Isekai'd Shoggoth

Chapter 35. A Horde Of Girls

How did that happen? No, seriously, how... Why... Just... I don't even... Argh. Ok, so...

Aggravation A. Talk with Ed is postponed yet again. Because castle needs to be settled down, blood washed off and things neatened up. One would think that this is a great time to kick Ed out back to the dorms, but no.

Aggravation B. Somehow I am in charge of my rescuees. I could understand fobbing of Roxolane and Rafiqa on me, somewhat. They're here because of my initiative, it stands to reason I'd be the first one to bother on their account. But in the name of all that is sane, why oh why did Abraham ask me to look after Lily-Anne as well? I... feel there is some sort of influence on Lily-Anne's part. We always got along well, and after today, I can sort of understand why she'd want me around. What I do not get is how in the name of all that is sane did she talk Abraham into agreeing. I've been expecting him to put Lily-Anne deep into the castle and assign a dozen bodyguards or something like this... Though, come to think of it, he DID ask to make it low-key, the carriage is nice but not one with royal crest that's usually prepared for the king's family, and... Hrm. Maybe he's onto something - anyone who expects Lily-Anne to be in the castle certainly wouldn't be poking through the academy. Oh, Selene and Alistair are going back with us.

"Al, what's going on?" - I quip at him as we squish together on one seat, three girls on the opposite being in various stages of wary-tired - "Why his highness wants to send princess out, but neither of the princes? What is up with this?"

He winces. "Actually, Edward was supposed to come with us, but he had rather reasonably pointed out that it's going to be crowded in the carriage as is, and that he needs to leave the castle in the official royal carriage, as he arrived on one. After all, he is expected to be in Academy. As for prince Constantine, he had already left. I'm not sure where, I think he wants to keep that secret to recuperate in peace and quiet." - he explains - "Honestly, I thought I'd return with him tomorrow, but he insisted I accompany as a protector."

I quirk a brow at him and he snorts - "Edward hasn't seen your last exploits, he still thinks you're more of a duelist than combatant. Speaking of which. Might we spar when you have free time? I am very curious as to how to handle the weapon you've been using. What is it, by the way? It looks like a pike and a hammer had a baby and it grew up to be rowdy."

"Bec de Corbin. It's more popular in Pharos and Confederacy than around here, it's been designed to breach plate armor, after all." - I explain, and he makes a complicated face.

"I look forward to learning more about this. Any other exotic weapons you have had encountered, perchance? Also, how come you never mentioned anything of the sort before?" - he pouts at me, and I blink. Goodness, Al, what's this?

"I'll see what I can do, but no promises, Al. I have my hands full here, as you can well see." - I tell him, gesturing around, and he acknowledges my point with a nod.

Right. Let's... settle some things.

"Ladies. A moment of attention." - I clap my hands, and girls perk up, looking at me - "OK, so. For reasons assorted and numerous, we're all going to be bunking at the student dorms. Alistair has a letter to the dean from the king that explains the situation, so the cooperation we will have. Now is a good time to tell me what kind of accommodations do you prefer. I can talk to dame Apricotte to have you placed into individual rooms, or we can get a bigger room if you don't feel comfortable sleeping alone, or... yeah, well. We have a whole day to decide and work things out to suit everyone the best. Roxolane and Rafiqa... I'll do my level best to get you on the level the Academy currently is, if you want to join the roll. Lily-Anne, you get to decide if you want me to tutor you ahead the same way or you'd rather wait a year as it was originally intended. His highness permitted you to decide this on your own. So... If you have any ideas, let's hear it."

Rafiqa raises her hand - "Can I get my own room? I... never had one, properly. Father wouldn't permit me to 'seclude' myself without at least one of his wives nearby." That's fair enough. Her departure had been the least traumatic, so she'll probably be fine. And I can understand wanting something you never had.

So, I nod. "Fair enough. We'll get you one of the unoccupied rooms. There should be some basic furniture available, but if you need something specific, make a note of it and tell me, I'll take you to the bazaar to look at what's available." - I offer to her, and she beams - "I can go to the bazaar? Just... go?"

"Well, I'd prefer if you don't go alone to begin with, you don't know the city." - I explain - "But later on, once you learn where things are, sure, you can take a walk at your own leisure." Aaand she promptly begins to illuminate the carriage. Goodness. Some people need so little to be happy.

