Isekai Tensei no Boukensha
Chapter 5-17: How to Fight a Ghost
From the bag, Cyclops, Trolls, and Wyburn came out.
Moreover, the normal Wyburn has a body length of about 3-4 m, whereas this Wyburn is superior to 5 m. Furthermore, the normal body color is Moss Green, and although some individuals may substitute light darkness and other differences, as well as light red in marital color, the color of Wyburn coming out of the bag is light ink.
Because of that, it seems that this Wyburn is either a subspecies or a mutant species, but I can't tell.
"Namitaro, have you ever seen that?
"Before you ask me, on the appraisal. If no... well, not that big, but you've seen it before. Maybe it's a mutant species or something."
Surprisingly, I admire the knowledgeable Namitaro, but the appraisal doesn't work because of the distance from Wyburn. When I told Namitaloh about it, Namitaloh was awake.
"What or Tenma. I've been following you for over a decade and you're still not used to it... okay, while activating the appraisal, it feels like concentrating magic on your eyes and seeing your goals. I don't know... maybe close to focusing on telescopes or something at first. Once you get used to it, you'll be able to focus like your own eyes."
When I did the appraisal as advised by Namitalow, it didn't work out in the beginning, but the sensation came to me as I tried several times.
Name...... Wyburn
Race...... Wyburn mutant species
Simple appraisal results, but successful at first. Successfully figured it out, but that Tamer doesn't seem very considerate to his own family. The name is Wyburn as it is. I mean, I usually call it Wyburn.
Just in case, I also tried to use the appraisal for Cyclops and Trolls, but the results were the same, and the race name remained the same.
"That man, if he had caught me, would I put a 'carp' on his name?
Aside from whether the Namitaloh race is good for carp, he seems like a lot of the type of person in Tamer who thinks of his family as tools.
The audience is thrilled with the appearance of new family members. If Wyburn is a big city like the King's Capital, we can see things and crusaded objects that are family members several times a year, and there is not as much confusion as Solomon did because many of those who aspire to Tamer are known to be demons that can be appreciated once.
But this Wyburn battle has put the ghost soldiers at a disadvantage at once.
If it were only Cyclops and Trolls, depending on the degree of collaboration between Gallibar and the knights, there would have been enough wins, but with more enemies from the air there would change the story.
At any rate, no ghost soldier can fight in the air, and if they do poorly, they will be unilaterally attacked from the air.
Assuming he is a Marquis knight, I think he has mastered some attack magic, but Wyburn is not weak enough to sink with concurrent attack magic, and I don't think Wyburn will come down to the range of the knights' physical attacks.
From what I've seen, Galiver seems stronger and smarter than Cyclops and Trolls.
Still, there won't be enough difference between Gallibar alone to overwhelm Cyclops and Trolls.
If this is not an arena, but an open area with obstacles, etc., and there is no time limit, we might be able to do something about it...
Marquis Sammons, the leader of the Ghost Soldiers, also looks difficult by approaching the fighting bench to the point of criticism.
In that state, the referee signaled the start of the game.
At the same time as the signal, Wyburn flew, and Cyclops and Troll came forward and became walls.
The other team basically doesn't seem to change formation. The difference from the formations I saw before is that Wyburn is just forming over the position where the warrior was, and it feels like an anomalous 3-1-1.
In contrast, the ghost soldiers are led by Galiver, with the knights lined up in two rows a little behind them.
Seeing the referee leave, the ghost soldiers began to move forward with their formations in place.
The other team seemed to take the form of intercepting a ghost soldier, and Wyburn threw up fireballs after all the little checks.
That fireball is about 40 cm in diameter and seems powerful there but the speed is a little slow and it seems to take a few seconds to go on and throw up the fireball.
Ghost soldiers moved left and right on the first and second shots, but the third shot is likely to hit directly because the distance is nearer.
But Galiver played the looming fireball with a stick and turned it behind him. The stick that played the fireball seemed scattered with fragments and broken, but the fragments were apparently the only thing on the surface, with thick metal sticks exposed from half the stick ahead.
Apparently, not all of Galiver's sticks were made of wood, but rather had a metal rod inside as its core, and the black metal rod might have been made of demonic iron.
Looks like Tamer gave instructions while he did so, and Cyclops and Troll hit Gallibar. Perhaps he thought it was not a good idea for Gallibar with a sturdy weapon to approach himself.
