Isekai'd Shoggoth

Chapter 25. Ceremony, Moving And Celebration

All in all, the ceremony is both bigger and smaller than I expected. Bigger, because there's a full temple of people watching, most of them apparently because of being healed by Moon Unit at some point. I didn't realize just how quickly twice a week adds up if you need maybe five minutes on most cases, including smalltalk. Smaller, because everyone is surprisingly chill about proceedings and treats it mostly in the "yeah, we were expecting something of the sort by now" fashion. Moon Unit, on the other hand, is a raw bundle of nerves. I heavily suspect that if it wasn't for my presence nearby, she wouldn't have the nerve to step up to the podium to be announced.

Prelate Iohann is doing the job, and he looks like he's having a whale of a time, on the other hand. "Good people of Champagne." - he announces grandly - "Today, the temple is honored to announce a new healer to be titled. Many of you had experienced her holy touch in the last few weeks. Some of you owe her your very lives. So, in accordance to the law and custom of our kingdom, I recognize her magic prowess and award her with the merit of nobility." He turns to face Moon Unit - "Let it be known that from this day onward, you are lady Lux." The crowd cheers, many of the people throwing their hats in the air, as they take in the announcement.

Moon Unit steps up, her hands clenching visibly as she fights back her nerves. Still, we had rehearsed what to do, so she's managing. "Many thanks to everyone who came to witness this." - she offers softly - "I do pledge to continue contributing my magic for the good of people." She raises her hands up high, channeling a spell we practiced last evening. Mass blessing is not complicated, but pretty exhausting, and as such tends to be used only on special occasions. The blessing itself is nothing outstanding, just a bit of a boost to people's vitality, fatigue and mood for the day. She keeps smiling, but I see the corner of her eye twitch. Exhausting, yes. Giving the last wave, she turns away from the podium and trots off to the side room, doing her best to move quickly without looking like she's running away.

I catch her at the door and guide her to the chair immediately. "Shh. Here, drink this." - I tell her, putting a glass in front of her mouth. She nods and sips from it, closing her eyes. It's an iced latte. Yes, the first latte in this world. I figured the newly minted lady could use a little perk-me-up. She takes the glass and continues sipping it quietly as I rub her head and shoulders. "Better?"

"Yesh." - she offers at last, sighing - "That was terrifying. All those people, and... Agh. If you didn't make me rehearse yesterday, I'd run off. Honest, I'd run off the podium and probably cry. I have no idea how do you just walk up and give speeches like it's nothing." She shudders and takes a deep sip. "What's that? It's roasted cava, but there's milk and it's so chilly..." - she muses, looking at the glass - "Mmm... And actually good for the headache I could feel starting... Mm. Yes. This is really good."

I fluff her hair a little, then morph my hand into a hairbrush, working it through Moon Unit's hair to relax her more. She gives a quiet sigh as she leans back and relaxes against my brushing. "...Love you." - she mutters after a bit of time, looking much better than five minutes ago - "So, what else I have to do?"

I shrug. "Nothing? You're done with the public part of it. Now we go back to the dorm, I go talk to dame Apricotte to get her permission for you to move, and we move your belongings into the room next to mine." - I explain to her, and she sighs in relief.

"Thank gods. I could really use a bit of... family time." - she offers, her face blooming with a shy smile as she reaches up. I lean in to meet her kiss half-way.

Sadly, the kiss is a short one, because an eyespider behind the door sees prelate approaching. So I straighten up, turn my hand back into the hand, and step away with a quick whisper to let Moon Unit know. She nods and smiles, returning her attention to the half-full glass.

"My, that was a grand spell." - he offers from the door, - "Lady Lux, are you alright? Blessing everyone in the temple in the same time, goodness. If there was anyone out there who doubted your merits, they certainly walked away persuaded."

