Isekai Tensei no Boukensha
Chapter 5-24 Games over!
He sounded his throat satisfactorily and was a Wyburn subspecies as if he had taken it even under heaven, but it did not last three days.
"Ha ho ho"
Namitaro's special attack was unleashed against the sky, hitting the Wyburn subspecies. But yes, it is not a move that can be repeated many times, so the power is less than a fraction of the first one.
The Wyburn subspecies were also surprised at first, but soon found out that it was not a great power, and they were throbbing as if they were grinning.
"Asshole, that's a hoax!
I guess the Wyburn subspecies didn't understand Namitaloh's words, but they targeted Namitaloh, trying to spread their wings wide enough to spit out fireballs.
"You don't seem as intelligent as I thought."
A fist of tenma struck straight into the brain, faster than the Wyburn subspecies confirmed the Lord of voices heard from behind.
Tenma magically jumped up into the gap where the Wyburn subspecies were distracted by Namitaro's and attacked the Wyburn subspecies from behind.
Wyburn subspecies that flutter and crash, just like you had a concussion.
However, there was an audience in the direction of the Wyburn subspecies falling, and the audiences who had not escaped screamed.
"Shiloumal! Slalin!
When I heard my voice, Sularin jumped on Shiloumal's back, and immediately Shiloumal rushed out to the vicinity of the fall with all his might.
Then, Slalin's body enlarged, tentacles were stretched to the Wyburn subspecies to grasp, and orbital modifications were made as he pulled.
Solomon then bites from behind into the Wyburn subspecies that crashed near the center of the table.
Solomon's damage should also be significant, but Solomon will not be relegated to the neck of the Wyburn subspecies as if it were to show its usual flavor.
I went down by Namitaro watching such a sight.
"Tenma, you've done well. Let's just stab him in the face."
"Oh, yeah"
The Wyburn subspecies were thoughtlessly stiff, and the punched fists were red.
I took Adamantin's sword out of my bag and ran towards the Wyburn subspecies.
The Wyburn subspecies threw out fireballs several times, keeping me close, but I avoided them all.
However, one of the fireballs I avoided was hit by a falling troll, and the troll was no longer suffering.
The Wyburn subspecies, avoided all fireballs, managed to get up and fly into the sky, but I approached sooner than that, setting a goal on my neck and waving my sword down.
It made a loud noise called Bockin 'and broke into a neck lettering, and the Wyburn subspecies made a noise that blew out the air and became quiet.
"Grandpa! Bring my magic bag!
I spoke to my grandfather, who was putting up a barrier in front of the kings.
When Grandpa lifted the barrier, he literally flew in and brought me a bag.
"Is this okay?
"Thanks, Grandpa. Come on..."
Wyburn subspecies disappear safely into the bag as he presses the bag as he grabs them.
Now we can confirm the death of the Wyburn subspecies completely.
I also saw the troll later, but this one was out of breath.
The Cyclops seem to have lost their collar because of the death of their owner (Tamer), but they sit quietly and do not intend to break out.
But even if I look around, I don't see the wizard.
When I was wondering what was going on, Slalin, back in her original size, came by and spit out the wizard.
Apparently, they were evacuating him to a bag in his body.
The venue was slowly getting confused when I stabbed a stop at the Wyburn subspecies.
And the referee approached me...
"Winner, 'Oracion'!
declared. If you look closely, the knights were rushing in from behind the referee, but our crusade was quick, so it turned out to be a delayed form.
Still, the knights have secured the wizard, restrained the warrior's figure, and processed Tamer's body.
In the meantime, two knights approach me. It's Mr. Jean and Mr. Sigurd.
"Hey Tenma, congrats on winning. I don't know what you're talking about, but I want you to test that Wyburn."
