
Chapter 13 - 13:Changing the story

I just destroyed all the clones and Minato appeared, he probably was just buying time to take Kushina and the kids to a safe place, even Obito was taken this guy really is annoying.

Karaki: if I wore you I wouldn't play with someone as dangerous as me.

I said while I prepare multiple {sand release: sand Drizzle}.

Minato: Sorry, I had to make sure they're safe their my family after all.

He said with his hero bullsh*t like aura.

It's not like I hate heroes but they sometimes are just too illogical.

Karaki: well if I were you I would be lookout for rain.

When I said so Minato looked at me confused till he saw a bit of sand fall from the sky and looked up only to see a cloud of sand and at that moment his foot got caught by sand hands and he looked at me and before he could do anything I used.

Karaki:{sand release: sand binding Coffin}.

Since I don't really use hand signs to activate ninja techniques anymore it was fast enough to catch him and you could see Minato fully surrounded and covered by sand except for his face. Before he could teleport I used {instantaneous flicker technique} that is a way more advanced version of {body flicker technique} and appear right in front of Minato at an astonishing speed and right after used {destruction fist} that is a superior version of {gentle fist} that makes all your chakra points blocked for some instants and for a ninja that differs life and death.

Minato got hit in the stomach and was freed from the sand coffin also going back some meters not giving him time to process I once again use {instantaneous flicker technique} as well as {Earth Release: Earth spear} to make my body sturdier and again kick him in stomach making him fly meters away and destroy many trees on his way than falling to the ground.

Karaki: I'm a little disappointed I expected more, well that's what he gets for being worried about others while he's facing a dangerous opponent.

I then use {instantaneous flicker technique} to get close to Minato's unconscious body and put the last 25% of duplicate Kurama(fake Kuruma made by the system) inside him, I wasn't sure if I put inside him or not but Kushina already has unreasonable qualities of chakra inside her so no need.

Karaki: well time to mess up the canon for good. Well, I did already make some changes but that wasn't much now is the real deal. But now the changes will affect the story a lot.

I then pick up Minato and use his chakra as base to detect the all nearby locations with his F.T.G. Kunais and teleport us both to each one of them till I finally found his wooden cabin like in the anime and just like I thought Kushina and the three babies are there with Obito who is on the floor full of seals on him with chains restraining his limbs. At least he didn't just leave a dangerous here with nobody to look after him without any precautions but there's also the possibility that he left a clone but it was dispersed when I knocked him out.

Karaki: so he didn't have time to unmask Obito hum? That makes it easier to do things.

I first nullify all the influence Madara has on Obito and then teleport him out of there after making sure that nobody can get out or in the wood cabin.

I then appear with Obito somewhere in the forest and woke him up.

Obito looked at me and tried to free himself but it didn't work.

Karaki: your not getting out of that without external help.

I said with a neutral tone.

Obito: who are you? And how did you do this?

Karaki: who I am doesn't really matter but how I did it simply I put you to sleep.

He looked at me trying to get something, he probably also already tried to activate his Sharingan but that's not happening.

Karaki: I'm here to offer you a deal.

Obito: what could you have that I would want in this fake world?

He asked with his broken point of view. Well even if all the brainwashing Madara did was off it doesn't mean he will immediately go back to being normal.

Karaki: calm down, Rin's alive you know that right?

I asked still neutral.

Obito's eyes widened because he didn't know since Black Zetsu made sure that information would never reach him or at least he thought so.

Obito: who do you think you're trying to trick I'm Uchiha Madara I won't fall for such-.

He said obviously pissed but then I stopped him and said.

I pulled him and teleported us both into the hidden leaf more precisely to Rin's room, this is the creepiest thing I have ever done.

When we appeared there Obito wanted to scream something but I stopped him and he calmed down. Then I took the chains off him, he got up and walked towards Rin who was sleeping crying, and then he started to ċȧrėss her face while murmuring something and me as a watcher can only say that this can't get creepier.

