
Chapter 22 - *sighs* Life

I'm looking at the four-beat up people I'm supposed to be training... Well, I'm only supposed to train the three teenagers but since I'm here might as well help Yugao improve... Since in between the girls currently with me, she's probably the weakest in if we compare their overall battle ability. Tsunade is a Sannin and is already way stronger than in the original timeline, Kenyshi was trained by Sakumo who's said to be stronger then the tree Sannin and Anko is a pretty strong Jonin even being able to do somethings in the fourth ninja war before meeting Kabuto got her, but Yugao even tho also a Jonin and very good with sword techniques she's slightly weaker in an overall and I believe both are both Anko and Yugao need training so that later on nothing tragic happens.

Today I confirmed that with her level Yūgao might get in real trouble but there's no need to rush it since we have time till something really dangerous happens, I don't really consider the Chūnin exam incident a big deal and even that won't happen so soon.

Karaki: so what do you have to say for yourselves? Do you think you can be proper shinobis this way?

I asked while looking at the beat-up people in front of me, they're all making sad expressions but at least they seem to be reflecting on their performance, I healed that guy I don't remember but his name seems to be Izumo well I don't care, he probably has a trauma or something like that since on the moment he woke up I could notice a difference in his eyes as if he lost his battle spirit... Did I maybe hit them too hard? I really need to be careful with my strength or I might wound them permanently and that would be inconvenient to an uncomfortable extent, not even mentioning my mission is to teach them, not to break them.

Karaki: no answer huh? Is this all you can do? If so then you should give up on being ninjas.

The moment I said this they all got mental damage from it... Am I being a little too harsh? Nah it's probably fine this way for now.

Yūgao: I know we all failed but that doesn't give you the right to criticize all the hard work we all did to become proper shinobi!!

Itachi: I agree with the leader even if we didn't perform well that doesn't mean everything we did till now was useless.

Izumi: yeah I also think the same, you're being too unfair with us.

Izumo: yeah don't get ċȯċky cause you got a lucky win, next time I'll show you!

This guy has a seriously high level of foolishness, he'll probably die in one of the big events. As for the rest... They're not absolutely wrong but right now I'm not here to be fair.

I left them with that to think, I hope they pick up fast. Well, my mission never said I have to train them fast, so I'll just do it my way.

While I was walking out of the anbu's base, I could feel the root anbu on me... Are these guys never gonna give up? They are always trying to spy on me and since I don't really care about Danzō because even if he's a mentally damaged bastard he's loyal to the leaf and one of the reasons it lasted even with their weird peacemakers stupidity that almost destroyed them, in my opinion, they should at least be careful with their village... Like they have the worst security ever in the Shinobi world.

But it's not my problem, if something happens I'll be ready. Once again walking on the streets of the hidden leaf, I wonder if I should go back to my apartment and see how Tsunade is doing... But I got intercepted by a root anbu.

Random root anbu: Lord Danzo would like to talk to you.

What would I win talking to that guy? I've been avoiding him so that I don't have to defeat him sooner but he's starting to ask for it.

Karaki: I'm not interested.

If I had reasons to I would go and destroy Danzo myself, yet that doesn't mean I automatically have the right to judge him for things he didn't do and all he did till now were 'small' things.

I leave because talking to Danzo I'll probably just kill him while we talk and even tho he's a douche bag, it wouldn't be fair.

Random root anbu: I'm sorry but you'll be coming with me.

Karaki: I advise you to avoid unnecessary combat and just tell your boss that, I'm not interested in having any kind of relation or affiliation with him, besides there's innocent people here no need to drag them into this.

I say before leaving, I'll tell Hiruzen to talk to that guy before I decide to do it myself.

-Hokage's office-

Karaki: yo old man! I need your help.

I said going in without knocking or using the door.

Hiruzen: you used to have good manners you know that, I miss it.

He said while reflecting on something.

Karaki: well that's true but I'm not really good with all that, anyways can we talk?

When I said that he dismissed all the anbu and I made sure there is no root left.

Hiruzen started grabbing his forehead and said.

Hiruzen: that Danzo really has lost all his fear, he keeps trying to force it all... I'll talk to him and thank you for not causing trouble. Once again I owe you one.

Karaki: with how often this kind of thing has been happening someday I might have enough favors to take the whole village and even ask for billions, hahahahahahaha!

Hiruzen: I'm not sure who would destroy the village first you or Danzo, hahaha!

Karaki: like if I would! I would be a very good Hokage if I wanted to be one.

Hiruzen: such a shame, I would like to see how you would fair as a Hokage... Maybe someday. I'm getting too old you know.

Karaki: I'm sure you'll find someone more suited for that position than me.

Hiruzen: you're a weird one people would usually be honored to be offered such a position.

Karaki: I wasn't even born in this village and besides nobody knows me... No that's wrong, I'm not very well known and it would cause people to be confused and doubt both of us.

Hiruzen: why are you so willing to refuse?

Karaki: it's not the kind of work I like, I'm not fit for it and it's too troublesome.

Hiruzen: *sighs* young people. I really won't force to you but if you ever decide to take it the place will always be waiting.

Karaki: I'll take that into consideration, and maybe someday(probably never).

I was about to leave.

Hiruzen: oh Karaki! Can you please call Sakumo for me? I'll need him for a mission.

Karaki: you should let the poor man rest more.

Hiruzen: I wish I could.

Karaki: I'll call him.

I move from the Hokage's Office which I have been visiting pretty frequently recently and then head home.

-Hatake residence-

Karaki: I'm back!

I moment I tried to go in a sword came to the direction of my face but I caught it and it became covered in thunder chakra and I was shocked by this pseudo-taser.

Karaki: hey! Did you really have to do that?!

I asked while shaking my numb hand, thinking of how much chakra could have been used to make it this strong.

Kakashi: even if it was the last thing I did in my life!

He said then fainted... Probably from chakra exhaustion.

Karaki: you've got to be kidding me?! Did this idiot stand here waiting for me just to do this?! *sighs* better take him to his room. Argh, my hand.

Karaki: good afternoon, Sakumo the Hokage is calling you.

Sakumo: well, looks like I'll be leaving for a while... Take care.

He left after saying so.

Kenyshi: KARAKI!

She screamed in excitement while she came to hug me.

Kenyshi: I really had fun, where were y-... KARAKI CARE TO EXPLAIN WHY YOU HAVE THE OLD HAG'S SMELL ALL OVER YOU?!?!?!?!

She first said very happily but that happiness easily turned into an interrogation and her hug turned into restraint meant and I can't move free without hurting her.

Karaki: well, you know I was just strolling and one thing led to another and I-... Not need to hug me so tightly.

Kenyshi: look at you... Didn't you just have that woman?! Oh looks like someone wasn't able to properly satisfy you!

She said with an expression that changed from angered to mischievous.

This girl is too perceptive even when she's mad, I'm so not escaping.

Kenyshi: let us do things properly, shall we? (AN: Kenyshi scares me in many ways)

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