Island Era: I Can See The Information Of All Things

Chapter 68 Double Awakening Effect! 【Seek The First Order】

In the courtyard behind the main castle.

Originally, the main trunk was the Enlightenment Tree mixed with black and red, but now it is mixed with a touch of silver, adding a touch of nobility to the original feeling of evil.

The reunion leaves are now a bit like dragon claws and maple leaves, which is really beautiful.

[Name]: Enlightenment tree (different) (six-star rare treasure).

[Introduction]: It can bear Enlightenment Fruit, after taking it, there is a lower chance of awakening potential magical power or blood power.

[Note]: Because of the nourishment of the silver dragon's blood, the Enlightenment Tree mutated, and the fruit became even more bizarre.

The Fajue Fruit produced by the Enlightenment Tree becomes the Enlightenment Fruit after the mutation is completed.

Moreover, the effect after taking it also changed from a single power of awakening magic to a power of blood.

Of course, the Enlightenment Tree can't give it out of thin air. What he needs is a creature that takes the fruit, which itself has hidden potential.

It should be the powerful blood of the silver dragon that inspired this strange effect.

Now that the mutation was completed, Bai Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was a good change.

With one more awakening effect, the value of the enlightenment tree has increased a lot.

It's just that the star rating has not changed, and the low probability of awakening has not increased.

Going forward further, as soon as you get close to the Enlightenment Tree, there is a strange fruity fragrance that hits your nostrils.

Gently inhale, as if the pores of the whole body are opened.

Among the dragon's claw-like leaves, three colored fruits like glass crystals are on the branches of osmanthus.

[Name]: Qijue fruit (six-star rare treasure).

[Introduction]: After taking it, there is a low chance of awakening potential magical power or blood power.

[Note]: Do not eat repeatedly in a short period of time. The interval is one month. It needs to be soaked in fresh water and stored at low temperature.

The last time Bai Cheng wanted to check the fruit information, he couldn't find it.

Looking back now, it may be because there is no mature reason, the system defaults it as one with self-awareness.

But now, the fruit exudes a strange fragrance, and the system can detect the information, indicating that it is fully ripe.

Although the probability of awakening is not high, the advantage is that it can be eaten repeatedly, which can be regarded as a little bit to make up for the other side.


Yield is too low!

"Delia, go find a closed container and put some water in it."

Bai Cheng thought for a while, and didn't intend to let Delia take it immediately, he had to be fully prepared.

Hearing the young master's words, Delia wiped the saliva from the corners of her mouth, turned around and trotted away.

After a while, Fox Er Niang came back with a round wooden jar.

"Master, here you are."

Taking the wooden jar, looking at most of the clear water inside, Bai Cheng stretched out his hand and gently picked off the three egg-sized Enlightenment Fruits, and sealed them in the trapped jar.

At this time, he was a little thankful that when Nora passed by his island, he landed on the island to do some trade and sent ice stones.

Otherwise, the low-temperature preservation condition of Qijue fruit is really not easy to satisfy in this world without technology.

"Master, is that delicious?"

Delia, a foodie, couldn't smell the strange fragrance after the Enlightenment Fruit was sealed, so she was a little bit reluctant and couldn't help asking.

"Haha, I don't know if it tastes good or not, let me know when you finish loving it."

Bai Cheng was amused by her appearance.

Hu Erniang's eyes lit up instantly when she heard his words.

"Master, do you mean to give it to Delia!"

"Well, I'll eat it for you, but not now. I need to make some preparations.

Having said that, Delia was full of anticipation, and she couldn't help touching the smooth eggshell with the hand holding the snow vulture egg.

Bai Cheng took a look at the part of Yuan Qingbarley that was still undergoing changes, when a very thin silver line appeared on the straw.


Only when it is mature can it complete the mutation.

Strange to say, after Bai Cheng picked the fruit, the leaves of the Enlightenment Tree trembled for a moment, and many leaves were shaken off.

And at the root of the shaken leaves, new flower bud germination points faintly appeared.

This Enlightenment Tree has no cool-down period!

This is an unexpected discovery, which greatly shortens the result cycle.

After finding no other special circumstances, Bai Cheng returned to the main castle and temporarily put the wooden jar in the cold room.