"This is not compulsory at the moment, but it needs to be properly investigated, so it could be compulsory at worst. Now, ownership of materials and other materials belongs to Tenma, but if it becomes compulsory, it could be forfeited"
It's a convenient statement inside, but I guess it's just better to bring it up as a consultation. Besides, as a Knights, it's an incident in front of the public, so there's no reason not to look into the Wyburn subspecies.
"Fine... but when you autopsy, let me be present too. Because Wyburn is worth blood as one of its ingredients"
Hearing my words, Mr. Jean nodded. However, Jean and I haven't brought a magic bag to store the Wyburn subspecies yet, so until then, I'll keep it.
After that, Jean and the others had cleaned up the bodies of Troll and Tamer, but could not decide what to do about the Cyclops, which ended up being deposited with the Adventurer's Guild.
Due to the post-processing by the Knights, the awards ceremony held after the game was delayed, and they were called to the venue once they had returned to the holding room for a rest.
In the ready arena, the winners of each division - third place (the semi-finals losers because there were no final fights) - were lined up, but only the pair of awardees participated properly.
First of all, the personal battle, this in turn, I (Tenma), followed by Amur, has to be lined up with Jin and Kaios, but Kaios is not here.
Because this was disqualified by an act of transgression.
Until now, however, it has been a story in the past.
Problem...... or different is the line of team fights.
This one, in turn, is' Oración 'followed by' Dendrobates', so far sidelined, behind which 'Ghost Soldier' and 'Blue Hornet' are supposed to line vertically.
But none of the members of the semi-finalist 'Dendrobates' are here. This was not arranged on this occasion because everyone except the Cyclops was taken in the final noise.
The truth is that Cyclops alone is fine, but because the owner is dead, it is handily close to the rampant Wyburn subspecies, and I can't take responsibility if anything happens.
Cyclops has not been disposed of because, for the first time, he is a former relative and his teammates survive, making adults without breaking out.
And the most unusual is' oracion '.
Anyway, I'm in a personal battle, so the only people in line are Namita Lowe's family.
At the end of my personal award, I plan to go to a team fight, but there are no examples of family members alone ever lined up.
This was possible because Namitaro could speak human language, but in the worst case scenario, the place became vacant and both winning and semi-winning teams were temporarily out of line.
Even with that in mind, I had to watch my back.
Anyway, there's Amur the Carnivore behind me, not the Carnivore... My gaze has been piercing me since earlier and I'm uncomfortable.
I wanted to finish the award for my personal battle quickly and move to Slalin's place, but only at times like this would I feel like I had a long time.
The king said something in a remote position, but he couldn't afford to hear it from me now, just thought it would be over soon.
When I finished talking about the king, now it was Caesar's turn, but my mood was no different than it was when he was king.
After Caesar's talk was over, he finally received a commemorative shield, dagger, and prize money from the director of the tournament, where he also left the scene to finally take a breather in line for a team match.
Even after leaving Amur, his gaze is still piercing, but better than earlier. However, Amur's gaze suits me without blurring, even though a pair of awards have been given. I know it's a pretty disrespectful act, but no one pays attention.
Perhaps the king said something. When my eyes meet with that evidence, my face is about to burn and I'm desperately trying to squeeze my face together.
"Oración, Previous"
The award for the pair is over, and we've been called. Souvenirs and prizes are no different from individual fights, but team fights were available with daggers for a number of people. But there was also a problem.
"Um... I can't seem to hold a dagger other than a tenma player, so please put it together"
An officer of the dagger handing clerk thought about how to give the daggers to Shiloumaru and the others, and then gave them all to me.
After that, it ended well and finally in the words of the chairman of the board.
In those words, he said to the participants who were being honored on this occasion that they could attend a royally-sponsored party as a special prize in addition to the prize.
Honestly, I've had several meals with the royal people so I thought I wouldn't have to join them, but it's just not a good idea that the winner won't, and I've promised all three stalkers, so I honestly decided to join them.
They say the party will be at the Royal Castle a week later, on the last day of the festival.
