Island Era: I Can See The Information Of All Things

Chapter 102 Ale Brewing, High-Level Armed Color!

"Okay, Raul, let's go here first today, the first time you practice the Thousand Fold Forging, tomorrow you probably won't be able to lift your arms, rest for a while, and then continue when you are well.

Seeing Raul who no longer has the strength to swing the forging hammer, Shi Tucker said.

"Thank you teacher for your teaching today."

Hearing this, he stopped his movements, and Raul bowed respectfully and earnestly. He already recognized Shi Tuke as his teacher from his heart, although the latter did not admit it.

"Haha, Raul, go back and have a good rest. In the future, you will learn more from Master Shitak. The patrol team's weapon forging mainly depends on you."

"Yeah! I know! Thank you, Master, for giving me this opportunity to learn!"

After saluting Bai Cheng again, Raul left the castle.

"Master Shitak, let's go to the castle for dinner tonight."

Seeing that Shi Tuke was fine, Bai Cheng invited him.

"Oh! Speaking of dinner, my friend, I have some good news for you. The first batch of ale has been successfully brewed!"

Shi Tuke said excitedly.

"It's brewed? Doesn't it take a month?"

Bai Cheng was also taken aback. Compared with the previous introduction of the professional brewer, the brewing time of ale was shortened by almost half.

"This is because of the special wheat you gave me. The brewing process is greatly shortened, but the taste... you will drink it tonight, and you will know how wonderful it is!"

As Shi Tuke said, he walked directly into another room.

After a sound of heavy objects colliding, Shi Tuke raised a wooden wine barrel about his height with one hand and walked out, looking a little funny.

"Go, Master White, we'll drink it tonight!"

Good guy, Bai Cheng looked at this keg, it was bigger than the draft beer kegs in Lanxing's normal restaurants, at least it had a capacity of 100 catties of beer.

Not counting the three girls of Delia, two men with 100 catties of beer...

Bai Cheng finally knew why Shi Tuke got drunk and was kidnapped by Ge Da. He couldn't count people when he came across alcohol. This is not good!

Thinking that Shi Tuke will build weapons for himself in the future, and drinking too much will delay things, Bai Cheng frowned and said with a serious expression.

"Master Shi Tuke, I know that you like to drink, but it is strictly forbidden to get drunk. This is the only request I have for you. If you fail to do so, you will never get the Yuanqing barley for wine making in the future.

When Shi Tuke heard this, he became anxious immediately. After tasting this kind of ale, he felt that the first half of his life was wasted, what did he drink!

Worse than horse urine!

"My! Master Island Master! Don't worry, I, Shi Tuke, will never get drunk from now on! I swear!"

Seeing Shi Tuke swear anxiously, Bai Niu loosened his frown.

Looking at the large-capacity wooden wine barrel again, he took out the sound transmission conch, and Bai Cheng called Old Jean and Harry to meet for dinner.

At the dinner party, except for Shi Tuke and Bai Cheng, everyone looked curiously at the magical drink that was constantly bubbling in their cups.

"My lord, is this wine?"

Harry is also a hero in drinking, and has drunk a lot of wine.

But the bubbling cup in front of him exuded a fragrance of highland barley and also mixed with a unique fragrance, and there was no smell of wine at all, which made him suspicious.

"It's called ale. It's brewed by Master Shitak with highland barley and hops. My hometown also has this kind of wine, but it's called differently. We call it beer. It's different from the kind of wine you drank before, but it tastes more refreshing. .Do not believe you try.

When Harry heard Bai Cheng's words, he raised his wine glass half-believingly and took a sip, his suspicious eyes suddenly grew bigger.

"It's delicious! It's so delicious!"

"Hahaha, let me tell you, if this is paired with barbecue, it will be a perfect match! Well, we are all our own people, so don't be restrained, let's start."

Seeing Harry's reaction, Bai Cheng laughed loudly and said, this was completely within his expectations.

Several other people also took a sip when they saw Harry's reaction, and their reaction was the same as before.

"Respect, Master Island Master!"

"Young master!"

"Brother Bai!"

After a toast to Bai Cheng, the dinner officially began.

There is a new dish in today's dinner, big plate chicken!

Potatoes and peppers have just ripened recently, and this delicacy that Bai Cheng has been thinking about for a long time has finally been perfectly replicated by him in this world.

To be precise, it is more perfect. After all, the ingredients such as Baima Baoji are fundamentally higher quality, and the taste is naturally better.

As soon as this spicy dish was eaten, everyone couldn't help drinking more ale. As for whether it was spicy or pure, it was not clear.

What Ling Bai Cheng didn't expect was that the old Jin, who usually didn't look strong enough and would pant after walking for a long time, had a surprising amount of alcohol.

At the dinner party, he showed a heroic atmosphere that he had never seen before, and he was on par with Shi Tuke.

