Isekai Tensei no Boukensha
Chapter 5-14 Team 'Oracion' is fully operational
"Ready? They have an exam, so let's go early."
I held my baggage and spoke to Jin and the others who were checking my baggage a little further away.
"Whoa, there's no problem!
Jin answers with his hands up, followed by a hand signal that Galat, Menace and Leena are okay as well.
"Wai's ready, too. OK!
The Namita Row on the roof of the carriage seems to be ready too... Most of all, I know how high Namita Row is ready...
In response to Namitaloh's voice, Shiloumal and Solomon howl. Especially since Solomon came to King's Capital, he couldn't get out in a busy manner, so he seems to be in the mood.
Slalin is in the tanicase and it is difficult to tell, but the mood seems adequate because he has been doing the same trick that the horse is excited about.... At this rate, I may not have anything to do today.
"Tenma, hey. Yeah?
At the end of the howl of the Shiloumals, Namitaro comes out louder than overhead.
"... help me unload it. Hmm? It's hard to move even when your body is a little dry."
Me and Jin are about to stumble on that word, but I hit Namitaro with some less powerful water magic for now.
"I'll come back to life."
With that said, Namitaro comes down on his own. He dives straight into my bag and says, "Wake me up when you get there."
It seems that the mood I put in earlier has already fallen out, but for now I also put Shiloumal and Solomon in my bag and got into the carriage.
Your man said Jin and Garat would do it, so I didn't hesitate to get in.
"Then I'll be there."
After speaking to the grandfathers who were out dropping them off, the carriage headed to the venue.
Despite the early morning, the vicinity of the venue was full of enthusiasm, and it took a little longer than I thought, but I was able to enter the venue without major problems.
I'll see you at the game.
"Oops! If you hit it, it won't hurt!
They went into the venue and ran an inspection right away, where they broke up with Jin and the others.
"This way, please"
It was still a little early for the rally, so only one group was here earlier than us, and thanks to that, we were able to enter the lab immediately.
There are two laboratories, each of which is separated, so we have to leave nature and the Jins.
"We will first provide a description of the examination. Here we will be reviewing brief weapons, protective equipment and participating members. As always, you can bring magic backs and other weapons into the holding room, but just before the game, you will be asked to put them in a bag that will lend them to the attendant for physical examination and the weapons used in the game. Give your bag to the attendant then. If you can't, give it to someone you know beforehand."
That's what they said, so I'm going to put the weapons, tools, etc. that I plan to use on my desk.
The attendant kept track of them and even recorded the number, type, and color of bottles, especially for restorative drugs.
"If you use recovery pills after a match, make sure you use them in front of the attendant, except in an emergency. Now we will check with the members. Tenma was a Tamer and she had family members, right? Call it in."
That's what they said, so I really wanted to keep it a secret, but I had no choice but to call everyone.
"Eh... chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Shiloumal to Slalin, and Namitaloh seemed to have heard the information, and the attendant had never been so surprised, but when he saw Solomon jump out of the bag with momentum, he shouted out and slipped out his hips.
"What happened!
The knights, who heard the attendant scream, come in ramblingly opening the door. I put Solomon in the bag for a while, but it looked like he hid something bad when he saw something, and a few knights came around me.
"You gotta be honest with me about what you just hid!
The knights say that with their weapons in place, but that's impossible.
"I can't do that. This is my trump card. Besides, I'm not breaking the rules."
The knights who didn't believe my words saw the attendant sitting out of his hips.
"Shh, excuse me. Tenma players aren't breaking the rules. It's just that I was surprised by the sudden..."
The attendant tells the knights a little shy, but the knights still suspect.
"If you haven't broken the rules, you can get them out here!
"So this is what you could call my trump card. You can't show that to someone who's not even an attendant."
Having said that, I still wondered what to do with the unconvincing knights, and a new figure appeared in this room.
"What happened?
What showed up there was the muscular man I often see in my house...... Master Lyle.
Everyone, except me, pokes their knees at Master Lyle, who suddenly appears. However, only the attendant still seemed to be losing his hips, which made him feel weird.