Maybe Tamer didn't think he could spend money on a weapon that Galiver (his family) would use.
Tamer himself hasn't let his family have weapons. It's ridiculous to spend money on tools (weapons) for your family, so they can't even spend money... But did you think?
Like Namitaloh said, it could be a story if it were a second-rate or less Tamer.
Moreover, even if he says that he has been attacked, he does not seem to have any idea of collaboration between the two of them, he is just waving up his arms and going towards them. Apparently, you haven't been able to give proper instructions.
As a result, a distance has been made between the cyclops and the trolls, which are blunt-footed.
Depending on the way you look at it, it also looks like Cyclops vs. Ghost Soldiers (one-on-five).
The moment Cyclops approached Gallibar, the knights jumped left and right from behind Gallibar.
That only made it suitable for the knights for a moment.
Galiver did not miss the gap in the cyclops and fed him an intense body hit. The bounced cyclops collapsed, involving a troll that was in the rear.
It was Gallibar trying to strike a chase against the two bodies that were on their way up, but it was held back by Wyburn, who had been gliding away.
It was Gallibar playing Wyburn's puking fireball with a stick, but Wyburn will be out of range before Gallibar's attack arrives.
The knights away from behind Gallibar became a pair, splitting into those who carry out magical attacks and those who defend their magic to try to pack the distance between them, but were not too close because of the attack magic unleashed by Tamer and the Wizard.
While the knights were taking the trouble, Cyclops and Troll regained their posture and tried to turn to the knights, but Galiver kicked Troll in the moment he turned his back.
The dull moving troll rolled flashly late in dealing with Galiver's proximity, but rose quickly as it seemed to do less damage than I thought.
The Cyclops, on the other hand, were beaten against Gallibar the moment the troll was kicked.
Galiver responded to the Cyclops attack and played defense with his hands, but Galiver was also rolled because the timing of the beating was just when he stood on one leg.
Against the rolling Gallibar, the Cyclops tried many times to step on it, but Gallibar engaged the offense as he rolled and rose to the momentum of rolling.
But it puts Wyburn to the knights in that gap, and the knights are in a predicament.
Gallibar threw a stick toward Wyburn, which he did not let go of even when he was rolled.
Wyburn was in the middle of releasing a fireball at the knights, so he turned his back on Gallibar, so he didn't seem to notice the stick that flew in.
The stick, which flew away with a vertical rotation, hit around the base of Wyburn's tail, making a loud blunt noise and hit him.
Wyburn screamed in a whisper of sudden severe pain, but he never managed to regain his balance and crash.
However, it seems to have been inflicted a lot of damage as it is feathered in an unpredictable motion unlike the previous one.
The knights took the form of being sandwiched by their opponent's team for a little while, but soon Galiver dealt with it, so Wyburn's thrown up fireballs were few. That's why I didn't take a direct hit and didn't take much damage.
In a series of attacks between family members, all the other family members, including Wyburn, went to Galiver, so Galiver was to fight three to one. However, this matter became a convenient development for the ghost soldiers, so the knights did not dare to turn to Galiver's support.
Tamer, anxious about this, spoke out to call even Cyclops alone, but because of the distance between the two, Cyclops didn't seem to hear the order.
While tongue-in-cheek about it, Tamer releases the Wizard and the Attack Magic to the knights who come towards him, trying to pinch them left and right.
However, unlike earlier, the knights were divided into two hands, so the density of the magic attack dropped, and the knights were approaching at a faster pace than earlier.
Even for the knights, we know this is a stomping ground, so we're moving forward forcefully without worrying about some damage or anything.
The knights' swords were steadily approaching the Tamers.
Around that time, on the other hand, the three-on-one Galliver had shown the lion's rapid activism.
Instead of dealing with the trinity at the same time, Galiver keeps the offense focused on the cyclops, careful not to be attacked against the trolls, but at a distance sufficient to keep himself constantly conscious by being approached, away, away.
Wyburn seems to only have Gallibar in his eyes entirely, so far he doesn't seem to be heading for the knights, and doesn't seem to care much about distance.
Moreover, Wyburn seemed to have blood on his head and the attack was cluttered, as a result of an earlier attack by Galiver, which was dramatically slower than it had been in the beginning.
I didn't do anything to throw up fireballs until I got my side involved, but it seems like it's only a matter of time.
