When I regained consciousness, I was satisfied with my five bodies and had a toe in front of a different world coffee.

Apparently the forced logout was successful, but what was Jean's last move?

"That's right! What happened to everybody!? What about the world after that!?

Quickly launch the app and check everyone's safety and logs.

What I found out was that first, with the forced logout, the familiar autumn leaves and Mizette were evacuated inside the dimensional storage.

And when it came to Sie and Deus, they were left there.

"Oh, my God... Yes, show me the logs! Log!"

I confirm the status quo that even though I was stunned by the fact that Sie and Deus, who had to be rescued at a minimum due to an emergency situation, could not stay.

The incredible things were written there as evidence.

[Emergency report. The demons proclaimed the unification of the two worlds by the demons. The demon has parsed some of the miracle mana of the Creator God. The Ryujin, who noticed the devil's unusual behavior, resisted it and destroyed the doppelganger on the spot with one blow. The main unit is intact. The demon used the power of the analyzed mana to connect your world with other worlds through dungeons. This will trigger a spill of mana into the rest of the world. The subgod of the end is trying to contact you]

Information that cannot be organized is constantly flowing out and updated as a log.

While this is happening, the app world seems to be moving at a high speed and time, and even if it's not as skipping, there seems to be a considerable time difference.

Moreover, even if you try to login again with your own avatar, there is no indication that you can transfer to another world with only the text "This avatar is currently unavailable".

I have no idea why Jean did this or what it meant to be the unification of the world.

In the first place, there were many mysteries about Jean's original personality, but it should not have been such a personality that it was influenced by immediate interests such as world unity and dominance.

Why did you do this now, even though there was always a time to hurt me?

I don't know.

I don't know everything.

But there is only one thing I can say.

"Last time he looked like that... Don't make me laugh...."

Last time I saw Jean laughing.

It was as if, at the end of the day, I knew my parents would scold me, but I still had the face of a child who pushed through his will.

That's what he forced us to do.

I can clearly see that there is no point in it.

But even so, what should I do after this...

When I was about to lose my temper, suddenly a fox ear shadow fell from above me.

"Mm-hmm. That's my son-in-law. What's the matter? Sit down here. Well, did you screw something up?... hah ~. That face is a picture star, right?

"Tai, in front of the algae...."

The appearance of the nine-tailed land god, Tamagome, began to stroke his head before I tried to say anything.

"Good, good. If I look at your face right now, I know I won't tell you. I think how long the rest of them have been parents to their daughters. A thousand years, a thousand years. Don't lick it."


The algae scratch their heads like "ahh" and "uhh" next to me sitting on the side of the road.

"Ah, that's right. First of all, I owe you the rest. You know what this is? No, you don't have to know. That's what I'm talking about."

Oh, wow.

"So, that's why I'm here for you, thank you for your advice... Kenji Saito, believe in your mistakes a little more."

Ha, ha?

What are you talking about, this fox?

Believe in failure.

That would be a huge mistake.

"Ah, you thought the rest of this was a waste of time, right? Isn't that right?

"Oh, I didn't think so. Well, that's not true. After all, what is it?

Yeah, don't stir it up a bit...

I'm depressed right now.

If you don't want to talk nonsense, I'll rub my tail, okay?


"Hmm, that's fine. I mean, what do you want to say? Something that you feel has failed is not failure in the first place. Are you crazy, or are you worried that you don't understand the behavior of the person you've been watching? Why don't you understand?... that's it. It's not because you failed, it's because you grew up bigger than you can imagine."


The moment I thought there was something that did come to mind about what was said, the algae fished up their corners and laughed.

"So, as you can imagine, this analogy resembles the relationship between my last daughter, Autumn Leaves? That stupid girl always takes incalculable action and goes in an incredible direction. But is that a failure?... no, definitely not. This is my child's potential, this is the future. If so, what do you need to hesitate about?

Yes, that's true.

What was I worried about?

I know Jean can't hurt me, but I admit he's an amazing guy with a potential that's beyond my reach, and I'm worried about his future.

It's obviously contradictory.

I should have believed in my own failures and the success of those I created from the beginning.

"I see you've noticed. Hmph, let me take the trouble. Isn't this what you understood?"

"Yeah, that's true."

Whatever Jean's thoughts are, it doesn't matter.

Because I believed him, I just had to do what I had to do.

As soon as I understood it, the algae just said, "I think it's okay now," and stood up.

"What, are we going to do something interesting again? If so, there is nothing that the rest of us won't do together. Well... if you want, then what?

That's how you stroke my head again.

But I did get your debt back.

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