Although the system didn't say whether the awakening process needed the support of blood energy like a breakthrough, but Bai Cheng still wanted to be fully prepared.

In addition, he had to take out an Enlightenment Fruit to try to wake up the seeds of the ancient tree guards. He had tried it with the four-star Yuanqing barley before, but there was no response.

For the remaining one, Bai Cheng thought about it and decided to store it temporarily, although Yuena and Harry both had hidden blood power that needed to be stimulated.

However, although Yuena looks huge now, she is actually just entering the growth stage, and Bai Cheng is afraid that there will be some problems if she uses it rashly.

Not to mention Harry, who has just broken through to Platinum Swordsman and still needs to get used to it.

Thinking of this, Bai Cheng remembered that he had unknowingly reached the ninth level of gold.

After he has been busy for a while and finds a suitable time, he should also break through.

【Host】: Bai Cheng.

[Professional Level]: Gold Swordsman rank nine.

[Skill Talent]: Armed-color domineering (intermediate), knowledge-color domineering (intermediate), domineering-color domineering (primary).

[Meritorious Value]: 21168.

[Fortune]: 852 gold, 84 silver and 38 copper.

[Treasures]: Giant Silver Dragon (seven-star rare treasure, growth stage), Haihuangzhu (six-star rare treasure), sea and sky pearl (six-star rare treasure).

The merit points have unknowingly accumulated more than 20,000 points in the recent successive battles, but there is still more than 70,000 points short of the distance that can strengthen Bai Cheng's strongest attack method, armed domineering.

Every time they attack, there are too many murloc mobs, it's a waste of energy.

"I hope to wait until the windless area, to come to some valuable units!"

By the way! Can Enlightenment Fruit be strengthened?

Bai Cheng had a whim, since the fruit of Yuan Qing Barley can be strengthened, then Qijue Fruit should also be able to be strengthened.

Thinking of this, he opened the ice room again, trying to use the system's strengthening function on a Enlightenment Fruit.

"Ding! Is the host sure to consume 10,000 merit points to strengthen the Enlightenment Fruit?"

The system prompt sounded, causing Bai Cheng to jump on his feet and scold his mother!

10,000 points! It costs 10,000 points to strengthen a fruit!

I have worked so hard to save more than 20,000 merit points, and now it will cost 10,000.

Bai Cheng scolded Gou System in his heart, but he became cruel again and gritted his teeth.


"Ding! Congratulations to the successful enhancement of the host! Obtained Enlightenment Fruit (Seven Stars Rare Treasure)"

【Name】: Enlightenment Fruit (Seven Star Rare).

[Introduction]: After taking it, there is a medium chance to awaken potential magic power or blood power.

[Note]: Do not eat repeatedly in a short period of time. The interval is 20 days. It needs to be soaked in fresh water and stored at low temperature.

The awakening probability of the enhanced Enlightenment Fruit was significantly increased, and the interval between taking it was also shortened by 10 days.

Seeing this effect, Bai Cheng's mood of spending 10,000 merit points to strengthen it finally eased up.

"Fortunately, this enhancement is still relatively worthwhile."

Bai Cheng exhaled and put it back.

Then he took out an unenhanced Enlightenment Fruit and the seed guarded by the ancient tree and walked out of the ice room.

The guard of the ancient tree needs the rare fruit of the high-star plant system to awaken vitality. It is not the awakening of something, and it has nothing to do with probability.

Bai Cheng thought about it, and he didn't spend another 10,000 merit points to strengthen this Enlightenment Fruit.

Picking up the Enlightenment Fruit that exudes a strange aroma, Bai Cheng aimed at the concave position at the root of the ancient tree guarding the seed and gently placed it on it.

As if feeling the unique aura of the Enlightenment Fruit, the surface of the ancient tree seed stretched out like tentacles and inserted into the Enlightenment Fruit.

It is faintly visible that the colored sap under the skin of the Enlightenment Fruit pours into the guarded seeds of the ancient tree along the tiny branches.

Then the sunken place began to bulge up slowly, and when the Enlightenment Fruit was completely absorbed, the hollow was completely filled.

It's done!

According to the information fed back by the system, the seed guarded by this ancient tree has awakened to life.

As for the planting location, Bai Cheng has already chosen it.

That's the castle gate!

