Once I logged out to Japan and told my mother, Kyouo, what was going on with the red leaves, I resumed the story mode and joined the brave Lion.

We are now joining him to the Dragon Mountains, the heart of the conflict, where we are going to try to find a fundamental solution to this war of aggression.

"Oh, you're finally here to see"


Take the roads without roads for a while, not even in the city.

Offering tuna mayo as a thank you to the often working red leaves, I saw a series of cliff-like, cliff-like mountains in the distance that separated the sea.

By the time we got here, by the way, Rion the Brave had isolated himself inside the temple of the Creator God, and now he is a journey of red leaves and two to travel gently.

I'm sure there's still a mock battle going on inside the temple with Mizette.

Mizette, who would not have had any hands or feet on the brave Lion until a short while ago, but that should not be the case since he became an apostle and dramatically improved his combat ability.

I don't know how far you can stand up to the existence of a brave man a few steps stronger than a lousy sub-god, but in my view, it's critical and the misette is slightly more advantageous.

With that in mind, now thinking about how to cross this ocean next, a huge shadow suddenly descended from above.

The shadow boasted an approximate body size of fifty to one hundred meters, with huge wings on its back and a surprisingly shiny scale throughout its body…, yes, it was a dragon.

Dragon ranked dragon to such an extent that it probably won't reach the dragon if it feels like this mana.

If you refer to the memory of the creation of life, you can presume that it is probably the highest ancient dragon or the finest dragon there is.

Hmm, a fine dragon.

Could it have been a welcome from Gene or Dragon God who sensed I was approaching?

No, it's because you're exhausted.

But with that in mind, the red leaves that apparently came to a different conclusion from mine suddenly unraveled the beastification and cried.

What's wrong? What's wrong?

You must have just had rice balls earlier, are you hungry already?

Or did you get a stomachache from eating too much?

"Uh-oh!? Bucket of shit, dude, gets eaten! I don't want to die in here. I was helping! I was helping you, man.

"Oh, my God, you know what?"

"You're going to get eaten. Yikes!!

Stick to me. I hug the red leaves that burst into tears and pound my back.

Apparently this guy looked like a predator for this dragon to make himself taste good.

Sure, it looks nasty and not half intimidating, but in the first place I'm a shrine and the dragon sets people up not to attack me.

Besides, if you look closely and see the dragon grated like a troubled red leaf, it was obvious that he wasn't approaching with malice.

It would still definitely be seen as a welcome from the Dragon God or something.

You must have sent me this dragon as a means of crossing the sea.

Or as a big premise, there is no way that the red leaves of the Ten Tails, which were eaten or become sub-gods, would be killed in every high-ranking ancient dragon.

If this guy cares, he won't have to hide himself, he'll be able to escape just a little bit from here.

After all, no matter how powerful you put it, nothing seems to have changed the nature of this Bibili monster.

"Look, no more anti-crying red leaves. Mr. Dragon's in trouble, too. It's okay, it's okay, 'cause I'm not scared. Look, they won't attack you forever, will they?



Indeed, looking back in horror in such a way, a dragon bowed its head and lay flat before the red leaves, which seemed sorry to shrink.

It seems that I finally understand that I am safe here, and that the red leaves that put tears and snot on my cheeks as if nothing had happened to me as I said, "What, frightened and lost" or something.

Hey, don't snort on me.

Uh, uh, the red leaf face is already messed up with covet, tears and snot.

Look, cheen with a handkerchief, Cheen.

After being chased by the aftertreatment of the cried red leaves, I managed to get in shape this way, and I talked to the dragon with a high ranking ancient dragon.

"You made me wait. High altitude ancient dragon. So, are you sure that you're here to pick us up? Was it the Dragon God who gave you the instructions?

"You're right, my father. At the behest of the Dragon God, I have come to lead you to the Dragon Mountains. And I'm so sorry I surprised your lady earlier..."

"Oh, fine, fine. Never mind that it is usual for the red leaves to freak out. I'm not gonna let you down."

I know you're originally speaking in the language of a dragon, but unfortunately, if it's a language that makes sense, you can understand everything with the God of Creation (player) correction.

Blah, blah, blah, blah. He doesn't have any fine dust, and it seems cute to make him apologize.

That's why I decided to make it up to you.

But as always, the Dragon God one is capable of sensing me coming and sending such a well-prepared means of travel.

Now you can travel to the Dragon Mountains without worrying, and if you travel at high ancient dragon flight speeds, you're going to get there soon.

If you travel poorly on a ship or something, the ship itself could have been destroyed by giant creatures at a level that could live near the Devil's Continent, and it could have been a big deal on the road.

Or whether there is a ship going to the Dragon Mountains surrounding the Devil's Continent is also a mystery.

If this is the world of role-playing games, the Demon Continent is more like a back dungeon than a last dungeon.

If you weren't a brave man, you wouldn't even be trying to make it.

Anyway, I succeeded in safely traveling to the Dragon Mountains through the exploitation of the generous Dragon God, who was so exhausted.

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