Island Era: I Can See The Information Of All Things

Chapter 82 There Is A Ship In The Glass Bottle! 【Subscribe】

"Charles, so you mean that after being corrupted, human beings can retain their wisdom and become the abyss walkers you mentioned?"

"Yes, my lord!"

Hearing this, Bai Cheng remembered the island that had been occupied by corrupted creatures, but had not collapsed and sunk into the bottom of the sea.

It seems that the island owner is very likely to have become the abyss walker that Charles said.

"Charles, if what you said is true, then I may know that there may be abyss walkers in a place."

Bai Cheng expressed his guess.

"However, Charles, I'm curious, why don't you Purifiers act collectively?"

"My lord, we produce a special metal ore on Dawn Island, and it has a unique attribute that specifically restrains the energy of the abyss. However, this attribute has a disadvantage.

"That is, if there are more than three "023" attribute weapons within a certain range, the attributes will cancel each other out."

Having said that, Charles smiled wryly.

Originally, when Bai Cheng listened to the first half, he was still full of interest in this special metal ore, but he didn't care much about the shortcomings in the latter part.

However, it is not impossible to only build two of these weapons...

It should be obvious that Bai Cheng has a little interest in this kind of ore, so Charles directly mentioned it.

"Master Island Master, I can use this ore in exchange for information on the location of your island.

"Oh? Do you all trade this kind of ore?"

Bai Cheng was a little surprised, although it was a little different, but this special metal was a scarce resource, and it was able to be brought out of the island for trading.

"Haha, Lord Island Master doesn't understand the meaning of the existence of our Dawn Island. There is only one, and that is to completely wipe out the corrupted creatures from the Chaos Sea!"

"This kind of ore is scattered and can kill more corrupted creatures. In our opinion, it is worth it."

What Charles said was quite touching, but Bai Cheng couldn't help but feel that it would be difficult to achieve this goal with a Dawn Island.

"Since you proposed a deal, I will give you the chart, and I will send a small team to drive the wooden boat with you."

Bai Cheng even sent someone to help him, which made Charles very grateful.

"Thank you, Lord Island Master! Sure enough, Ge Da is right, you are the most generous and charming Island Master I have ever seen!"

Charles - flattering, Bai Cheng just smiled.

Only he himself knows that sending someone to go with Charles is mainly to get merit points, it's not a big show of kindness...

Just in case, Bai Cheng arranged for Kuru to go with the Dragon Tooth team, and specially asked Kuru to be more careful before leaving.

And Charles was grateful to Dade, and gave all the ore he brought to Bai Cheng, which was far more than enough to make two weapons.

[Name]: Hui Yao Gold (Excellent).

[Introduction]: A special metal derived from the collapse and shattering of the rare shining crystal, which has a strong restraint power against the energy of the abyss.

[Note]: Within the range of 10,000 meters, if more than three points of Glory Gold are activated by fighting qi infusion, they will cancel each other out, and the characteristics will still exist if the fighting qi is not infused.

Bai Cheng read the last sentence in the comment and struggled for a long time. Did Liming Island make a big oolong by himself?

As long as you don't infuse battle energy, the characteristics of Radiant Gold will not be offset..

It was such a simple operation, but it was not discovered. As for the reason, Bai Cheng could understand after a little thought.

As a swordsman, the first thing to do when confronting an enemy is to pour battle energy into the weapon. This is a habit, and it has always been like this.

Since Huiyaojin is a special weapon against corrupted creatures, fighting energy is far less effective than the special effects of metal itself at this time, and there is no need to infuse fighting energy at all.

It's a pity that the people on Dawn Island don't have a system, so they can't get this information at all.

The characteristics of Hui Yaojin will only appear after encountering the energy of the abyss, and it cannot be tested at ordinary times.

"Extraordinary gems shining brilliantly..."

Compared with Hui Yao Jin, Bai Cheng is more interested in this rare treasure.

"If you have the chance to go to Liming Island, even if you can't find the broken Radiance Crystal, it's better to get more Radiance Gold Ore back.

Now that there is a way to avoid the shortcomings of shining gold, weapons made of this metal can be equipped in large quantities.

Of course, Bai Cheng would not tell Charles about this, only a fool would tell him.

"My lord, the patrol team exploring the new area has found something."

Chuanyinluo, who was left aside, suddenly remembered that Bai Cheng immediately went out to call Yuena after hearing the words and replied.

"Master Island Master!"

"Master Island Master!"

When the swordsmen of the patrol team saw Bai Cheng coming, they saluted with great respect on their faces. …

"Single island owner, look, this is it."

The team leader led Bai Cheng to the beach, where there was a half-cast bunker.

"My lord, when we explored this beach, we found a bottle stopper on the beach, so we gently opened the sand layer and found this bottle."

At this time, the bottle was still buried under the sand, only a slender mouth was exposed, and what was inside could not be seen.

Bai Cheng tried to use system detection, and the information he got made him dumbfounded.

【Name】: Rum bottle (fragile).

[Introduction]: The bottle left after drinking rum.

[Note]: This is an ordinary bottle, but the contents inside are not ordinary, so keep digging.

I don't know when it started, the annotations of the system are getting more and more playful.

But since the system has said that the contents of this bottle are not ordinary, White Urine will naturally continue to dig.

After a while, a transparent bottle with a big belly appeared in front of everyone.

As the system said, it was an ordinary bottle, but what was inside surprised everyone.


Inside the bottle is a pocket black wooden boat!

There is half a bottle of water inside, like the sea, and the trapped boat floats quietly on the water.

Seeing this scene, Bai Cheng was very surprised, he had seen this thing before!

Of course, not in real life, but seen in movies.

Captain Sparrow's Black Pearl was once sealed in a bottle just like this 4.4.

Could this be the Black Pearl?

Looking at the pitch-black wooden boat, Baipi guessed.

However, through the glass bottle, it is impossible to detect the ship information inside.

So, Bai Cheng got up and took the bottle and went directly to the beach.

Armed color domineering covered the palm, Bai Cheng lightly smashed it, and threw it directly into the sea.

After being broken, the pocket black wooden boat exposed to the air continued to swell like a dry sponge soaked in hair.

After a full five minutes, its swelling trend stopped completely.

The volume of this ship is only half the size of the Julong, but I don't know what kind of material it is made of, but it looks like a layer of transparent crystals.

Black, mysterious, gorgeous, it is simply a dark phantom in the sea, this is the feeling that everyone will have when seeing this ship. .

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