Isekai'd Shoggoth

Chapter 58. Tiresome Conversation

So... Roxy and the visitor who apparently goes by Ivan are hugging it out. And if my impromptu DNA comparison is of any worth, they're related. That.. is not as awkward as I feared... Then again, if Roxy DID have a lover she left behind when she got kidnapped, I imagine she'd tell me before getting into a relationship with me. At least, if it was a lover she could see resuming romance with, at least. Anyways, not important. I pick up the ledger from the floor and begin to leaf through it, seeking the horse deal. And... here it is. And for once, Konistan didn't do the stupid thing, horses are already in and around Grenwille pulling plows. I'm guessing he realized... Oh. Oh. Wait, no, nevermind. It was my doing. Konistan had them in the stable, I put them up as farmer aid. Nevermind, Konistan still has the absolute idiot title. Aaanyways, I guess I'll just give Ivan the gold, that's what he wants anyway...

Oh, wait, no. I gotta dodge this first. I lean away from a VERY hefty fist heading for my face and grab the wrist attached to it. Squeeze. Ivan's face goes red, then pale when he realizes I AM capable of holding his wrist immobile, no matter how hard he tugs. Admittedly, I had to root my legs to the floor in order to pull that off, what the hell are they feeding this guy?

"While I realize you're hotheaded by nature, I would very much appreciate if you clamp down on that urge while in my presence." - I tell him wryly - "Otherwise, you risk ending up having to make some very awkward apologies."

Roxolane finally snaps out of her surprise and proceeds to whap Ivan up the head, yelping at him - "Що ж це ти робиш, бешкетнику? А ну припини негайно, вона ж тебе сильніше.1What are you doing, you ruffian? Stop immediately, she`s stronger than you."

"То як це припини, що ти таке кажеш! Мало того що коні покрала, так ще й тебе!?2What are you saying, why should I stop? It`s bad enough she stole horses, let alone you!" - he shouts at her. OK, time to step up.

"Може спочатку вислухаешь? Бо мій терпець не велик. Якщо ще раз спробуєш кулаками махати, я тебе до стелі прив'яжу, щоб охолонув трохи.3Maybe hear me out first? My patience is not long. Try swinging your fists again and I`ll tie you to the ceiling to cool off somewhat." - ooh, and now they're both staring at me flabbergasted. Let's hope I won't have to tie him to the ceiling as threatened.

I sigh. "Right, let's get back to brass tacks. First, and most important... Konistan is DEAD. I bought him out, he tried to leave the country and run into brigands." - I tell the guy - "Second, I found out where your horses went. I need them where they are, so we're going to finalize the purchase. I'll toss in a ten percent bonus for having to take the trip. Third, and most important, yes, I kind of stole Roxolane. Out of Sultan's seraglio. I don't think she finds that objectionable. Finally, last, what exactly is your relationship? I can tell you are relatives, but not the degree of relationship."

She shakes her head lightly, before offering - "Ivan is my brother, Alyssa. He's always been hotheaded, sorry."

The guy finally gathers enough wits. "Wait, wait, what?" - OK, not the most reasonable line, but hey, at least he snapped out of stupor.

"The horses are already put to work with farmers." - I tell him - "I honestly do not want to disrupt the whole area again by collecting them, so we're going to settle this with gold. Normally, I give people a choice of if they want whatever Konistan cheated them out of back or its price in gold, but in your case, I don't think I can collect your herd of horses to begin with."

"Wait, what?" - ookay, apparently the guy just sheared mental gear. I sigh. "Roxy, can you handle your brother while I write him a promissory note to take to the bank? Because that's going to be a lot of gold, best if they prepare a coffer." - I ask, as I set about writing the money order for the bank. It... is slightly worrisome that this is literally a drop in the bucket for me right now. I need to find more things to invest in. Maybe get the guy here to start some kind of business over at Kraina?... Eh. Details, details.

"Wait, so... You're just going to give me money, just like that?" - he finally offers, after some rapid-fire exchange in Krainian whispers with his sister. I level explicitly unamused gaze at him.

"You had a deal, didn't you? Since I need the horses, you get the money, simple as that." - I tell him, sliding the paper over to him - "Look it over and tell me if the terms work for you."

He takes the note, apparently still shocked, and peers at it. "This is more than we asked." - he then offers, only to doubletake and groan as he realizes he just tried to bargain himself down.

"I know. Extra is to make up for the fact Konistan tried to cheat you and made it necessary for you to travel here. It's not like a trip from Kraina to Champagne is easy or cheap, innit?" - I tell him, and he just... stares at the paper.

"I, uh... didn't think it'd be that easy." - he finally offers.

"Well, if Konistan was still in business, it probably wouldn't be. But, luckily for you, he had managed to annoy me and I forced him to sell everything he operates to me." - I explain bluntly. This finally gets him to brighten up.

"AAAh, so he tried to cheat you and got his trading house taken for the affront?" - he finally clues in - "Gosh, I'm sorry then. Was expecting someone listening to the bastard."