At the end of the awards ceremony, the moment I left the venue, I packed the slurrins in my bag and moved quickly.
Needless to say, to combat Amur. I hurried back to the holding room and joined Grandpa, and I only (...) got Slalin out of the bag and had us swallowed.
And ask Suralin to turn to the kings.
So far I was able to shake Amur off.
The Kings were just surprised that they didn't even think I was coming suddenly, but soon they understood why I showed up.
"Oh Tenma! Congratulations on the win. Still, you got some enthusiastic approach!
"Well, I thought Tenma would be sure to win... but I couldn't have predicted that one!
The King and Master Lyle tease each other almost simultaneously.
"You, Lyle... back off"
The two faces that were niggered stopped perfectly at Maria's appearance and honestly gave way to Maria.
"So Tenma. What's your relationship with that girl?
"That's the first time we've met!
I was reflexively stretching my spine and reporting in a cautious position.
It was then that Grandpa came out, but Grandpa was called out by Master Caesar to discuss something.
"Yes... well, I'm fine with it because I'm sure of my blood muscles and I have strength... if you really don't like tenma, tell me. Because I'll do everything I can to get rid of you."
Dear Maria, who smiles and does scary things. Nevertheless, he seemed to have figured out who Amur was.
"No, it's okay......"
I just said no because I was too scared, but how would I have ruled it out if I had asked... I don't want to imagine.
"Oh, and, Mr. Jean, where are you? I'd like to talk to you about the Wyburn subspecies."
"Mm, oh, Jean, I'm in the presence of an interrogation now. And I'm aware of Wyburn. Let's just keep in mind that I treat it like it's a prey to tenma."
In exchange, the King also officially recognized the rights of the Wyburn subspecies. So when I tried to get away from here, Maria forced me to smile...
"I'll see you around this story."
and this one got pushed away too......
Grandpa seemed to be just finishing up the conversation, and it was just the right time to go home.
The return was not Slalin, and Tida and Luna rushed over as they tried to leave the venue while the knights took the lead.
"Congratulations on your win, Tenma! Fighting Wyburn, it was amazing!
"Brother, you won! Slurrin, too! Let me play with Solomon again!
With the blessing, I went outside to tell him I understood, a little healed by Luna, who would communicate my request properly.
I was just relieved that there was no sign of Amur, but I'm a little worried about the increase in stalking.
Outside the venue, the audience escaped.
That's harder for people to find, and even if Amur had waited, it would be pretty hard for him to find me. No one around you would think I was lost. I'm disguised for once.
I saw signs of Amur near the entrance to the venue. A glimpse of the direction in which the signs appear, Amur stands over Blanca's shoulder and peeks over here and there. Definitely looking for me.
The people who noticed such Amur and the others were able to crowd far away because they stopped naturally on their feet. Anyway, there are the individual semi-winners of this year's tournament and the last third-place winner. Besides, besides the quasi-winner (Amur) bizarre... I would have joined the Horse if I hadn't been the target (...) myself.
I proceeded with care not to be distracted by Amur from the scene and took off the crisis.
When Grandpa and I got back to the mansion, there was a crowd in front of the gate. I thought it might be again, but this time the crowd was a little different than before.
Because it was divided into a group that was directly in front of the gate and a group that was distancing itself from them, and among the groups that were directly in front were clearly confused with the knights.
As I slid through the group outside and approached the gate, I knew who the group was in front of the gate.
The group looks like the people of Kukri village, including Uncle Mark and Aunt Martha, and the knights of the Duke of Sanga.
It seemed a little suspicious because some of the knights did not know each other and there was no Duke of Sanga himself again, but the armor contained the seal of the Duke of Sanga house, so I thought there would be no one in the King's Capital to defraud them like that, and I decided to listen to them first.
"Ha! We have received the life of the Duke of Sanga and have been entrusted with escorting the people of the village of Kukri who are here! How many minutes of noise, so we also have orders to keep this place alive in case! Later, the Duke will see you too!
