"Sorry, but I'll let you go with all my might from the start"

"What! What have you done now!

Nine tails upset me, but I'm not free enough to answer that.

Besides, if he is one of the pillars of the sub-gods, he will have a thin idea of the kind of art hanging on him.

But that made it unnecessarily unbeatable.

As was the case at Deus, I exercised my unscrupulous skill of placing a contract on the sub-divine class, so besides consuming magic, when I lose myself, I get irrevocable hiccups.

That's why I get out of everything I can have right now.

"EX Occupation, God of Creation"


A few sub-gods, a few EX professions out of the standard.

The highest power allowed only to me, the owner of the app.

EX vocation, God of Creation.

Originally, the power of this creation was the power that was reserved for the app, and I was only indirectly granted the right to use it.

But not now.

[Life Creation], [Log], [Skip], [Mana], the power that has created everything in the world in the past remains what I think.

I don't know all of its sincerity as to why the Creator God and the others who started it now gave me the EX vocation.

I feel too mighty to just save this earth's land god pillar, a world he would have created, and there are still many mysteries about why I'm the only one available in this era, including ownership of apps.

But there's still only one thing I know.

"That's right in front of the algae. The Creator of this world, who created you, wants you to be saved by giving this power to a normal old man."

"What, what are you talking about?... and that aura, and some nostalgic smell,... no way"

With the upsetting Nine Tails to spare, I control the [resources] around me with a miracle by [Mana] and create a wave of long swords.

The sword's fullness, created with plenty of strength, shines golden and feels slightly sacred.

I guess this is the one called the Divine Sword, so to speak.

Did you feel the stature of the sword until it was overwhelming? Jiu-Tao shuddered, but it was too late.

All set, here we are.

"Then I'll end it with a blow. … [Skip]"

"Stupid! The sword..."


In the space as if time had stopped me, I walked over in a very natural motion and stabbed my sword in the chest of Nine Tails.

From the sword, I can't even feel the feeling of cutting off meat or bones, and it's like being sucked into its chest without resistance.

Well, yes, because this sword has very little entity.

And a few moments later, the ambient time that had been stopped by [Skip] moves out.

"Grr! Awwwwww!!


"Don't come, Red Leaf! Your mother's fine!

In agony, the red leaves try to get closer, worried about the nine tails that erupt like a temper from the pierced chest.

But don't worry.

Rather, it is this situation now that is not an exaggeration to say that we continue to save Nine Tails.

"Was it the Great Monster of the Nine Tails, the Land God of Trials?... its major actor, let it end here"

"but ahhhhhhhh!?

Nine tails shine in the midst of suffering, and the disastrous atmosphere that was there earlier is dispelled.

I guess demonic powers and dogs are being forced to purify and transform into the divine powers they are supposed to be.

"Right...... The original color you had was platinum."

Seeing a gradually clearer change, the original hair and tail seemed platinum.

And most importantly, it reflects the sun's (...) light from this sunny sky and emits a beautiful glow.

Yes, there is no more darkness, no more dark clouds in this intrinsic world like before.

It was just cloudless sunshine.

"Hey, why do you have this power..."

"Well. You should ask your own Creator someday. More than that, this is my win, okay?

Why I have this power is cloudy because I can't honestly answer it.

The only thing more important now than that is the fact that I won here.

Come on, what do we do, Nine Tails?

".................. I have no power to resist anymore, and the difference in power is historical even as I resist. Above all, the sunshine that has turned from the darkness that shows this remaining domination"

─ ─ ─ If you finish it, it's a disgusting thing.

─ ─ ─ Right, you win, man.

Nine Tails did, that's what he said.

Certainly at this moment the skill contract was activated, breaking the pride of being the land god of the trials held by the Nine Tails.

I guess I will never be in that position again, combined with being purified by the divine sword created by the pure mana of the Creator God.

Anyway, the Nine Tails nowadays have no power as the Great Monster, and if they never get the Monster out of the Rift of Dimension, even the heart that tries to do so is broken and extinguished.

Because the guy today is not a human adversary who has been tormenting people in the past, but a protector and land god of people living in this Japan, in front of the algae.

"I'll tell you what, this is my ego. But I have no regrets, and I won't apologize to you in the future."

Speaking of that, Jiu-Tao laughed powerlessly and fluttered, and only "That's fine," he darkened his consciousness.

... Now, something like settling down?

"WOW!!? Mother!? Mother (Kasama) may have grey hair!? Your skin is shiny, but your hair's just getting old, huh? He's been alive forever, and... maybe that's what happens."

"Hey idiot. It's not gray, it's silver."

There's no way to get old, and I just put a scratch in the red leaves that are making a mistake like that.

Really this guy...

But I was relieved by the red leaves as usual.

"Well, I wonder how it went, Miss Black. Now, the contract with me will never make Nine Tails worse again, and it will be the same for any family member other than the red leaves affected by it. Would I have kept my promise to you?

If you also look at Yuansan's grandfather, Deus, who succeeded in his allowance, was sending a gutsy pose towards us.

Well, did you make it?

"─ ─ ─ Yes, I admire you, Saito-sama."

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