Some time after leaving the camp.

Around noon that day, the war against Arborest against Güngel finally began.

This war originally started with skirmishes, but the military clashes with each other on a scale that can no longer be called skirmishes, either because they are losing streaks to their small country opponents, or because they have prospects of winning again this time.

And naturally, we're among them.

As planned, while sealing the power of the EX profession, I'm still trying to hustle down the incoming enemy soldiers, and I'm aiming for Gungel's general.

But just in this turmoil, whatever the leaves that can win the best prize when it comes to protecting one's life, there's no way to leave Sie alone.

No matter how much Deus' support she had, it was because her basic combat ability was to the extent that she grew hair on intermediate adventurers in this world.

Leaving Sie in the temple, familiar with the world situation beyond, cannot be said to be a good idea.

Therefore, if the war starts, I won't do much, and I'm telling you to follow me while I hide with the red leaves...

"This is the power"

"It's amazing. The power of Deus makes people fly like kicks. It's all there."

"Naturally. But you're amazing, too. You're so rampant, no one's found you."

"I mean, are Nong et al awesome?


The power of the red leaves that are activating the concealed form will not make him visible, but he is likely to stumble into a conversation that he is not willing to hear from the rear.

You're not listening to me, Kako's Pouncy Combination!

I saw Deus look like a warrior from the war he just blew up and said, "Yay!" or something like that. I heard you hi-touch!

I wonder how the maneuvers I told you are converted in these guys' brains.

I did tell him, 'Don't stand out'...

Do you think that if you don't stand out, your actions won't stand out!?


"Kenji, it's better to leave those two idiots alone at this time. If we care, that's all the idiots will recognize. Well, with Deus and Momidji at his worst, it wouldn't be like dying."

"Ha... Okay, you're absolutely right. Let's go in that direction."

Fortunately, as no one has died by this invisible raid yet, we do not see it as such a threat.

You seem wary of a mysterious attack, but it's still acceptable.

We don't have a choice. We have to do what we do.

While listening to a lively Ponky Combination conversation that can be heard from the rear like that, march in tune with the movement around you.

Whether Deus has a lot of influence that has become invisible to me, Mizette, and the power of the red leaves, or because the plans of the assassins who crusaded him during the march have failed again, he doesn't seem to have finished attacking this one either.

At this rate, you will be able to make contact with enemy executives without using the power of the EX profession as planned.

While Kenji Saito is successfully attacking this war, the demon god who was watching the battle from above groans with surprise.

"... that's crazy. It's really weird, this. There have been signs of this since the assassins' operation failed, but the inclination of this abrupt battlefield is weird. If it's my assumption, it doesn't have to be Arborest's big defeat, but it shouldn't be a one-sided development so far..."

Yes, because when we compared the other power to this one, even if the assassination failed, there was no way the arborest could have surpassed it.

Nothing is more important than numbers in war.

In a world in which individual power exerts its true value above all by extremes of magic, it is incongruous to think of powerful pawns brought from the world in calculations to become this development.

If there is a fierce man in the enemy formation who is not even able to power the pawn prepared by the demon god, then it must be at least one who has an important role in this world or, for example, the hand of the Creator god.

No, rather, it's not surprising that the Creator God himself is laying down his hands.

Because the demons themselves set it up to do so.

"But no one in the arborest makes that noticeable move. Sure, there are a lot of strong guys out there with one or two heads, and some of them show even better response. But even when compared to them, they have not reached the level of strength that can be judged to be the hand of the Creator or the Creator himself..."

That's why the twitches don't fit.

Of course, the strong exist, even if they are not associated with the Creating God.

There will of course be the possibility that this time we are caught in that rare case and trying to win over the Arborest faction.

But that's too optimistic.

Besides that, the demon was not weather powerful enough to pepper the possibility that convenient warriors such as not too strong and not too weak were interrupting.

"I guess I've already noticed this thought... I don't know who gave you this information, but it's what you did. I'm sure the hands of our hometown are pulling the thread behind us."

The demon god thinks so, but that, too, would not be a mistake.

It goes without saying that Kenji Saito was able to see this far because of the hands of his hometown, or Shie.

But to add the least, it was just a little info far from pulling yarn in the back.

"Well, but. You don't have to until you find the worst creative god you've ever caught. My role is also to buy time, and if you are able to tie up the time of the Creator with this noise, that's good again.... but I don't care that I got out, so I'd like to give something back if I could."

Nonetheless, the demon god who read such circumstances from this battle station made his expression even more daunting, and he decided to stare at it in order to find someone who would be mixed up in the war.

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