Cyclops, who are being attacked by Galiver, have been beating Galiver at close range, but when it comes to technology, Galiver is completely outnumbered, unable to deal effective hits from earlier, and has been attacked and has accumulated considerable damage.
Gallibar moved heavily as the cyclops began to flutter and the positions of the three bodies overlapped almost in a straight line.
Galiver hit and rolled the fluttering cyclops full of force, running toward the troll, gaining momentum and jumping to step on the troll.
And then he jumped from there again and beat up Wyburn, who was in the air.
Galiver's fist captured Wyburn's face and Wyburn crashed screaming.
Later, the neatly landed Gallibar ran out blind to the three rolling bodies in support of the knights.
Tamer, who was defeated by his family in an instant, was in a hurry and left the attack on the knights to the wizards to begin his attack against Gallibar.
He was a stone-flying Tamer towards Galiver, but Galiver was almost as close to Tamer as he could get to saying that he was ready for damage and would slap him off with his fist.
Additionally, Tamer was trying to buy time by building some stone walls about 20 cm thick in "Stonewall" in front of Galiver, which Galiver also smashed away with his fist.
The audience was engulfed in more excitement than that, with thoughts similar to fear, at Gallibar, who showed furious advances.
But I'm not intact with Gallibar. Garibar's body is hurt and his spirit exhausted when he was beating up with the Cyclops, paying attention to Wyburn's attacks and attracting trolls. The fists that have beaten the looming stones even more and destroyed the walls are bloody and painful to watch.
If Galiver could have afforded it, he would have avoided Tamer's magic by going far. The only reason I was beating him up was because Galiver's own health limits were close.
Galiver was in a hurry. And the rush was creating a huge gap.
The moment Galiver smashed Tamer's last created wall, Galiver was blown to the forefront. Its back is wrapped in fire.
To the sudden events, the fellow knights disrupted their surprise movements.
Against the falling Gallibar, the fireball continues to loom.
Galiver is scratching his fireballs as he rolls, but he's been scratching a few shots, and his strength is definitely shredded.
The Lord of Fireballs (Wyburn) slowly rose and began winging as he checked on such a Gallibar.
I don't know if it was the act that had fallen until earlier, or if it was a fast recovery rate, but I came here and my nasty enemies were resurrected.
Rising above, Wyburn is gliding through a gallivar.
Galiver stood up quickly, but his knees were gushing and trembling, unable to stifle Wyburn.
Two knights moved to cover the blown Gallibar, but this is held back by the Wizard's attack.
Tamer also started attacking the other knights, who were completely stuck.
Plus, the troll that was stomped on by Gallibar is standing up and approaching Gallibar as it sounds ground. Exactly. The Cyclops remain down, but the defeat of the Ghost Soldiers has grown thicker.
For a moment, the knights were wondering if they were going to cover Galiver or defeat Tamer, so the momentum had been distracted by the fact that the action was halfway through, and Galiver was also becoming more and more dangerous in full creativity and exposed to Wyburn's onslaught.
At that time, Wyburn took a great distance. And at the right time for the troll, Wyburn rushed in at a fierce speed.
Galiver noticed Wyburn's intentions and twisted himself slightly to avoid them, but only a little late.
The moment Wyburn hit Galiver, the bitten Galiver's left arm was pulled from around his shoulder and danced through the universe with blood.
Trolls teased intense body hits without setting them apart against the screaming Gallibar.
I saw a gallivar that wore out and rolled, screaming from the audience.
Galiver can't faint because of the pain in his shoulder, and he is suffering. There's a lot of blood coming out of Galiver's body, and he'll bleed to death as he is.
Against such a Gallibar, Wyburn was about to swirl and strike again.
But the referee waited there.
"Game over! Winner 'Dendrobates'!
As never before, a referee who speaks out loud and declares a settlement.
Apparently, the Marquis has informed the referee of his surrender.
Tamer, who heard that, apparently ordered Wyburn to stop the attack, and Wyburn stopped the steep descent and started swirling over it.
But again, Troll doesn't seem to have heard the orders, and he's closing in on Galiver.
The knights who saw it run out, but are unlikely to make it at a distance.
As soon as the troll approached the distance of a few meters to Gallibar, the troll suddenly suffered.
If you look closely, Troll looks at Tamer with his neck down.
"I used it."
