Island Era: I Can See The Information Of All Things

Chapter 88 Fast And Passionate At Sea! 【Please Customize】

Although Nicole left, Bai Cheng didn't show any anxious expression, but calmly took out something...

Sound transmission screw!

That's right, when Nicole left, she didn't leave Chuanyinluo behind, which means that Bai Cheng can still contact her now.

But he didn't do that, he thought for a while and put the sound transmission conch back.

As for the reason, it is actually very simple. In each sound transmission shell, Bai Cheng actually hides a small piece of direction paper on the innermost side.

Originally, he did this purely to prevent the sound transmission conch from his own hands from being stolen, or from falling into the enemy's hands in other accidents.

Coincidentally, I didn't expect Nicole to run away from home, and now it happens to be useful unexpectedly.

"Delia, I'll go and get Nicole back. You stay here and help me look after the house. Don't forget to take care of the small battery."

Hearing Bai Cheng's words, Hu Er Niang nodded silently, which made Bai Cheng feel that she had grown a lot.

As soon as he stepped out of the gate of the main castle, Bai Cheng happened to see Old Jean busy allocating supplies for the new territory at Warehouse 15, so he walked forward.

"Gene, I just happened to be looking for you."

"Master Island Master, if you have anything to ask me, just let me know by the sound transmission conch, you don't need to come out to find me in person.

Old Ji En's words made Bai Cheng laugh a little bit, he had always said that about him before, but now it's the other way around.

"What I want to say is this matter. I will not be on the island in the next few days. If I don't use the sound transmission conch to contact you during this period, please don't use the conch conch. You need to convey the same news to other people in person. A few people holding sound transmission conch.

"My lord, don't worry, I'll go and inform them of the news right away."

Although he was a bit puzzled, Old Jean didn't ask any more questions, he just responded and turned around to explain some things to his subordinates, then he turned and left to deliver the news.

Bai Cheng made this move because he was afraid that Nicole would find out the tricks inside by using the sound transmission screw. If so, it would be a little troublesome.

After making the arrangements, Bai Cheng called Yuena and flew towards the sea salt production area.

For this trip, he plans to take the Admiral Deep Dive, in case Nicole hides under the sea surface, he will not be helpless.

By manipulating the core, Bai Cheng called the Deep Dive from under the sea surface, and the bubbles outside also emerged and gradually retracted to stay at the position where it meets the sea water.

"Fortunately, the Deep Dive is not big..."

Bai Cheng is a little lucky, but fortunately, the size of the deep dive is relatively small. If it is as big as the giant dragon, it may be very inconvenient to carry it with Yuena's current body size of nearly 100 meters.

After confirming the location, one person and one dragon generally left the island like this.

"What's going on? After so long, the distance hasn't been opened at all."

In the chaotic sea, Nicole, who was close to the edge of the initial domain, sensed the direction of the pursuers, and felt a little incredible.

As a royal mermaid, Nicole's swimming speed is twice as fast as that of ordinary mermaids, which is why she dared to come out to lure the enemy away.

But now that one night has passed, the other party has been able to chase after him closely, the distance has not been opened at all, and he has even gotten a lot closer.

Although she couldn't figure it out, Nicole continued to flee in the direction of the windless area.

There is no way, under such circumstances, she can't turn around and return to Yanhuang Island, it will bring disaster to Brother Bai.

Nicole, who was running away, didn't know that the elder brother Bai she was thinking of had already left the island in person, and came to catch her, the mermaid princess who ran away from home.

In this way, an alien version of Fast and Furious was staged on the wide sea.

It's just that Bai Cheng is the third person outside the plan, and the former two don't know his existence.

"This little girl can swim pretty fast!"

Bai Cheng sat on Yuena's broad back, a little speechless.

I have been chasing for a long time, but I haven't seen Nicole's shadow yet, and the knowledge and domineering that has been unfolding have only discovered some marine life.

You know, she just left for one night, and she didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

In Bai Cheng's original point of view, it is estimated that Nicole's swimming speed is about the same as that of the Dragon, but now it seems that it can beat the Dragon by several blocks.

Sure enough, he is indeed a natural born Sea Clan, Bai Cheng can only think so.

There are many islands along the way, some of which are dotted with villages, which are obviously transformed islands, and some are desolate and uninhabited islands.

Generally, when passing by an uninhabited island, Bai Cheng would stop by to get the island orb.

As for the island with people, he didn't have much time to deal with it, so he didn't shy away from it, and let Yuena fly over the island directly.

Anyway, no one recognized him, and at this height, people couldn't see Bai Cheng behind Yuena at all.

It's just his unintentional behavior that made these passing island owners feel uneasy.

After all, dragons, such legendary creatures, generally represent disasters in legends.

All of a sudden, these islands actually started a wave of relocation, moving all manpower and materials to the location closest to the coastline, ready to evacuate at any time.

As for these oolong incidents, Bai Cheng, who had already flown over, didn't know.

It was another half day, and the sky had begun to gradually darken.

Just at this time, Bai Cheng sensed a creature moving at a high speed of 900 degrees underwater, and the direction of movement was consistent with the direction paper in his hand.

According to the outline information sent back by the experience color, Bai Cheng can roughly sense that it is a male mermaid with broad arms.

"Isn't this the rebel fish that hunted Nicole?"

Although the figure of the mermaid under the sea is currently invisible, Bai Cheng is sure that his guess is not wrong.

Because the position of the male mermaid was relatively deep under the sea surface, Yue Na couldn't catch it out, so Bai Cheng made the giant silver dragon raise the height again.

After ensuring that he would not be discovered, one man and one dragon followed closely in the air, watching his actions.

"Damn it! It hasn't been thrown off yet!"

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Nicole, who had fled for a day and a night, was also a little tired, but the breath behind her was chasing after her, which made her feel a little irritable.

Escaping like this is not an option, she will be caught up sooner or later, so Nicole plans to confront the opponent head-on.

After all, she is not the little mermaid she was back then. Over forty years of living in Haikongzhu's accelerated space has made her grow a lot, and she has even become a ninth-level golden ghost sound magician.

Just in time, an uninhabited island appeared right in front of Nicole.

So she turned into a human figure and landed on the shore, ready to take a rest and face the chasing enemies!.

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