"Raise your face. What the hell happened more than that?... Isn't that tense? Hey, what's up?
When he looked at me, his majestic voice came back to his usual voice.
The knights' faces turn blue after seeing Dear Lyle's reaction, but still a leader knight reports to Dear Lyle.
Listening to the report, Master Lyle thought a little before making a suggestion.
"I see what you guys are saying. Surely we will have to see what Tenma has hidden. But as an athlete, the trump card is something I want to hide as much as possible, and I can't ignore what the attendant said I didn't violate. So bring in the head of the attendant right away. Let's see what he and I have hidden from Tenma. Both sides, that's fine!
So he quickly said that the man in charge and Master Lyle, plus only the original attendant, would confirm.
"So, Tenma. Is the cause Solomon?
Master Lyle seemed to know, and immediately mentioned the cause, but the man responsible was a little confused without knowing what it meant.
"Exactly. Come out, Solomon."
Solomon popping up on my signal. Master Lyle, whom I was just used to seeing, and the attendant, who had decided to be ready for the second time, never spoke out, but now the man in charge shouted and surprised me.
Hearing a loud voice, the knights outside were in a panic, but Master Lyle rang, so he never came in.
"Solomon doesn't break the rules, does he?
When I asked the man in charge that, the man nodded half as if he were in love.
"Tenma, does Solomon serve in the first round?
"I intend to."
That said, Master Lyle opens the door and speaks to the knights outside.
"I just checked with me and the person in charge. As a result, there were no violations. What I hid was a member of The Oracion. I can't reveal who it is right now, but I have to say I can't get it out of the first round. Then you'll see what caused the commotion."
That said, Master Lyle took the knights up and went.
Afterwards, I was apologized to the person in charge and the attendant for the tremendous momentum and got weird attention from around me.
"I've had a rough time..."
He went to the designated holding room foolishly, remembering the shame play he had made earlier.
So far, we planned to fight around Solomon in World War I and Namitaro in World War II, so what Master Lyle said to the knights was half a lie, but the lie seemed to work harder on the attendants than the knights, and this one felt sorry for me the other way around when the attendant in charge of my inspection was really crying while apologizing to me.
About half an hour after I got to the holding room, the attendant came to get me because all the participating teams were there.
Delegates were told to come because we were going to draw lots, but 'Oracion' had no choice but to me, so I left everyone and followed the attendant.
My order was number three, as the lottery takes place in front of the audience in the same way as the individual battles, and the order takes place in the order in which I entered the venue. There's a line of gin in front of me, and the first thing they say is he's the leader of the last winning team.
Other than that, I can see Agri and the Marquis Sammons.
"Tenma... I hear you did something early. You made the attendant cry."
Jin talks to me in a whisper, but apparently there's a tail on the story, and I told him I'd go into more detail later because it's hard to explain it accurately now.
"We'll start the draw now. The best, please."
The attendant called the leading man and the lottery began.
As a result…
"Looks good to be away... it's early to hit the semifinals..."
A team I know pulled a number that didn't hit each of them in Game 1 or 2.
In order of small numbers, 'Seigentheimers A' is' 3 ',' Ghost Soldiers' is' 8 ',' Oracion 'is' 9 'and' Sword of the Dawn 'is' 13 '.
Other notable teams are "2" for the last semi-finalist team, "11" for the last semi-finalist team, and "16" for the last winning team to target two consecutive wins.
There are no other teams that are that famous, like half the teams with members with experience in the main race and half the teams with their first appearance.
"But you don't have this..."
When I say 'this', I mean the name of the opponent's team (...) that will be won in the first round.
"I can't believe Solomon's debut opponent's team name is' Dragon Squad '..."
The other representative was behind me two or three, so only the representative was able to confirm.
The feeling I saw was muscle Dharma, a power type avant-garde if you judge it by its appearance, I don't know the gear, but I'm probably a warrior and I'm pretty sure.
The representative's physique was slightly larger than that of Jin, and he had a hot and bitter impression with his skinhead.