That's how Namitaloh shrugged when he saw Troll.
"Did you use it?
"Oh, that's just like the collar of a slave, there must have been a trick to strangle him in response to the Lord's magic. Most of all, unlike the collar of a slave, a fine setting can be made, and every time we have to shed magic, it should have been a mechanism to use the pain to make it easier for us to say it."
The slave collar says that the normal object can be set (...) (don't do harm to the Lord, obey the Lord's command, etc.) to some extent before it is put on the neck, and that the neck is set to close when it is about to be broken or broken, but the collar embedded in the trolls doesn't have it. Instead, they say that the suffering when magic is shed is not only powerful and physical, but also strangles even magical forces, so depending on the amount of magic flown, there can be instant death.
Tamer gave the order again to the troll in agony, keeping his magic running.
Troll, who heard the order, crawled away from Gallibar.
The Marquis of Sammons came running to Gallibar after Troll had left.
The Marquis of Sammons was in quite a hurry, clinging to Gallibar.
Several of the attendants from behind the Marquis pulled something like the O8 and tried to get Garibar on board, but I couldn't get him on.
"I'm gonna go for a second"
I left it up to Namitaro to take the pills out of the bag and head to the fighting table.
The attendant stopped me along the way, but the Marquis of Sammons asked me to help, and I was put through lightly.
I ran straight to Galiver's and gave a mild explanation to the Marquis, who was surprised at my appearance, to begin the treatment.
"Will Galiver help!
He continues to treat the excited Marquis as he gives instructions to the knights in the form of half ignoring him, even knowing he was disrespectful.
First I magic Galiver, blunt the pain, then I saw the wound but it was worse than I thought.
Being bitten and ripped off by Wyburn caused the wound to snap and roll further over the platform so it was pretty dirty. Besides, the mouth of the Wyburn that Tamer is serving can't be spotless, so we also need to be concerned about germs and such.
So the wound was first washed away with clean water (using water magic) and visible waste was removed.
And just in case, I disinfected it with the magic of disinfection and pure alcohol. I used high purity alcohol for the purpose of sterilizing germs, but it seems this smudged my wound and Galiver got a little rampant, but soon the knights suppressed Galiver, and Galiver soon realized and put up with it, so there was no damage.
Next, the treated broken arm is placed on the shoulder, carefully adjusted and magically connected.
I intend to connect it from the inner side as much as possible, but since the wound is too rough to see, I also thought that in the worst case, my arm would stop moving, but my fingers were moving after the connection, so my nerves seemed to be connected.
Later, the shoulders were fixed so that they could not move with a clean cloth, and the cloth was used to support the arm with the neck, as when it was broken.
As a final finish, Galiver's mouth was given blood thinners and medicines to increase resistance to the disease, suppurative and painkillers.
The medicine is of natural origin and I have tried it myself several times, so there should be no problem with the concurrent use of the medicine.
"In the meantime, I don't think there's anything else in life so far with this. However, since we have made it a top priority to save lives, we must be prepared to prevent your arm from moving or disinfect you as before, but you may have an infection."
Turning to the Marquis as he explained so after the treatment, he was tearing up in shock.
"Thanks! Thank you so much! I'll be sure to thank you for this!
Marquis holding my hand disappointingly and saying a word of gratitude as he waves up and down hard.
After waving my hand more than a dozen times, I hurried back to Galiver.
Galiver also seemed to have a lot of tender pain and was able to move on his own to some extent, and with the help of the knights, he was boarding the O8.
The Marquis tried to take the lead in pulling O8, but the knights stopped him, and in the end O8 was pulled by the knights and the attendants.
When I went near the entrance and exit after the Marquises, one of the referees spoke to me with a sorry face.
"Sorry, Tenma players will be in the game soon after this, so please wait here"
Apparently, Garibar's treatment is at my discretion, so I can't let him take extra breaks, so he wants us to wait for Namita Lowe and the others to come here.
I'm not that tired as far as I'm concerned, so I'm not complaining about the referee's decision, but the referees seemed to care.
So I told the referee that I didn't care because it was a natural decision, and deposited the magic back.
Waiting for the Namitalows, the other team came first and went up to the platform, and soon afterwards the Namitalows came as well.
"Tenma, you're tired. Galiver, I'm glad you saved me. We need to win this for Gallibar's enemies!
We faced the other team and waited for the referee's signal.
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