
Chapter 26 - The gang’s back together

After discussing it for a long while we decided that the matters with the Uchiha kid will be taken care of at a later date and that we should try to keep it down as much as possible so we made sure the students don't spill the beans, also I was ȧssigned to keep an eye on him for the time being because of how fragile the situation is we can't afford to have more people knowing of this and to keep it at bȧrė minimum I was tasked with this.

There will be a reunion later on how to solve this with the Uchiha only initially but if the situation goes wrong we won't have a choice but to inform the Hyuga about the situation immediately which will most likely create a great problem and most probably lead to civil war between the Uchiha and the Hyuga, that would be an enormous blow on Hidden leaf as it would be losing a lot of it's strongest clans of not losing one of them fully.

This situation is so troublesome I have no other option but to be part of it, I believe this won't end on something pretty... I better be prepared for a small-scale war. Anyways not wanting to make the situation evident in the slightest we decided the team evaluation battles will be carried out till the end and only after can we worry about this situation, Hinata is currently talking to Hiruzen well I truly have no idea how this situation could possibly end well.

Karaki: anyways, we can't let things get in the way of our test so next team.

I said but with a less deadly aura and with a calmer and relaxed one cause the situation and the atmosphere are already tense I can no longer act too harsh with them or I might cause another problem.

When I called for the next team Shikamaru and Choji came both of them with their usual way... Well, Choji seems nervous unlike he was not too long ago now he seems to have been lost his confidence, if I'm not wrong he didn't have much confidence in his own abilities. Well, let's try not to traumatize him.

Shikamaru: calm down, even if this guy is totally out of our league our objective is not beating him so no need to be so nervous or you will actually fail this.

Choji: I know Shikamaru but that guy's so scary and fast, I don't think we stand a chance anyways especially with me as your partner...

Shikamaru: What are you talking about if you weren't my partner then I truly would have not chances but since your my partner it's all going to fine, even tho this is unnecessarily troublesome.

Choji: really?!

Shikamaru: of course.

Choji nodded and seemed to have somewhat recovered from his confidence lack.

Shikamaru: thanks for waiting by the way.

He said looking at me with his lazy aura.

Karaki: Just start and end this before I do it.

After I said so Shikamaru pulled some kunais out of his tool bag and throw them at me, I dodged the first ones and grabbed the last one and throw it back, Shikamaru dodged the kunai then choji came rushing in my direction while using {multi-size technique:human bullet tank} a giant green ball was coming my direction pretty fast, as reaction I stopped it with my bȧrė hands but it made me go back a little before it stopped completely. I then tried to grab Choji but he used {Body Replacement Technique}.

He said then made a hand sign.

When Shikamaru said that I looked around me and behind me were the kunais from earlier, I had dodged the ones with explosive-tags and throwback the one without but he planned that... This kid is annoying.


I jumped out of there just before the explosions were set off, that was a pretty close one I thought I would have to use a little of my actual speed there since the kunais were well positioned.

Shikamaru: Choji do it!!

He shouted.

Karaki: huh?

Then out of the area where the explosions happened once again, big green ball came towards me at full speed while I'm still mid-air. I brace myself and receive the hit directly using my arms to defend my body and I'm taken to the ground by the technique.

Choji: I did it Shikamaru!!

A shadow line came from Shikamaru's shadow and connected to mine, I then got up and stood in the same position as Shikamaru.

Choji: WE WON!!!

He said celebrating, while Shikamaru sighed in relief.

All the other kids and Iruka went looking at it in disbelief except Shina who was laughing if Hiruzen wore there he would also have noticed.

Shina: hahahahhaha!!!! Karaki really is a mean guy to trick children like this, hahaha!!

Everyone was looking at them not understanding what she is talking about and why she is laughing.

Shikamaru then looked at Karaki as used a technique.

Choji: why is she laughing is she jealous we did it?

Shikamaru:{Shadow–Neck Binding Technique}.


Many kids started screaming looking at the scene while others were simply choked.

Shina: you're all too easy to trick can't you guys see that's a puppet hahaha!!!!

She was laughing even harder than before. Then everyone looked at Karaki's body and white smoke came out and it truly was a puppet that surprised everyone present except Shina who was just laughing.

Shikamaru: this guy was a puppet user all this time? (how did she notice? Iruka couldn't... This Namikaze kids I have to be careful around them)

Karaki: not really I was just traded places with the puppet in the right moment.

I appeared out of nowhere and said.

Shikamaru: that means you did it when you were attacked by Choji... I give up.

He said not getting surprised by my sudden appearance.

He looked Shikamaru in the eyes then give up.

Karaki: I thought you'd get a little more surprised than that.

Shikamaru: and I did, I just didn't feel like showing it I had enough emotions for the whole year just today.

This guy sometimes just... Never mind that let us just finish this so that we can solve that matter fast.