Lily-Anne perks up next. "Can I bunk with you, actually?" - she asks me. Well... awkward. Then again, maybe for a few days, until Abraham wants her back in the castle...

And right before I can answer, Roxolane adds her own opinion. "...Can I also?" - she mutters - "I... don't feel safe on my own."

Well. Shit. Alright. Hm. "...Alright. Let's assume so, provisionally, but!" - I tell them - "We will get a room near mine and set it up for you two, in case hanging out in my own rooms will turn out to be too cramped for all of us. Keep in mind that I have a maid that lives with me, and a close friend next door who spends a lot of time in my rooms as well."

Lily-Anne bumps my ankle with her foot. "Close friend, huh? Alistair told me you live next door to prince Hohenzollern. Just how, pray tell, did you end up close friends with this distinguished gentleman, ah?" - she quips - "Last I checked, you were betrothed to my brother, you know."

"While he is indeed a fine gentleman, I am talking about someone else who lives on the other side of my rooms. And before you start teasing me more, it's a girl. And she's an elf. You might have heard about the temple recognizing Lady Lux a couple weeks ago. That's her. Oh, yes, her name is Moon Unit. Yes, that's the name. Two words, one name." - I explain, and the princess valiantly struggles to swallow her giggles as I explain the name. She's... mostly successful.


Dean Ambercrombe had wisely decided that dame Apricotte can handle all of it, if that is the king's will. He looks healthier, while we're at it. Not healthy, just yet, but obviously beginning to gain some weight back, if his cheeks are of any indication. He's.. probably going to end up having the same kind of complicated feeling about me as the neighbors from my last life. They seemingly could never decide if they want to say "good day" or "fuck you" each time we met in the lobby, too.

Dame Apricotte, as usual, had shown her unflappable aplomb and resourcefulness. For Rafiqa, she had opened a room next door to Hiram's. It had a bed and dresser and table as I checked it, and Bridgit could handle the small bits like bedsheets and such. In fact, that was the first task I had for her - procuring bedding and nightclothes suitable for everyone. Rafiqa herself asked to be allowed to enter the room alone, shut the door behind her and... Hm. OK, squealing about having your own room is a little odd, but I suppose that's par for the course for her. For Lily-Anne and Roxolane... I initially wanted to have an extra room just for two of them, but Moon Unit volunteered to have them sleep over at hers, if needed. Oh, dame Apricotte was shown the hidden door, examined it, and made a note that suits in question are not to be assigned to students of opposite gender henceforth. I honestly expected her to request I restore the things as they were at least when I leave the academy, but apparently she has something in mind for this. Oh well, not complaining here.

Lily-Anne is treating the whole thing like a sleepover party. She's bouncing on my bed right now, and generally acts half her age. Which I am understanding about, because she had preciously little opportunity to do that, and after today's morning, she deserves to be a kid for a while. Roxolane worries me though. She obviously wanted out of Sultanate, but I don't think she quite understood the depth of change she's courting. So she's now sitting quietly in the corner and trying to be unobtrusive. Rafiqa is still poking around the room given to her, Bridgit (and Selene, who volunteered to help her) is out, and Moon Unit is shifting her things around to make space for an extra bed in case either of our guests needs to sleep out of main bed. I think they're in for a shock, because I have no intention of hiding from them that I keep Moon Unit and Bridgit in the same bed. Wonder how they'll react. Thankfully, I built with plenty of allowance in mind, so even if no one's chickening out, my bed is sufficient for five. Not much more than that, though.

Alright. Time to do something. Hopefully, something to engage Roxolane. I set the pot on. Today, we're going to have tea. I'm pretty sure I do not need any hyperactive girls around today. And Lily-Anne is well into hyperactivity even without coffee to begin with. "Roxolane, Lily-Anne, here's something you might want to consider." - I suggest - "You might want to decide on a shortened name for yourselves. People often want to shorten complicated or multiword names, and if you don't suggest your shortening, they might come up with their own. For example, a couple girls tried to call Moon Unit simply Unit. It.. was not the best idea, honestly speaking, but she had since then decided that Moon is an acceptable shorthand. Bridgit doesn't need shortening, usually, but little children usually call her Bree."

