
Chapter 33 - 30: The past and the present, F*ck the future! Part-1

Inside a super messy room, there's a little boy with the appearance of a loli looking at the floor in desperation.

Karaki: No! No! NO! This can't be happening?! Was all that just a dream?! All those years, just a dream?!... Calm down, breath, calm down, breath, it's all ok, you'll be fine...

I was panicking after waking up in my old house with my elder being annoying, and it's all real?! Don't tell me all that happened until now is just a dream because I'll go mad if that's the case...

Karaki:(Rikune?! Are you there?!)

Rikune:[ look who's talking to me now... What happened to your body!?!?! You look like a loli, pff hahahaha. If only I had a camera]

Karaki:(now's not the time for that, this is how I used to look in my past life ok! Got a problem with it?!)

Rikune:[no I just never thought, you would have been a loli in your past life, besides why are you wearing a dress?!?!]

Karaki:(it's a little complicated...)

Rikune:[don't worry we have time, so just tell me please]

Karaki:( I will but where am I?)

Rikune:[ inside your mind-space's deepest parts, but like I said don't worry about what's happening outside since time here passes very much slower, 1 day here is 1 minute outside. So just focus in finding your lost memories and telling me why you have a DRESS ON?!]

Karaki:(that's reassuring, about the dress... My parents always wanted a daughter but ended up with 10 boys, in their last attempt I was born.. and everything about me was more feminine, my voice, my hair, my body, except I was born a boy and no, I'm not a futanari just in case you're wondering)

Rikune:[wait?! So you're saying that you wear a dress and girl clothes because your parents never got the daughter they always wanted?! And since you look like a girl they decided you'll be their daughter?! Please tell me you aren't wearing pȧntɨės right now?!]

Karaki:(yeah basically, and don't ask questions to which you don't want the answer...)

Rikune:[you?! I won't say more but why didn't they just make you do a gender-bend surgery to turn you into a girl instead of this? Or simply adopt a girl?]

Karaki:(they don't believe in those kinds of surgery, and they didn't want to raise an adopted child)

Rikune:[how old are your parents right now?! And you how old are you?!]

Karaki:( my mother is 56 and my father is 62 by now, I think? Well anyway I'm 16 currently if my ȧssumptions aren't wrong that is)

Rikune[you're 16?!]


Rikune:[you're shorter than Isobu you do realize that?!]

Karaki:( I know I'm extremely short)

Rikune:[you had... I don't know what to say about your past life, do you at least know which day it is?]

Karaki:(of course, I do I wouldn't know my age and my parent's age if I didn't, it's 22 of October of 2019. Five days before my birthday... The day I died)

Rikune:[how do you know that?!]

Karaki:(there's a calendar on the wall)

I said this while pointing at the calendar on the wall of my room.

Rikune:[are those in the image of the calendar Mirajane(Fairy tail) and Hinata(Naruto) hugging while wearing swimming suits?! Where did you even get that?... I expected more of you as a person I'm disappointed]

Karaki:(I'm a guy, I'm a teenager, I have hormones. That's all you need as an explanation)(AN: for once Karaki was reasonable let's celebrate this moment????)

Rikune:[good point]

Rikune:[so, we have to stay here for five days?]

Karaki:(probably, I don't really remember what I forgot)(AN: what a genius)

Rikune:[try to interact with your parents and brothers maybe that will help]

You'll be wandering through your last five days on earth, in order to understand what you're missing but for that, you'll need to understand 5 crucial people.

Reward: lost memories and Death alcohol card(limited edition)x 5.

Failure: no reward.]

Karaki: (I'm starting to think this system doesn't care about me, it literally just gave me an important mission about my life but nothing happens if I fail while in other missions I lose everything)

Rikune:[I don't know why you're complaining]

Karaki:(for no real reason, don't mind me I'm just complaining. I like complaining about stuff in general)

Rikune:[ I'll never get you]

Karaki:( it's best for you if you don't)



I responded in the same way.

Rikune:[didn't you say you're mother was 56? She seems pretty young from her voice]

Karaki:(my parents are rather young for their age)

Rikune:[I won't say anymore, you're weird, so your family being weird is expected, but I never imagined they would be in this level]

Karaki:(that's why I... I-I don't remember much about my family... That's why I never really talked about them in any situation, I did mention them a little but that's all... I've been acting like they never existed or at least were not important. The more I think I've finally solved my issues and am finally going to understand who I'm supposed to be in life the more I find myself in deeper problems)

Karaki:(I really can't get myself together, can I?)

Rikune:[I like it more when you're being an idiot or just doing something unreasonable, your depressed side hits hard]

Karaki:(I can't help it, I act the way I do exactly because I don't like to show this side of myself. Anyways I'll go get dressed before my mother comes and dresses me up herself)

Rikune:[didn't you just say you don't remember much]

Karaki:(yes but you don't have to know much to know-how mothers react when their child takes too long to come eat breakfast)

Rikune:[if you say so]

I readied myself by first taking a bath and then I dressed up with clothes from my wardrobe very hurried, then I brushed my slightly long hair that reaches my back the fastest I could.

