Island Era: I Can See The Information Of All Things

Chapter 79 The Sea Emperor Beast Attacking, That's It? 【Subscribe】

Nicole's words made everyone who was preparing to celebrate at the beginning feel as if they had entered the winter blizzard directly from the bright summer sun, and felt chills all over their bodies.

"Pangke, take Agnes and the others to the other side of the coast, inform Jean, Kuru, and Harry, and call all the islanders to the rainbow area, ready to evacuate at any time."

"Agnes, you are in charge of arranging the evacuation plan, don't make any trouble, and take care of Delia."

Hearing Bai Cheng's words, Agnes stared at him closely.

"And you, where are you going? Won't you come with us?"

Seeing Agnes' concerned eyes, Bai Cheng's heart warmed up, and he scratched the bridge of her nose.

"I'll go and see what the sea emperor beast looks like. I have Yuena, don't worry."

After Bai Cheng finished speaking, Agnes blushed, she was really concerned and confused, she forgot about Yuena.

"Nicole, come with me and help me point out the location of the Sea King Beast.

"Okay, Brother Bai."

Nicole nodded, and then the two turned around and were about to leave. Just as they took a step, Bai Cheng turned around again.

"By the way, Agnes, take this sound transmission screw, and contact me directly through it if you have anything to do."

After giving Agnes one of the sound-transmitting conch's secondary conch, Bai Cheng put it on Yuena's back with confidence.

Then the giant silver dragon shook its wings, soared into the sky, and headed towards the sea outside the island.

Agnes and others followed Bai Cheng's instructions and went to prepare for the island-wide evacuation.

"Come on, it's near here.

Nicole closed her eyes and sensed again and said, but her complexion suddenly became a little strange.

"Brother Bai, there seems to be something wrong..."

"What's wrong?"

Bai Cheng scanned the surrounding sea area, but did not find any large underwater shadows.

"What I feel is indeed the aura of the Sea Emperor Beast. I can be sure of this. That kind of natural bloodline coercion cannot be imitated, but..."

"But now I feel it carefully, the vitality and blood of this sea emperor beast is not strong, even a little weak."

Nicole frowned, she couldn't figure out what was going on.

"The vitality is weak? Could it be that he was seriously injured?"

Bai Cheng's eyes widened suddenly, this is a good opportunity to catch the leak!

This sea emperor beast, probably like the dragons, is full of treasures, and if it can be weakly killed and brought back to the island, it will be exciting to think about it.

But after Bai Cheng finished speaking, Nicole shook her head and denied his guess.

"No, Brother Bai, although the vitality of this sea emperor beast is weak, it is very vigorous. It is not in a state of serious injury and weakness, but it must be like...

Nicole bit her finger and thought for a while, not knowing how to describe it.

"By the way, it looks like a newborn cub!"

"Cubs? Aren't all sea emperor beasts huge?"

Bai Cheng asked in surprise.

"Normally speaking, sea emperor beasts are the older members of a group who live to a certain age, and the blood in their bodies reverts to their ancestors before they become sea emperor beasts."

"However, there is a special case where the bloodline ancestry is activated at birth."

Nicole thought of the records in the ancient books of the clan and explained.

"It's okay? Doesn't it mean that a newborn sea emperor beast was promoted to the silver island and was attracted to the nearby waters?"

Speaking of which, Bai Cheng didn't feel the slightest disappointment because he couldn't pick up the leak, but was even more excited.


A wise sea emperor beast cub!

Thinking about the little mermaid Nicole back then, Bai Cheng thought he was kidnapping...

Cough cough, I think I have a lot of experience in taking care of cubs!

At the moment, Bai Cheng directly asked Yuena to lower her altitude, covering a large area of ​​the sea with her domineering knowledge, and finally found an inconspicuous


The first thing Bai Cheng saw was the clods of soil, which seemed to be the broken clods that fell from the island.

It wasn't until I fished it out of the water that I realized it was a small turtle with a mud-covered back, and a pair of big black eyes on a small brown-green head, which was surprisingly cute.