Even compared to the participants around, there was an atmosphere of considerable strength.
"Well, is there a problem?"
The first one is going to have Solomon hang in there, but if it seems dangerous, he's going to let Slalin and Shiloumal go early, and in case that rep is the weakest presence of the Dragon Squad (...), or something like that, I'll be in the fight soon, but I don't think that's exactly it... if that's more than that, he'll come to the top even if he goes into a personal battle. It's hard to imagine such a presence being aligned to avoid a personal battle. If that delegate was in the main race for the personal battle, it didn't seem strange.
I have time for my first game this time, so I decided to eat slowly.
They say they don't mind eating whatever they want when they want, but instead, they can check their bodies with magic items before a game, and in some cases they can take medications to eliminate the effects of medicine and magic. Of course, failure to follow instructions will result in immediate disqualification.
Well, that doesn't happen if you cook with normal ingredients, so you don't have anything to worry about.
When I started preparing meals on the table, I heard a loud cheer coming from the outside just as the first game seemed to have begun.
"But the last semi-finalist team is coming out of the first game."
I kept preparing my meals whining about that. I didn't go to see it because I wasn't very interested in them, and more than that, there was a lot of pressure in my four eyes staring at me from earlier to prepare my meal.
Prepared under pressure are rice balls with miso soup and egg rolls with pickles.
The rice balls utensils are plum dried (...) in the fish loose body, and the pickles are shallow pickled cucumbers and aubergines... I came to Wangdu and found out that what I had previously called Komai was apparently a way of calling it in the region, usually called plums... or that there are many commonly used in previous life's calligraphy.
The person who spread the name of Komai was apparently a reincarnator, it was also Japanese, and when he saw the small plum fruit he said "komai (...) plum" which apparently became Komai plum and eventually Komai, Namitaro said.
Besides, it seems that the name of the village I found out about Komai is "Komai Village" and the plum dried in that village is sometimes called "Komai Pickled"... Namitaro also told me about it.
It was an event that made it impossible to understand the existence of namitaloh. Since then, I've called it plum dried.
"What, Namitaro?
From the bag that was on the wall, Namitaro turned up and called my name.
"Don Mai!
... Sometimes Namitaro says things like he read my thoughts... and most of them are statements that irritate me.
I stood up quietly and shoved Namitaro into the back of my bag. And then I closed the bag so I couldn't come out and wrapped the bag around with my shoulder strap... let's keep it like this until Namitaro's turn.
Fortunately, I'm out there except for Namitaro, so there's nothing particularly wrong with that.
I started the meal as it was and served the slurrins a soft boiled zipped meat... from time to time, the bag on the wall seemed to have moved, but I guess it's my fault.
I was just getting my meal ready, and I heard a lot of cheers coming from the arena. Apparently, the battle has arrived.
Something like 20 minutes from start to settlement? They say this is roughly the average game time in the first and second rounds of a team game.
Couldn't you get to the verdict?
In fact, there are time limits for team fights. This is because in team games where up to ten people get in and fight, it's a little narrow to let the arena fight in two parts, so the first is set at 30 minutes, the second is set at 45 minutes, and the semifinals are set at one hour, with only the finals being unlimited in time.
As a result, there are not many teams with a complete defensive focus, so the game tends to unfold faster, often with flashy offenses, so team fights are the easiest to get excited about as a result.
In the past, he said he had made a suggestion to increase the time limit around a game by putting teams in the main race from 16 to 8, but he heard from the top of the Treasury that the number of teams would never change until now because the higher number of teams would be more exciting, the shorter game times would be more flashy, and the economy would be more effective...
The judgment is made by the presiding judge and the four deputy judges using the flag, with no draw, always to decide between wins and losses.
Because there have been only a few instances of miscarriage of justice in the past, it now seems that the King has made sure to appoint a judgment immediately, and that a judgment for miscarriage of justice may, in the worst case scenario, be applied to the State treason. Instead of having severe punishment, the referee will be awarded the Honorary Lord after the festival is over as a reward.