She smiles, and waves her free hand. "Many thanks for your concern, most honorable prelate, but I am fine. It was quite exhausting, I'll admit, but a friend nearby to lend her shoulder is all that one really needs to stay on her feet." - she offers - "I am quite alright now. The drink helps."

Prelate tilts his head - "I admit, I was quite curious about this. Lady Gillespie was rather... emphatic about keeping it safe. What is it, out of curiosity?"

"A concoction to invigorate called iced latte. Works really well on magical exhaustion headaches, but I'm afraid it might be too expensive for the temple to really use." - I explain to him - "The base ingredient is cava, and it needs a chunk of ice to be frozen and shredded without melting it."

His face elongates as he considers the overall cost of such. "..Sad, but understandable." - he offers - "If it's not a secret, can I at least indulge my theoretical curiosity?"

I explain to him how latte is really made, and he leaves scratching his head and muttering about giving it a try on a personal scale. As a prelate, hm... I doubt he can afford it daily, but as an emergency option, well... he probably has the dosh and the mana to pull it off.


Dame Apricotte is surprisingly understanding about my request. Which is helpful, because if the dean was present, I'd probably have to traumatize him some more to get what I want. Or maybe not, but having a sympathetic staff member handle the issue is still way more convenient. She even offers to send servants to move the furniture, if Moon Unit wants to keep what she already uses. Nice of her.

On checking the new room, Moon Unit decides that the only thing she would be keeping from the old one would be her planters, because they already have the flowers in them. Servants handle that easily, leaving her to pack the personal belongings. I wanted to help, but both Bridgit and Moon Unit rebelled and insisted it is far below my station to. In the end, we had agreed on letting Bridgit handle the helping. Of course, I'm not the kind of shoggoth to take this lying down, so while they're gone, I make judicious use of magic to cut in a doorway between our rooms, install a latch, mask it as a wall adornment on both sides and set the door in so neatly it looks like a wall panel to anyone not in on the secret. I wonder if it will be eventually discovered by students after we're gone, or the staff will find it first.

Giving Moon Unit and Bridgit time to start unpacking, I open the door and step through. Which, judging by their reactions was a surprise. Bridgit comes to her senses first. "Mistress. You can't just... destroy Academy walls!" - she yelps, running up to the wall just in time to see the door close and latch behind me. She paws at the door questioningly, pushes against it and groans - "...Mistress...."

Getting her and giggling Moon Unit to watch I demonstrate the hidden lever to operate the latch, swinging the door several times to show it working. Having them try it from both sides cements the lesson for good. And while they're doing it, I use my tentacles to unpack and distribute the belongings. On discovering that, Bridgit sighs and leans on me. "Please let me be the maid here, mistress." - she mutters - "I'm starting to feel useless when you do that kind of thing."

I chuckle and swat her rear gently - "Very well. Be a maid and make cava for all of us, in that case. You know how we like it." She giggles, leaving for my apartment through the new door. I take a look at Moon Unit. "...Actually, I just realized I should have asked first." - I offer, as that very thought suddenly occurs to me - "I mean, I very much hope you don't mind but I can block the door if you..." She leans in and silences my ramblings in the most pleasant way possible. MM... Waifu kisses. Come to think of it, Bridgit also kissed me of her own initiative this morning. Not sure if it was because I told her Moon Unit is getting the title and moving next door, or something else, but ... waifu kisses x2 - Get!

Unfortunately, I have to take a bit of pause to let Moon Unit confirm her belongings are where they are desired and how they are desired. Fortunately, she agrees with my suggestions to treat both apartments as a singular expanded condo and share meals and sleep arrangements. And that's when I make a big deal out of unveiling a new bed I've created out of assorted fabrics and stacks of wood. Per previous arrangement with dame Apricotte, my Academy-assigned bed was moved out earlier, and instead I assembled something far more oriental-looking - a solid futon mostly set into the floor and spacious enough to fit all three of us in any desired poses and combinations. A literal mountain of pillows and gauzy canopy complete the ensemble.

