The day after we were invited to the royal castle after the mock fight we called a small hand check.

I was just called to an ops conference to meet with the king and other heavy towns involved in the war.

Apparently, while his epitomical title is as a Knights of New America, he is nevertheless invited as a national guest, essentially the greatest force that can be put into war.

The Knights Commander, who said he wanted to see his strength, also said there was no difference about the matter, rather he said it would be comforting if mercenaries with all this power would be on his side.

For the record, their battle rating on us is estimated at about 100 Kingsguard knights per person.

They say the Kingsguard knight has about five regular veteran knights, so it's 500 if it's a knight conversion.

My power is unknown because the criterion at the time of the calculation was due to the power of Mizette, but because that Mizette herself took it seriously, I declared that I couldn't even get my hands on it, I was to be treated as an equivalent.

And naturally, Red Leaf and Sie are calculating as out of battle.

But honestly, the Mizette on that occasion hadn't even given half its strength yet, so it would be tough to be more than twice as powerful if it showed its original strength.

Well, I won't tell you because it would be a snake to flicker any more power.

However, I still seem to have concerns about the strength of this girl, who is about to celebrate her 14th birthday, as to why she has gained so much strength at that age.

Well, I don't know what that feels like, but it's this world where you can be any stronger with the concept of professional level in the first place, so you can't try to age the combat power of Mizette, who has been on an adventure with me and various powerful enemies.

Because it was the demon kings who had been crusading, the demons of the labyrinth created by the subgods of the end sucking on the energy of the world tree, the replay mode, and the mighty enemies who just didn't tell us to do as much about inflation.

Then you'll be strong.

"And Kenji's overprotective, too. Just because Sie is perceived as a slave, there is nothing to isolate her to the temple. If you leave it to me, I'll kill him as soon as I can, okay?

"No, because you can't slaughter me. I'm doing this to avoid causing that kind of extra commotion."

Yes, I quarantined Sie the day I was invited, concerned about the treatment of slaves.

Each of us invited as a national guest is given a private room, so even Sie is given a room accordingly.

Naturally, even if we don't know the detailed reasons for the invitation, there should be a certain amount of information-sharing among the royal castle people about the rooms where the slaves are staying.

Therefore, it is not necessarily that there is no one who mistakenly imitates something, so the reason is that they isolated it just in case.

Other than that, that collar leaked information from somewhere, and not necessarily an assassin from an enemy country would come.

I've never been cautious.

"Damn, because it's still overprotective. You'd think so, too, Red Leaf."

"Hmm? Though I think you should like a rice balls man? But you should run away as soon as you think you're an enemy, monster psychologically, so maybe this is the right answer after all? Are you afraid to fight?

I asked you. I was wrong.

I apparently disagreed with Mizette that if we had enemies, we should take them down, and with the red leaves that I think we should run away because we have enemies.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

By the way, Sie has already joined our circle, hammering silently at a few words she has learned.

I just insist on being a good homunculus myself, my memory is horribly high and my head spins pretty fast.

Enough to do with a little conversation already.

Then there was something I thought when I heard what I had been talking about, and Shie, who had been silent for a long time, raises her hand and speaks.

That too, with a slightly more confident face.

... Is something wrong?

"It's unlikely that an agent as good as a weasel would take a fall for an assassin in this country. But Kenji's decision, as a collaborator, was accurate. Because that night, the eagle used the free time he had given himself to talk to Deus and succeeded in making a contract. Mmm."

"Speaking of which, you did."

And a stunning new fact that was there last night.

What an early morning to pick up Sie to the temple of the Creator God, sometime Sie had some sort of covenant with Deus to enter into a cooperative relationship.

Asked Deus didn't tell us the details of the contract, but from what I heard from Sie, he said he gained the power to summon and serve Deus by mediating his magic.

Everything usually seemed to blend flesh into the sheer with the power of [life creation], and it seemed to be out and pulling in depending on Deus' mood.

... I also think that this is not a summons, or not a servant, but it seems that this is a summons and a servant.

Apparently you believe you are the Lord and don't doubt it.

I've been thinking about it for a long time, but where the hell does her weird confidence come from?

Sometimes lately, I wonder if Sie is actually missing a lot.

"The Master's concerns are best, but my collaborator Shie is still working hard on this. Admit it."

"Oh, yeah. Oh, whoa."

I don't know what touched Deus' harp line that far, but I've been in a good mood since last night.

What the hell happened while I was gone?

I'm really curious, but for now, it's an ops meeting first.

You'd just put me in the front lines of the war if you did what I promised, but even as far as I'm concerned, I want a little more information on the enemy side.

My personal condition for victory is to put an end to this war as discreetly as possible without using the power of the EX profession and crusade against the implicit executive ranks.

If we can do that, we'll cut the paralysis over there, and Gene and Dragon God will grab the tails of the invaders.

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