"Oops, looks like the next game has started... is that Agri's team"
I wasn't sure if I'd go take a look for a moment, but I thought Agri's team wouldn't lose, and decided to keep eating.
By the end of the meal, the third game was about to begin, and Agri's team seemed to have prevailed as expected.
Originally Agri's team was well balanced and put together at a high level so I wasn't worried, but still relieved when I heard that the team I knew had won.
The problem would be the last semi-finalist team to win the second round, but I think it would be a good match. But according to the information I've heard, the other team didn't fight the first round with full members, so I'm just curious about the rest of them.
I don't think the third game is settled early because they say it's almost a battle between each other's teams, but since that next game is the Marquis of Sammons' team, it would be easier to get ready for your game quickly.
They say the Marquis' opponents have a lot of guards, so Gallibar's activity will be a sign.
As I waited while doing a stretch combining post-meal exercise, I heard the audience cheering loudly. Apparently, since Game 3 is over and Game 4 begins, we moved closer to the arena as well.
Moving near the entrance, we got a check from the attendant. When I said check, it didn't take a lot of time because they asked me what I mouthed during the break and I just put my hands on top of items like stone slabs.
Immediately after the check, the fourth game began and Gallibar was seen running out of momentum.
Opponents of the ghost soldiers were the avant-garde with two warriors and the rear guard with two archers and one wizard.
The avant-garde two gave a surprised look to Galiver, who suddenly penetrated, but soon one set up a shield and the other an axe. The rear archer releases an arrow over the head of the avant-garde, but Galiver is knocking everything down with a stick he had in his hand. A wizard in a position sandwiched by an archer starts chanting, but it was faster for Galiver to play the avant-garde of the shield than for the chant to end.
After a blow from Galiver's rampage, the shield warrior rolled back and went. There is a wizard ahead of him who rolls away, and the wizard stops chanting to praise the warrior who has rolled towards him.
Another warrior stands in front of Gallibar like covering a rear guard, but the battle has been decided here.
They seem to have fallen out of their minds of Galiver's power that this is a team fight. As soon as the Axe Warriors noticed the knights hiding behind Gallibar, the knights jumped forward with their shields from behind Gallibar and headed towards the rear guard.
From there it was one-sided. Whatever, the warrior was suppressed by Gallibar, and the archers pulled out their daggers because the distance was too close, but they fell flat against the knight, and the wizard unleashed a short magic of chanting to cause damage to one of the knights, but turned his eyes around the body of the other knight without being able to streak.
The Axe Warrior had not yet lost to Galiver, but he was quite disadvantaged and surrendered because his guard had been wiped out.
Garibar was the most excited about the more overwhelming play than I expected. I'm so excited, I'm barking as I wield my arms.
The audience was, of course, surprised by the sudden barking Gallibar, even the knights they were supposed to be used to, distancing themselves from nature.
It is only confirmable that they are happy to see the barking gallivar and slap their hands.
One was my husband, the Marquis of Sammons, and the other was Luna, though I don't know why.
Luna was clapping as she rode herself out of her royal seat, desperately supporting Tida not to fall behind her.
Cheers and applause began to come from the spectators who were surprised that Luna's applause triggered it.
The members of the Ghost Soldiers who are going to make a grand lift through it. It's the opposite of where I am, so there was no face-to-face conversation, but the Marquis of Sammons seems happy to be able to show Galiver how active he is.
"Ladies and gentlemen of Oracion, please enter."
The attendant called in anticipation of the loss of the previous group from the fighting platform. It was the attendant in charge of me at the morning inspection who spoke up.
"Let's go!
I let out the slurrins that were waiting in the bag and removed the collar of Shiloumal and Solomon.
Once the collar is removed, the attendant sees the siroumal and solomon whose bodies have grown up and makes a strange voice and solidifies them.
From the opposite entrance and exit, the opposing team's 'dragon squad' had just come out while appealing to the audience.
(Sorry, but I'll have you on Solomon's trail)
I walked out imagining how the spectators would react, which was going to happen.
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