After being done getting ready I went downstairs being very careful and acting as a lady-like as possible as if an instinct. I slowly walk to the table and everyone was waiting for me as if the world wouldn't go on without me.

Mom: finally my little princess decided to come and eat, you look so beautiful today. You're even wearing the clothes I bought you on your last birthday.

She said looking at me with a very happy expression and tone.

Dad: so, will you be joining us? I'm starting to think you want us to starve?

He said with a smile.

All my brothers were looking at me pissed for having to wait until now to start eating. I sit on the only left chair which is beside mom.

Rikune:[your parents look like their in their twenties... Did you give them eternal life water when I wasn't looking or what?]

Karaki:(I told you they look younger than they should)

Rikune:[ also this thing of you being treated as a girl is for real? Are you sure your family members are mentally ok?]

Karaki:(please don't make me want to turn you off)


We started eating like a normal family until my father asked.

Dad: So, what are you kids going to do today?

He asked me and my brothers but nobody said anything.

Mom: boys and Kara your father asked you something. Kane! Don! Chinki! Ley!

When mom shouted at them they all took their headphones out and looked slightly confused.

Mom:*sighs* your father asked you if you have plans for today.

Kane: sorry for not answering I wasn't listening, I'll go play basketball with some friends.

He said with a carefree tone and expression.

Don: sorry my attention was in a more analytic plane, as for what I'll do today that's pretty simple I'll go vandalize something somewhere.

He said it very serious.

Chinki: sorry I was hmmm... Thinking about something... I think, me? I'll be... Huh... I'm.... Well, I... Hmmm... I was...

And that went on for a while until he simply said he doesn't know.

Ley: I don't have anything to do but I guess I'll stay in my room playing on my computer.

He said not minding to apologize.

Kara(Karaki):(so those are their names huh?)

Rikune:[so you don't know their names?]

Kara(Karaki):(I don't remember much about them, I don't even remember the names of my parents...)

Rikune:[you're a terrible son]

Kara(Karaki):(I have to agree with that one for now)

Mom: Ley apologize to your father now!

Ley: what about Kara? "She" doesn't have to answer?!

Mom: respect your father, me and your sister. I called you first so you have to answer first.

She said very seriously.

Ley: that's so stupid! He's a boy like all of us! Why does he get to be treated like a little princess by all of us!! THIS IS SO STUPID WHY DO WE-!

He started yelling at mom.


He yelled very pissed at Ley's behavior.

Ley: I'm sorry mom I was too rude to you, I'm sorry dad I won't repeat it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be in my room for the rest of the day.

Then he got up and was about to leave but.

Dad: aren't you forgetting anyone?

Ley: I won't apologize to HIM!

Dad: Ley! You-!

Kara(Karaki): dad, please you don't need to be so harsh on him. I don't really mind it.

Dad looked me in the eyes and decided to just let Ley go but he's still grounded. Mom patted my head but my other brothers were looking at me as if suspicious of something.

Dad: so Kara? Do you have any plans for today?

I guess I should go somewhere test the limits of my abilities here.

Kara(Karaki): I guess I'll go to the park for a walk and maybe visit a friend.

This should be enough for them to leave me in peace until 7 pm, I guess.

Dad: hmmm... Okay, then boys change of plans you will be hanging out with your sister today. Kara please tell Ley that if he manages to pass today with you without making a scene or being mean to you in any way he won't be grounded anymore.

You should just tell the poor boy to suicide if that's the way out, he will probably not agree considering how much he seems to hate me which is something I can't remember at all...

Kara(Karaki): (My Life isn't as nice as I remember it to be)

Rikune:[you do realize you spent years trapped in the void?]

Kara(karaki):(really it was that long? I didn't realize time gets funny there)

Kane: that's too much, I have an important game team will kill me if I miss this.

Don: yeah, why do we have to lose our day because of Ley's problem with Kara? If you really want to help them just let them spend the day together just the two of them.

Chinki: yeah, I think so too because.... Hmmm... I don't want... I... forget it.

Dad: then you all will go together wherever you have to go.

Mom: I agree with your father it will be good for all of you.

I guess all my plans were thrown out of the window.

Not having a choice we all agreed and headed to Ley's room.

We first knocked on the door but we didn't get any answer at all from him, still, we insisted and knocked on the door again and again... After a while, we all got inpatient and I kicked the door open.

Kane: was she always that strong? What was all my training for if she can do this?

Don: cuteness is a form of strength by itself, you should understand before you judge.

Chinki: scary... Huh... I should be careful from now on... What did I just say?... Probably not important.

-inside Ley's room-


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