Isekai'd Shoggoth

Chapter 61. A Quick Trip To The Sea

...I may have not quite thought it through. I mean, yeah, a great time was had by everyone, but I just signed myself for more work... Admittedly, I'd have to do this sooner or later regardless, I just moved up the timescale. By a lot. Oh well. The good part is, my harem is awed, my guests are awed and the whole royal palace is awed in the background. While it devolves into everyone doing something for a while, we all eventually settle down at the table and pizza is brought out. Which prompts hungry looks from my harem, Selene and Rafiqa, and puzzled looks from everyone else.

"Everyone, this is called pizza. You are supposed to eat it with your hands. Be careful, it's rather hot and has plenty of cheese in it." - I explain as Bridgit helpfully sets out a couple napkin holders around the table. I catch her before she skips away and in spite of her protestations, pull her on the seat next to me. "Shush. You're supposed to enjoy this with everyone, not hover behind everyone's backs." - I tell her and she subsides with subdued muttering about mistress that takes far too much delight in spoiling her faithful maid. Selene sets the mood by grabbing a slice with ham and scarfing it down. Ed, not to leave her hanging, repeats the movement, on the other side of the table Moon Unit grabs a slice and soon everyone is chowing down.

"This is a very interesting dish, lady Gillespie." - Hiram comments from his seat, waggling a slice with mushrooms and bellpeppers - "How come one pie contains vegetables and the other is nothing but meat?"

"Ah, well... To put it simply, pizza is a base of sourdough with tomato sauce on it and a covering of shredded cheese." - I explain - "Meat, veggies, mushrooms, more cheese, sauces, seafood? That's all called toppings, and chefs are generally encouraged to mix and match toppings to meet the specific eater's preference. For example, I like mine with an even mix of ham, bellpeppers, tomatoes and mushrooms, Selene likes ham-only pizza, Moon Unit prefers vegetable assortment without meat and so on and so on. Since I didn't know which variety will work best for most of you, I've opted instead to make enough of differing varieties to ensure everyone can taste this and that and make a decision which topping selection they prefer."

He hums. "Quite egalitarian." - he agrees - "Though, I suppose there is a practical limit of what can be reasonably expected to go well as a topping."

I snicker, and Selene across the table mirrors the bemusement. "Not really." - she drawls - "Some people put pineapple slices on it."

"Beg your pardon? Pineapple?" - he inquires curiously.

Selene doubletakes, then relaxes. "Sorry. I suppose it's pretty exotic fruit for someone who did not grow up in the port city. It looks like a huge pine with greenery coming out on top and does not keep well. If you're really curious, inquire with Pharos or Oijan merchants, they are more likely to have it than anyone else." - she explains. Nice going, Selene, no lies, but in the same time a decent evasion.

I catch everyone's attention by clapping my hands. "So... Once we are all sated, what do you want to do next?" - I offer - "I was planning to descend above the river and show off the speed the airship can reach, if everyone's fine with it. Then a straight voyage over the fields back to Parsee, we should be back at the Academy in the evening. Sounds good to everyone?"

"Ah... Just how fast do you intend to go?" - Ed inquires cautiously.

"Well, I rated the propellers for up to forty leagues per hour." - I tell them and jaws are falling open again. I suppose this is ludicrously fast for this age. Oh well.

Selene works out the destination first. "...Just... how far up the river do you intend to take us?" - she inquires.

"Oh, just to the seashore. I want to see the sloop your father mentioned in the last few letters." - I tell her innocently and she shudders.

"Oh gods why." - she whines - "You know he's going to want to see how fast you can go."

"I'm sure I can indulge monsieur Dantes in a little demonstration. He is doing quite a lot for me after all. Besides, I'm reasonably sure seeing one of my new ships on the water is of some interest to most guests here, ne?" - I quip back, and I see Hiram making a "mental note" expression. I'm guessing he, of all people, has quite an interest. "So? Does anyone have a problem with a quick trip to Haver?"

