustomed to a war against the sub-gods.

Could it be that you've met a sub-god somewhere other than Gene?

... I think I've had a lot of adventures in my absence years skipping time on the app.

"Ho, this is... Wouldn't it still be human? Like you guys, women aren't free, after all."

"Hmm, naturally!

Even though level zero, even my kinetic vision, which has become a god of war, is being attacked at a critical rate.

... Mizette, you haven't stuck one foot in the realm of the sub-gods anymore?

Combatively, we are certain that we are already in the realm of the Superman beyond man, so we may be able to accommodate some kind of divine power one day.

At any rate, the majority of Mizette's strength is significant due to his skill and taste, apart from the parameter correction determined in the framework of vocational correction.

That means strength through pure effort and experience.

If we add to that the concept of 'race evolution' of different world specifications, it's not strange when we become 'humans: heroes', and we see the frontiers ahead.

Maybe he's in the hero class just because he hasn't noticed, or why don't we do it later in the appraisal?

What a girl looking forward to the future.

This is unbeatable.

"Well, let's just say I'm serious, too."

"... Huh!?

Let us use the power of the sub-gods, who are also regarded as one of the abilities of the gods of war, the most powerful warriors.

The name of the skill is' Memory of Battle '.

It is the power to take the handling methods, knowledge, and even experience of every weapon into our possession and bring them to more than a dozen.

Besides, it adapts to everything if it can be recognised as a weapon itself.

For example, if you recognize a stone as a weapon, the best throwing technique is that if you recognize magic as a weapon, transcendent physical enhancement is applied.

I feel that way because I see this as a profession, but if it's the original "Race: God of War" of the main house, it's natural to be able to do it.

Well, then yes.

Anyway, I should have remembered until then, because I am an evolving sub-god who continues to fight ahead.

Unless you're a cheat bastard like me who got it as an EX profession, it's something you wear naturally.

It's not like I don't have the slightest feeling of backwardness, but let me try to use it.

"Mizette, I'll borrow your moves. Holy Sword Invitation/Disturbance!!

"Hey it! How can you use Kenji!

You saved me in the past in the Battle of the Demon King, Mizette's Righteous.

By recognizing his holy sword invitation as a weapon, he awakened the memory of the battle and forced it to reproduce its dorsal ritual.

Its reproducibility is such that even the original developer is stunned, no, it may be more than that.

The manifested sword of light wraps around and storms endlessly toward the Nine Tails.

"It's kind of sloppy! How hard do you think I had to get to use that move!

I'm sorry.

... Mizette is likely to be a god of war or an equivalent sub-god if it stays this way, so now I want you to take a big look at my cheats.

But this should also be painful damage for Nine Tails.

I hope so, and I'll check with him...

"Aoyagi is so annoying! Hmm!"

"You're lying!?


How dare Nine Tails bounce off my holy sword invitation with nine tails as if even pebbles were to be paid.

The sword of the bounced light is scattered shattered and extinguished without being able to maintain its existence.

Oh, my God, Gene, you were so struggling when you were opponent, you were so strong.

No, is the standard crazy?

That was just too strong a demon god in my world.

Obviously the comparison subject assumed is wrong.

Okay, but what's the matter?

If this special attack doesn't work from the front, it may finally struggle.

"Hmm... is that it, mystery man? You're not enough to entrust your stupid daughter with this. Try to hunt down the rest more."

"Um, I'm in."

"You're not making a weak sound, Kenji! I don't care if you entrust Momiji, but if you lose, I'll regret it!

I know. I know.

Don't stare, Mizette, I'll hit you right in the hand.

I won't show you anything unusual in front of you.

As much as you can.

"Hang in there, Rice Ball Man! I've always been there for you! If a man beats his mother (Kasama), maybe he'll be jerked off from the clan on his own?

Still in a good mood, the red leaves cheer as they pretend to be tails.

You don't think I'm gonna lose at all, Nico. You're gonna smile and tell me to win, but I sure don't like it when I lose and the red leaves are pushed to the bottom of the hierarchy again.

Let's say we live up to that expectation.

"Well, that's one end of the power of the EX profession right now. Don't worry, I still have my hands in a hurry."

"Fine then!

"Hmm? You think even the current offense is a pastime?

That's what I'm saying, Nine Tails.

Anyway, there are only a few sub-gods (...) I can take.

"I'm also allergic to saying this before you win, but you better be ready now"

"Ha! I'm telling you, Aoyagi. If that's what you said, do what you say."

They stare at each other and temporarily become glued.

All right, I guess I'll use this time to switch EX professions.


Then something in the rear shakes at this time, taking me to the margin like that.

Something swayed rises loosely like a ghost, releasing a warning in a cold, bottom-cold voice.

"─ ─ - Get out of the way, Saito-sama. I still think the demon fox is evil that needs to be killed."

The ghost who unleashed the warning,... No, the girl's hand held a number of beads that seemed to belong to Dojin Yuansan, and tear marks could be seen on her cheeks.

"Well, you're right, daughter-in-law of the Yin Yang Master. Looks like you're finally ready?


Ninetails was somewhere satisfied with the girl's words and nodded slowly.

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