I often ticked the items on the sheet while walking through the red leaves dancing together, and I finally reached the last question.

The content of the question is, again, [this is the last question. What do you want from this man who becomes an apostle?] Apparently.

Unlike Mizette, the red leaves don't know what they're thinking, and even if this one checks the sheet, it's spinning around on the altar without the wind that I particularly cared about.

Probably, no, I think it's a sign of trust, but I just want you to feel a little more critical.

Maybe they'll make an extra contract, and this kind of thing should be dealt with calmly, no matter how much people are forgiving their minds.

... and I just told him that before I filled out the last field.

"But, Noon, I think the rice balls man will be fine. More than that, I think it might be better to say you're independent than running away from your mother's shelter, but what do you think of a man? Are you going to grow up? I hope so, Noon thinks."

And, after all, an adult woman proclaimed this without the wind that I particularly cared about.

Well, if you trust me that much, I can't help it.

I'll try to live up to his expectations in good faith, too.

Once I forgive my mind, I believe in it. If I don't betray only that goodness, yes, I engrave it into my own heart.

I'm sure this guy is full of breasts right now with expectations for the future.

And in response to my last question, I...

─ ─ ─ -If the red leaves are happy, why don't we just do whatever it takes?

I filled it in.

I don't know if it's the answer to the question.

But I don't regret blowing my heart.

Perhaps there are changes in the content of this question as to where it evolves, etc., but I don't see anything other than this as a word to hang on this guy.

So this is good.

Then, at the same time as I finished the last question and the contract was terminated, the log poured out and the red leaves shouted.

[Contract terms met. Daughter of the Land God, I will set the red leaves as the Second Apostle of the Creating God]

[By the consent of the Creator God and the Apostle and both, we will forcibly terminate the covenant with the Land God that we have already entered into]

[The conditions for racial evolution have been met. Change the red-leaf race from three to four tails. Further evolutionary conditions have been met. Change the red-leaf race from four to five tails. More evolutionary conditions…………]

Equally, it keeps evolving.

And every time, the red leaves on the altar echo, and the tail grows with the sound of pounding, pounding, pounding.

Whoa, how far are we going?

"Wow!? More tails! Whoa, ma, again! wow!!

"You're so loud, Momiji. Be quiet for a moment."

"Ri, Ri. Always mind is clear water stop. You should be more calm as a eagle"

No, there's too much discrepancy in the tension.

Or when did Sie learn such a difficult word?

How do I translate it into clear water in the language of the world over here?

And the change in the tail that went with the pompous pompous and comfortable sound also finally calmed down, and the change subsided when I gave it a light sound at the end of the day.

Which, in the end, I wonder what happened.

[… changing the species of from nine-tailed to ten-tailed. That concludes the update]

"Jiu, you said it was ten tails!

Beyond my mother!?

Rapidly appraise the red leaves for too much change.

I thought maybe it would reach the realm of the Land God, but I didn't expect it to evolve to go further on it.

Shit, this is Akan!

The red leaves are in good shape!

The suggestion was that the red leaves were a poker for too many events, but I counted the number of my own tails whether my head had followed me a little bit in reality.

"Hino, Phew, Mi..."

"Or appraisal!

[Ten-tailed Divine Fox, Red Leaf]

Has illusion and healing powers to hide himself and is good at supporting him.

Fast escape and capturing its speed makes it extremely difficult even for the Creator.

It can also be turned into a horseman.

Lucky girl who didn't do anything in particular, but ate well, slept well and would have become a sub-god at some point if she had played well.

He doesn't have a lot of combat skills, but he's the strongest in history to survive.

Nevertheless, low combat power is also a sub-divine criterion, and in normal life its power is of a high standard, comparable to intermediate dragons.

I couldn't help but shave.

"What, hey, this, and... Noah became ten tails."


"Could this be beyond my mother?

"Well, maybe..."

When told that, the red leaves expose Nicha and laughing incredibly doya face.

Damn, you still drowned in power, Nettle Monster!

You are not a red leaf now.

Mount red leaves that have stepped off the path of the monster.

Yes, Mount Red Leaves!!!

Then you realized the same thing, and Mizette moved out.

"You shouldn't have this. If we don't do something soon, we'll be in trouble later."


Mizette sets up a sword for each sheath and sticks it against the red leaves.

Now that I just stepped off the road, I guess I stepped that I could pull Mount Red Leaves back on the right track.

But the red leaves don't break the overwhelming Doya face when she sees such a misette, and she smiles sparingly.

Is this possible that there are secrets to counter the evolved Mizet in all respects......?

"Stop that dubious grin!


"Wake up because I'll hit you with one shot. Ha!!!

Mizette with a sword on each sheath shows the movement of divine speed and approaches the red leaves.

The red leaves against each other don't stand especially well, and they just expose the door face without showing you how to escape.

Then, silly!

If appraiser's right, this guy evolved at an interminable level of power to escape, but pure combat capability should be better than Mizette's!

What the hell is that confidence and room for!?

While somewhat confused, keeping an eye on the whereabouts, the sword of the shaken Mizette was sucked straight into the head of the red leaf and ---.

─ ─ ─ ─ Dogon!


"" "Huh?

And as it was, it hit the red leaves clean.


No, why?

Everyone, except the red leaves, exposes the dumb surface except for the misette that got beat up by too much.

I thought you had something to hide!


"Phew, you're finally back in your usual red leaf face. If you fainted on such a weird face because of how happy you are, Kenji would grab your love, right? Thank me for sending you back."

You were just fainting while exposing that Doya face!!

That nicha was hardened by her expression because she was overjoyed and unconscious!?

Oh, you're lying!?

I was stunned by too much och, and no, I was stunned through amazement, and I decided I didn't see anything and declared the end of the contrast mode event.

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