They are.. considering the implications. "I.. think I wouldn't mind if people called me Roxy." - Roxolane offers first - "My mom called me Roxy." Fair enough. I slide a green tea cake towards her, and after a bit of confusion she grasps that it's for her and gingerly takes it. Lily-Anne, on the other hand, is being mischievous.

"Sooo, what do the little kids call you?" - she quips, as she rolls over on her back and looks at me upside down.

"Usually? Mistress." - I tell her blandly - "Besides, I'm not even sure how do you shorten Alyssa further. Aly? Lyssa? Doesn't make sense to me, to be honest. Cake, princess?"

She rolls off the bed... and ends up falling on all fours on the floor. "Ow! Your bed is much lower than what I'm used to." - she complains - "Much bigger, though. Way bigger. I've never seen such a big bed for just one person before."

I shrug and hold the cake out for her, waiting for Lily-Anne to get up and get it - "Well, it's not just for me. Bridgit sleeps here too. Sometimes Moon Unit as well, if we stay up too late and she falls asleep before realizing it's time to turn in."

Lily-Anne grabs the cake and bites into it. Makes a surprised face. "What's that?" - she asks curiously - "What's that green stuff inside?"

"Green tea and sugar, more or less." - I explain to her - "Wait till all the girls get back. There will be much more sweets."

She swallows the rest of the cake, and pokes my shoulder - "Why do you have so many sweets? And why do I see so many ones I never tried?"

I blink at her. "You mean, you never found out? I opened a confectionery. All of those sweets are sold on the bazaar from now on." - I tell her and she squeals and starts batting at me. Why?

"YOU ARE THE OWNER OF 'SWEET DREAM'?" - she shouts - "Why didn't you tell me before! Everyone's dying to know who was the genius behind the shop."

Tired of being batted, I execute a countermaneuver and pull a squirming giggling girl on my lap instead. "Shush. I had no idea anyone cared. It's been a very intensely busy two weeks for me. Just ask Bridgit if you don't believe me." - I tell her. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Roxolane watching the events intently. She's sporting a light blush and is... feeling a little envious, I'm guessing. Maybe? I've been wrong at guessing face expressions before.

"Right. While we are at it, here is a question for you two. Feel adventurous enough to try sleeping on my bed, or should we make preparations to have you sleep in the adjacent rooms? No pressure either way, mind. Just thought you'd want to decide sooner than later to make sure everything's prepared." - I quip. Roxolane, I can see, tenses up. Lily-Anne is oblivious. And baps me again.

"Of course I'm sleeping with you." - she tosses back easily - "Why did you think I pestered dad to let me come?"

Spoiled sweet princess is spoiled sweet, gotcha. I turn to look at Roxolane. "How about you, Roxy? Yes, no, need more time to decide?" - I quip. She fidgets. "I can decide?" - she finally offers, then snaps back - "I mean, of course I can decide. I just.. have to decide."

"Alright, we'll chalk this as maybe so far." - I tell her - "For now, dinner awaits. Well, as soon as Bridgit and Selene are back. I'd rather feed all of the horde at once, if I can help it."

"Horde?" - Lily-Anne muses - "There's... one, two, three, four, five, six, seven... oh my gods, you're right! We're a horde of girls!"

"I'd like to think we're more civilized than that." - Rafiqa quips from the door, as she enters the room - "My deepest gratitude, lady Gi..." She trails off at my nonplussed stare, sighs and musters on - "Alyssa. I am supremely happy right now. Would it be possible to borrow some of your time or maybe your maid to show me around? I'd like to have some idea of where the bazaar can be found and I am curious about the guilds..."

I chuckle. "I might be able to swing something, yes. But for now, come on in and make yourself comfortable. We're having dinner as soon as Bridgit and Selene come back." - I explain as I lift Lily-Anne off my lap, and stand up. "I'm going to do some kitchen magic right now, so be careful. The pan is going to be hot."

"What pan?" - Lily-Anne begins only to cut herself off as I conjure a pair of pans that I use to bake pizza and start stuffing them with the necessary ingredients. I am deeply thankful that I asked Bridgit to prepare dough last evening, otherwise, I'd have to think up some kind of different treat.

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