
Chapter 31 - 29: Who am I?

Inside a fully black space with nothing but myself, I'm now sitting on the ground looking at the black nothing questioning where I am and how I got here, it's not like I don't have any clues. Not sure I look around for a bit and finally lay down on the pitch-black ground not having any other option but to wait I decide to reflect on my own actions.

Karaki: once again I'm lost...

I questioned with a conflicted expression that is actually pretty rare in my case since I don't really show much.

Rikune:[why do you dramatize so much?]

Rikune asked knowing that I'm once again questioning my objectives and reasons.

Karaki: drama or not? Does it really matter? I'm just trying to find what I lost. What's so wrong about wanting to retrieve what's mine?

I said with an aura that is completely different from my usual one, giving off the feeling that I once again lost control of my emotions but, is it really that simple?

Rikune:[trying to get back what's yours?! What are you even talking about?]

She asked not understanding me at all.

Karaki: first, please tell me where I am? And how I got here.

I said not changing my expression on the least.

Rikune:[you're inside your mind-space. Usually, it's full of life, memories, and other things but yours is so empty... As to how you got here, it's pretty simple you were unlucky enough to have the last bits of the gamer mind's reminiscents of secondary effects hit you in the worst moment possible since you were also affected by Touga's Mangekyo Sharingan that completely messed up your neural motor function. So basically it's not an illusion it's more of a half-illusion, your body... doesn't remember how to move.]

She said making it evident that she herself doesn't believe the absurd she's saying.

Karaki: did you just say my body doesn't remember how to move?!...


Karaki: No, No, No, I didn't sign up for this bullsh*t, so you're saying he can simply attack me and there's nothing I can do?

Rikune:[well... basically but that's only ȧssuming his abilities have no drawbacks and that's too unrealistic, and I believe that if he really could do anything with his ability their approach would be different]

Karaki: that's true but I still feel like something is off about all this... I'll think of it later now I have to find them.

Rikune[what are you even looking for that's so important?]

Karaki: memories.

Rikune:[ you lost your memories?!]

Karaki: some of them, I seriously never thought of the chance but once I deactivated my <gamer mind> I felt something was wrong but I ignored it by calling myself mad, I'm sure you remember.

Rikune:[yeah, you were laughing like so loud I was staring to consider getting a new job, I'm still waiting for them to call me back telling me I was accepted]

Karaki: you're a traidor (-_-).

Rikune:[sorry if I have contingency plans for if you ever go mad]

Karaki: that doesn't change your traidor status, but I don't put it on you. It must be a real pain to work for me *sigh* well, I'll be looking for my memories in my mind-space you can do whatever you want.

I said as I got up and started walking deeper into my mind-space.

Rikune:[chill, I was just joking]


I said nothing and simply walking forward with an expression that isn't the most pleasant one.

Rikune:[you can't seriously be that mad at me because a small joke!]


I still didn't answer.

Rikune:[Don't be such a baby... KARAKI, KARAKI, KARAKI, KARAKI, KARAKI!!!.....]

She continuously called shouted my name but I didn't answer a single time.

I walked into a deep part of my mind-space and the more I walked the closer I felt to something and that feeling keeps me walking tirelessly roaming to my objective not caring about what happens to my body outside or even what happens to others outside, yeah I'm selfish but I'm aware of that and I accept it. No matter what you say I highly doubt any of those I actually care for is hurt, and as long as their ok the others don't really matter.

After walking for a long time I could see a shining light, seeing that I increased my pace to reach light but the move I walked the farther I was. The feeling of not advancing at all even tho I'm now running only makes me worry even more than before... I don't know why but I feel that I can never go on with my life if I don't find those memories even if I have to sacrifice all I have now for it, however, nothing I'm doing now feels worth it at all.

With all these doubts in my head, I continue to run not stopping I question what moves me yet I don't have a single answer and that's what makes it so unique, is this what is moving? What do I want from it? What do I get? Is it really worth losing the system?