Karaki: so did you have enough?

I asked still neutral.

He simply nodded and even tho he wanted to stay he knew he couldn't, I once again teleported is to the same area in the forest.

Obito now had very thoughtful expression as if asking what's the meaning of my life? What have I been doing all this time? Is this world really fake? If he was still under Madara's influence this would have been harder if not impossible there's even the possibility he would have killed Rin calling her a fake.

Karaki: so are you ready to hear my deal?

Obito: do I deserve that deal?

Karaki: just listen, I'm going to heal you and your going back to hidden leaf, in exchange you will have to work under me and follow my instructions when I give you any.

He said slightly angered.

Karaki: well I can at least tell you I mean no harm to this world. So are you in or not?

Obito: even if I accept I don't have the right to go back.

Karaki: just work under me to redeem yourself. I was the one who stopped you after all.

He started thinking and stayed like that for a long while before saying.

Obito: I accept, you were the one who freed me after all but I need some explanations.

Then I told him all he needed to know about what happened to him, how I stopped him with some lies here and there and that there will be a great treat in the future as well as some minor orders I gave him, he accepted it all I healed him with {palm of eternity} and his body went back to normal well it absorbed Hashirama cells and became stronger but that was all.

I then undid the barrier covering the hidden leaf and told Obito to go while I went back to the wood cabin.

When I get there Minato is awake trying to take care of the babies while Kushina is still under my {world breaker}.

Minato: do you know how much it hurts to take a direct hit from you? Even more when you fortify your body with earth release. Also, can you release Kushina from whatever kind of illusionary technique she's in?

He said still weak from the previous battle.

I release Kushina and say.

Karaki: you seem a little too calm for someone who was kidnaped.

I said with my neutral tone.

Minato: well if you wanted to hurt us I wouldn't be alive now so I'm just giving you a chance also I don't stand a single chance against you in my current state, you called me a monster the last time to me your the real monster to use that many Bloodline limits(Kekkei Genkai) yourself really who are you? No what are you?

He said even tho calm very confused.

Karaki: well that's not important. The important thing is I'm going to let you go under one condition.

Minato: at least tell me who the other guy was. Was he with you?

He insisted on asking questions.

Karaki: no he wasn't with me, now are you ready to listen to my condition. You are not allowed to talk about the Kyūbi incident at all I made sure nobody saw what happened and you are not allowed to talk about it to anybody, consider it your task as the Hokage and just a piece of advice you should give up on being a Hokage cause your family might pay for it.

Minato seemed to be pondering what I said and then he decided he should wait for Kushina to wake up.

That makes me want to leave, I'm a little woman weak and I'm terrible with Kushina's type. But I have to stay and talk *sighs*.

Not long after Kushina wakes up and Minato explains things she seems to ponder something and then gets furious and tries to attack me But Minato calms her down.

Kushina: how can you accept this Minato dattebane!

She says while disagreeing with her husband.

Minato: please calm down, even tho it's true that it's not correct to hide something like this it's thanks to him nobody got hurt including our babies.

He said trying to calm her down.

And both discussed for what seemed like an eternity and finally decided to accept my deal. I know their trustworthy and I made sure Minato knows the consequences of breaking the deal.

Karaki: we will see each other again in the future also congratulations on having three healthy ones.

I said so and immediately left not forgetting to undo the barrier that was surrounding them.

Well, this is the beginning of a new storyline.

I then teleport back to my house with Tsunade and Shizune.

Karaki: time to talk to Kurama.

I once again enter a beast domain and this time is pretty different from the last time as this domain is a gigantic temple with a red floor, walls, and pillars all decorated with gold patterns.

I then advance and not long after I see Kurama laying down on a giant pillow.

Karaki: yo, how you doing Kurama?

I said with my chill tone and expression.

Kurama looks at me and says

Kurama: So your the one who put me here huh, old me never expected you to be a brat.

Kurama said with its usual mood.