Apparently, it was meant to make a pretext for coming to me while selling favors to me in the name of my uncles' escorts.
If this is a strange nobleman, I would just like to thank you and ask you to pick it up, but I have a few connections with the people of the Duke of Sanga family, and there is nothing else I dislike, so I admit that I told the knights to go inside, but I did not break my arrangement to comply with the order that I would not be able to leave this place until the Duke himself arrived, so I decided to interpret half of it as a favor of the Duke of Sanga.
Besides, this tournament has made me stand out as much as I can, so it seems that my relationship with nobility will naturally increase from now on.
Then you will need to appeal (choose the nobility to get along) to where you are getting along with the Duke of Sanga before a weird nobleman comes by.
I already have a relationship with royalty, but I have never crossed many friendly aristocrats.
Still, there will be more trouble...
After interacting with the knights all the way through, turning in the direction of my uncles, I was suddenly held by Aunt Martha. He was then taken to the center of everyone, where he was to be torn up.
Being torn up is nothing in itself, but I just wanted you to pick a place... honestly, torso being exposed to the eyes of others is, honestly, what a shame play! I wanted to say, but I couldn't say it in my mouth because they're all the people who adored me... and my grandfather, too, is totally in the torso.
You were torso lifting me and you felt loose, some of them were crying after you put me down.
And someone screamed.
"It's a banquet!"
Even today (...) is a mistake! I suppose, but this includes my celebration, so I'm not complaining.
Using the words of the banquet as a signal, the people of Kukri village immediately disband and run out. They seem to understand each other and decide on the sharing of the items to be prepared in a short conversation.
The knights of the Duke of Sanga are also distracted by the good teamwork.
Leaving the knights behind and entering the mansion, it seemed quiet inside that no one had returned yet.
"It's bad for Aina and the others, but let me get ready first!
Aunt Martha heads to the kitchen with someone else's house she knows on her own. After that, several aunts followed, and Uncle Mark was working on preparing the ballroom in the garden.
"It's easy to say you don't have to do anything, Grandpa..."
"Well... I'm not in a runaway mood..."
While I'm talking to Grandpa, the slurrins crawl out of my bag.
And each moves, Slalin goes to the sofa in the living room, Namitaro goes to the pond in the garden, Shiloumal and Solomon goes to the kitchen...
The last two would get in the way of cooking, so I grabbed the collar and forced them into the living room.
Jeanne and the others returned on the way with us. Aina and Aura naturally, besides the three daughters, even had Jin and the others.
"Welcome home, Master Tenma. And congratulations on winning."
Aina was the first one to speak up. With that word, the three daughters who were trying to jump at me stopped. Apparently, it also meant restraint.
The three daughters look bitter, but when you look at them not complaining, apparently the upward and downward relationship (difference in force) is clear.
Jin and the others apparently expected a banquet around tonight, coming for food. I brought a proper souvenir.
I asked my three daughters because Primera's not here, and apparently they're coming with the Duke of Sanga. Probably insurance.
In case I didn't like the fact that the knights were there and refused to visit the Duke of Sanga, I think that if Primera was there, I would still have a chance.
The point is, Primera's teammates (three daughters) attend the banquet, so you can't just screw Primera. Then it is a bad scandal to say no to only the Duke who has accompanied Primera (...).
It might feel like I said. I don't think it's trustworthy, but I also have a mentor as a nobleman, so I guess I'll do what I can... If this wasn't the Duke of Sanga (I know him), I wouldn't forgive him.
Well, I'm a belly-black person, and I don't know... etc., and now here comes the face of Seigentheimers.
This was also a sudden visit, but I was asked to come right in because I was familiar with him and was a member of the same guild.
This brings together most of the acquaintances except the aristocrats.
Later, I'm just saying that the banquet can start when it's ready, but that's when the incident happened.