Karaki: well next!

Everyone was still shocked some processing what just happened with their snotty faces and others simply give up and became lifeless, as for the rest they swarmed Shina questioning how she knew and I'm actually also curious about how she discovered it was a puppet.

Shina: well that's easy my eyes don't lie.

That's not convincing at but I'm not that worried I can discover that later.

Karaki: next!

Naruto: don't be a bother.

Sasuke: I'm the one should say don't get in my way.

Naruto: wanna fight?

Sasuke: hmph, I'll beat you this time.

Karaki: do you two remember I'm supposed to be your opponent or I'll just fail you both.

Naruto: old guy don't worry ill take you on right after I kick his ȧss.

Karaki: who the hell are you calling old!!

Sasuke: ill be the one beating you both!

Naruto: you can't stand against me with one hand behind my back.


After I said this o looked at all the kids.

Karaki: I'll say the results some other time now go back to the academy and take these two with you.

I left immediately after saying this and teleported to where my clone was with the Uchiha kid.

Karaki: you really messed everything up you know that right?

The Uchiha boy looked at me and didn't say a word.

Karaki:*sighs* you will be carrying him, follow me.

I say to my eternal clone who simply nods and follows.

We move to the streets of hidden leaf walking calmly as if nothing was going on, while my clone carries the kid. Some people look at us but simply ignore not long after, even tho it's not an everyday happening it's pretty common to see a ninja with a clone walking in the streets they probably think the kid is some random criminal or a spy which is not exactly a wrong thought.

???: KARAKI!!!!!

I heard someone shouting my name from behind me.

Karaki: take the kid with you, I have a meeting with an old friend.

I said to my clone who went up ahead, I then turn around.

Karaki: hi-.

Before I could finish speaking I was hugged at a high speed and we ended up falling to the ground together.


said crying with snot.

Karaki: I'm also happy to see you Guy, but can we get up first.

I said and he let go of me and did an acrobatic flip to get up while li got up like a normal person.

Guy: its a great day my friend, it's destiny that we meet again.

He said with his noble pose and his usual aura.

Karaki: good to see you're still in high spirits, so how have you been these years?

I said with a smile and a happy aura, we're friends after all.

Guy: well after my father died as a hero, I simply worked the hardest I could to be the be strong enough to protect those important to me never giving up and became known as Might Guy Konoha's Sublime Green Beast of Prey! That is basically what happened but right now I was called by Lord Third so I can't talk for long, we can catch up later.

He said with a more serious and slightly saddened expression and tone.

Karaki: calm down, I'm also going to Hokage's Office. My condolences on your father.

I said with a serious expression and tone.

Guy: thank you. If you're also headed there we can go together!!!

He went high spirits mode again.

Karaki: yeah let's go.

I say once again with a smile.

We then start walking together and talk about what we did during these years and how are things now, he talked about his genin team and what his life was like during these years and I did the same.

Guy: Karaki, I heard something very serious and I would like to confirm it. May I?

He said with a very serious expression which is not usual for a guy so I also got serious.

Karaki:what is it? Ask away.

I said curious about what he's a going to ask.

He nods and says.


He said in a be dramatic and exaggerated mode.

WHAT?! It's that... How the hell are there already rumors about that?! People really should live their own lives more.

Guy: I EVEN HEARD YOU HAVE EYED THE RAMEN GIRL TOO!! Tell me my friend is all that true?

Once again exaggerating a lot he said.

Karaki: well... It's true I have a relationship with Tsunade and Kenyshi that is already official, about the other two we are more in a trying out phase. As for the Ayame the ramen girl I was just being nice to her no second intentions, she's cute and all but I don't really feel anything for her.

I said with a thoughtful expression and tone.

Guy: hmmm... My friend Karaki I'm proud of your womanizing abilities.


Guy: I'm actually surprised you didn't aim for Rin as well, she already liked you after all.

Why do people keep insisting on that?! *sighs* they almost make me want to time travel just for that.

Karaki: I just didn't think Rin was my type besides there was a lot going on, I never directly rejected her I simply never answered back but that is not any better anyway. Well I don't really dislike her at all it was just bad timing I guess.

While I was talking distracted Guy was making signs for me to stop but I didn't notice.

Rin: bad timing huh.

She said with a very serious expression.

Kenyshi: when is this idiot gonna learn?!

She said looking at me like if I was a great idiot.

Obito:*sighs* and Guy tried to warn you so much...

He murmured to himself.

Kakashi: pff... and this guy is supposed to be my brother, disappointing.

He said so while trying to contain his laughter.

I looked behind and I found a serious Rin looking at me with a face-palming Obito, Serious Kenyshi, laughing Kakashi and Guy behind me trying to run away but I grab his shoulder with the thought "you think you're going somewhere? No way I'm staying here myself".

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