"...I'm not even sure if it's a bed or a lair, to be honest." - Moon Unit muses as she walks around the corner of the room I selected for this. Bridgit follows, her face red and intrigued in the same time.

"Can it be both?" - I quip, as I take a running jump and flop onto pillows carelessly, stretching out - "NNNgh, oh yes. Come in, jump in, try this out. I think this is my best creation so far." While neither of them takes me up on jumping in, they both try the sleeping corner out gingerly. Which I naturally take shameless advantage of, and grab armfuls of giggling girls, kissing them until we all sprawl on the bed, red and panting.

"That, hahh...was fun but tiring." - Moon Unit comments after a bit, as she sits up - "Does anyone mind if I'll do the cooking tonight? I have a dish in mind I'd very much like you two to try out. I haven't made it since leaving Evergreens, it's something you're only supposed to eat with the family. I think it's appropriate now." Bridgit is a little mulish about this, but accepts it on the grounds of 'trying elven food'.

As it turns out, Moon Unit prepares a nice quiche and teaches Bridgit how to make it in the process. My contribution to cooking was to conjure the pans to bake the quiche in. It's pretty nice. Of course, I might be biased because this is, in a very real way, my first family meal. To round things off, I uncork a bottle of wine. And then another. Long story short, four bottles of wine after, I have a full lap of tipsy, giggling, half-naked girls that are currently in the process of helping each other out of their clothes while also casting seductive glances in my direction. Unlike the first threesome we had, they've elected to strip me naked first, and neither is shy about groping me right now.

I wrap a tentacle around Moon Unit's waist, lifting her slightly to let her slip her skirt off. Bridgit is a little stuck in her shirt, and I extend another tentacle to help her out, tickling along her spine in the process. She emerges from the shirt and immediately grabs for my boob, latching on to nipple with her lips. Huh. As I contemplate the merits of switching things around to make milk, Moon Unit wraps her arms around my head and presses my face into her cleavage. I am... distracted.


I draw the covers over the girls carefully. I've... really worn them out. Admittedly, it's hard to stop eating them once you start. Eating out, I mean. No waifu cannibalism here, nope. I've put off more invasive ideas until they're sober... No need to hurry. Plenty of time to enjoy them in every single way... Mm. Yes. Holding them right now sounds very good. I can feel them breathing against my surface, I can feel them moving... NNngh. Honestly, I'd love nothing more then to simply lie in bed and appreciate the full-body senses I can direct towards my girls... no. My wives. I do NOT care what ideas the world might have, they're mine, I'm marrying them and if the world has any problem with it, it may burn.

Anyway, while I'd love to stay in bed, I have to handle this. Alistair is heading towards the door of my room, and I'd better intercept him in the corridor, because if he were to see two naked bodies in my bed, he would implode. I throw on a nightgown, and step out just as he reaches the door. He pauses, blushes and turns away.

"My apologies, lady Gillespie. I did not think you have already gone to bed." - he stammers.

I take pity on him and nudge him along. "My phone back?"

He nods, fumbles and finally produces the loaned copperphone out of his pocket. It had taken him three days to persuade the king something was wrong with Ed, but he managed to, with the help of Selene's testimony and letting the king listen in on one of Ed's rants about how I'm not to be approached for anything. "His highness will send a message for Edward to return to castle for urgent business." - he offers - "It is likely you will be summoned to castle too, lady Gillespie. His highness will want to hear your side of this sordid affair. And, if I might be so bold... could you find it in yourself to protect lady Selene as possible? I got an impression his highness was not impressed with her closeness to Edward."

I nod at him curtly. "I expected this much. Tomorrow, I'm guessing?" - I offer, acknowledging Alistair's nod with my own - "I believe I will get back to sleep in that case. Tomorrow promises to be hasslesome." He is left standing on my porch as I turn around and close the door behind myself securely, tossing the gown on the chair and slipping into bed again. The best place to be, really.

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