People guard the gates with guards, and Bai Cheng guards directly with ancient trees.

As the only seedling at present, I can't bear to plant it in places such as the seaside for defense.

Even if you really want to plant, you can wait until a batch of new seeds are produced.

As a great young man in the 21st century, Bai Cheng has heard about sustainable development strategies since he was a child, and he has learned the essence of them.

Since getting up this morning, there is a strange scene on the island.

A few days ago, Delia held a white egg every day, which aroused the curiosity of many people.

But today, Harry, Kuru, and several swordsmen from the golden team all held a white egg next to their bodies.

This is even more confusing!

Moreover, these people hold this egg tightly.

Even the sword, which he never left before, was thrown aside for fear of hitting the egg in his arms.

This aroused discussion among the islanders, and they even temporarily put down the work at hand and got together to discuss it.

"I heard that it is a treasure bestowed by the island owner, it can make people fly!"

"What? It can make people fly? Could it be that these are the eggs laid by the island owner's mount?"

"You are really not well informed. I know that it is a product that Mark brought back from the previous trip. It seems to be called snow persimmon or..."

"Snow Gryphon!"

A voice suddenly came from behind, unraveling the embarrassing scene where the person couldn't think of a name.

"Yes! It's the snow griffin!"

The man slapped his thigh excitedly, then turned around and saw Kuru standing behind him.

"Ahem, Lord Kuru!"

"Master Kuru!"

Seeing the appearance of the islanders, Kuru was not angry, so he took a rest after work.

"Okay, don't leave your job for too long, work hard, and contribute to the construction of Yanhuang Island. In the future, you will also be rewarded by the island owner."

Kuru gave the islanders a dose of blood at the right time.

"Look, Agnes, this is our training ground on Yanhuang Island."

"This is Baima Baoji. The fried chicken you have eaten is made of it. This is Yanchi Tan sheep. The young master invented a food called mutton soup. It's delicious. And this pan-horned yak... forgot , this is from your Rainbow Island 087."

Delia held the snow griffin egg in one hand, while pointing to the various creatures in the training ground to introduce Agnes.

This is Bai Cheng's acquiescence. Anyway, Rainbow Island is about to become a part of Yanhuang Island. There is no need to continue to hide this method of domestication from Agnes.

Agnes walked all the way, watching all this in surprise.

She didn't understand how Bai Cheng could think of domesticating this way, these beasts have always been used for hunting.

And now, they are all raised here obediently to breed offspring.

This way is really amazing!

In this way, there can be endless fresh meat.

Not only that, when Agnes knew that cement was also invented by Bai Cheng, the whole people's admiration for Bai Cheng rose to a new high


It seems that there is a tendency to become Bai Cheng's No. 2 fan girl. As for the No. 1 fan girl, it is naturally Delia.

Under the introduction of Delia, Agnes had a preliminary understanding of the development of Yanhuang Island for the first time.

It has to be said that she had always thought that under her own management, Rainbow Island was definitely much better than other islands except for its slightly weaker combat readiness.

The fact is indeed the same as she thought, but after seeing the development of Yanhuang Island.

Agnes suddenly felt that if her Rainbow Island could be regarded as an earldom.


Bai Cheng here is like the imperial capital of Yuanyuan Continental Empire.

Of course, this is an exaggerated metaphor. After countless years of development, the imperial capital is naturally not comparable to the newly born Yanhuang Island.

But it was also an island in the initial sea area, and Bai Cheng far surpassed himself in just a few months.

You know, I had transformed into an island and entered the Chaos Sea two years ago.

"Delia, can you tell me more about the young master?"

For the first time, Agnes had an uncontrollable curiosity about this mysterious man.

"Okay, Agnes, then Delia told you from the time she met the young master, that Delia was rescued from the water by the young master..."

The two figures with different temperaments, but both of them were equally beautiful, were walking on the cement road of Yanhuang Island just like this, one was talking and the other was listening.

"Okay! It's done!"

Outside the gate of the castle, he shouted to the guard who had already dug a one-meter-deep pit, and Bai Cheng put the ancient tree guard seed in his hand into it.

After thinking about it for a while, he went back to the main castle, took some water soaked in enlightenment fruit, and poured it in.

Only then did the guards backfill the pit again. .

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