Finally after running none-stop with this Kage-level speed but it still took me like an eternity to reach this and as soon as I got close enough the light started shining very bright and the closer I am the brighter it gets. The moment I touched it a light so bright that I could keep my eyes opened for a second longer.



In an extremely messy room, there is a single bad that has a teenager on it and that teenager seems to be in a deep and comfortable dream that is most probably happy since a bright smile can be seen in the teenager's face. Looking at the teenager's sleeping it's a girl, the long hair, the petite girl-like body even the hands are the delicate hands of a maiden not to mention the clothes she's wearing a fully white dress and the cute maiden face as well as her beautiful dark skin.

She mȯȧnėd as she slept comfortably.

Then another teenager entered the room and it was a boy some years older than the petite girl sleeping, he approaches the bed and sits on it.

Boy: you sure are cute when you're sleeping, this is going to be very pleasant for me but definitely not for you.

He said with an evil smirk on his face as he sits on the bed and slowly approaches the sleeping girl with his hands and moves her to look up as she was sleeping looking to the side.

Boy: great, simply perfect you're the heavy sleeper I imagined you would be when I planed this.

He said with his evil smirk while looking at the sleeping girl.

(AN: I really felt like finishing the chapter here just to see what kind of comment I would get ????, so please make paragraph comments or comments on how you felt reading this part)

He lifted his hand with an evil smile and then was moving it down towards the sleeping girl and....

The end.

(AN:???????????? joking)

He... hits the head of the girl really hard.

Sleeping girl: aaaaahhhhh!! Nii-chan!!!(big brother) that hurt you know, you meanie!!

She said while pouting.

Boy: hahaha!! Don't worry my cute otouto-chan(little brother), I was just being nice and making sure you wake up on time, hahahahaha!!!

He said while laughed very hard at his little brother who's now on the floor

Petite boy: you are already so-...

He was saying but suddenly stopped as his eyes lost color.

Boy: don't be such a cry ba... Hey! Kylan! Kylan! Are you ok?!

He started shaking Kylan in hopes he'll react.

Kylan:... Where the hell am I!!?!?!

He yelled as he came out of his lifeless state.

Boy: you got me worried for a second there and DON'T YELL ON MY FACE LIKE THAT. Mom wants you downstairs so you better get ready fast.

(karaki's POV)

I looked at the boy leaving the room... my room?! and he's... my elder brother?! How did I even end up here again?! Why is this happening?!

Karaki: it looks like I'm Karaki Kylan Firogima once again.(AN: whe the readers think it can't get worst my naming sense beats the scale)


-in the battlefield-(this happened sometime before Karaki arrived)

Obito: this is no good! If we don't stop them, they're going to annihilate each other.

He said with a worried expression even tho his relationship with his clan has never been much it's not like he wants the worst to happen to them.

Guy: even if we do manage to stop them, will it be worth it?!... In any case, if they won't listen we just have to show them, THE POWER OF YOUTH!

He questioned very unsure.

Kakashi: their situation will most likely be complicated, but we can't just let them destroy each other.

He said actually serious.

Tsunade: Kakashi's right we can't just stand here and watch our strongest clans destroy each other.

She said worried for the well-being of the village.

Kenyshi: I agree but how do you plan to stop them? It's not like they'll listen if we tell them to stop.

She asked for a plan since she doesn't want them to jump into the battlefield without a plan.

Rin: maybe Karaki could help.

She said trying to convince them that it would be best to get Karaki since the situation reached the extremes.

Hiruzen: I agree with Rin... Guy as the fastest, take Rin and locate Karaki, he must be somewhere in the forest near the village. The others will stay here with me and organize a counterforce to slow them down as much as possible without hurting them too much.

Guy: YES! LORD THIRD, Rin let's goooo!

Rin: yes, Lord third.

Rin got on Guy's back and they left.