If Bai Cheng hadn't vaccinated the alcoholic dwarf in advance, at least one of them would have passed out that night.

But other people have almost stopped drinking, including Bai Cheng himself, so don't be greedy for good wine.

"Harry, it's been a while since you entered the platinum realm, do you have any special feelings?"

Bai Cheng's sudden question mark made Harry stunned for a moment before he realized it.

"My lord, I don't know why, but since the day I broke through, my fighting spirit seems to be closer to the water, and my fighting power at the seaside will increase, but it's not very obvious.

Speaking of which, Harry didn't quite understand what was going on.

"That's the roar of your promotion to platinum swordsman, which stimulated the potential attribute power in the human blood. Of course, it is still not awakened, so the feeling is not too obvious

"After the dinner, I'll try to see if I can help you awaken this water attribute power."

Bai Cheng intends to use the remaining Enlightenment Fruit on Harry. Currently, apart from him, no one else needs the effect of the Enlightenment Fruit.

If the storage time is too long, he is worried that the Enlightenment Fruit will change and lose its effectiveness, and it will be a bit of a waste.

Although it may not be successful, it is better than wasting.

"This...Harry will be completely loyal to the island owner for the rest of his life!"

Hearing this, Harry quickly got up and knelt down on one knee.

"Okay, Harry, I know you are loyal to me, otherwise I wouldn't help you break through the platinum level, so I don't need to say more about this in the future.

Bai Cheng waved his hand, signaling him to get up.

Although he has been in this world for so long, the habit of people here swearing allegiance every now and then still makes him a little awkward...

It's okay once or twice, but Bai Cheng feels a bit boring if there are too many, anyway, the loyalty system has judgments, so this verbal form is meaningless.

Bai Cheng is a practical person!

Because unlike Qianlongmai, the effect can only be stimulated when you eat it for the first time, Qijueguo can be eaten for many times.

One of the two is to endow dragons with abilities, and the other is the premise that they need to have potential attributes, so it is really hard to compare which one is more precious.

For this reason, Bai Cheng didn't waste merit points to strengthen this Enlightenment Fruit, and directly took it out for Harry to take it.

After a long time, Harry didn't feel any change, obviously this time the awakening failed.

"It's okay, Harry, you can take this fruit every once in a while, and you will be able to wake up sooner or later. Hurry up and practice to reach the peak of the platinum realm as soon as possible.

Seeing that the awakening failed, Bai Cheng said a few words of comfort, but he also underestimated Harry's ability to resist blows as a swordsman.

"Don't worry, young master, no matter whether he can be awakened or not, Harry will never give up the cultivation of battle qi!"

Nodding his head, Harry looked determined, not affected by the failure of awakening in the slightest.

After the dinner party, Bai Cheng stayed alone in the bedroom and checked his property panel.

【Host】: Bai Cheng.

[Professional level]: Platinum swordsman level one.

[Skill Talent]: Armed-color domineering (intermediate), knowledge-color domineering (intermediate), domineering-color domineering (intermediate), space control.

[Meritorious value]: 113258.

[Fortune]: 1243 gold, 66 silver and 79 copper.

[Treasures]: Giant Silver Dragon (seven-star rare treasure, growth stage), Haihuangzhu (six-star rare treasure), sea and sky pearl (six-star rare treasure), sound transmission conch (three-star rare treasure, main conch), luxury Beast Beads (Three-star Rare Treasures), Deep Dive (Five-Star Rare Treasures).

The merit value has finally broken through the 100,000 barrier!

Bai Cheng was a little excited, over 100,000 merit points, he finally had enough merit points.

The Enlightenment Tree and the strengthening of its own three-color domineering can be said to be like the existence of a gold-swallowing beast, but it swallows a merit value of 3.6.

It is almost not necessary to make any choices, so Bai Cheng naturally decided to first strengthen the armed color of the three-color domineering.

This is the most important capital he can guarantee his own safety in this world!

If on the day I go to find Nicole, I can have high-level armed domineering, and the so-called new king of the mermaid clan will be blown away by my punch.

So what about the fifth level of platinum, and what about the difference between the fourth level, Bai Cheng, who has a high-level armed color and domineering, is not afraid of all existences in this level at all!


This is just a guess in his own heart, and the specific effect will not be known until it is strengthened.

"System, strengthen the armed domineering color!"

"Host, are you sure to consume 100,000 merit points to enhance the domineering armed color?"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully strengthening the armed domineering color to a high level!"

He didn't have the huge aura when he broke through and advanced with fighting qi, and he was promoted with domineering weapons, but he felt a warm energy slowly flowing in Bai Cheng's body.

ps: In view of the fact that some readers have reported that the number of chapters is a bit small, there will be chapters between 3000-3500 in the future, guarantee a minimum of 4 updates, and strive for 5 updates!.

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