When Kenji Saito is converging his battle with Kyouo and being chased to prepare for a different world of coffee.

Having finished his work as a mercenary, Harry had a meeting with his employer, the Japanese government.

"So you think the man ambushed Kazuo and stopped this national disaster with minimal damage?


"Is that true? More than that, the most powerful mercenary and famous, not you, or the Dojin family, the leader on paranormal kinds?

"He says yes. Don't make me say it again and again. I don't mind lying, but honesty at work is selling."

Even though I am sick of confirmation from dignitaries in the country, which is repeated many times from earlier, this time the handle reveals the truth that it is by the man.

He was faithful and honest in his work, as he put it, and his client, a dignitary, closed his mouth without being able to pursue it any further.

Of course I don't expect the government to be convinced of anything with him.

Because it's impossible for the government not to use this many powerful people who have been hiding in the field.

In the future, there will be surveillance in secret, and an investigation will be conducted into how this happened.

This was normal, and it was something that I would naturally notice unless my head was in a flower garden.

However, if that happens, you will end up with Kenji Saito, the person in the matter.

But that didn't seem convenient to him either.

"Whoa, don't get weird, you great lady. It's a bad idea to insult that man and give him an extra bite. I can't even see the bottom of this. It's a bastard. There are things in the world that are too late to do something hectic. Anyway, they're more than that evil god."

"Wu...... Is it so dangerous?"

He laughs niggardly at the reaction, grinning in his heart that he was able to pull it off well.

"Well, that's what you say. At best get around so you don't lose your temper."

That's all I told him, and at the end of the day, he left the scene with a voice that no one could hear, saying, "No lie, because I didn't tell you."

"Well. Now have I fulfilled my brother-in-law to that man? I'm certainly loyal to my job, but I'm more sensitive to borrowing than that."

What he called a loan was nothing more than cleaning up the battle problem instead in the game of Nine Tails, where he had to ripen his mission.

This time, I think you recognize that you owe me that, and as a reward, you've responded by loosening your hand from the government.

"If that man couldn't do something about the evil god, then he could have done it."

That's what England's most powerful mercenary, Harry Taylor, stares at one of his own bullets, a bullet of disastrous magic stained with blood.

... It may not be right that it's like blood.

That bullet he had looked exactly like some kind of blood solidified into the shape of a bullet.

"Well still, limited armament against the sub-gods, Blood Rifle. Vampire God (Vampire Road), the evil god of my country. The curse and the blood changed shape. I was just thankful that I didn't have to use my trump card. This guy wasn't the evil god in this country (Nine Tail), he was going to use it as a counter against that fucking jerk."

Roll the blood restraining bullet in the palm of your hand and grip it.

There was a vortex of sentiment from him to do so, something like a passionate determination towards his own talking father.

I don't know who his father is in the first place, but apparently he had a deep relationship with the bloodsucking god, the evil god of England.

"Buch this guy in even one shot, he would have had a piece with that Nine Tail in one blow...... But then the strongest hand I have gets crack control by a fucking dick. It's bad for Dojin's grandfather, but it's good to keep his hands warm until the end.... Oops, no, I haven't heard from him yet. You shouldn't."

That much said, he goes mostly to the invisible back alley and uses it to make calls to the pay line.

"Grace, it's me. We're done here."

"Oh, you work fast. Exactly. Even though it was a request from a small island country, the evil gods would have struggled quite a bit against it, wouldn't they? Could you have used a trump card?

He seemed young to observe from a leaky conversation from the phone, but from his vocal qualities he seemed to be a neutral person who was difficult to distinguish between men and women.

Apparently, this person called Grace also knows about the Blood Commandment Ammunition, and I can see that it is a fairly intimate relationship considering the circumstances that he wanted to keep from others.

"Ainya. I didn't use it. I'm going to keep it warm till the end of the day, except I'm going to turn it on my fucking dick. The essence of this bullet is the blueprint, the destruction of its inside information, which is the very structure of the body. If you hit even one shot, you're fatally wounded. It's powerful, but if you find out you've got a hand like that, it's avoided and it's over."

From that talk, I guess the number of bullets on this trump card, which is said to be a blood suppression bullet, is very small.

It is assumed that the bullet of blood, which I believe was collected from the evil god known as the bloodsucking god, could not be so numbered.

"Oh, my God! So you responded with your normal power to the Evil Opponent, even if you did? That's amazing! Though a freelance mercenary, you mean the number one ranking of Sacred Demons isn't Dada?"

"That's what it is. I'm not the one who knocked him out. … or the request has been resolved, but the target, the evil god (Nine Tails) itself, is still pimping."


The person on the phone creates a question mark in a chaotic conversation, prompting them to continue.

"I was there. Yabe, a man.... Hey Grace, he can use it. If you give it a little bit out loud, you'll be around. I'm scared of this again Yabe blonde and a mechanical doll like Android, but it's still worth using. It was worth coming to this country just because I knew this man."

It is as if I express my opposite opinion to my earlier response to the government.

No, you don't.

I guess he was purposefully exerting restraint on the government for when he would use it.

Of course, borrowing may not be a lie.

But there is also the word "one stone and two birds" in the world.

I'm just talking about paying him back what he owes me, and I even let him use the repayment.

"If you say so much, I guess so. So, I'm just gonna have to investigate the guy, right?

"That's right. I've already placed restraint on this country so that you can move easily. I asked for the rest."

"I'll take care of it. I'm a member of your team. I'll try to live up to your expectations."

You were satisfied with Grace's approval, and Harry finally hung up with a delightful grin.

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