I'm guessing there is no problem, but plenty of incredulous flabbergastment going around, if expressions are to judge by.


...Ooh boy. There was plenty of problem, just not for us. Well... thanks to the quick thinking of Lily-Anne and some spellwork, we had jury-rigged a banner to fly under the ship so that people could spot it and realize it's something kingdom-affiliated, if not what it is. But yeah, there's going to be plenty of fishermen and barge drivers telling tall tales tonight. And that old fellow who outright fell off the pier where he was fishing. Some noble, given there were like four manservants jumping in after him immediately after. Oh well. He also has an adventure to tell his folks about tonight.

My guests are being... subdued. Oh, I mean they're talking, drinking, eating and such, but there's always someone or several someones looking down on the scenery rushing below us in deep thought. DeeDee, MeeMee and LeeLee bowed out after a bit. Turns out they pulled an all-nighter on Freeday and, yeah. They were very appreciative when I took them to the cabins in the back. Cordelia and Lincoln had snuck into another while no one was looking, and... yeah, well. Guys, next time hang a sock on the doorknob. Lemand, Moon Unit and Roxolane had somehow ensnared Hiram, Rafiqa, Lily-Anne, Ed and Selene into an extensive conversation on the futures of air travel. Bridgit (at my insistence) took a bit of rest in the third cabin (along with an instance of me that I spawned in there doublechecking on her). She's a bit exasperated, but I don't want to alarm her about her newfound abilities just yet. She seems to be unaware of them for now. She eventually comes out to rejoin the conversation, though like me, she is content to sit there and toss comments every now and then. And then I see the sea shore.

And here's the sloop. Nice, fancier than I expected. Apparently, putting filigree on ships is a long-standing tradition, and I am starting to see why - it's low-end enchantments that power themselves off the world's ambiance and sailors not doing much of magic. And their effect? Reinforcing the structural cohesion of the ship. Nice. And that set is lowering the hull friction... Also nice. I take my time slowing down and descending in a lazy spiral, while everyone rouses up, fixes their clothes and rejoins the party in the lounge. Thankfully, there is a nice big area right next to the docks that is quite empty of anything. Cargo yard, maybe?

...Ooh, and there's the militia hiding in the two warehouses. They've seen the flag, which is probably why we're not getting arrows yet, but I'd better... actually. I wave to Selene, as I do the last few bits, bringing the airship to stop, just hovering above the yard, liiiiiiighly nudging the envelope pressure control to let us touch down... AND the landing gear is engaged. An inspired bit of enchantment, if I say so myself, molecular bonding of the landing gear to the surface.

"Hey, Selene, let's go out and tell hi to your dad." - I tell her, as I kick the door open and hop out of the ship - "Easy there, fellows, no dangers here. Just visiting to check on my investments. In case someone has doubts yet, I'm Alyssa Gillespie."

A number of men cautiously step out, spears still on the ready, but not quite pointing them at me yet. And that's when Selene hops down, facepalms, and waves. "Everything's alright, papa!" - she shouts, and men visibly relax, lifting the spears to face upwards. A stout man in the middle steps forward, blinking.

"Selene, is that you?" - he calls out uncertainly. Selene simply runs up to him and hugs him around the waist.

"Hey. Sorry about the ruckus, Alyssa is a little bit crazy." - she quips, and the man chuckles.

"Hey, what's life without occasional moments of mortal terror." - he jokes, sketching a bow in my direction - "Lady Gillespie. I was expecting you to visit someday, just... not so early, and not quite so extravagantly."

"My apologies, monsieur Dantes. I've been excited about trying out my airship for all that it's worth." - I offer to him, and turn around, shouting into the ship - "Come on out, people, everything's fine."