Obito: I'm sorry to ask Lord third, but why send Rin?

Hiruzen: because she's a sensor type.

Obito: but Rin was never a sensor type?!

Hiruzen: it's more accurate to say she wasn't.

Everyone was looking at Hiruzen surprised as it's commonly known that sensor types don't just happen to appear so often, they are mostly people who already have that talent from birth because becoming a sensor type was extremely hard and even impossible for many.

Kenyshi: now that Obito's jealousy attack ended we should focus on developing a strategy for our counterforce, I believe going for Earth, water and wind ninja techniques is our best option, techniques like {wind breakthrough} and {earth wall} would serve as good hindering.

Obito: it's not a jealousy attack, I was just wondering.

Tsunade: you're worst than Karaki at lying.

Kakashi: you and my brother are lost cases.

Hiruzen: focus on the task in hand! You can talk about Obito's jealousy attack later.

Obito was trying to prove he wasn't jealous while everyone was ignoring him and discussing the strategy.

Hiruzen: okay, then it's decided we will go divided into three groups one commanded by Kenyshi and Tsunade, the other one by Kakashi and Obito, as for the last one I'll be the one in command, now disperse!!

Everyone went with their own groups.

Hiruzen: now it's our turn to go!!

He said but the ninjas behind him didn't answer.

Hiruzen: who are you and what do you want?!

He said with sharp eyes having located the enemy while waiting in battle position.

??? (1): as expected of the third Hokage!! I'm excited to fight even tho I don't believe I can win!

Said a man that came out of the bunches in which he was hiding.

??? (2): can you please take this seriously?! We are going to fight one of the great figures of hidden leaf!

??? (1): I really don't get you dark Uchiha guys and you're weird respect towards hidden leaf, it's true that I do admire them for their strength but no need to go overboard... Samehada is getting hungry for some battle too.

??? (2): keep it down! We don't have to solve everything with violence you know.

??? (1): ok! I can't believe I'm losing the chance to fight a legend, I guess I'll have to do it some other time.

??? (2): now that Kisame seems calmer, I'll present myself I'm Hidare a member of the 12 dark Uchiha of Akatsuki and I would like to negotiate.

Hiruzen: what would I ever have to negotiate with criminals?! Leave or face the consequences!!

-the second group-

The group commanded by Tsunade and Kenyshi was advancing to their strategical position when they were stopped.

Tsunade:who are you?!

Kenyshi: they seem dangerous be careful.

??? (1): we are but humble members of the 12 dark Uchiha of Akatsuki, Oyko.

??? (2): look at these girls! Today I'm slashing some good meat.

He said as he licked his giant sword.

-third group-

The third group command by Kakashi and Obito was also interrupted.

Kakashi: it looks like we will have a good fight.

Obito: I bet I'll do more than you.

Kakashi: deal!

??? (1): are these two gonna mind asking who we are?

??? (2): who cares?! I'll just blow them both up and they'll have stupid discussions in hell.


-in the hidden leaf: Namikaze residence-


Shina: it was your fault for being so annoying.

Nayana: I agree, you and Sasuke dig your own grave now die in peace.

Kushina: don't be so harsh with your elder brother.

Nayana: he came out first by mere occasion because he's obviously not doing his job as an elder brother.

Shina: that way you'll never get a girl you know.

Minato: don't be like that, I'm sure Naruto will have a beautiful wife like his mother.

Kushina: no way!! My baby is too young to think of those things.

Naruto: I'm not a baby!!

Kushina: but-.

Minato: we have unwanted company, stay inside with the kids.

Kushina nodded and she went into hiding with the kids.

Minato got equipped and got out of the house.

Minato: who are you?!

??? (1): I'm Touwa one of the To brothers from the 12 dark Uchiha of Akatsuki and If you don't wish for the destruction of the whole hidden leaf village you'll surrender.

Minato: What makes you think I'll believe that?!

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