In order to stop the invaders who intervened in this world, the scenery suddenly changed as they took part in the war against Gungel and Arborest and adjusted the flow of battle to avoid casualties for no reason.

He was suddenly moving from the battlefield to a wilderness with no enemies.

And in the wilderness stood me, Mizette and the red leaves, and in front of me was a mysterious swordsman.

"Silly......, that it is the intervention of those who did not exist in my magic sensing with the aptitude of space-time magic... What the hell is this henteco combo..."

And I don't really know, but who is he?

For a moment I also thought he was a sub-god of the rest of the world, but from his attitude, apparently, hostility is dust-free and different.

Then you don't know what else to do.

Nothing. I'm neither a reasoning professional nor a wise man.

There was no way I could understand the situation by getting caught up in a situation where there was no clap like this.

Don't lick just an old man who has lived in a peaceful country without much contention.

"Kenji, his power doesn't seem right to just be human. Probably more than equal to me. It doesn't seem hostile, but be careful."

"That's right. Even so, he hasn't even pulled out his sword."

With that said, Mizette stares at the young swordsman in front of her without alarm.

The swordsman is still a shuddered face, and he sees a sea e merging again with the red leaves and deuce that show up behind him and crushes something with the bump.

Um, what am I going to do with this situation?

I know this situation was unplanned for the rest of us, but this doesn't start.

I thought so and looked back, and now Sie was pointing at the young swordsman with a surprised look.

What, what, what, what, what?

"What's up, Sie, do you know him?

"Mm. I don't know him. But I know eagles."

"So that young man is your hometown or something?

"Yes. He's a brave man. Holy Sword bearer, supposedly with a good heart and facing the crisis of the world. Humanity's Greatest Class"


Uh, that means,... what do you mean?

Yeah, I don't know.

Good, then let's sort my head out first.

The first thing Shie said was that he came to this world to stop the invaders from other worlds, and he said he was looking for a sub-god for it.

So, next, due to the influence of the sub-gods, this world is actually in turmoil, and this time it is expected that other world demons are pulling threads behind it.

Finally, the brave men of the rest of the world in front of us have transferred us to such wartime and have come into contact with us with some purpose, but with no hostility.

Summarizing the above information......

"I see, hostile forces against the demon gods? So the other world isn't a single rock."

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. That's great."

And I'll tell you what.

The mysterious young brave man agreed with my words, and nodded with a crisp, good-looking face.

And Mizette was the same as me in her opinion, and she didn't particularly deny her opinion, but she seemed to be static without alarm.

Seeing that animal super intuitive Mizette doesn't go into aggressive behavior, it sounds like she's really not the enemy.

"And I'm surprised. I don't know much about this world, but I can't believe there was such a thing as being able to lurk on a completely unaware level rather than slipping through my senses of being a brave man. At first, I was going to look at the gap between the two of us and move the place, but apparently I was the one exposing the gap."

It is young brave men from different worlds who speak that way.

But that's not true.

Perhaps the red leaves even caught on to the presence of this brave man, and it's true that the level of this guy's hidden form was actually too high to discern, but still there was no slight gap in this brave man.

Because this Nettle monster didn't recognize the brave man caught in his senses as his enemy.

Probably, but you should be thinking, "Something's weird is hiding, but you don't seem willing to attack, and you're probably just as scared as you are" or something.

Therefore, it would be a mistake to assume that you, the brave man, were foolishly exposed to gaps and in fact you were the one who was being identified for strength.

With that in mind, the red leaves inadvertently approached the brave man and began to stroke his back.

"Hey, what?

"You're not going to be all right, Yu-shi. I know you were scared of war and running away and hiding, but if you had a rice balls man, you wouldn't have lost. I'm sure Noon will protect you for a while if he asks."

Confused brave man. I still think of you as my kind. The red leaves nod, yeah. I translate and look at you.

Did this happen after all?

"Yusha? Oh, oh, well. You weren't named yet. There was no one in the other world who didn't know about me, so I was alarmed.... Let's name it again. I'm Lyon Bastard, a brave man from a different world than here. You are seen as a key figure associated with the Creator of this world.... I know it's unsolicited, but will you please listen to me?"

Brave man, that's what Lion Bastard said and bowed his head to me.

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