【Name】: Island Turtle (Neptune Beast).

[Introduction]: When the hard-shelled sea turtle hatches, the sea emperor beast born because of the blood returning to the ancestors can manipulate the sea water to form huge waves, and the soil behind it will continue to grow with age, even comparable to islands, so it is called an island. turtle.

[Note]: It feeds on tiny organisms in the seawater of the chaotic sea, and has a long lifespan.

"Brother Bai, hurry up, feed it with your blood! This kind of cub Sea Emperor Beast's consciousness is not high, feeding blood can make it remember your breath forever, and recognize you as master!"

Nicole shook Bai Cheng's arm and urged.

"Is this a blood contract?"

Hearing Nicole's words, Bai Cheng bit his finger and squeezed out blood to feed the small island turtle, while turning his head and asking.

"This is not a blood contract, it is just a way to engrave the breath of one's own blood into the memory of the Sea Emperor Beast forever, it is only effective for newborn Sea Emperor Beasts, and it is not acceptable for older Sea Emperor Beasts.

Sure enough, I am a person with European spirit!

Being promoted to the Silver Island attracted the Sea Emperor Beast, a disaster that could destroy the island, but when it came to him, he gave him a pet.

After taking two mouthfuls of Bai Cheng's blood, the little island turtle fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing this, Bai Cheng quickly took out the sound transmission conch and passed the news to Agnes that there was no need to retreat.

Agnes at the other end breathed a long sigh of relief when she heard that there was no need to retreat, but at the same time she was puzzled.

Did the young master defeat all the sea emperor beasts?!

Although it felt improbable, Agnes couldn't think of any other reason.

The Sea Emperor Beast is a rare sight in a century, let alone a Sea Emperor Beast cub, there is no record at all.

If Nicole hadn't been a princess of the Mermaid Clan, one of the Sea Clan, and could read all the ancient books in the Clan, she wouldn't have known about it.

Kuru, who was packing up his things, was taken aback when he heard the news from Agnes again, but he didn't think much about it.

In Kuru's view, there is nothing the young master can't do in the world. It's just a sea emperor beast. If the young master takes action himself, it must be solved.

A few minutes later, inside the main castle of Yanhuang Island.

A group of people stared at Bai Cheng and the island in his hand.

"." Is this the sea emperor beast?"

Agnes looked at the apparently newborn baby turtle in disbelief.

Originally, in her own heart, she directed and acted for Bai Cheng a famous scene of a grand battle with the Sea Emperor Beast.

The picture in my mind now is Bai Cheng pinching the little turtle and asking persistently, are you convinced?!

"That's right, this is the Sea Emperor Beast, don't look at it as small, when it grows up, it's probably not much smaller than Yanhuang Island.

Hearing Bai Cheng's words, a group of people were shocked and speechless, what kind of existence is a sea turtle as big as Yanhuang Island!

As expected of a sea emperor beast!

Now that the matter was resolved satisfactorily, everyone quickly returned to their posts (Qianma Zhao), and only Bai Cheng and Delia were left in the castle.

Because the island turtle is too small, Bai Cheng temporarily put it in the bathtub that Nicole no longer uses.

"Master, have you controlled the island to move the locker?"

Delia was teasing the little island turtle, while Nicole was trying to translate it in the Sea language and hand it over to the island turtle's human language, otherwise Bai Cheng would not be able to communicate with it.

Agnes walked up to Bai Cheng and asked such an inexplicable question.

"Control the movement of the island? Isn't the island always moving forward? Why do you need to control it?"

Bai Cheng didn't understand what she meant by asking.

"Different young master, after being promoted to Silver Island, the owner of the island has a certain degree of control over the island."

"Although the speed at which the island advances cannot be reduced, it can be accelerated, or it can move laterally while moving forward.

Agnes only explained the things that need to be guarded against in the promotion of Silver Island, but did not mention the changes after the upgrade.

Therefore, Bai Cheng really didn't know that after being promoted to Silver Island, he could still do this. .

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