Island Era: I Can See The Information Of All Things

Chapter 71 The Mermaid Princess Returns! 【Seek The First Order】


A huge black shadow enveloped Allens and the swordsmen, and a cold voice came from the air.

"Are you Alice?"

Everyone raised their heads when they heard the words, and saw a huge armored dragon with wings shining on its back and silver light shining all over its body appeared in the sky above them.

The words just now came from a handsome young man behind the dragon.

At this moment, Aarons no longer dared to have the slightest airs of a prince, and bowed respectfully.

"My lord, I am Allens."

Although I don't know who the other party is, but he can use a dragon as a mount, he must be an extraordinary person.

Thinking of this, Allens secretly glanced at the silver dragon in the sky again, and secretly vowed in his heart that he would also have a dragon as a mount in the future.

Now, Allens didn't know the identity of Bai Cheng, and thought he was a passing strong man.

Could this be sent by my father to take me back? Did my father finally realize his excellence?

After thinking about it, Allens seemed to be able to do this kind of thing, only his own empire, although he had never heard of the existence of dragons in the empire.

In Allens' heart, the position of the next king of the empire should be his own!

Therefore, after being dispatched to the Chaos Sea, his desire to be king was still alive, so he killed all the other brothers and sisters to strengthen his island.

Thinking of this possibility, Allens' heart suddenly became extremely hot.

But before his blood boiled, the next second, a cold tone fell from the sky like a basin of cold water, waking him up completely!

"Yuena, catch him!"

Almost at the same time as Bai Cheng gave the order, Yuena's dragon tail swept over directly, knocking the swordsman beside Allens to the ground, vomiting blood, convulsing and dying.

Immediately afterwards, the huge dragon claws stretched out directly, grabbing Allens in his hand like a chicken.

Then, the gigantic figure of the giant silver dragon rose across the sky and headed towards the giant dragon.

This time, Bai Cheng didn't plan to do anything, and gave full power to Kuru and the others.

All he has to do is to catch the master of the island, Allens, to prevent him from escaping or dying accidentally.

He looted the treasures of several brothers and sisters. Although he didn't know if they were all real, but seeing the Iron Essence Origin Crystal brought by Agnes, Bai Cheng was very interested in other treasures.

Moreover, there are a lot of people and other plants and animals on Allens Island.

If he died like this and the island sank, then Bai Cheng would suffer a lot.

Losing the backbone of Alans, everyone present panicked. As for the two twin swordsmen, Bai Cheng didn't take a second look.

"Not one left!"

This was the only order Bai Cheng gave when he returned to the ship.

And Alans was directly interrupted by Bai Cheng's hands and feet, and at the same time his mouth was blocked to prevent him from committing suicide.

Rainbow Island is now his own territory, if he dares to get his attention, then he will all die.

Bai Cheng is a person with clear grievances and grudges. He can be very kind to Delia, Kuru and others, and he is never soft on his enemies.

The prince was arrested, morale plummeted, and the swordsmen of Yanhuang Island killed each other with almost no casualties.

Because the Dragon Tooth Squad arrived at the rear in advance to outflank, no one escaped from the coast.

The only one who can resist for a while is the pair of twin female swordsmen, perhaps because of the telepathy.

The pair of twin swordsmen teamed up and fought inextricably with Kuru. In the end, Harry felt that it was a waste of time, so he killed one of them with a single sword.

Immediately the other fell into a disadvantage, and was killed by Kuru within a few moves.

These two top fighters of Yanhuang Island strictly carried out Bai Cheng's order, and there was no such thing as pity for beauty and beauty.

"Master, all enemies have been wiped out!"

Kuru returned to Bai Cheng with the blood-stained giant sword, took the cloth handed over by the swordsman and wiped the blood on the giant sword.

"Well, clean up the battlefield and find out if there is any chart."

Bai Cheng didn't find the positioning chart of his island on Aarons' body, so it must be on someone else's body.

After arranging all this, Bai Cheng didn't stay and took Alans back to Yanhuang Island.

The reason why he is so anxious is because the battle is over, Hai Kongzhu's soul energy has accumulated to 2000 points, and he can be activated again.

"I don't know what Nicole will look like, do you still remember my brother Bai..."

On the way back, Bai Cheng imagined the scene where the little mermaid came out of the sea orb.

"Agnes, keep an eye on him, don't kill him in a fit of excitement."

"Delia, if his life energy drops, you can replenish his life magic power."

As soon as he entered the castle, Bai Cheng handed over Aarons to Agnes and Delia to guard him to prevent accidental death.

As for himself, he returned to his room, because he didn't know what would happen when the inner space was opened again, so Bai Cheng chose to do it in a closed space.

"The energy is already enough, how can I stimulate it?"

Looking at the sea and sky beads in his hand, the soul energy has been filled, but there is no reaction.


Sea Emperor Pearl!

The space inside the Sea Sky Bead was activated before because of the strange reaction produced by contact with the Sea Emperor Bead.

With Bai Cheng's palm, the Sea Emperor Pearl appeared in his palm.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly moved the two sea clan relics together.

Seeing this scene I made, a name appeared in it

Above the clearing, a child with long tails and fried hair gathered seven glass beads with stars together and shouted loudly.

"Come out! Shenlong!"

"Come out, Nicole!"

By coincidence, Bai Yong actually said such a sentence.

In the next second, the blinding light blinded Bai Cheng's eyes again.

Immediately afterwards, a heavy object fell directly into Bai Cheng's arms, and a slippery feeling came from his hands.



Nicole was rescued!

Although he couldn't open his eyes yet, Bai Cheng could feel that it was Nicole's aura.

"I don't know what Nicole looks like now."

Subconsciously, Bai Cheng moved his hands up, wanting to touch Nicole's face.


"Brother Bai!"

A scream sounded suddenly, and the figure retreated quickly, leaving Bai Cheng's embrace.

Bai Cheng was slightly taken aback, not because of Nicole's screams, but because he finally touched her

Nicole has really grown up!

Bai Cheng thought with a little embarrassment.

The light dissipated, Bai Cheng opened his eyes, and a beautiful figure with perfect proportions appeared in front of him.

It's Nicole!

Although her appearance has changed a lot, the one in front of her now is a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl.

But Nicole's shadow can be vaguely found on that familiar face, but it has changed from a cute round face to a very three-dimensional one.

"Ahem! I'll go out and ask Delia to find you some clothes."

Because of spending so long in the inner space, Nicole has already passed the coming-of-age age of the mermaid clan.

The little gauze dress that the little mermaid wore before couldn't fit anymore.

Moreover, Bai Cheng didn't know that mermaids who passed the age of coming-of-age ceremony could transform their fish tails into legs.

Therefore, in this slightly awkward atmosphere, Bai Cheng quickly got out and ran out.

And after Bai Cheng left, Nicole smiled lightly.

When I come back, I can meet the familiar Brother Bai......

It's great!.

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