The golems lurking near the gate activated simultaneously and moved on to interception.
Most of those who could fight on this occasion, including me, were on guard, and those who could not fight moved immediately into the mansion.
Soon after the golem starts, someone jumps over the gate and breaks in. There are two intruders.
The intruders were about to be intercepted by a golem, but they were running around surprised by the strength of my special golem.
In the meantime, one of the intruders notices me and runs in.
Approximately 100 meters from the gate to where I am (near the front door).
The intruder comes instantly packing that distance. And I realized who he was.
The name of that identity is Amur. It's Stalker IV, who suddenly takes my lips in front of the public and chases me around.
With that in mind, Amur (Stalker IV) is approaching right in front of me.
Amur flew with his hands wide open around cutting ten meters to me. And I was intercepted... by Namitaro...
Namitaloh caught up with Amur, who had come running at a rate that ensured a new world record update (a record from a previous life), and gained momentum and flew at a rate even higher.
And he gave Amur a good shot.
Amur devoured the body of Namitaloh, and wriggled and fell through the universe.
"For you, for you!
Namitaloh held a lantern-like object in one hand (fin), and a ten-hand-like object in the other hand (fin) suppressed Amur. Dozens of golems surround those namitalows.
To say that Amur is here, the other intruder would naturally be Blanca.
The Blanca is struggling with the Golem.
No matter how much my golem says it's stronger than normal, it's not enough to exceed Blanca on boulders.
Probably a handful. You can't destroy the golem on your own, and yet you're the one who calls on you to do everything in your power, so I guess you've gone around the back.
"Disarm! The man doesn't have to attack! Instead, restrain him from falling there! Be as polite as you can!
Golem, who heard my orders, immediately stopped the attack on Blanca. And he brought Amur, who was suppressed, so that each of the two golems could hold one hand. Amur's mouth was gently bitten to the ape.
"Phew... sorry kid! I couldn't contain your daughter!
Blanca apologizing at the very beginning of the opening...... I kind of feel that Blanca just apologized to me.
"You're struggling, Blanca..."
If you turn your sympathy to Blanca, Blanca will turn her sympathy to me again.
"Oh, you're still better off with this. Whatever, half the hard work is shifting to temper..."
"" Buho!
Grandpa and Namitaro were the ones who most responded to Blanca's words. Namitaloh had reclaimed the prop he had in his hand and had come near following the golem that was holding Amur. Grandpa seems to have come close as a parent.
"Anyway, it bothered me. Hey, lady! We're going home!...... no! It wouldn't be weird if the gendarmerie stuck you out after you were captured!
As Blanca grabs Amur's root and tries to pull him forcefully, Amur is shaking his neck sideways as he grabs and resists the golem with both hands and refuses.
It should be noted that Golem, who was capturing Amur, was about to release Amur by letting go of his hand when Blanca grabbed the root.
"Fair enough, Blanca. Isn't it good? Today is a banquet in the name of Tenma's victory, but funniest thing is that there are a lot of people who played an active part in the tournament. Anyway, you guys should join us. Whew, Tenma."
Grandpa told me that, and I take a glimpse of Amur. Amur, who noticed my gaze, looks at this one with a pleading eye.
"Ha... well, fine. But don't bother everyone! Can you, Amur?
Amur sparkled her eyes at my words and shook her head vertically many times.
"Overlapping, sorry..."
Blanca said so, taking Amur's monkey and dropping him off to the ground, Amur hugged me with a quick move and moved straight to his back.
"Tenma, love it"
Amur comes confessing in her ear as she hugs me on my back.
I was just embarrassed by that straightforward confession, but the mood quickly became foggy.
"" "Get away from the tenma. Eh! You thief cat!
The three sisters, Lily, Nelly and Milly, came as they shouted.
To such three daughters, Amur...
"Cats are you guys. I'm a tiger."
And I was returning it... no, I sure am, because Lily and the others are saying it means something different...
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