My guests file out of the airship, and introductions happen. Which, apparently, intimidates the fuck out of men, including Dantes, though he at least manages to feign a nonchalant attitude. I guess they're not used to royalty suddenly descending from the sky. To be fair, Dantes himself quickly adapts to the situation and leads an impromptu tour, showing off the finished sloop and then taking us to the dock nearby where one of the brigantines is being built. I have to hand it to him, the process is pretty quick. Even now, there are carpenters working on the hull detailing. According to my shoggothy instincts, the ship will be ready in a month, give or take. The second sloop will be ready in two weeks, at which point they will start building the second brigantine in the dock they freed up.

"Lady Gillespie." - Dantes begins, as he dawdles a bit near me, letting everyone else walk ahead - "Regarding the clipper blueprints..."

I look at him. "You want to know if I approve of your plan to sell cogs and use the money to build a clipper instead?" - I ask and he nods, scratching his head sheepishly. I continue - "That's fine. But... There are other matters I also need to discuss with you."

He cocks his head to the side, reminding me vividly of a dog who just heard something interesting. "Did something happen?" - he asks, worry well-hidden but present in his voice.

"Yes, but it's more of a good news." - I tell him - "First of all... Clipper is going to be expensive. While two cogs are not exactly cheap either, I do not believe you will gain enough out of it. I surmise you intend to make up the difference with your personal savings and possibly loans?"

He nods, his face gaining this terse expression. "...Yes. I do not have enough of savings to cover it, but Konistan trading house agreed to furnish me with necessary funds... though their terms are quite harsh." - he admits uneasily - "I have been hearing they are going through some sort of problem lately, but I have high hopes they will be ready to loan me the necessary sum once I'm actually ready to start building."

"Ah... Yeah. About that." - I begin - "First of all, Konistan was a grifter and you'd likely lose the ship before you can even sail it." His face hardens at this, but I continue before he interjects - "Second, he is dead. Finally, third, I have bought out the trading house in question and renamed it to Northern Trading Incorporated." And now his face is going through all sorts of expressions, vividly mirroring the storm of emotions he is currently experiencing.

"So. Here are the facts as of now." - I tell him - "Konistan had owned two carracks. They are... not in good condition, so I had them put into Mersaille shipyards for refurbishing and provided upgraded plans. Once they're done with this, which should be sometime around mid-winter, newly refurbished galleons will be put back into use. You are doing a good job here, keep up the good work and those two galleons will be added to your fleet. I have already vetted the crews and ensured all of them are agreeable with the idea."

He blinks. Blinks again. Swears quietly, as he thinks it over. "Two... carracks?" - he then offers in a strangled tone.

"Upgraded to galleon standards." - I correct him - "I will send you the blueprints for galleons so you could familiarize yourself. They are too big for your docks here, which is why I didn't give you the blueprints before. Once you finish building up the ships we had agreed upon, there will be six ships under your command, a spread of sizes suitable for a plethora of contracts."

He nods, swallowing - "This is a big responsibility, lady Gillespie."

"Selene vouches for you, and I trust her." - I tell him - "Besides... here." I pass him the copperphone and instruct him on its use. He is... very curious about it.

"This is ingenious." - he breathes after giving the thing a try - "Lady Gillespie, could something similar be installed on the ships?"

"Sure. Which brings me to my next point. Sometime soon, I will come back and bring you the seven piece communicator, for installation on each of the ships you will command." - I tell him.

"...Seven? But... Wait. Are you saying...." - he trails off with dawning hope.

"Once you put all six ships I am entrusting you with into operation, I will furnish you with the requisite funds to construct clipper." - I confirm - "To be clear, this is not a loan. This is a bonus for a job well done. I will need a suitable nucleus for a fleet, because my plans revolve around taking Thousand Isles from Sultanate, and those plans are well underway. And yes, it was me who cursed the Sultanate with bees. Once you construct the clipper, it will be your personal ship - and a flagship for the trading flotilla."

I see gears in his head starting to turn. "...But..." - he begins uncertainly, caught somewhere between incredulity and hope.

"Are you interested in the job, admiral Dantes?" - I ask him with a smirk.

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