Karaki: I'm sure Hagoromo didn't make you this grumpy.

I said still chill.

Kurama looked at me like it seen a ghost and said.

Kurama: Who are you and who do you know that name explain now.

I then explained the situation and offered the same thing I did to Isobu.

Kurama: I see so that's how it is. Old me was surprised to see a kid like you unafraid of me.

Karaki: well I've seen way worse so it's nothing really.

Kurama: hmph, old me accepts your deal. You have been way more respectful than humans after all and even tho it's not really freedom it seems better at I have my temple.

Then I did the same bonding technique that I used with Isobu and just like with Isobu, Kurama changed into a humanoid form but unlike Isobu this isn't a loli at all this is obviously a MILF.

Kuruma has a very voluptuous and sėxy body with that special touch of mȧturė women.she has a flare red hair that reaches her back and is wearing a very beautiful long dress and her face is similar to Grayfia Lucifuge(from high school DxD) with crimson red eyes she's a cup H. In height she should be around 1.72-1.75. And a whip on her waist.

Kurama: well what an interesting new body old me got. Master wanna take it for a test drive.

She said with a very mischievous look.

Karaki: well I'll be leaving you to get used to the new body good luck. (AN: I'm very disappointed Kylan????, you had your chance Hahahahaha ????????????‍♂️????????lol)

I ran the fastest I could. Even if it's supremely tempting I'm only 13 years old right now.

And then I simply left with only one thought "Kurama is way too dangerous" and life went on.

Then time went on passing like nothing, 2 years after naruto and his siblings were born Minato give up his position as fourth Hokage to concentrate on his family life but vowels to always help Hiruzen.

Three years A.N.B(after naruto was born) the peace treaty between hidden leaf and hidden cloud village was not possible due to the existence of Namikaze Minato and was postponed with new conditions for it still being discussed.

Four years A.N.B Rin confesses her feeling for Karaki But is rejected by him. In the same year, Karaki meets Yūgao and both became friends.

Six years A.N.B there was another small war between Hidden leaf and Hidden cloud that was stopped by a mysterious ninja(Karaki).

Seven years A.N.B Yūgao develops a crush on Karaki for all the support and friendship he offered her. In the same year, Karaki meet with Mei on a mission in the land of waves and saved her life even tho she probably wouldn't die but yeah and both become friends.

Eight years A.N.B Karaki drinks the water of eternal youth and becomes immortal, then later Sakumo has a conversation with the twins and Karaki revealing Karaki is not their brother. And later on, Karaki talks to Kenyshi and tells her the same amount of the truth he told Tsunade and convinces her to accept the non-aging pills to eat whenever she feels like it.

Ten years A.N.B Obito confesses to Rin witch he had helped get over her sadness when she was rejected by Karaki and is accepted by her. (AN: why is Kakashi like this? Letting Rin go by????????‍♂️)

Eleven years A.N.B hidden leaf and Hidden cloud meet again for a peace treaty that was only possible after hidden leaf paid 6 billion ryo to hidden cloud also sending some ninja to temporarily serve hidden cloud ordered and agreed by Hiruzen. (AN: Hiruzen and his stupid peace love????????‍♂️)

Twelve years A.N.B Kenyshi decides to take the non-aging pills and a possible relationship between the two stars up. In the same year, Karaki is ȧssigned to mission a with Anko and they know each other.

-Thirteen years A.N.B-

Karaki: this is the true beginning of the new story Hahahahaha.

(AN: every time Karaki is mentioned I'm talking about the real Karaki and not a clone since he later starts changing places with the clones from time to time)

(AN: just to make somethings clear Kakashi is not Emo and will get a girlfriend in the future also many things will be different and complicated, and I'll write author's spot again on the next chapter, not forgetting I'll be adding romance with girls on the next chapter)

(AN: none of the girls except maybe Tsunade actually really loves Karaki yet, Kenyshi still has more of a brotherly love and the others are all in progress so don't worry we will follow as he gets those girls)

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