Roxolane pipes in - "Nah, Alyssa isn't the kind to take orders from anyone."

Ivan wrinkles his forehead. "The question is, sister, how come you are here? We all believed thrice bedamned Sultan got his filthy hands on you." - he asks, his face darkening - "We brought the ransom and that gods-cursed bastard laughed in our faces, said you belong to Sultan now."

She giggles. "Alyssa stole me from seraglio." - she says with a smirk - "She's been making Sultan vomit blood and shit bones lately." My oh my. Is that just a Krainian idiom, or Roxy is... more than a little vicious when thinking about Oija? Admittedly, I can understand where she's coming from.

"Daring." - he quips - "But what happens when Sultan is not beset by those bees...?"

"I don't intend to lift the curse until he bows." - I tell him simply, and his mouth falls open as he stares at me.

"You... bees... curse... WHAT!?" - oh dear. Ivan, why so excitable.

Roxy whaps him again, lightly, saying proudly - "Alyssa is amazing."

He sighs deeply. "So... what will be the ransom for my sister then?" - he asks me. Gah. One-track mind, that guy.

"She's free to go, if she wants to." - I tell him - "The question is merely in if she wants to. I have promised to put her through the Academy here, and she already passed the entrance exams, so she might not want to leave right now. An education in Parsee Academy of Magical Arts and Sciences is nothing to sneeze at."

He raises his finger, opens his mouth... thinks. Closes mouth. Opens again. Thinks. Lowers his hand... Goodness, I've never seen someone SO torn.

Roxy giggles at the sight, telling him - "I'm fine here, Vanya. Alyssa is absolutely amazing. She already promised we can visit once I'm done with Academy here. I'm working with her, I'm a part of the household, I have a say in everything, it's just... everything I ever wanted."

He grumbles - "You sound like you married."

She... blushes and looks away. Ivan jerks back and stands up - "....YOU DID!?"

"She saved me from Sultan! And gave me everything again! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't have!?" - Roxy tosses back fiercely.

"Your father didn't agree to it, that's why!" - he thunders back. Aaalright.

"I'm confident Roxolane is entirely capable of deciding this on her own merits." - I inform him icily - "I will fight for her rights with anyone, be it Sultan or her father."

He shouts something back.. and pauses, when all that comes out is a mouse-like squeaking. A simple air spell that tweaks the air around him to distort the volume and frequency. I look at him.

"Sit. The fuck. DOWN." - I tell him - "And stop acting like you have the right to shout at anyone. If it was up to your family, she would still be in Sultan's thrall."

He glares at me, and sits down slowly. "This isn't right." - he says as soon as I remove the muffling spell.

"And not your call." - I tell him right back - "We will discuss this with her parents once we get there, but I will not tolerate you or them deciding on anything Roxolane does not agree with. As far as I'm concerned, you'd be no better than Sultan, if you did."

He flinches. Then sighs. "I... fine. Just... fine." - he mutters - "Marrying without blessing is... fine. Better than that southern bastard forcing you..."

Roxy whaps him. Again. "I thought you'd be happy for me." - she admonishes.

"I am! But... What am I supposed to tell father now? Roxolane is rescued, but decided to marry without asking your permission?" - he retorts.

I slap my palm on the table. "I have to ask something." - I offer - "Is your father the kind of person who would deny the happiness to his children out of petty spite?"

Ivan shakes his head. "No, he's a good father." - he objects.

"If so, why do you think he would disapprove?" - I ask him.

"Because she did not ask first!" - he explodes - "It is just not done!"

"Ah, but what reason did she have to think there still IS anyone to ask?" - I ask him - "Remember the circumstances of her departure from Kraina? When I rescued her, we had NO idea if anyone else of her family even survived the raid to begin with."

He grumbles and looks away, muttering - "It's still not right." OK, I had just about enough of his dogmatic idiocy.

I stand up and rifle through the fireplace bin. He jerks up when I plop down two fist-sized chunks of coal in front of him.

"Examine those. Then pick the one you like better and try to crush it." - I tell him - "No, don't argue. Just do it. I want to see if you have the strength to be worth listening to."

His face purples. He paws over two chunks, then grabs one and STRAINS, squeezing it. It takes about a minute of concentrated effort, and his face is sweaty when he is done, but he manages to break the chunk in halves. "I. HAVE. STRENGTH." - he rasps out.

I smile at him. Pick the other chunk. And SMASH it between my hands. Just like in that demonstration a while ago for the professor. Shoggoth bullshit is very bullshit. When I pull my hands apart, what falls down is an uncut diamond. "Correction. I have strength. You have mediocrity." - I smile at him - "Please stop trying to tell me what is right and wrong. I might insist and by golly, you ain't gonna like me insisting, y'dig?"

He looks down on the diamond. On me. On diamond. Pokes it with a finger. Pales. "I'm just trying to look out for my sister." - he insists nonetheless.

"Have you asked her if she wants your assistance in this?" - I quip. Roxy takes that moment to whap him upside the head one more time.

"I will talk to father about this myself." - she says with surety - "If he loves me, there will be no issue."

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